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Xiongzhou Street

Subdistrict of Nanxiong City, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province
open 2 entries with the same name
Xiongzhou Street, Guangdong Province Shaoguan City Nanxiong City , on Nanxiong City In the middle, at the intersection of Zhenjiang River and Lingjiang River, it is connected to the east Shuikou Town Jiangtou Town , west Ancient Town , south Zhutian Town , adjacent to the north Hukou Town Quan'an Town Zhuji Town [1] Xiongzhou Street is the political, economic, cultural and financial center of Nanxiong City and the agency of Nanxiong Municipal People's Government. The area is 96.88 square kilometers. [2] By the end of 2019. Xiongzhou Street has a registered population of 88800 and a permanent population of 106500. [5]
In 1954, it was changed to Chengguan Town People's Committee. In August 2005, Xiongzhou Sub district Office was established. [2] As of June 2020, Xiongzhou Street has 11 communities and 13 administrative villages under its jurisdiction. [3] The subdistrict office is located at No. 349, Xiongzhou Avenue Middle. [2]
In 2019, the general public budget revenue of Xiongzhou Street was 46.443 million yuan, down 30.5% year on year; General public budget expenditure was 46.443 million yuan, down 30.5% year on year. The total industrial output value was 380 million yuan, down 21% over the previous year. [5]
Chinese name
Xiongzhou Street
area number
four hundred and forty thousand two hundred and eighty-two
Administrative Region Category
Nanxiong City, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province
geographical position
Central Nanxiong City
96.88 km²
Area under jurisdiction
11 communities and 13 administrative villages
Government residence
349 Xiongzhou Avenue Middle
Area Code
Postal Code
five hundred and twelve thousand and four hundred
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
train station
Nanxiong Station
License plate code
Yue F
106500 people [5] (Permanent population by the end of 2019)

Construction history

In the fourth year of Qianheng in the Southern Han Dynasty (920), Xiongzhou was established.
Xiongzhou Street Scenery
Song Kaibao four years (971), Nanxiong Prefecture.
In the Yuan Dynasty, it was Nanxiong Lu Zhi, and Baochang County depended on Guo.
In the 12th year of Jiaqing from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty (1807), Nanxiong Prefecture was in charge and Baochang County depended on the country. [1]
In 1954, it was changed to Chengguan Town People's Committee.
In 1958, it was changed to Chengguan Town People's Commune Management Committee.
In April 1980, it was changed to Chengguan Town People's Government.
In December 1985, it was changed to Xiongzhou Town People's Government.
In August 2005, Xiongzhou Sub district Office was established. [2]

administrative division

As of June 2020, Xiongzhou Street has 11 communities and 13 administrative villages under its jurisdiction. [3] The subdistrict office is located at No. 349, Xiongzhou Avenue Middle. [2]
Details of Xiongzhou Street Division
Bayi Community
Xinchengdong Community
Jianguo Community
Democratic community
Shengli Community
Happy Community
Xinchengxi Community
Xiongdong Community
Park Community
Xiongnan Community
Island communities
Henan Village
Suburban village
Liantang Village
Pubei Village
Shuinan Village
Likou Village
Guanxin Village
Jinggang Village
Xunkou Village
Shangping Village
Xiaping Village
Wuzhou Village
Jingkou Village

geographical environment


Location context

Xiongzhou Street is located in Nanxiong City In the middle, at the intersection of Zhenjiang River and Lingjiang River, it is connected to the east Shuikou Town Jiangtou Town , west Ancient Town , south Zhutian Town , adjacent to the north Hukou Town Quan'an Town Zhuji Town [1] The area is 96.88 square kilometers. [2]
Nanxiong Xiongzhou Sub district Office


Xiongzhou Street has a subtropical monsoon climate.


Lingjiang River
There are Zhenjiang River and Lingjiang River passing through Xiongzhou Street. [1]


By the end of 2015, Xiongzhou Street had about 85000 registered residents and 105000 permanent residents. [2]
By the end of 2019. Xiongzhou Street has a registered population of 88800 and a permanent population of 106500. [5]


Xiongzhou Street Scenery
Xiongzhou street agriculture mainly focuses on planting yellow tobacco and vegetables, and industry mainly focuses on developing private enterprises and individual enterprises. [2]
In 2014, the total industrial and agricultural output value of Xiongzhou Street was about 970 million yuan, and the rural per capita income was about 8800 yuan. [2]
In 2015, the total industrial and agricultural output value of Xiongzhou Street was 1116.98 million yuan, an increase of 15% over the previous year, and the per capita net income of farmers was 10381 yuan, an increase of 17% over the previous year. [4]
In 2016, the local GDP of Xiongzhou Street was 1265.36 million yuan, up 14.7% over the previous year, of which the total industrial output value was 465.52 million yuan, up 15% over the previous year; The per capita net income of farmers was 11643 yuan, an increase of 17% over the previous year. [1]
In 2019, the general public budget revenue of Xiongzhou Street was 46.443 million yuan, down 30.5% year on year; General public budget expenditure was 46.443 million yuan, down 30.5% year on year. The total industrial output value was 380 million yuan, down 21% over the previous year. [5]


Xiongzhou Street Traffic
There are Chongxian Avenue National Highway 323 Cross the border. [1]

social undertakings



By the end of 2015, there were 3 streets in Xiongzhou school district There are 320 teachers and staff, 6740 students in school, and the enrollment rate of school-age children reaches 100%. [4]
By the end of 2019, Xiongzhou Street has 2 ordinary high schools, 1 secondary vocational school, 2 junior high schools, 4 central primary schools, 7 completed primary schools (teaching sites) and 22 kindergartens. [5]

Cultural undertakings

Xiongzhou Street Scenery
In 2016, Xiongzhou Neighborhood Office assisted in holding the cultural festival of Zhang's surname. The Neighborhood Office supported 130000 yuan, and allocated cadres to support and assist Zhang in holding the cultural festival of Zhang's surname. On October 31, 2016, the cultural festival of Zhang's surname was successfully held in Zhuji Ancient Lane, raising more than 1 million yuan on-site. [1]

social security

In 2016, there were 1051 people living on subsistence allowances in Xiongzhou streets, and 160 people living in scattered households with five guarantees received the minimum living allowance for urban residents. Do a good job of medical assistance for the severely ill rural households. In 2016, 119 people received medical assistance and 125000 yuan was paid for serious illness medical assistance to households with five guarantees, orphans, especially poor families who became poor due to illness and returned to poverty due to illness. [1]
In 2019, Xiongzhou Neighborhood did a solid job in the distribution of security funds for 1255 people living on subsistence allowances and 199 people living on five guarantees from 717 households, the "two subsidies" for 1570 disabled people, the subsidies for 1342 elderly people, and the preferential funds for 362 entitled persons. We helped 668 poor people from 328 households get rid of poverty. [5]

Environmental construction

In 2016, Xiongzhou Street invested 670000 yuan in rural domestic waste treatment, purchased 320 classified garbage cans and distributed them to all villages, and planned 5 garbage removal routes to all villages. The village committee selected one natural village to build it as a demonstration village for waste treatment, and some villages collected rural domestic waste sanitation fees through "one case, one discussion". [1]

famous scenery

Three shadow tower
Three shadow tower
Three shadow tower Also known as Yanxiang Temple Pagoda, it was built in the second year of Xiangfu in the Northern Song Dynasty (1009) and is a national key cultural relics protection unit. "Three Shadows Pagoda" is one of the ten new sights in Nanxiong City.
South Gate Building
The South Gate Tower was built in the fourth year of the Emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty (1052), and is now a riverside city. It was rebuilt in 2006 and the South Gate Building is well preserved. "Ancient City Flowing Rhyme" is one of the new ten sights in Nanxiong.
Nanxiong Martyrs Cemetery
Nanxiong Martyrs Cemetery Founded in 1958 in Wuli Mountain, east of the city, it is a key memorial building protection unit in Guangdong Province. Inside are the Monument to the People's Revolutionary Martyrs in Nanxiong, the statue of Chen Yishi, the statue of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Guards, the tomb of martyr Li Letian, etc.
Liankaijing Temple
Liankaijing Temple Originally named Lianshe Nunnery, it was built in the Ming Dynasty. In recent years, it has been rebuilt to its current name. It is now the place where Lingnan Buddhist nuns learn Buddhism, and one of the ten new sights in Nanxiong.

Honorary title

Xiongcheng Neighborhood has won the titles of "Strong Education Town in Guangdong Province", "Advanced Unit with Significant Contribution to Economic and Social Development in Nanxiong City", "Advanced Unit of Population and Family Planning in Shaoguan City", etc. [2]