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Rainy Sea

Moon Sea
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Rainy Sea (Latin: Mare Imbrium, Latin means“ Sea of Showers OR Sea of Rains ") Yes Moon The vast area covered with the whole Yuhai impact basin Moon Sea Is also the largest in the solar system Impact crater one of. Yuhai Basin was formed in Late Heavy Bombardment Stage 1 Protoplanet The collision of basalt Lava The huge pit was submerged, forming a flat volcanic plain. adopt Uranium lead dating It is estimated that its age is about 3.938 billion years ± 4 million years. The diameter of the impact object is estimated to be about 250 ± 25 km. There are fewer features in the lunar sea than in other areas, because molten magma fills the impact crater and forms a relatively flat surface. However, as far as the Rain Sea is concerned, it is not as flat as before due to the subsequent events that have changed the surface topography. [1]
Chinese name
Rainy Sea
Foreign name
Mare Imbrium
geographical position


The Rain Sea may have formed 3.8 billion years ago, Asteroid belt One in the middle Protoplanet A collision with the moon. [1]


The Yuhai Basin is surrounded by three concentric mountain chains that originated from a huge impact event. The outermost mountain chain is 1300 kilometers in diameter, and it is divided into several different parts: Karbaqian Mountains , southeast Apennine Mountains In the east is the rugged Caucasus Mountains, but the northern and western sides of the mountain ring are not well developed, it seems that these places were not uplifted by the impact of the Yuhai Basin; The middle circle of mountains is surrounded by the Alps and Archimedes crater as well as Plato Crater The nearby mountains; The innermost ring is 600km in diameter, most of which have been mare basalt Buried, there are only some low hills and ridges protruding from the Moon Sea Plain, which roughly form a circle. [1]
The outer mountain range is about 7km higher than the surface of the Yuhai Sea, the Moon Sea stratum is generally considered to be about 5km thick, and the total depth of the known Yuhai Basin is 12km. It is speculated that the original crater formed by the Yuhai impact was up to 100 km deep, but then the bottom of the basin immediately rebounded upward.
Impact around the Rainwater Sea Basin Eruption The area covered by the project extends outward for about 800 kilometers. At the same time, there is also a kind of radial groove called "Rain Sea Carving" around the basin, which is interpreted as a feature of large projectiles ejected from the basin, plowing across the moon surface at a low angle. In 1893, U.S.A geologist Grove Karl Gilbert recognized this pattern for the first time. In addition, the fault pattern of the spider network (radial and concentric circle interwoven operation) in the rain sea basins all over the moon is also believed to be caused by the big impact of rain sea, which almost completely shattered the whole moon lithosphere The moon directly opposite the Yuhai Basin Antipodal point (back area), for Chaotic terrain Zone( Vandegger pit ), which is believed to be caused by the impact shock wave gathering here after penetrating the moon. The Rainwater Sea is about 750 miles (1210 kilometers) wide. [1]
In 1968, five ships Lunar orbiter The Doppler radar on Yuhai has been found in the center of Yuhai Mass tumor Or high gravity area. Yuhai mass tumor is the largest on the moon, and later orbiters such as: Lunar Prospector and Grail detector They all confirmed and took higher resolution mapping maps.


Like other moon seas on the moon, the Rain Sea is also Giovanni Battista Rijoli The lunar naming system he created in 1651 has become a standardized name.
The earliest name of the moon sea may be the "Holy Land of Hecarte" in Greek mythology; Plutarch Recorded ancient Greek Give the name to the largest "hole and abyss" on the moon, believing that it is the place where the souls of the dead are tortured. britain astronomer Eun Adair Whitaker It is believed that this may refer to the Rainwater Sea - the largest and complete dark area in the bright patches visible to the naked eye. [1]
About 1600, William Gilbert In his lunar surface map, Yuhai is called "Regio Magna Orientalis". In 1645, Netherlands astronomer Michael Florent Van Langen In his lunar chart, he called the lunar sea "Mare Austriacum".

Observation and detection

Chang'e-3 The planned landing place is Hongwan But the land is actually a sea of rain. [1]
The Rain Sea can be seen with the naked eye on the earth. In the traditional "moon man" image that can be seen in western folklore, the Rain Sea is the right eye of the moon man.

Moon 17

At 03:47 UTC on November 17, 1970 Moon 17 Carrying Lunar Rover 1 Soft landing in Yuhai (latitude 38.28 N, longitude 35.00). This is the first car to land on the moon Probe vehicle The remotely controlled lunar rover 1 successfully operated and continued to work for several months.

Apollo 15

1971, USA Apollo 15 Manned spacecraft landed at Rima Hadley and Apennine Mountains Between the southeast of the Rainy Sea. Command length David Scott And the lunar module pilot James Irwin I stayed on the surface of the moon for three days, including 18.5 hours Extravehicular activities Command cabin pilot Alfred Walden They stayed in orbit and took hundreds of high-resolution pictures of the Rainwater Sea (and other areas of the moon) and obtained other kinds of scientific data. First use of crew on the monthly table Apollo lunar rover Explored the landing area and brought back 77 kg (170 lb) of lunar rocks to Earth. from Hadley Derta The rock samples collected are considered to contain“ Origin stone ”Pre Yuhai Period of( Nectarian or Pre Jiuhai Period )Fault block of lunar crust. This is also the only moon stream that the Apollo mission visited and observed the outcrops of moon bedrock visible in the stream wall. [1]
Apollo 15 astronauts carried 398 commemorative stamps without authorization and promoted them after returning to Earth - which led to Apollo 15 Stamp Scandal In addition, astronauts left without the consent of NASA Fallen Astronaut Sculpture to commemorate the astronauts who died in the process of space exploration.

Impact in 2013

On March 17, 2013, an object hit the surface of the Rainwater Sea Apparent magnitude It is a level 4 explosion flash, and the crater may be about 20 meters wide. This is NASA The Moon Impact Team has recorded the brightest impact since it began monitoring in 2005. [1]

Chinese moon landing

On December 14, 2013, Chang'e-3 It landed in the northern part of the Yuhai Sea about 40 kilometers south of the "Laplacian F" crater, which is 6 kilometers in diameter, Lunar coordinates It is 44.1260 ° north latitude and 19.5014 ° west longitude. After 7 hours and 24 minutes, the lander was deployed Yutu lunar rover The Chang'e-3 mission attempted to directly measure the structure and lunar soil 30 meters (98 feet) below the lunar surface for the first time, and investigate the Lunar interior structure Lunar rover ground penetrating radar found at least nine differences rock stratum The evidence shows that this area has a surprisingly complex geological process, and its composition is different from that of Apollo spacecraft and lunar probe landing sites. [1]


The Rainsea was formed in the Rainsea event 3.9 billion years ago. tremendous Meteorite (or asteroid )Impact the moon surface to form a rain sea basin Collision event for. Its influence scope is very large, affecting half of the moon, forming the Yuhai Basin, which is the second largest on the lunar surface, diameter It is 1123 kilometers long. In the evolution history of the moon, the Rainsea event is a very huge event. [1]
It is speculated that the Rain Sea was formed when an asteroid with a diameter of about 100 kilometers hit the moon surface. The materials ejected by meteorite impact reach 500 kilometers away from the front of the Rainwater Sea, and the rock formed by the accumulation of impact ejecta is called the Flamorro Formation. Apollo 14 The landing point of the lunar module is exactly at Framoro construction The rock samples collected are almost all complex Breccia It has obvious impact and heat effect Characteristics of the Yuhai Basin Meteorite (or asteroid )The collision origin theory is a strong support. EM Shoemaker explained the formation process of the rain sea in 1964 as follows:
① At the early stage of the formation of the moon, the Yuhai Basin was formed by meteorite impact Lunar crater one of;
② Caused around Yuhai Basin Landslide , further expanding the scope of the Yuehai Basin;
Lava A large amount of water gushed out, covering the Yuehai Basin;
④ The surface of the lunar sea lava was hit by meteorites again, and many craters of different sizes were formed, gradually forming the current landscape.

topographic features

Rain sea is waterless. The word "sea" comes from early observers, who found that some parts of the moon surface are dark. However, when the moon surface could not be clearly observed at that time, the observers guessed that the area was an ocean according to their understanding of the earth, so its reflectance was lower than that of other places. On the contrary, other bright places are also called moon land. In addition, there is "Moon Lake" called "Lake"; "Moon Bay" called "Bay"; The "moon marsh" is called "marsh". [1]
From the perspective of topography, the Yuhai Lake is a closed circle, surrounded by mountains, which is a typical basin Structure. It has the Alps in the northeast; To the east are the Caucasus Mountains and the Apennines Mountains; To the south lies the Carpathian Mountains; Although the western part is connected with the storm ocean, there are smaller precursor mountains; There are Zhula Mountains in the northwest; There are straight mountains and Tainarif Mountains in the north; In the eastern sea, there are the Spitzberghinsis Mountains. It is known that there are 15 mountains on the whole moon, and 9 around the Rainy Sea.
The Rain Sea and the terrain around it form a whole. The terrain here will make people feel complicated. The Cape Fresnar cuts off the big mountains separating the Rainy Sea and Chenghai Sea. The Caucasus Mountains are in the north, and the Apenning Mountains are in the south, thus connecting the Rainy Sea and Chenghai Sea. The magnificent Apennine Mountains, 640 kilometers long, are the largest mountains on the moon. The slope towards the Rainy Sea is steep, forming a cliff, more than 3000 meters higher than the Rainy Sea, while the outward side is relatively flat.
Geological map of northern Yuhai
Purple mountain observatory A detailed geological map of Yuhai was drawn. The geological map is rich in content, including detailed basalt stratigraphic units, Yuexi, crater, moon ridge, fault, basalt flow front, etc. Compared with the previous geological map based on spectral hue division, this geological map combines topographic data and thermal radiation data, and the division is more accurate. The late basalts of different periods have the same hue. The traditional stratigraphic division method based on spectral hue divides them into the same stratum. High resolution terrain data and thermal radiation data are used to clearly display the basalt flow fronts of different strata. The geological map also marks a total of 38 Yuexi streams, 22 more than the previous Yuexi database. According to whether the flow front of basalt is clearly visible, the Elatoxunian basalt with the longest duration is subdivided into Upper Elatoxunian (UEm) and Lower Elatoxunian (LEm), and the division time is determined to be 2.3 Ga. [1]