woodblock printing

The technology of printing by carving pictures and words on the plate
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Engraving printing is an important invention of the ancient Chinese. It is the technology of engraving pictures and words on the plate for printing. Its development in China has experienced the following changes: seal , Moto Stone Stele to Woodblock , then Movable type edition Several stages of. The block material for block printing is usually fine and solid wood, such as jujube tree Pear wood Etc. Then saw the wood into pieces of wood, write the words to be printed on the thin paper and paste them on the wood board. Then, according to the strokes of each word, use the knife to carve them into positive characters one by one, so that the strokes of each word protrude on the board. After the wood is carved, books can be printed.
Engraving printing was invented in the Tang Dynasty and began to be widely used in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. [1] Although the Song Dynasty invented Movable type printing However, block printing is still widely used. [2]
Chinese name
woodblock printing
Block Printing
The technology of printing by carving pictures and words on the plate
Invention time
the tang dynasty
Fine grained and solid wood, knife

Printing method

When printing a book, first use a brush to dip the ink on the carved board, then cover the board with white paper, and then take a clean brush to gently brush the back of the paper, take down the paper, and a page of book will be printed. After printing one page at a time, bind it into a volume, and a book will be printed successfully. This printing method is called "block printing" because it is printed after carving words on the board.

Development history



If we say that about 4000 years ago Cultural development , for typographical Invention Standardized characters, carving technology, material materials, and image and text transfer technology are indispensable precondition (These conditions had matured by about the third century AD). In the Tang Dynasty. Appears Chinese history The heyday of culture and technology. In the social atmosphere of national unity, political openness and cultural prosperity, people have a large demand for books. All these provided good conditions for the birth of printing.


Engraving printing was invented in the Tang Dynasty and was widely used in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. [1] The early printing activities were mainly carried out among the people and were mostly used to print Buddha statues, sutras, mantras Vow And almanac, etc. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Xuanzang used Huifeng paper to print Sage statues , give alms to monks and nuns. In 1966 Xi'an Xi'an, west suburb of the city diesel oil Engraving Sanskrit found in machinery factory Dharani Sutra Mantra Single page, printed between 704 and 751, is the earliest block printing known. Now collected in England London Museum Tang of Xiantong In the ninth year (868), Wang Jie created the Vajrayana Sutra for her parents, which is the earliest existing block printed work with the date. This piece is made of 7 pieces of paper, which are glued into a roll, 488 cm in length, 76.3 cm in height and 30.5 cm in width. The Buddha statue is engraved on the front of the roll, and all scriptures are engraved on the bottom. This volume of printing is exquisitely carved, skilled in knife technique, simple and dignified in graphics and text, and the ink color printed is also thick, symmetrical, clear and distinct. The printing technology has reached a high level.
In 824, zhen by Bai Juyi The preface to the poetry collection said: "In the past twenty years, there were no books on the walls of forbidden provinces, temples, and postal officials, and there were no mistakes in the words of princes, concubines, cowboys, and horses. As for writing models, people who sold them on the street or held them to hand over wine and tea were everywhere." The models were carved in models, and those who held the copies of white poems to hand over wine and tea were exchanged for tea and wine. It can be seen that at the beginning of the ninth century, the application of printing has expanded from Buddhist mantras to poems that people like to read. [1] Around 835, Sichuan and Jiangsu Northern region People have "printed calendar days" and sold them in the market. At that time, some people said that the calendars printed by the people were "all over the world". It can be seen that they were not only printed in Sichuan and Jiangsu. Chengdu, 883 Bookstore You can see some books of "Yin Yang Miscellaneous Records, Dreams, Homes, Nine Palaces and Five latitudes", "Calligraphy Primary School", "Dujie Engraving Printing Paper"... In the first 200 years after the invention of printing, it has become an important medium for people to popularize culture. [1]

Development of block printing

In the middle and late Tang Dynasty in the 9th century, block printing was widely used. During the Five Dynasties, not only the folk prevailed publish a book The government also printed Confucian books on a large scale. since Ming Clan of the Later Tang Dynasty In the third year of Changxing (932) Week after In the third year of Guangshun (953), the Nine Classics《 Five Classics 》、《 Nine Classics 》Two for each, 130 volumes. In the Song Dynasty, block printing was more developed and the technology was improved, especially in Hangzhou, Zhejiang and Fujian Jianyang Chengdu in Sichuan has high printing quality. Song Taizu shake out dice In the fourth year (971), Zhang Tuxin carved and published all the Tripitaka Sutra in Chengdu. It took twenty-two years to complete 1076 volumes, 5048 volumes and 130000 pieces of engraving. It was the largest book in the early printing history.
Although the Song Dynasty invented Movable type printing However, block printing is still widely used. [2]
In the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, not only officials at all levels, but also academies Bookshop And private. He has carved books all over the world, including classics, history, classics and collections.

Color overprint is popular

Color overprint has been popular in Sichuan since the early Northern Song Dynasty“ Copulation ”, that is, the paper money overprinted with red ink. Zhongxing Road in the Yuan Dynasty in the 14th century (now Hubei Jiangling )The Vajra Sutra Annotation, printed in both red and ink, is the earliest existing chromatic version. By the end of the 16th century, Chromatic printing Widely popular. the Ming dynasty Wanli Of Minqi Min Zhaoming Lingruxiang Lingchu Ling Yingchu They are all masters of chromatic printing, and the chromatic printing technology was further improved in the Qing Dynasty. This combination of color registration technology and print technology will produce brilliant Chromatic print Late Ming Dynasty《 Shizhuzhai Calligraphy and Painting Manual 》And《 Shizhuzhai Script 》They are all art treasures of ancient prints.

Records in Hong Jian Lu

According to the Ming Dynasty Shao Jingbang Hongjian Record 》The record of a book: Tang Taizong Collected by the Empress Chang Sun of feudal society Middle aged women Typical characters The story of. I wrote a book called《 Female rule 》Books. Zhenguan Decade Empress Zhangsun When he died, someone in the palace sent the book to Emperor Taizong. When Emperor Taizong saw it, he ordered it to be printed by block printing.
The tenth year of Zhenguan was 636 AD. It may be this year, or later, when the book was published. This is the earliest printed edition mentioned in Chinese literature. Analyze from this data. Maybe people began to use block printing to print books at that time, so Tang Taizong Only then did I think of printing Women's Principles. The invention of block printing must be earlier than the publication of "Women's Principles".
By the ninth century, it was quite common for China to use block printing to print books.

Historical records

In the Tang Dynasty, poets Bai Juyi He compiled his own poems into a collection of poems - Bai's Changqing Collection Changqing On December 10 of the fourth year (January 2, 825 AD), Bai Juyi's friend zhen I wrote an article for Bai's Changqing Collection Preface , the preface said: At that time, Yangzhou In the area of Yuezhou, some people sell Bai Juyi's poems on the street or replace them with tea and alcohol The word "Mole" here means block printing.
The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty also recorded that in December of the ninth year of Dahe (AD 835), Tang Wenzong Order all regions not to block print without permission almanac What's going on here? According to other ancient books Jiannan , Liangchuanhe Huainan Road People. They use block printing to print almanacs and sell them on the street. Every year Si Tiantai It has not been issued yet new calendar The new calendar printed by the people has been everywhere. It is the privilege of feudal emperors to issue calendars, and Dongchuan Jiedu envoy Feng Su In order to maintain the authority of the Imperial Court, I hereby request that private publication of almanac be prohibited. The almanac concerns agricultural production The farmers need it very much. How can we forbid a single order? Although Emperor Wenzong of the Tang Dynasty issued this order, the folk printed almanac is still popular everywhere. Even in the same area, there is more than one folk printing almanac.
Huangchao Uprising When, Xizong of Tang Dynasty He fled to Sichuan in a panic. The emperor also ran away, of course, no one to manage the ban on the printing of almanac. Therefore, Jiangdong The local people compiled and printed their own almanac for sale. In the first year of Emperor Xizong of the Tang Dynasty (881 AD), there were two calendars printed by two people Big Moon A dispute occurred after a short day. When a local official knew this, he said, "Everyone is in the same business. What's the difference between one day and a half days?" How can the almanac be one day short? What the local official said is really laughable. This event tells us that there are at least two printed almanacs in Jiangdong alone.
Family Instructions
At that time, Liu Pi, who fled to Sichuan with Tang Xizong, also said in the preface of his Family Instructions that he saw a lot about Yin and Yang in the bookstore in Chengdu Miscellaneous Notes Books about dreams, and so on. Most of these books are block printed. It can be seen that printing business It is relatively developed, printing not only almanac, but also various other books.
Diamond Sutra engraved in the Tang Dynasty
Of the books printed in the Tang Dynasty, there is only one Vajra Sutra printed in the ninth year of Xiantong. Xiantong Nine years is AD 868, more than 1000 years ago. How did the printed materials of more than 1000 years ago survive? Here is another story.
Gansu province Dunhuang There are seats in the southeast Mingsha Mountain As early as the Jin Dynasty, there were some buddhist It has opened caves, carved Buddha statues and built temples here. The number of caves and statues of Buddha is increasing, so people call it "Thousand Buddha Cave". In 1900, there was a Taoist Wang When repairing the cave, I found a closed darkroom by accident. When I opened it, there were bundles of paper rolls, many of which were copied books in the Tang Dynasty, and one was the Diamond Sutra engraved in the Tang Dynasty.
This Vajra Sutra is about ten feet long and one foot high. It is a roll made of seven printed sheets. There is a picture at the front of the volume, on which there is a vivid fairy story of Sakyamuni's statement to his disciples, followed by the full text of the Vajra Sutra. The volume does not contain a line of text, indicating that Xiantong It was engraved for nine years. This book is the earliest existing engraving book in the world. Pictures are also carved together Full page Maybe it is the earliest engraving in the world.
Misunderstanding of printing
In the Five Dynasties, there was a feudal bureaucrat called Feng Dao He was a despicable fellow who had served as a senior official in four of the five short dynasties. He saw people in Jiangsu, Sichuan and other places selling printed copy There are all kinds of books. Without Confucian classics Later Tang Dynasty In the third year of Changxing's reign, he suggested to the emperor that Confucian classics should be printed by block printing. At that time, nine kinds of scriptures were printed, which went through four dynasties until Week after It took twenty-two years for Guangshun to carve them all. Because this time publish a book It had a great influence. Later, some people thought that printing was invented by Feng Dao in the Five Dynasties, which was certainly wrong.
In the Song Dynasty, printing business More developed, everywhere in the country publish a book In the early Northern Song Dynasty, Chengdu The "Tripitaka Sutra" was printed with 130000 pieces of stereotype; The Central Educational Institution of the Northern Song Government—— Imperial College There are more than 100000 books on the history of printed classics. From these two figures, we can see the scale of the printing industry at that time. There are more than 700 known books printed on carved boards in the Song Dynasty, and the typefaces are neat, simple, beautiful and generous. Later, they have been cherished by the Chinese people.
board divide
The block printing in the Song Dynasty generally used wood to carve characters, but some people also used copper to carve. Shanghai Museum It has collected "Jinan" of the Northern Song Dynasty Liu Family Kung Fu Needle Shop Print advertising Used Copperplate It can be seen that they also mastered Engraved copperplate Technology.
Speaking of printing books, block printing is really a great creation. One kind of book can be printed many times faster than handwritten book by carving a board once.
However, in this way, printing a book requires carving a board once. It still takes a lot of labor, and it is impossible to print a large number of books quickly. Some books have a large number of words, and it often takes many years to carve them well. If the book is printed once and no longer reprinted, then the well carved board will be completely useless. What can be done to improve it?

working principle

Woodblock The process of printing is roughly as follows: after the writing sample of the manuscript is written, the side with words is pasted on the board, which can be engraved. The engravers use different forms of burin take woodblock The reverse ink on the Masculine script At the same time, remove the remaining blank parts on the wooden plate sunken The characters engraved on the board protrude about 1~2mm from the layout. Rinse the carved board with hot water to remove the wood chips, and the engraving process is completed. When printing, use a cylindrical flat bottom brush dipped in ink to evenly brush on the board surface, then carefully cover the paper on the board surface, gently brush the paper with a brush, and the positive image of words or pictures will be printed on the paper. Lift the paper from the printing board, dry it in the shade, and the printing process is completed. One printer can print 1500~2000 sheets a day, and one printing plate can print 10000 times. The process of engraving is a bit like the process of engraving seals, but there are more words engraved. The process of seal is opposite to that of seal. The seal is printed on the top and the paper on the bottom. The process of block printing is a bit like rubbing, but the words on the block are in reverse, while the words on common steles are Yin script Orthographic. In addition, the ink for rubbing is applied to the paper, and the ink for block printing is applied to the plate. It can be seen that block printing has inherited seal , rubbing, printing and dyeing, and innovative technology. In 1900 Dunhuang Thousand Buddha Cave A beautifully printed "Vajra Sutra" with the words "April 15, the ninth year of Xiantong (868 AD)" at the end of it was found in the book. It is the earliest printed book with clear date records in the world. Engraving prints may start to be popular only among the people, and there is a Manuscripts A period of coexistence. Tang Muzong In the fourth year of Changqing, a poet zhen by Bai Juyi Of《 Changqingji 》In the preface, there is a saying that "all cattle and horses walk away without exception. As for writing the mold, Ye sells it in the market". "Molar" is the mold carving, and "Ye sell" is the hawking. This shows that the spread of Bai Juyi's poems, an upper class intellectual at that time, had printed copy It was found in the Tang Tomb in Chengdu in 1944. It is a block printed product in the late Tang Dynasty. kuo On《 Mengxi Writing 》It is said that block printing was not popular in the Tang Dynasty. During the Five Dynasties, most Confucian books were printed Feng Dao Initial printing“ Five meridians ”。 Later, all classics will be printed. In the Song Dynasty, block printing had developed to its heyday, and there were many kinds of printed books. Better engraving materials are versatile Pear wood Jujube Wood. Therefore, for the printing of worthless books Jujube ”It is ironic to say that pear and jujube trees have been ruined for nothing. It can be seen that publish a book be all the rage the go. Engraving printing started with Monochrome printing In the Five Dynasties, someone was inking illustrations Contour line Different colors are added inside the pen to increase the visual effect. Tianjin Yangliuqing Prints are still produced in this way. Put several different Pigment At the same time, it is printed on different parts of a board and printed on paper at one time to print color sheets. This method is called "single sheet" Multicolor Printing ". In this way, it was printed in the Song Dynasty“ Huizi ”(Note issued at that time). The color materials of single plate and double color printing are easy to mix and penetrate, and Color block The boundaries are clear and rigid. In practical exploration, people found a method of plate coloring and printing in batches, which is to use several printing plates of the same size to load different color materials respectively and then print them on the same paper in batches. This method is called "multi plate multicolor printing" or "block printing". The invention of "multi version and multi color printing" was not later than the Yuan Dynasty, when Zhongxing Road (now Hubei Province Jiangling County )The "Vajra Sutra Note" is carved in red and ink Overprint This is the earliest existing Chromaticity printed copy. Multi plate multicolor printing gained great development in the Ming Dynasty. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Nanjing and Beijing were the centers of engraving. Established in the Ming Dynasty Economic factory Yongle Of North Tibet The orthodox Taoist collections are all stereotyped by Jingchang. Yingwu in Qing Dynasty edition of classics printed by imperial decree Yongzheng Long Zang They are all stereotyped in Beijing. In the early Ming Dynasty, Nanzang and many officials publish a book They are all stereotyped in Nanjing. Jiajing Later, in the middle of the 16th century, Nanjing became a color overprint center.

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Dunhuang Sutra Cave

In 1900, Dunhuang Sutra Cave It is found that it contains a large number of documents of the Tang and Five Dynasties Copybook In addition, there are many printed materials, so that people can see the style and features of printed materials at that time. Sutra Cave After the discovery, British, French, Japanese and Russians came here and stole a lot Precious literature Almost all of the printed materials were stolen by foreigners, and all Chinese people were distressed. In 1907, the British Stein led an investigation team to Dunhuang and stole a large number of documents, including famous printed materials《 Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra 》。 Original kept now London british library This is a very precious print in the history of printing. It is Reel assembly , with beautifully carved illustrations in front. Later, there were the printing time and the name of the printer. The characters were skillfully carved and exquisite, and the printing ink was even and thick. It is generally believed that it is Typography Products developed to a very high level. It can be seen from the signature that its engraving date is Tang Dynasty Xiantong In the ninth year (868), she contributed to seal for Wang Jie. The warp has a total length of 5.25m and is connected by 7 sheets of printing paper Roll packaging Each sheet of paper is 26.67 cm high and 75 cm wide. Among the Tang Dynasty prints found in the Sutra Cave, the fourth year of Qianfu (877) almanac The almanac of the second year of Hezhong (882), and Calligraphy "The Tang Dynasty publishes fallacies to supplement Qieyun". Printed materials of Sutra Cave. There are about dozens of pieces, reflecting the printing in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, which has developed to a very high level. Not only is the printing excellent, but also the variety is complete.

Five generation development period

Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Only 53 years ago, with frequent changes of dynasties and separatist regimes, it was a turbulent era. However, in terms of printing, it was not greatly affected, but on the basis of the Tang Dynasty, sustained development , proved Hu Yinglin On the assertion that the carved version "expanded in the Five Dynasties". Among the five dynasties of printing, the most famous is Feng Dao (882-954) Presided over the engraving confucian Of《 Nine meridians 》It is an epoch-making creation in the history of printing and the first large-scale engraving of Confucian classics by the government in history. This engraving project is Imperial College Conduct, also known as books published by the highest educational administration in feudal China Nine Classics, which initiated the history of printing books by the Imperial College. This had a great impact on the later generations of the Imperial College. Five Dynasties. Another printing project is the military leaders stationed in western Gansu Cao Yuanzhong (905-980). The Buddhist scriptures and statues printed by Cao Yuanzhong have long been lost. After the discovery of the Dunhuang Sutra Cave in 1900, these prints became known to the world. In 1908, the French Boehe stole 5000 pieces of cultural relics from the Sutra Cave, including those engraved by Cao Yuanzhong《 guanyin bodhisattva image 》(5 pieces), The Statue of the Great Sage Pishamen (11 pieces)《 Manjusri Bodhisattva 》(11), "Amitabha Bodhisattva" (5), "Tibetan Bodhisattva", etc. In 1907, Stein stole some of the same prints. These Buddha prints are mostly the ones below the above figure Single page Most of them have the engraver, the engraving time, and some have the name of the engraver. For example, in《 Avalokitesvara 》The lower part is inscribed with "Disciple Returning Army Observation of joint and Guasha Prefecture; Cao Yuanzhong carved this printing plate. Honored as City God Antai and He County Kangning The east-west route is open; Hour Later Jin Dynasty Four years of operation (947) Ding Wei July, October and May. Craftsman Lei Yanmei ”。 The Vajra Sutra engraved by Cao Yuanzhong is a folded decoration, and there is also the name of Lei Yanmei, the engraver. It was engraved in the 15th year of Tianfu (949). Lei Yanmei is the earliest engraving craftsman we know. Cao Yuanzhong organized the engraving of a number of Buddha statues and Buddhist scriptures, two of which bear his name. The other Five Dynasties Dunhuang prints were probably also engraved by him and his disciples, and the engraving reached a high level. During the Five Dynasties, Shu Xiang Wu Zhao (902-967), the most famous person who privately funded printing activities, can also be called the first private book printer in history. According to《 History of the Song Dynasty 》Record, Wu Zhao descendant The printed books include Wenxuan《 The Primary Anthology 》And Bai's Six Posts, etc. These books were printed at our own expense. During the Five Dynasties, Hangzhou centered Wu Yue Economic culture Very prosperous. The rulers led by the King of Wuyue (929-988) were devout and faithful to Buddhism. More Buddhist scriptures have been engraved. 1917 Zhejiang Huzhou A printed Buddhist scripture, Baoqi Yinjing, was found in the Tianning Temple Pagoda. It is 7.5cm high and 60cm long, with 8-9 characters in each line. There is an image on the front of the volume, which reads: "Tianxia Marshal Du The King of Wu and Yue printed the "Treasure Trunk Sutra" in 84000 volumes. In the pagoda. Xiande three years Bing Chen It can be seen that "Suiji" and other characters were printed in 956 AD. 1924 Hangzhou Leifeng Pagoda Collapse Tower brick Kong Zhong issued another Sutra of the State of Wu and Yue, "The Sutra of Buddha on Treasure Chest", with a frame height of 5.7 cm, a length of 205.8 cm, 10-11 characters in each line, and printed on the front of the picture“ Grand Marshal The king of Wu and Yue made 84 thousand volumes of this sutra, and gave it to the brick pagoda in Xiguan for permanent support, Yi Hai August Diary ", the year of Yihai is 975, which has been the Song Dynasty shake out dice Eight years, but the rule of the Song Dynasty has not reached the level of Wu and Yue. Lu Xun "On the Fall of Leifeng Pagoda", wrote about this event. At that time, people almost smashed all the bricks of the tower in order to find the scriptures. 1971 in Zhejiang Shaoxing In the gilded stupa, another copy of the Sutra of Turoney with the seal of Wu and Yue was found, which was placed in a 10 cm long bamboo tube Inside, the date of printing is“ Yi Chou ”Year 965. In addition to the above-mentioned printed materials, it is recorded that Hangzhou Of Lingyin Temple eminent monk Prolong one's life (904-975) also printed more than 10 kinds of Buddhist scriptures and statues, with a total of 400000 copies. The capital is located in Jiangning Nanjing the Southern Tang dynasty According to historical records, many books have also been printed, including Liu Zhiji (661-221)《 Stone 》And Xuling (507-583)《 Yutai Xinyong 》。

Mature period of the Song Dynasty

After the Five Dynasties, from 960 to 1279. In this period. The printing industry has developed by leaps and bounds. Woodblock Printing technology More mature, with a large increase in the number of printed books, including confucian Taoist school Buddhism and various schools of thought, A subset of classics and history And other categories. In the history of printing, this period is called the mature and prosperous period of printing. The Song Dynasty turned a brilliant page in the history of printing. After hundreds of years of development in the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, printing technology has become increasingly mature. After entering the Song Dynasty, due to the attention and promotion of the government, the printing industry Daxing , opened the most brilliant page in the history of printing. Song edition There are few people who have been handed down to this day. All generations of book collectors are proud to own the books published in the Song Dynasty. It is known as "one page of Song print, one or two gold". Because the Song edition is not only old. and Collate Fine. Excellent printing, excellent paper and ink. All these showed the superb printing skills at that time.

Emperors attach importance to

In the Song Dynasty, the country was governed by culture. Several emperors attached great importance to cultural construction. Soon after the founding of the country, the Song Dynasty organized the compilation of《 Extensive Records Compiled in the Taiping Years 》、《 Taiping Imperial Survey 》And《 Wenyuan Yinghua 》Three large series, 2500 volumes in total. Then I wrote《 Cefu Yuangui 》、《 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》And other large-scale history books, and Imperial College Engraved《 Analytical Dictionary of Characters 》, The Thirteen Classics《 Seventeen Histories 》And other large books. Folk in Song Dynasty printing business The prosperity of, created books as a commodity widely circulated. In the history of printing and Typology The private edition is called Home print , home schooling Block printed edition , bookcase, etc. Home printed books are mostly books written by literati and large families or their ancestors, as well as books that they consider precious. This kind of engraving is mostly given away or sold at a low price, not for profit. For example, poets Lu You His son has repeatedly engraved his father's poetry collections as gifts to relatives and friends. In the folk printing industry. Most Representativeness Yes Bookshop publish a book The bookstore in the Song Dynasty is similar to the modern publishing house, which integrates editing, printing and selling books. It is characterized by profit making. Due to market competition, it also attaches great importance to quality. The most famous folk bookstores in the Song Dynasty printed Henan Kaifeng Fujian Jianyang Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Sichuan Meishan And Jiangxi. In the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, Buddhist printed materials accounted for a large proportion, and in the Song Dynasty. The four categories of books, "Jing, Shi, Zi, Ji", are the main body. The print volume and variety greatly exceed that of Buddhist scriptures. But with Previous generation In contrast, the volume and scale of Buddhist scriptures have reached the highest level in history. According to historical records, there have been six engravings of the Tripitaka Sutra alone.