Youth Times

Zhejiang Mainstream Metropolis Daily
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The Youth Times, formerly known as Zhejiang Youth Daily, is subordinate to Zhejiang Youth Media Newspaper Group. It was revised in October 2001 and became a new urban category hosted by the Communist Youth League of Zhejiang Province daily Is one of the four mainstream print media in Zhejiang Province Metropolitan Daily , among the "top three youth newspapers in China". The Youth Times is a four-day 56 page daily that is open to the public nationwide. It has set up distribution sites throughout the province and reporter stations in Wenzhou, Ningbo, etc., with a daily circulation of more than 600000 copies.
Chinese name
Youth Times
Competent unit
Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League
Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League
Domestic serial number
Sending code

Development stage

The first stage: 1951 – 1961
Established the semimonthly magazine in August 1951 Rural Youth , renamed in 1955 Zhejiang Youth In January 1956, it was changed to Zhejiang Youth Daily, which was closed in February 1961.
The second stage: 1981-1990
In November 1981, Zhejiang Youth magazine was republished and renamed in 1985 Oriental Youth Until 1990.
The third stage: 1991 - 2001
Zhejiang Youth Daily was republished in January 1991 and developed into a one-on-one 8-page daily in October 1999.
Phase IV: October 8, 2001——
The Youth Times was launched on October 8, 2001 [1]

Corporate philosophy

The Youth Times takes "news promotes progress" as its running philosophy, focuses on mainstream news events, and guides readers' reading trend from a professional and cutting-edge perspective.
The Youth Times has remarkable characteristics: professionalism - depth of professional achievements, professional editorial planning, professional reporters' interview and investigation, based on observation, investigation, perspective, analysis, close to life, and guide fashion and trends; Rationality - Rationality creates public trust, not shortsighted, not kitsch, not impulsive, not destructive, not sensationalism, not parroting, and creates a unique brand and public trust in the spirit of rationality.

Newspaper positioning

The "youth" oriented newspaper is characterized by "spirit" in news practice, that is, keenness, freshness and wisdom. Spirit is the personality and wealth of the Times. It is full of passion to do news, and never wavers and reconciles.
Metropolitan Daily Is the starting point, Youth Daily It is individuality, and Citizen Daily is the core.
The city newspaper is the starting point, emphasizing the basic function of the newspaper, which should be close to the readers, beautiful and practical.
The youth newspaper is a personality, which emphasizes the characteristics of the newspaper. It should highlight the youth temperament with "spirit" as the core, emphasize the youth perspective, and make full use of youth resources.
Citizen newspaper is the core, which solves the problem of news concept, that is, "news promotes progress", emphasizes the spirit of law and civic awareness, and adheres to news ideal and professional ethics.
Youth Times slogan: news promotes progress.

Publication achievements

Youth Times
Over the past ten years, with the care and support of all sectors of society and brother media, Youth Times has grown into one of the top three youth newspapers in China and a new mainstream media in Zhejiang.
Completed to Youth Times As the core;
Two networks (Youth Times website Qingniu );
Three journals (Elite, Please Play, Have a Room and Car);
three Major subsidiary (Shilai Advertising, Supai Logistics, WeChat Media);
Whole network Mobile newspaper (Mobile Times);
new media Sina Zhejiang , client, microblog matrix);
TV station (Weiwei Life Home, Real Estate Time, FM89);
Campus Focus (Niu News Agency, College Student Weekly), etc.
In 2009, it was officially established“ Zhejiang Youth Media Newspaper Group, "Youth Times" as a key newspaper under the group.

Core layout

Youth Review
Times Viewpoint
Times Key
Times Survey
Civil Affairs Hall
Financial Cover

Main departments

News Center, Special Issue Center, New Media Center, Sports News Center, Vision Center, Elite Business Department, University Media Business Department, Niu News Agency, Television Business Department, Advertising Center, Distribution Center, Publishing Center, Administrative Center.
Department of Current Affairs and News , Social News Department, Key News Department, Feature Department, Rolling News Department, Comment Department, University News Department, Science and Education News Department, Cultural and Entertainment News Department sports news Department, Photography News Department, Finance News Department, Real Estate News Department, and Business News Department.

Current leaders

President editor-in-chief : Weng Zhaoli