
A substance that enables the development of secondary sexual characteristics and maturation of sexual organs in female animals
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Estrogen promotes Female animals Development of secondary sexual characteristics and Sexual organ Mature substance, composed of female animal ovary and placenta Secretion. Estrogen receptors are distributed in the uterus, vagina, breast pelvic cavity And skin bladder , urethra, bone and brain. Therefore, estrogen has a wide and important physiological role, not only to promote and maintain the female reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics, but also to endocrine cardiovascular , metabolic system, bone growth and maturation, skin, etc. Natural estrogen is mainly estradiol Estrone Estriol; The commonly used estrogen drugs in clinic are mostly based on Estradiol It is a synthetic derivative of the mother, such as estradiol benzoate, estradiol valerate, ethinylestradiol, quinestrol, progesterone, etc.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Estrogens [1]
Plant hormone, animal hormone
Physiological function
Promote the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics
Female hormone

Science popularization in China

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Zhang Zheng | Pharmacist in charge

Pharmacy Department of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital to examine

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Qiu Kui | Pharmacist in charge

Pharmacy Department of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital to examine

essential information

Chinese name
Foreign name
Estrogens [1]
Plant hormone, animal hormone
Physiological function
Promote the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics
Female hormone
ovary placenta


1. Enclosure Menopause Syndrome: estrogen can be used for replacement treatment.
2. Breast distention, pain and withdrawal: large dose estrogen It can interfere with the action of prolactin, inhibit the secretion of milk, and relieve pain.
3. Ovarian insufficiency and amenorrhoea Estrogen replacement therapy can promote the development of external genitalia, uterus and secondary sexual characteristics. Combined with progesterone, it can produce artificial menstrual cycle
four osteoporosis : Use small doses for prevention and treatment.
5. Functional uterine bleeding estrogen can promote endometrial hyperplasia, repair bleeding wounds and stop bleeding. It can also be properly combined with progesterone to adjust the menstrual cycle.
6. Late stage mammary cancer Patients with advanced breast cancer who have been postmenopausal for more than five years should be treated with estrogen, but it should not be used in patients before menopause.

clinical application

Follow your doctor's advice.

Adverse reactions

Large doses can cause nausea, vomiting, breast pain endometrium Hyperplasia and uterine bleeding. Long term high-dose use may increase the risk of breast cancer, estrogen alone may increase the risk of endometrial cancer, and may increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, venous thrombosis.

Drug contraindication

Known or suspected gestation Vaginal bleeding or endometrial hyperplasia with unknown causes, breast cancer, and malignant tumors related to sex hormones; Active within 6 months vein Or arterial thromboembolic disease, severe liver renal function Obstacles Hematoporphyrin Symptoms Otosclerosis It is forbidden for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Note: The above contents are only for introduction. Drug use must be carried out by regular hospitals under the guidance of doctors.