First Frost

[shuāng jiàng]
cold dews
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Frost, yes twenty-four solar terms The eighteenth solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar, and the last solar term in autumn. Douzhixu; The solar yellow longitude is 210 °; The festival is due on October 23-24 of the Gregorian calendar every year. After entering the frost season, the scene of late autumn is obvious, and cold air is moving southward more and more frequently. Frost fall does not mean "frost fall", but a sudden drop in temperature and large temperature difference between day and night. On the national average, "frost fall" is the season with the largest temperature difference between day and night in a year. [10] [16]
In the frost season, all things are completed and entered into Xu. When the sun goes down into the ground, the yin qi begins to solidify. The cold weather begins with frost. Since "frost" is the expression of cold weather and large variation of temperature difference between day and night, it is named after "frost fall", which means "sudden drop of temperature and large temperature difference between day and night". The frost falling solar term is characterized by cold weather in the morning and evening, hot at noon, large temperature difference between day and night, and obvious autumn dryness. [12] Frost falling solar terms mainly include the customs of appreciating chrysanthemums, eating persimmons, climbing high and looking into the distance, and making supplements. [1]
Chinese name
First Frost
Foreign name
First Frost
Representational Implication
The weather is getting colder and the first frost appears [2]
Gregorian calendar time
The festival is due from October 23 to October 24 of the Gregorian calendar
Ecliptic position
The sun reaches 210 degrees yellow longitude [7]
Climatic characteristics
The weather is colder in the morning and evening, and hotter at noon, Autumn dryness obvious
Phenological phenomenon
The jackal is a sacrificial animal. The grass and trees are yellow and the stinging insects are salty
Farming activities
Timely harvest, plow farmland and plant spring crops
traditional custom
Appreciation of chrysanthemums, climbing high, taking medical diet, etc
Living regimen
Prevent autumn dryness, depression and cold

historical origin

First Frost
Frost is the last solar term in autumn, which is the transition from autumn to winter. In the frost season, all things are completed and entered into Xu. When the sun goes down into the earth, the yin begins to solidify. Cold weather begins with frost. Yizhou Book ·Zhou Yue: "In autumn and March, the spirit is moderate: heat treatment, autumnal equinox, frost fall." The Lun Heng by Wang Chong of the Eastern Han Dynasty said: "Clouds and fog are the sign of rain, summer is dew, winter is frost, temperature is rain, cold is snow, and rain and dew are frozen, all from the ground, not from the sky." Whether it is dew or frost, "all from the ground, not from the sky", how can it be called frost fall? In fact, the name "frost fall" is only used to describe the climate characteristics of "sudden drop in temperature and large temperature difference between day and night" in this season. [10-11] [15]
Since "frost" is the expression of cold weather and large variation of temperature difference between day and night, it is named after "frost fall", which means "sudden drop of temperature and large temperature difference between day and night". The "frost falling" solar term reflects the climate characteristics of gradually cooling weather, and does not mean that entering this solar term will lead to "frost falling". In fact, "frost" does not fall from the sky. "frost" is the condensation of moisture on the ground due to changes in temperature difference when encountering cold air. The "frost falling" solar term has nothing to do with "frost falling". [10-11]

Meteorological change

First Frost
The "frost falling" solar term is characterized by cold weather in the morning and evening, hot weather at noon, large temperature difference between day and night, and obvious dryness in autumn. On the national average, frost is the season with the largest temperature difference between day and night in a year. [10-11] After entering the frost falling solar term, the cold air activities that affect China become more and more frequent, and the temperature difference between day and night increases rapidly. Especially in Jiangnan and South China, the fluctuation of temperature is more obvious; However, some areas in the northwest and northeast have already presented the early winter scene of "cold wind and falling leaves". [13]
During the frost period, generally from late October to early November, as dry and cold air gradually dominate the world, warm and wet air has been marginalized, and many weather with summer and early autumn characteristics have withdrawn, the weather is relatively simple. Before and after the beginning of winter, there are often strong winds to cool down, and some places have entered in a relatively short time winter [7]

Phenological phenomenon

Scholars in Yuan Dynasty Wu Cheng Edited《 Monthly Order 72 Waiting Solution 》He divided the frost fall into three stages: the first stage was a jackal offering sacrifices to beasts; Second stage The grass and trees fall yellow Three waiting insects are salty. At this time, animals like jackals began to catch prey for winter; Leaves are withered and yellow; The hibernating animals also hide in the caves and go into hibernation without moving or eating. [7] [14]
Three weather frost

Farming activities

After the frost falling solar term, cold air activities become more frequent, and the temperature difference between day and night becomes larger. The "frost falling" solar term has nothing to do with "frost falling". It is not "frost falling" when entering the "frost falling" solar term. In fact, the "frost" does not fall from the sky, but the ground water vapor condenses in cold air due to temperature difference changes. There is no concept of "frost fall" in meteorology. Generally speaking, the first frost in autumn is called "early frost" or "first frost", and the last frost in spring is called "late frost" or "final frost"; The interval from the last frost to the first frost is the frost free period. [13] During the frost season, most areas in the north have finished the autumn harvest. Even the hardy onions can't grow any longer, because "frost can't afford onions, and the longer they grow, the more empty they become.". In the south, it is the busy season of "three autumn". Single cropping hybrid rice and late rice are harvested, planting early stubble wheat and early stubble rape; Pick cotton, pull out cotton straw, and plow the land.

traditional custom

  • overview
Frost is the last solar term in autumn, and people also attach great importance to it. There are also customs such as dispelling evils and tomb sweeping around the country to pray for good weather and a happy and healthy life. For example, in some places such as Yantai, Shandong Province, people will go to the western suburbs to greet the frost on the day of frost; In Gaoming, Guangdong, there is a custom of "sending taro ghost" before the frost falls. [5] In some parts of China, red persimmons are eaten during frost season. In the opinion of the local people, it can not only keep warm from the cold, but also strengthen the muscles and bones. It is a very good frost food. At the same time, when frost falls, chrysanthemums are in full bloom. At this time, the folk association held a chrysanthemum meeting to express their love and respect for chrysanthemums. In addition, there is a folk saying that "it is better to make up for winter than to make up for frost". Therefore, in the frost season, people have the customs of "stewing mutton", "stewing sheep's head" and "frosty rabbit meat". [7]
  • Drinking and appreciating chrysanthemums
In meteorology, the first frost in autumn is generally called "early frost" or "chrysanthemum frost", because chrysanthemums are in full bloom at this time, which is a good time to appreciate chrysanthemums. There was a saying in ancient times that "frost beats chrysanthemums to blossom", so climbing mountains and appreciating chrysanthemums became an elegant thing in the frost season. It is recorded in the "Continuation of Qi Harmony" by Wu Jun of the Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty. "When frost falls, only this grass flourishes", so chrysanthemum was regarded by the ancients as "the grass waiting for the time" and became a symbol of vitality. The frost season is the time when autumn chrysanthemums are in full bloom. In many parts of China, chrysanthemums will be held at this time to enjoy chrysanthemums and drink to show respect and love for chrysanthemums. [8]
  • Eat persimmons
Ripe Persimmon
In some parts of China, red persimmons are eaten during the frost season. In the view of local people, this can not only keep warm from the cold, but also repair bones and muscles. The old man in Quanzhou said that frost descends and eats persimmons: frost descends and eats small persimmons without running nose. In some places, the explanation for this custom is that you should eat turmeric seeds on the day of frost fall, otherwise your lips will crack all winter. [2]
  • Eat ducks
In southern Fujian and Taiwan, people have to take supplements on the day of frost, which is often called "sticking to the autumn fat" in the north. There is a proverb in southern Fujian, which is called "It is better to make up for frost than to make up for it", fully expressing the importance of Fujian and Taiwan people to the term of frost. Every frost season, ducks in Fujian and Taiwan will be sold very popular.
  • Eat beef
Residents in Yulin, Guangxi, are used to eating Niuhe Fried Rice Noodles for breakfast, beef fried radish for lunch or dinner, or beef brisket pot to supplement energy and pray for warmth and health in winter. In addition to beef, mutton and rabbit meat are also suitable for frost.
  • Send Taro Ghost
In Gaoming, Guangdong, there is a custom of "sending taro ghost" before the frost falls. During the frost season, people will build a tower in the river with tiles, put dry firewood inside the tower, and the fire will burn as brightly as possible until the tiles burn red. Then they will pull down the tower in the river and use the red tiles to heat taro, which is locally called "taro pot". Finally, they will throw the tiles outside the village, which is called "taro ghost". In this way, people try to ward off evil and welcome good fortune. [5]
  • ascend a height to enjoy a distant view
In autumn, the air in mountain forests and mountains is fresh, and there are less floating dust and pollutants in the atmosphere. Climbing high in the frost season can not only relax the function of the lungs, but also relax the mood when climbing high to overlook.
  • Tomb sweeping and ancestor worship
According to the General Rites of the Qing Dynasty, "at the age of years, during the Cold Food Festival and the Frost Fall Festival, I paid homage to Xieng Tomb. At the end of my life, I reached the tomb in plain clothes, with wine and food, and tools for cutting grass and trees. When I closed the trees in the Zhou Dynasty, I cut off the weeds, so it is called tomb sweeping.".
  • take tonic
There is a saying among the people that it is better to make up for winter than to make up for frost. In frost season, the weather is getting colder and the folk food customs are also very distinctive. It is believed that the "Double Ninth Festival" should be supplemented first and then the "frost reduction", and "autumn compensation" is more important than "winter compensation". Therefore, in the frost season, people have the customs of "stewing mutton", "stewing sheep's head" and "frosty rabbit meat". [1]



Agricultural proverbs

Frozen radish, winter cabbage and snow vegetables will all come back.
When frost falls, persimmons are picked, and soft dates are struck at the beginning of winter.
When frost falls, persimmons will not be picked. Hard persimmons will become soft persimmons.
Frost falls with sheep and clear lambs, and the weather is warm with grass.
When frost falls and the temperature drops, tilapia species should be harvested completely, and hot spring greenhouses should be used for wintering. Fish species will be guaranteed next year.
After planting wheat and finishing autumn, pick lotus root quickly.
After planting wheat, finishing autumn, cutting reeds and cattles, picking chicken heads (meters). [3]
Shanxi: It's time to catch cold dew autumn ploughing Don't relax during autumn harvest and autumn planting. Cotton picking, potato digging and wheat stubbling combined with autumn watering are carried out quickly. Water the land for afforestation and gather fodder, and exchange yams for seeds in different places.
Hebei: Cold dew and frost fall, harvest soybeans. Grasp the fight and put in storage in time. Late stubble Wheat , surprise seeding. Harvest grass to feed animals. Spinach rape, planted on several acres. Early harvest in the spring.
Shandong: As soon as the frost comes, the weather gets colder. Grasp the harvest, sweet potatoes and peanuts. Cut and dry the melon in sunny days. Sweet potatoes should not be relaxed when they are in the cellar. The seedling condition of wheat field should be checked carefully. In case of lack of seedlings and ridge cutting, replant in time.
Xinjiang: The cold dew and frost fall in October, the high air and cool wind in autumn. The first frost is in the first ten days in northern Xinjiang, and autumn frost is seen in southern Xinjiang. Pay close attention to autumn irrigation and winter irrigation, and store the fruits of labor quickly. Livestock grasps fat and breeds, and hauls forage to winter farm.
Jiangsu: There is no green rice in the cold dew, and the frost falls all at once.
Shanghai: The cold dew in October meets the frost, the autumn harvest, the autumn planting and the winter living are busy, the late rice threshing cotton is turned to the sun, and the refined harvest is fine.
Anhui: Let's harvest the cold dew, and the frost will turn the ground over.
Hunan: In October, when the cold dew and frost fall, harvest late rice and dig potatoes.
Fujian: The cold dew and frost in October came, and the rice fragrance turned yellow one by one. The winter planting plan was to accumulate enough fertilizer and add tool rice. [4]


You should have known each other for ten years, and only one official can see you. The family is poor and the salary is still thin, and the clothes are still single when frost falls.
Disconsolate autumn grass die, depression fragrant year old Lan. Look for Cangzhou Road and point to Wu Yunduan.
Every horse is far from the fortress, and the river and sea are wide. Sleeping at night, the smoke of Chu is wet, and the lake and mountain are cold at dawn.
The rootstock is clean and red, and the sleeves are fragrant, red and orange. See Yu Temple in front of the sail and hear Yan Beach at the bottom of the pillow.
They will be rewarded. It is not difficult to sing and travel. Qingmen must be drunk to say goodbye, so as to relieve the pain. [9]
The Year Old Evening (Tang Dynasty) Bai Juyi
Frost and rain return to the gully, wind and trees return to the mountain. Ranransui will feast and everything will be copied.
Why did you move south? You haven't returned for five years. The life of the garrison has been settled, and my heart will be at peace over time.
I also tasted my heart and mouth, and silently read and talked to myself. It is not pleasant to go home, but not happy to return home.
There is no need to suffer from one's own difficulties. [9]
Play waterstop (Tang Dynasty) Bai Juyi
Moving people enjoy flowing water, while static people enjoy stopping water. Flow is better than profit, and stop is better than form.
The morning frost falls, and the gentle wind rises. Red leaves open in the middle, and green duckweed stands in the four corners.
It is eight to nine feet wide and narrow, and there is a border around the bay. It is three or four feet deep and shallow.
Jingfen Crane raises its feet, and clearly sees the tail of the fish falling off. Greet the eyes, wash the dust, and swing the heart across the chest.
Definite generals don't say goodbye to each other, and they are similar to sincerity. Clean energy rules greedy men, and light can be handed over to a gentleman.
Not only do they play in the air, but they also imitate each other. If you want to know the tranquility of your heart, it is the source of your heart. [9]
Fu De End of September (Autumn Word) (Tang Dynasty) zhen
After thirty days of frost, there is still a leaf left in autumn. Dark Yin greets the setting sun, and the cool soul is exhausted.
In the middle of the night, Guan was removed, and the emperor of the Ming Dynasty wore fur. Pan An spent the night worrying in his ode.
Boating in Xuyi (Tang Dynasty) Wei Jian
Mooring the boat for several times, the frost falls and the river flows clear on the evening. The tide invades the shore at night, and the cold moon is near the city.
In Pingsha, the wild geese sleep and wait for the pavilion to hear the crowing of chickens. Who can afford to travel beyond the countryside.
Watching the sun in September, I learned to shoot at the West Garden with my guests, and I was unable to shoot at my occasional illness
Frost falls and the sky is quiet, and autumn events promote the westerly wind. The sound of cold is heard in the ground for the first time, and the parasol trees enter at night. Looking back at Gaocheng from the top, you can see the vast Guanhe River and get drunk with you. The drums are stacked to make the morning clear, and the flying horse is used to draw the carved bow.
When he was about to turn old, the guest laughed and asked the old man: Where is the pride in his life? Who is the hero of the horse? It's like being a tiger soldier at a banquet. When the strings are waved, two geese fall into the sky. I am really ashamed of my old age. I look back at the clouds. [9]

Living regimen



First Frost
In terms of sleep《 Inner Canon of Huangdi 》Li proposed that "lying early and getting up early will make you happy with chickens", which means that when the climate turns cool in autumn, you should go to bed earlier to comply with the collection of yin essence; Get up earlier to conform to the growth of Yang Qi. In the direction of sleeping, the ancients put forward the idea of "facing west in autumn and winter". For example, in The Golden Way to Cultivate Nature, it was said that "ordinary people lie to the east in spring and summer, and to the west in autumn and winter". Spring and summer belong to the sun, and the head should lie to the east; Autumn and winter belong to yin, and the head should lie to the west, in line with the principle of "yang in spring and summer, yin in autumn and winter".

Diet Regimen

  • overview
As the saying goes, "The cold dew is not cold, and the frost has changed the sky", the "frost" solar term will bring winter closer and closer. The weather will change from cool to cold, and attention should be paid to preventing dryness, cold and depression. [7] There is a folk saying that "it is better to make up for the frost than to make up for it once a year", which shows the influence of this solar term on us. Experts suggest that the first priority of health preservation in frost season is to keep warm, and the second is to prevent autumn dryness. The amount of exercise can be appropriately increased. It is better to nourish the spleen, stomach, liver and kidney. You can eat more corn, radish, autumn pear, lily, honey, beef, chicken, loach, etc.
  • "Three precautions against frost" should be done well
First prevention of autumn dryness:
Frost falls as the last solar term in autumn. At this time, the weather is getting cooler, and autumn dryness is obvious. Dry mouth, dry lips, dry throat, constipation, dry skin and other phenomena are easy to occur, and dryness can easily damage saliva.
Second prevention of autumn depression:
In late autumn, the weather is getting colder, the vegetation is withering and yellow, the leaves and fruits fall, and everything is bleak, which is easy to cause people to worry, depressed and depressed.
Three precautions against autumn cold:
Frost season is the turning point of autumn and winter climate, as well as the transition of yang qi from receiving to storing. The key to health preservation is to pay attention to "keeping cold outside and clearing heat inside". Frost is the beginning of the transition from autumn to winter. As the saying goes, "The cold dew is not cold, but the frost changes the sky". At this time, the temperature difference between day and night increases. Therefore, pay attention to adding clothes, especially keeping feet and stomach warm. It is best to form the habit of soaking feet in hot water before going to bed. [1]
Frost falls on solar terms, and the temperature drops suddenly. The elderly are prone to suffer from "old cold leg" and other problems. Chronic bronchitis is also prone to relapse or aggravation. At the same time, this is also the peak period for the recurrence of chronic gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcer. This time node is no longer suitable for "Autumn Freezing". For the elderly with poor resistance, clothes should be increased or decreased on time to avoid the invasion of damp and cold pathogens, which will lead to illness.
  • "Morning salt water, evening honey soup"
The main climate feature of autumn is dryness. However, drinking plain water alone cannot completely resist the negative effects of autumn dryness. Drinking plain water is easy to lose. If a little salt is added to plain water, it will not lose easily. Drink salt water during the day and honey water at night. This is not only a good way to replenish water in the body, but also a good diet recipe for keeping fit and resisting aging in autumn. It can also prevent constipation caused by autumn dryness. It's really killing three birds with one stone.
  • Nourishing yin and moistening lung should be "balanced"
To prevent autumn dryness, you can eat more sweet, cold and juicy foods, such as Pear grapefruit Sugar cane , bananas citrus Other fruits and vegetables can include carrots, winter melon, white fungus, lotus root and various bean products.
In the dry season of autumn, pay attention not to eat or eat less spicy barbecue food, such as pepper, Chinese prickly ash, cinnamon, ginger, onion and wine, especially ginger. These foods are hot and lose a lot of moisture during cooking, so they are easy to get burned after eating. Of course, it is not a problem to use a small amount of onion, ginger and pepper as condiments. In ancient medical books, there was also such a "warning": "Do not eat ginger in autumn within a year; do not eat ginger at night within a day."
Frost is the last solar term in autumn. Autumn is golden, and the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow. At this time, it is advisable to make up for it, especially to strengthen the spleen and stomach to nourish the day after tomorrow. Chestnut has the effects of nourishing stomach and spleen, tonifying kidney and tendons, promoting blood circulation, stopping bleeding, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, and is a good tonic at this time. Frost spreads all over the vegetation and soil, commonly known as frost. Frosted vegetables such as spinach and winter melon taste particularly delicious. Frosted fruits such as grapes are very sweet. [6]
  • Both diet and exercise are suitable
Autumn is the season when people are most likely to grow fat. The days are cool and the nights are long, people's appetite is wide open, and the rest at night is also comfortable. The daily calorie intake of the human body tends to exceed the calorie consumption, which makes the fat accumulate little by little. If no adjustment is made, people will gain a lot of weight after autumn and winter. Year after year, people will soon "get fat". Therefore, for young people who love beauty, they should also pay attention to strengthening physical exercise when eating and pasting autumn fat.