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Common spots on skin
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Yang Xueyuan (Chief Physician) Review Dermatology Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
Sheng Nan (Chief Physician) Review Dermatology Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
The occurrence of yellowish brown dotted pigmentation spots on the facial skin is an autosomal dominant inheritance. Sunlight can induce and aggravate skin lesions.
Foreign name
Visiting department
the skin department
Multiple population
female sex
Common location
Nose, cheeks
Common causes
Autosomal dominant inheritance, skin rashes are mostly caused by sunlight
common symptom
Skin lesions mostly occur at 3-5 years old, and the number increases with age


Genetic tendency, autosomal dominant inheritance. Sunlight is an essential factor for rash.

clinical manifestation

Most skin lesions occur at the age of 3 to 5 years old, with more women. The number increases with age. It tends to occur on the face, especially the nose and cheeks, and may involve exposed parts such as the neck, shoulder, and back of the hand. Non exposed parts have no rash. The damage is light brown or dark brown needle size to mung bean big spot, round, oval or irregular. Scattered or clustered distribution, isolated without integration. No conscious symptoms. In summer, the color of the rash deepened and the number increased after exposure to the sun, and in winter, it alleviated or disappeared. Often has a family history.


The number of melanocytes in the epidermis of freckles did not increase, but the number of melanosomes increased significantly, and they were rod shaped.

differential diagnosis

It should be similar to freckle nevus , sunspots and light Xeroderma pigmentosum Phase identification.


1. Decolorization treatment
3%~5% hydroquinone cream, 0.1% tretinoin ointment, 3%~5% arbutin cream, 20% azelaic acid cream, 1% kojic acid cream, etc., insist on external use for several months can have some effect.
2. Corrosive and destructive treatment
In the past, freckles were peeled off with liquid nitrogen freezing, trichloroacetic acid or phenol spot coating, mechanical grinding, high-frequency electricity, ordinary CO2 laser and other treatments. However, the above treatments are not selective for skin lesions, often causing some sequelae, which need to be handled carefully. If the treatment is too deep, it is easy to cause depression scar Or proliferative scar And may lead to pigmentation or hypopigmentation. At the same time, the treatment process is painful and difficult for patients to accept.
3. Selective laser therapy
Modern Q-switched laser has a high selectivity in the treatment of freckles, which is the best method to treat freckles at present.


Avoid or reduce exposure to the sun as far as possible, or apply sunscreen sunscreen to avoid light, so as to reduce the occurrence of freckles or reduce the deepening of freckle color.