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Mycomycin is a kind of Aminoglycoside antibiotics , mainly used to treat bacterial infections, especially Gram negative bacteria Infection caused by.
Drug name
Dosage form
Usage and dosage
1-2 g per day, injected twice


[Alias] Vitamycin, Vistamycin, and Vitamycin.
[Preparation] Ribostamycin Sulfate for Injection : 0.5 per bottle; 1g。
【 Usage and dosage 】 intramuscular injection: 1-2 g per day, twice; Children were given once or twice a day according to their body weight of 20-40mg/kg. [2]
[Properties] The commonly used sulfate is white powder, slightly bitter in taste, and easily soluble in water. The ph of aqueous solution (50 μ g/ml) is 6.0~7.5. Loss of invalid price after being placed within the range of ph2~8 for 48 hours. [3]

Other information

[Pharmacology] Antibacterial spectrum and Kanamycin Similar, right staphylococcus , Streptococcus Pneumonia Escherichia coli And partial Proteus The strain is effective, and its antibacterial effect is slightly weaker than that of kanamycin. This product pair Pseudomonas aeruginosa Mycobacterium tuberculosis Invalid. The cells have certain cross resistance to this product and kanamycin. After intramuscular injection of 0.5g, the blood concentration peaked in about 30 minutes, with an average of 25 μ g/ml, and dropped to 2 μ g/ml after 6 hours. The urine output within 12 hours is 85-90%, which is widely distributed in the body and can enter into surrounding tissues, amniotic fluid and milk. But the concentration in bile and cerebrospinal fluid is very low.
[Indications] It is clinically used for respiratory tract, abdominal cavity, thoracic cavity, urinary tract, skin and soft tissue, bone tissue, eyes, ears and nose infections caused by sensitive gram-negative bacteria. Low toxicity, especially for hearing and kidney, is the main advantage.