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Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Asawi

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Mausoleum in Turkistan
Khoja Ahmed Asawi emperor's mausoleum be located Turkistan (formerly known as Arthur City), built in Timur period (1389-1405). It is the Timur era Architecture An outstanding representative of Islam Religion The development of architecture has made great contributions, providing Central Asia The unique witness of regional culture and architectural technology development. Khoja Ahmed Asawi emperor's mausoleum Become the largest and most complete one in the Timurid period Architecture one of.
Chinese name
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Asawi
Foreign name
The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi
Approval time

Heritage information

Heritage name : Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Asawi
The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi
Selected time: 2003
Selection basis: cultural heritage (i) (iii) (iv)
Geographic location: N43 17 35 E68 16 28
Heritage area: 0.55 ha
Buffer area: 79.36 ha
Heritage No.: 1103

Heritage description

The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Asawi is located in Kazakhstan The southern city of Turkistan was built in 1389-1405. Khoja Ahmed Asawi Mausoleum is an outstanding representative of Timur era architecture and has made great contributions to the development of Islamic religious architecture. The mausoleum and its location provide Central Asia The unique witness of the development of regional culture and architectural technology is the most original form of the important architectural model that flourished in the Timur era, and has important reference value for studying the history of architectural development in the Timur era.
In 2003, according to cultural heritage Selection criteria: (i) (iii) (iv), Hoja Ahmed Asawi Mausoleum was UNESCO World Heritage Committee Approved for inclusion as cultural heritage《 World Heritage List 》。

Evaluation of World Heritage

Hoja Ahmed Asawi Mausoleum, located in Turkistan (formerly known as Arthur City), was built during the Timur period, from 1389 to 1405 AD. It was from this unfinished building that the wise Persian builders experimented with various building methods, which were later used in the construction of Samarkand, the capital of Timur Kingdom. Today, the Khoja Ahmed Asawi Mausoleum has become one of the largest and most complete buildings in the Timur period. [1]

Heritage Introduction

Khoja Ahmed Asawi Mausoleum is located in the southern city of Turkistan, Kazakhstan. It was built in 1389-1405 AD, and the building level is superb. It can be called a big production 700 years ago.
Fertile soil for ancient civilization
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Asawi
Kazakhstan is a fertile land for ancient civilization. As early as in ancient times, local residents - today's kazakh Our ancestors created a unique Primitive civilization Remaining villages, fortifications emperor's mausoleum , or even the whole city, all reflect the prosperity of the culture at that time. Some ancient cities in the south of Kazakhstan (Taraz, Otral, Turkestan, Isbizab, Sugnak, Zande and other cities) Ancient Silk Road They are distributed in chains, and they are the whole Central Asia The economic and cultural development of the region has made outstanding contributions, because they were once rich in trade, handicraft, art Religion The center of life and spiritual life. In these cities, Turkistan City It plays a unique role. The name of Turkistan city is like a Turk country As a sacred place“ Second Mecca ”It is famous all over the world (especially in the Islamic world). Hoja Ahmed Asawi in Turkistan (Arthur City before the 16th century) emperor's mausoleum Is the most dazzling one. Arthur City At the throat of ancient caravan transportation routes The Great Silk Road Branch of. Connecting Dashte and Kepshak Prairie with Central Asia Agricultural and trade oasis, including Central Asia Samarkand , Tashkent and Bukhara.
The commercial prosperity of Arthur City stems from its unique geographical location, China Output porcelain, Asia Tiger skin, gold and silver ware Persia All kinds of women's woven goods have to pass through Byzantium. go to Russia Our caravan is full of Russian lambskin Turks nomadic people Priceless and colorful Turkistan Glassware( China The method of making glass products is learned from Turks), thin silk and cotton seeds.
Religious Sage - Khoja Ahmed Asawi
1000 years ago, Turkistan (formerly known as Arthur City) was the local political, economic and religious center. Now it has degenerated into a small city with only 100000 people. The existing Assavi mausoleum is the only historical specimen left over from the prosperous era. Hoja Ahmed Asawi was a religious sage who was active here at the beginning of the 10th century and the founder of the Sufi sect of Islam. He used beautiful poetry to convey the oracle, which was welcomed by the people at that time. In the 15th and 18th centuries, Turkistan was Kazak nationality Where the khans live. Arthur City belongs to Hoja Ahmed Religion The activity place, where he spent most of his life, died and was buried here. Hoja Ahmed Asawi was born in 1103 A.D Shmkent The nearby Selam town. Archbishop Arslan Baba was Ahmed's first spiritual teacher and mentor. After the death of the religious leader, Ahmed went to Bukhara and learned the Sufi doctrine in depth. After a period of time, he became the leader of Bukhara Sufism, but soon he gave up his noble position and came to Arthur City to start his missionary career. In his missionary work, Hoja Ahmed Asawi persuaded people to devout and charitable , despise greed and greed. His poems are widely spread and remembered by people all over the country. People in some places even sing them as hymns. The reputation of his poetry is growing day by day and has become World cultural treasure Part of.
In his missionary work, Hoja Ahmed Asawi persuaded people to devout and charitable , despise greed and greed. His poems are widely spread and remembered by people all over the country. People in some places even sing them as hymns. The reputation of his poetry is growing day by day and has become World cultural treasure Part of.
There is another legend about Hoja Ahmed Asawi. He regarded Muhammad, the "saint", as his teacher. In order to express his grief over the death of the saint, he settled in a basement near the mosque at the age of 63 (Muhammad also died at 63), and spent the rest of his life preaching. In 1166/67 A.D., Hoja Ahmed Asawi died, and people held a grand funeral emperor's mausoleum In memory of him, this emperor's mausoleum Later, it became a place for Muslims to worship. If a person worships this emperor's mausoleum Three times is equivalent to going to the "Holy Land" Mecca Our worship.
A masterpiece of superb architecture
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Asawi
Hoja Ahmed Asawi in the city emperor's mausoleum Architecture High level, it can be called a big production 700 years ago. A thousand years ago, Turkistan (formerly known as Arthur City) was the political, economic and Religion The center has degenerated into a small city with a population of only 100000, and the existing Assavi emperor's mausoleum It is the only historical specimen left over from the prosperous era. Hoja Ahmed Asawi was active here at the beginning of the 10th century Religion The sage, the founder of Islamic Sufi sect, conveyed the oracle with beautiful poems, which was welcomed by the people at that time. Existing emperor's mausoleum Was ruled at that time Central Asia It was built by Timur, a Turk in the region, in 1390. Before Timur died, emperor's mausoleum Not yet completed, Architecture The facade of the building has not been tiled, and even the wooden pile scaffold that has not been removed has been retained. later Persia Architecture Shiyou, this place is listed as a world cultural heritage emperor's mausoleum Get inspiration and apply it to Timurid capital Samarkand Today, the Assavi Mausoleum is still one of the largest and best preserved buildings in the Timur period.
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Asawi
See now emperor's mausoleum It was 233 years after the death of Hoja Ahmed Asawi Timur It was rebuilt under the order of. In 1389139113941395 AD, after countless bloody battles, Timur destroyed the power of the Golden nomadic tribe and set their capital on fire. In order to commemorate the victory of this war, he decided to set fire to the original Hoja Ahmed Assavi emperor's mausoleum A huge and brilliant Memorial Hall At that time, the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Asawi was somewhat decayed. Timur is not entirely out of Religion Consider that he wants to build Memorial Hall , constantly improve their authority, and show their belief that the sacred power is inviolable. Timur personally participated emperor's mausoleum Of Planning and design , gave instructions to the builders of the mausoleum.
Khoja Ahmed Asawi emperor's mausoleum It's a huge, rectangular one with an entrance and a dome Architecture Things. The foundation is 465 meters wide and 655 meters long. The thickness of the outer wall is 1.8 to 2 meters, and the wall of the central dormitory is 3 meters thick. emperor's mausoleum There are numerous entrances and a large number of domes. More than 35 rooms surround the central dormitory, each of which has its own purpose. build emperor's mausoleum The material of the hall is as smooth as glass Brick making , which purity It's amazing. emperor's mausoleum The north entrance of, vault The door is carved and inlaid with exquisite ivory In terms of size alone, Hoja Ahmed Asavi emperor's mausoleum The size of Samarkand The Bibi Hanem Great Mosque is quite similar.
Hoja Ahmed Asawi in khaki emperor's mausoleum They stood alone in the wilderness, and the trees on the edge were covered with trees, emperor's mausoleum The roses have also fallen asleep, and they are silent. The whole Assavi Mausoleum building It is made of thick bricks. The main hall is a circular vault with a diameter of 18 meters, and has a 2000 kg vault for holding Religion The big iron plate of holy water. In addition to the mausoleum, Architecture There are also 35 rooms for various purposes, including kitchens, mosques, etc. In the mausoleum, pilgrims often come to pray. emperor's mausoleum The interior design of the Islamic style Geometric pattern.
turkeys Tanzania has become a holy place for tourists all over the world to visit. They went here to see Hoja Ahmed Asawi emperor's mausoleum This medieval unparalleled Architecture The style of a masterpiece. [2]