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Jixian Town

Xiazhi Town, Zhouzhi County, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province
open 3 entries with the same name
Jixian Town, subordinate to Shaanxi Province Xi'an Zhouzhi County , located in the southeast of Zhouzhi County, east of Jiufeng Town Bordering to the south Ningshan County Xinfang Township is adjacent to the west Louguan Town , north Zhongnan Town [1] With a total area of 294.55 square kilometers. [2]
As of June 2020, Jixian Town has 14 villages (residences) under its jurisdiction, including 2 communities and 12 administrative villages [3] In 2018, the registered population of Jixian Town was 35255 [2] In 2011, Jixian Town Total agricultural output value Up to 140 million yuan, Total industrial output value It reached 168 million yuan. [1]
Chinese name
Jixian Town
Administrative Region Category
Xi'an, Shaanxi Province Zhouzhi County
geographical position
Southeast of Zhouzhi County
294.55 km²
Area under jurisdiction
2 communities and 12 administrative villages
Government residence
West Village
Area Code
Postal Code
seven hundred and ten thousand four hundred and four
climatic conditions
Warm temperate humid semi humid continental monsoon climate
License plate code
Shaanxi A
35255 persons (2018)

Historical evolution


Origin of place names

It is said that in the 31st year of the Zhiyuan era (1294), ten sages lived here, so the village was named. The town is named because the town government is stationed in Jixian Village. [1]

Construction history

Electronic Map of Jixian Town
It was Jixian Township before 1949.
In 1950, it was changed into a district.
In 1956, it was restored to Jixian Township.
In 1958, it was the management area.
In 1962, Jixian Commune was established.
In 1984, the village was changed.
In March 1997, the township was removed and established as a town.
In 2011, Jixian Town merged the original Jiuyan Township into Jixian Town when it was removed from the township and merged into the town. [1]

administrative division


Division evolution

In 1996, Jixian Township governed 13 administrative villages, including East Village, West Village, Beijie Village, Xincheng Village, Daqu, Jinfeng, Dianzhen, Zhaoda, Yanjiabao, Liujiabao, Shaojiabao, Majiatan and Houjiabao.
In 1996, Jiuyan Township governed nine administrative villages, namely Sanhe, Xingfeng, Heping, Jinlin, Xinglong, Lixin, Jiulong, Chiyan and Qinling.
In December 2001, Jiuyan Township was incorporated into Jixian Town, governing 22 administrative villages, namely, Xicun, Beijie, Xincheng, Dongcun, Daqu, Jinfeng, Dianzhen, Zhaodai, Xinzhai, Yanjiabao, Liubao, Shaobao, Matan, Lixin, Xinglong, Jinlin, Heping, Xingfeng, Sanhe, Qinling, Jiulong, Chiyu.
By the end of 2011, Jixian Town had jurisdiction over one community of Jixian, 19 administrative villages of Daqu, Jinfeng, Dianzhen, Zhaodai, Xinzhai, Yanbao, Liubao, Shaobao, Matan, East Village, West Village, North Street, Xincheng, Chiyu, Jiulong, Lixin, Xinglong, Jinlin and Sanhe; There are no 135 villagers' groups. [1]

Zoning status

As of June 2020, Jixian Town has 14 villages (residences) under its jurisdiction, including 2 communities and 12 administrative villages [3] The People's Government is stationed in the West Village. [1]
Division code for statistics
Urban and rural classification code
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand and one
one hundred and twenty-one
Jixian Community
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand and two
two hundred and twenty
Liuhe Community
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand and two hundred
one hundred and twenty-one
West Village
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand two hundred and one
one hundred and twenty-two
Beijie Village
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand two hundred and two
one hundred and twenty-two
Xincheng Village
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand two hundred and three
one hundred and twenty-two
East Village
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand two hundred and four
two hundred and twenty
Daqu Village
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand two hundred and five
two hundred and twenty
Jinfeng Village
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand two hundred and six
two hundred and twenty
Dianzhen Village
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand two hundred and seven
two hundred and twenty
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand two hundred and nine
two hundred and twenty
Yanjiabao Village
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand two hundred and ten
two hundred and twenty
Liujiabao Village
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand two hundred and eleven
two hundred and twenty
Shaojiabao Village
six hundred and ten billion one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and four thousand two hundred and twelve
two hundred and twenty
Matan Village

geographical environment


Location context

Jixian Town is located in the southeast of Zhouzhi County, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, bordering Jiufeng Town in the east, Xinfang Township, Ningshan County in the south, Louguan Town in the west and Zhongnan Town in the north. The maximum distance from east to west is 8 kilometers, the maximum distance from north to south is 55 kilometers, and the total area is 294.55 square kilometers [2] It is 18 kilometers away from the county government. [1]
People's Government of Jixian Town

topographic features

Topographic Map of Jixian Town
Jixian Town is located Qinling Mountains North foot. The terrain is high in the south and low in the north. The territory is mainly mountainous and plain. The highest peak is located at Qinling Ridge, 2600m above sea level. [1]

Climatic characteristics

Jixian Town has a humid and semi humid continental monsoon climate in warm temperate zone. The annual average temperature is 13.4 ℃. The annual average rainfall is 719.9mm, and the rainfall is mainly concentrated in July September every year. [1]

Water system hydrology

The river in Jixian Town belongs to the Weihe River system of the Yellow River basin. The main rivers are Tianyu River, Chiyu River, etc., with a total flow of 110 kilometers. [1]

natural disaster

Natural disasters in Jixian Town mainly include drought, flood, low temperature, continuous rain, heavy rain, landslide, debris flow, etc. Storm, landslide, debris flow and other disasters. It usually occurs from late June to the end of September. [1]


By the end of 2011, the total population of Jixian Town was 32031, and its permanent population was 9690, with an urbanization rate of 30.25%. There are 216 floating population. Of the total population, 17618 are men, accounting for 55%; 14413 women, accounting for 45%; 4548 people under 14 years old, accounting for 14.2%; 24650 people aged 15-64, accounting for 77%; 2833 people over 65 years old, accounting for 8.8%. The population is Han nationality. In 2011, Jixian Town had a birth rate of 9.4 ‰, a mortality rate of 4.63 ‰ and a natural population growth rate of 4.77 ‰. The population density is 101.4 people per square kilometer. [1]
In 2018, the registered population of Jixian Town was 35255 [2]




In 2006, the gross regional product of Jixian Town was 560 million yuan, and the per capita income of farmers was 4390 yuan.
In 2018, there were 15 industrial enterprises in Jixian Town; Among them, there are 15 enterprises above designated size. There are 25 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [2]

primary industry

In 2011, Jixian Town had 37519 mu of arable land, 1.2 mu per capita. In 2011, the total agricultural output value of Jixian Town reached 140 million yuan, an increase of 2.6% over the previous year, and the agricultural added value accounted for 46% of the GDP. [1]
The grain crops in Jixian Town are mainly wheat and corn. In 2011, the grain production of Jixian Town was 15628 tons, including 9017 tons of wheat and 6612 tons of corn. [1]
Animal Husbandry
The animal husbandry in Jixian Town mainly focuses on raising pigs and poultry. In 2011, the number of pigs raised in Jixian Town was 11051; The number of poultry raised is 13300. In 2011, Jixian Town produced 160.1 tons of meat; The total output value of animal husbandry is 39 million yuan, accounting for 27.9% of the total agricultural output value. [1]

the secondary industry

In 2011, the total industrial output value of Jixian Town reached 168 million yuan, an increase of 12% over the previous year, and the industrial added value accounted for 54% of the GDP. There are 51 enterprises in China. There is one county-level industrial park. [1]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

By the end of 2011, Jixian Town had one post office, 12 agencies, a total one-way delivery route of 70 kilometers, and a rural postal rate of 100%. 12000 newspapers and 6000 periodicals were subscribed, and the business income was 260000 yuan. There is one telecom enterprise, 2368 fixed phone users, 12566 mobile phone users and 1182 broadband access users. The annual telecom business income was more than 1.2 million yuan. [1]




Provincial Highway 107, South Ring Road, Zhongnan Jixian Road and Zhongnan Diandian Road pass through Jixian Town. By the end of 2011, there were 6 county and township roads in Jixian Town, and all villages in the town had roads. By the end of 2011, the total length of roads in Jixian Town was 8 kilometers, and the per capita length of roads was 0.83 meters. [1]


By the end of 2011, Jixian Town has opened 1 bus line, 6 bus operating vehicles, and the annual passenger volume is 108000 person times; There are 18 taxis, with an annual passenger volume of 16000 person times. [1]

social undertakings



By the end of 2011, there were 13 kindergartens in Jixian Town, with 1569 children and 65 full-time teachers; There are 8 primary schools with 2822 students and 176 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%; There is one junior high school with 856 students and 52 full-time teachers. Enrollment rate of school-age population in junior high school, enrollment rate from junior high school to junior high school Nine year compulsory education The coverage rate is 100%. [1]

Cultural undertakings

By the end of 2011, Jixian Town had a cultural station 1; 9 village cultural activity centers. The folk art with local characteristics is Jixian Ancient Music, which originated in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. During the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, a musician surnamed Wang in the palace avoided the Rebellion and went to Jixian Village, a descendant of Shengshou Temple, and is now listed National Intangible Cultural Heritage List By the end of 2011, there were 965 cable TV users in Jixian Town, including 176 digital TV users, with a comprehensive TV coverage rate of 98%. [1]


By the end of 2011, one community and three villages in Jixian Town had installed Fitness Equipment People who often participate in sports activities account for 63% of the permanent population.

public health

By the end of 2011, Jixian Town had Medical and health institutions 16, including 1 town hospital and 15 village clinics; There are 20 beds in public health institutions, with 0.7 medical beds for every 1000 people. The total value of fixed assets is 5.2 million yuan. There are 10 professional health personnel, including 4 licensed doctors and 6 registered nurses. In 2011, medical institutions in Jixian Town (above outpatient department) completed 26000 person times of diagnosis and treatment, 8 hospital operations, and 3700 person times of discharged patients. [1]

social security

In 2011, Jixian Town participated New rural social endowment insurance 20086 people. [1]

social welfare

In 2011, Jixian Town Minimum living security The number of households was 46, with 67 people. The expenditure was 160800 yuan, up 6.2% over the previous year, and the monthly per capita was 200 yuan, up 10% over the previous year; There were 3 urban medical assistance, 1841 people participated in cooperative medical care funded by civil affairs departments, with a total expenditure of 920500 yuan, an increase of 40% over the previous year. The number of rural minimum living security households was 624, with 1784 people, and the expenditure was 1.6698 million yuan, up 337% over the previous year. The monthly per capita income was 78 yuan, up 32% over the previous year; The five guarantees in rural areas provided for 57 people in a decentralized manner, with expenditure of 136800 yuan, up 10% over the previous year; 117 people received medical assistance in rural areas and 163 people received temporary assistance in rural areas, with expenditure of 38900 yuan, up 7.8% over the previous year. 122 people were entitled to various types of state pensions and subsidies, and 439000 yuan was spent on pension business expenses, an increase of 8.6% over the previous year. [1]

Historical culture


Place name legend

Jixian Village has a long history. It is said that it existed in the Han Dynasty. In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was a family surnamed Zhou in this village, and his wife was a beautiful lady named Tao. In the busy summer of a disaster year, when the husband was harvesting in the field, the wife went to the field to deliver food. On the way, she met eight starving men who were dying and begged for food. Dow distributed the food to the starving men, and then took an empty rice basket to her own field. When the husband, who was already very hungry, found out why, he did not complain, but also suspected that his wife had not brought the hungry man back to the village to help him. These eight starving men were originally Dongtu Taoists. After the disaster year, they came to this village to express their thanks, praise the Zhou family's men and women, and named the village "Men and Wives". So he built bridges and roads in the village, dug wells and canals, and gave free clinics to the poor. The story of the Zhou couple and eight Taoists is said to be a story of ten sages. In the early years of Yuanfeng in the Northern Song Dynasty, Su Dongpo learned about this when he visited Louguantai, and also called the village of "virtuous men and wives" the hometown of ten sages. In the late Qing Dynasty, the "virtuous man and wife" village was also called Jixian Village.

Jixian Drum Music

Jixian Drum Music originated in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian passed Jixian Village on his way from Chang'an to Xianyou Temple. During the An Shi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, Wang Leren, a family member in the palace, fled to Shengshou Temple and was introduced to Jixian Village. Today, Jixian Drum Music is divided into East and West clubs, with more than 80 musicians. In order to preserve this drum music, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture allocated special funds to purchase musical instruments and costumes, train young people, and organize performances in Xi'an, Beijing, Shenzhen and Germany. Jixian Drum Music consists of percussion and wind playing. Percussion instruments include drums, gongs, cymbals and bangs. There are zheng, ruan, sheng, pipe, flute, yu, qin, etc. Costumes include ancient costumes and Tang costumes. Music consists of music, sitting music and rhyme music. Xingle includes: Hongsha, Routing, Manyuanchun, etc; Sitting music includes: Tiaoban, Songzhang, Tianzao, Bawangbian, Four Seasons Peace, a flower in Nanlu, breaking the battle array, a feast of heroes, etc; Rhymes include: Liu Qingniang, Park Lantern Moth, Hulu Valley, Tea Words, Nine Dragons Praise, Four in Four, Diandian Small, Deep Ditch Carrying Water, Playing Social Tiger, Sannaye, Deshengling Order, Guanmenzi, the sunny day of September 9, Shibantou, Sitting in the tent, pomegranate flower, cutting fox, beating stick, willow sprouts, Shuiouyu, pink lotus, crossing Tongguan, etc.

Jixian Imperial Assembly

During the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty (1796-1820), a sect of the White Lotus Cult entered Jixian Village from Chenggu County and Yangxian County to kill more than 7000 people, causing the river in the village to become a blood river, which was called the killing river (now the place of the north-south road in the village). During the reign of Daoguang (1812-1850), Emperor Daoguang's imperial edict was used to offer sacrifices, so an imperial assembly was formed. The imperial assembly was held from February 23 to 28 of the first lunar month every year, and the village head read the sacrifice, and performed Yangko, community fire performances, and drum music. A material exchange meeting has been formed.

Gather talents to fight social fires

There are many unique ceremonies in Jixian, among which "fighting Shehuo" and "playing Shehuo" are the most distinctive. Every year, from the second day of the first lunar month, the two historically fixed opposing clubs challenge each other, riding mules and horses to each other's streets in accordance with certain rules, and this kind of battle is even slightly "humiliating", so that the emotions of both sides continue to rise and the scene continues to "upgrade". After that, we will compare our wisdom with each other. In such an activity that breaks the usual rules, all the tiredness and pressure are removed, and the relationship between the opposing parties is closer. It was not until the 17th and 8th of the first month that the social activities ended. Another example is the Laba Festival. If there is any contradiction, dispute or unpleasant thing between neighbors in the past year, this festival can help resolve the past grievances by sending Laba porridge. This traditional festival reflects the important social integration function of villager autonomy in the agricultural society of China, and still has very important practical significance today. In addition, there are ancestor worship, New Year's greetings, relatives, lanterns, etc. The rituals of other festivals are also unique, reflecting the primitive nature of folk culture to a certain extent.

famous scenery

Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot
Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot is a national AAAA scenic spot [6] The scenic spot is located in Zhaodai Village, Jixian Town, Zhouzhi County, Shaanxi Province, the hometown of Zhao Gongming, the god of wealth. There are three core buildings, namely, the Hall of God of Wealth, the Hall of Blessing, the Hall of God of Wealth and the Hall of Sanxiao. There are four side halls of the god of wealth in the east, west, north and south of the hall of the god of wealth. The side halls and small temples around the hall are dedicated to Mazu, Huang Daxian, Guan Yu, the god of wealth in literature and the god of wealth in martial arts. The numerous gods of wealth in China constitute a relatively complete system of gods, which is a comprehensive exhibition park of folk auspicious gods.
 Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot
Zhao Gongming Cultural Scenic Spot

Honorary title

On February 2, 2019, Jixian Town was named by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China as the "Hometown of Chinese Folk Culture and Arts" from 2018 to 2020. [4-5]
On November 5, 2021, it was named by Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism as the "hometown of folk culture and art in Shaanxi Province" from 2021-2023. [7]