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Freedom of assembly

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Freedom of assembly refers to the freedom of citizens to temporarily gather in open public places for the common purpose and express their opinions; It is the freedom of citizens to express strong will; Mainly in public places; It must be jointly exercised by multiple citizens, which belongs to collective rights; The behavior of a single citizen usually cannot form an assembly, procession or demonstration in the legal sense. [1]
Chinese name
Freedom of assembly
legal terms
The Law of China on Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations, adopted in 1989, stipulates that an application must be submitted to the competent authority and a permit must be obtained for holding an assembly in accordance with the law. Citizens must abide by the constitution And laws, shall not oppose the basic principles set forth in the Constitution, and shall not harm the interests of the state, society, and the collective, as well as the lawful freedoms and rights of other citizens.