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Cities in central Israel
synonym Rehovot (Rehovot) generally refers to Rehovot
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Rehovot is a city in the central area of Israel, with a population of 112700 (2007, CBC) and an area of 23.041 km ². Founded in 1890, it has a rapidly growing population, developed local education and complete educational institutions in large, medium and small schools. It was founded by the first President of Israel Weizmann Institute of Science It is also the place where he lives, works and is buried.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Central Israel
Establishment time
Established in 1890
23.04 km²
population size
112700 (2009), 99.8% of which are Jews
geographical position
Central Israel, 20 km south of Tel Aviv
Sister city
Manchester (UK), Rochester (USA), Heidelberg (Germany), Philadelphia (USA)
Reichworth Library, Weizmann Institute of Science, Hewlett Packard
Ifram Kazil (the fourth president of Israel), Weizman (the first president of Israel)
Well known industries
High tech
Well known enterprises
Tamar Science Park

brief introduction

Rehovot Israel A city located in the Center District Tel Aviv 20km to the south. The population is 112700 (2007, CBC), and the local government estimates that the population is 114000, with an area of 23.041 km2.

historical background

In the Mishna period (Mishna, one of the Jewish classics, an ancient oral quotation of the main Jews, written in about 220 CE), this place was called Doron, Imperium Romanum Byzantine Empire and Arab Empire In the early days, it was named DKhirbet Duran, and the name of the city came from《 Bible 》Rehoboth, an ancient city of the same name in the Negev Desert, is recorded in.
The modern Rehowatt was built in 1890, when it was scattered arab , a batch poland Jewish immigrants settled here, and Israel Belkind, one of the founders, was named Rehowatt. In 1908, another group of Jews from Yemen moved in and lived in today's Sha'arayim District. Early immigrants mainly planted Grape , apricot, citrus and other crops, but it is a pest and the market is not good, finally give up. In 1932, the Agricultural College of Hebrew Jerusalem University established an agricultural research center here. In 1934, the first President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, established the Sieff Institute here, which is today's Weizmann Institute of Science. In 1937, he bought land and settled near the Institute, In 1948, he made it his presidential residence. Today, there are still tombstones of him and his wife in the institute.

present situation

From 1914 to 1991, the population of this city grew from 995 at the beginning to 81000, and the urban area doubled. In 1948, the land in the suburbs included moshav Zanuka Village in the commune of Gibton also includes 2620 local residents (including 240 Jews). In 1995, the population of Greater Rehovot, including the surrounding districts, reached 337800. In 2007, Jews accounted for 99.8% of the total local population. The local education is relatively developed, with 30 primary schools and 29 middle schools, and the university enrollment rate is as high as 61.3%. Weizmann Institute of Science And Hebrews University of Jerusalem The Agricultural College is located here. In addition, there are some small colleges for job skills training and the internship base of the Medical College of Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The total student population is nearly 20000.