
The Characters in the Gods and Demons Novel "The Story of Gods"
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Lei Zhenzi is a supernatural novel of the Ming Dynasty《 The Canonization of the Gods 》The character in, King Wen of Zhou, who was born in a thunderstorm and was on his way to court to sing Jichang He became an adopted son in Yanshan. He was the 100th son of King Jichang of Wen and later became an expositor Cloud neutron 's apprentice. [1]
Lei Zhenzi was originally a normal person, but he ate two red apricots of Master Yun Zhongzi by mistake. He had two wings of wind thunder on his back, and grew into a blue faced tusk, hair like cinnabar, and a strange birdman. [2]
When he was seven years old, he went down the mountain to help King Wen of Zhou escape from danger and return to Xiqi. Later King Wu attacked Zhou After Jiang Ziya became a god, Sanctification of the flesh [3]
Chinese name
one's native heath
Cloud neutron
King Wen of Zhou Jichang, Taisi
Boyikao, King Wu Jifa, etc
Lord of Heaven and symbol of the creative power of the Dao
Younger Martial Brother
Jinxia Boy
Yuzhu Cave of Zhongnan Mountain
Divine power
Flying in the air with the wings of wind and thunder
Gold Staff
Yuxu's third generation disciple and one of the generals of the Western Zhou Dynasty
Sanctification of the flesh

Role image


Figure Shape

Lei Zhenzi's face is like indigo, and his hair is like cinnabar, Eyes are sharp , tusks grow out of the lip; The body is two feet tall. [2]


Because he was born in a thunderstorm, he was named "Lei Zhenzi" by Hou Jichang of the Western Bo Dynasty. [1]

Character characteristics

Loyalty, honesty, filial piety, respect for teachers and morality. [5]

Role capability


Character supernatural power

Wind and thunder wings, Samadhi fire, mysterious immortal formula, Vajra body is not faint. [5]

Division weapon

Wind Thunder Gold Stick. [2]


War character
Xin Huan, Zhou Xin, Lei Peng, Peng Zun, Mo Qilin, Yu Guang [5]
Yan Rui, Lei Kai, Xin Huan, Yu Hua, nine tailed fox spirit (Nu Wa helps) [5]
Defeat the wounded and capture
Red Sand Array, Zhu Tianlin, the plague of Lv Yue, Kong Xuan, Yu Hua, Fajie, the acne of Lv Yue, Yu De, the ghost white bone banner of Bian Ji [5]
Lost and captured

Role experience


The birth of stars

Lei Zhenzi was born after the thunder in Yanshan. He was picked up by Jichang, King Wen of Zhou, who went to make a pilgrimage. He was accepted as his adopted son (the 100th son of Jichang, King Wen). He was named Lei Zhenzi because he was born at the same time as Tianlei. [1]

Learn from teachers

After he was born, he was accepted as an apprentice by Yun Neutron, a gas refiner in Yuzhu Cave of Nanshan Mountain, and became one of the third generation disciples of elucidation. He practiced and learned skills in Zhongnan Mountain. Later, he ate two red apricots presented by Master Yun Neutron by mistake, and became a birdy with green face and fangs and wings on his back. [2]

Go out of the mountain to save my father

After receiving Lei Zhenzi as his adopted son in Yanshan, Xibo Hou Jichang rushed to Chaoge and was imprisoned by King Zhou after entering the palace. Seven years later, King Zhou saw that he was old and stupid, and he was sure that he would not do anything great, so he decided to let him return to Xiqi. Later, King Zhou listened to slander and repented, and sent his generals Yan Po and Lei Kai out of the pass to pursue him. Yun Zhongzi had already figured out that Jichang had such a disaster, so he sent Lei Zhenzi down the mountain to save his father. He scared off King Zhou's pursuers at Lintong Pass and saved his adoptive father. Later, the father and son recognized each other and returned to the mountain to reply. [2]

Assisting Zhou to conquer Zhou

When hearing that the Grand Master was attacking Xiqi, Lei Zhenzi was sent down the mountain again by Master Yun Zhongzi to go to Xiqi, where he met King Wu Jifa and Martial Uncle Jiang Ziya to help Zhou conquer Zhou and make achievements. During the Zhou Dynasty, Lei Zhenzi made great achievements. In the battle he experienced, nothing was more wonderful than the valiant general Xing Huan who also carried wings under the command of Grand Master Da Wenwen. Like Lei Zhenzi, Lucky Ring has wings and is good at air combat. In the battle of Xiqi, Xinghuan was beaten through the wings by Huang Tianhua with a heart saving nail, and was bitten by Yang Jian, who secretly sacrificed to Xiaotian Dog. Finally, he was beaten to death by Lei Zhenzi. [4]

Sanctification of the flesh

In the end, King Wu succeeded in conquering Zhou, and Jiang Ziya became a god. Lei Zhenzi should have enjoyed glory and wealth in the world, but he didn't want to remain an official, so he chose to bid farewell to Jiang Ziya, King Wu of Zhou and other Xiqi people, and returned to the mountain with six other expositors to continue their cultivation. Finally, he became one of the seven people who became saints in their flesh (the subsequent divine duties were unknown), and protected the Zhou Dynasty for eight hundred years. [3]

role relationship

Cloud neutron [1]
Adoptive father
King Wen of Zhou Ji Chang [1]
Younger Martial Brother
Jinxia Boy [2]

Debut works


TV play

Play title
particular year
Production area
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Chinese Mainland
Zhu Weizhong
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Goddess List (TVB TV series) [8]
two thousand and one
Hong Kong, China
two thousand and six
Chinese Mainland
two thousand and nine
Chinese Mainland
two thousand and fifteen
Chinese Mainland
two thousand and nineteen
Chinese Mainland
two thousand and fifteen
Chinese Mainland


particular year
Production area
two thousand and sixteen
Chinese Mainland
two thousand and twenty-three
Chinese Mainland


particular year
Production area
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Chinese Mainland
two thousand and three
Chinese Mainland
two thousand and six
Hong Kong, China
two thousand and seven
Hong Kong, China
two thousand and sixteen
Chinese Mainland

Role evaluation

Lei Zhenzi is only the middle level of the three generations of disciples of Yuxu Sect, not as good as Nezha, Yang Jian, Huang Tianhua, etc., but better than Tuxingsun, Yang Ren, and Wei Hu. He doesn't appear much and wins more than he loses, but he is loyal and filial. He has a deep fortune. Although his roots are ordinary, he is very energetic. The apricot, which eats the cloud neutron, has two wings behind it. It can fly freely. It travels more than ten thousand miles a day. It is windy and thunderous. It often attacks the city and seizes the stronghold. In addition, he is good at using the staff technique. With a brush of his gold stick, his power is as heavy as Mount Tai. With his appearance, he is really ferocious, and can frighten the enemy. His force is extraordinary, but his magic power is ordinary. However, he is similar to Cheng Yaojin's three plank axe. He has no stamina, looks good but is useless. His speech is educated, he can speak great truths, and his behavior is not as impulsive as Nezha. But his later scenes are greatly reduced, The success rate of single fight with left-wing people was low, so they were repeatedly defeated and captured. During the Fengshen period, he fought with Xin Huan and killed him when he was injured and sleepy. Jiang Ziya scolded Jiang Ziya to his face for his failure to kill nine fox spirits. He was really depressed. After the completion of the divine service, the human body becomes holy and protects the pillar of the Zhou Dynasty's national destiny. His life experience is mysterious, with unknown origin and whereabouts.