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Duke of Sui State

Duke of Ancient China
synonym Sui Guogong (Suiguo Duke) generally refers to the Duke of Sui
Duke of Sui State, Duke of ancient China. The Duke of Sui originally wrote "Sui Guogong", and later he was the second Duke of Sui Yang Jian He claimed the title of emperor by taking the title as the national title, but felt that the word "Sui" was unlucky, so he removed the word "Sui" and changed it to "Sui".
Sui Guogong
True name
Duke of Sui State
representative figure
Yang Jian

Duke of the Sui State in the Northern Zhou Dynasty


Yang Zhong

Emperor Taizu (Zhuzun) of the Sui Dynasty, father of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian [1] , one of the twelve generals of the Western Wei Dynasty. He was born in northern Wuchuan and had a small character of slave. His grandfather and father were generals of the Northern Wei Dynasty, who took refuge in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and was granted the title of Duke of the Sui State.
Yang Zhong was born in Northern Wei Dynasty Wuchuan Town General Ning Yuan Yang Zhen His son once followed the Beihai King Yuan Hao , King Runan Yuan Yue Linhuai King Yuan Yu Escape south Xiao Liang , followed by Chen Qingzhi Northern Expedition Northern Wei Dynasty was Er Zhurong Defeat. Erjudo law Put him in Solitary trust Under the banner. The Northern Wei Dynasty split into Eastern Wei Dynasty Western Wei Dynasty At that time, Yang Zhong joined the camp of the Western Wei Dynasty with Du Guxin. He was promoted to a great general of chariots and cavalry and won the title of prime minister at that time Yu Wentai Reuse (given surname Puliuru And Xianbei characters). He once failed to recover Jingzhou in the Eastern Wei Dynasty Xiao Liang I stayed for three years.
Northern Zhou Dynasty After the establishment, Yang Zhong was appointed Marshal Yang Juan Li Mu , Wang Jie Tian Hong Murong Yan Wait for more than ten senior generals to fight by the North Road Beiqi And captured more than 20 important towns in the Northern Qi Dynasty. And then Turkic khanates One hundred thousand soldiers will attack Beiqi Jinyang , most of the damage. In the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Yang Zhong was granted the title of twelve generals, namely, envoy, general, governor of Dadu, and founding duke of Chenliu County.
In the third year of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (568), Yang Zhong returned to the capital of the Western Wei Dynasty due to illness Chang'an Yang Zhong soon died of illness at the age of 62, with the posthumous title of Huan , the elephant was honored in 580 King Huan of Sui Dynasty , the first year of Emperor Kaihuang (581) Yang Jianjian Sui Dynasty Later, we will follow up and respect Emperor Wuyuan , the temple is called Taizu.

Yang Jian

Yang Jian (541-604) Northern Zhou Dynasty The Duke of Sui. From Huayin, Hongnong County (now Huayin County, Shaanxi Province). Yang Zhen, the 14th grandson of Han Taiwei. During his tenure, he succeeded in unifying China, which had been severely divided for a century, creating an advanced system of selecting officials, and developing cultural economy. Make China a prosperous country. During the reign of Emperor Wen, during the reign of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty, the territory was vast, and the household registration reached more than 7 million, which was the peak of agricultural civilization in human history. Yang Jian is the greatest Chinese emperor in the eyes of Westerners. He was honored as "Saint Khan". His father Yang Zhong was the founder of the Northern Zhou regime and one of the twelve generals of the Western Wei Dynasty. Yang Jian started his career at the age of 14. After Yang Zhong died, Yang Jian attacked his father. Later, he married the daughter of the general, who was alone and trustworthy. Her daughter is the queen of Emperor Xuan of Zhou. Yang Jian is also the fourteenth grandson of the Han Tai Lieutenant Yang Zhen. [2]
After the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, a series of reforms were carried out in political, economic and other systems. Implemented in the central government Three provinces and six ministries The three-tier system of state, county and county was changed to the two-tier system of state and county, and local officials were appointed and removed by the central government, thus consolidating the centralization of power. Yang Jian started his family from the Duke of Sui, who inherited his father Yang Zhong. His family was once granted the surname of Puliuru and was granted the title of Sui King. Therefore, he named his new dynasty Sui as Sui. He also felt that Sui was synonymous with Sui. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty saved the Han culture, because most of the cultural books and records of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Han Dynasty were burned and lost due to the war for hundreds of years. In 583 AD, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty issued an edict to ask for a letter, offering a scroll of books and a piece of silk. "Different folk books are often produced from time to time", "in one or two years, the articles and titles are slightly prepared". The Sui Dynasty had the largest collection of books in China's history. The Sui Dynasty had the largest collection of 370000 volumes and more than 77000 types of books. But most of the books were destroyed by the war. When Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty collected up to 80000 volumes of books, Tang scholars wrote 28467 volumes by themselves. Before the Tang Dynasty, there were only 28469 volumes of books left, and most of these books could not escape the war. [2]

Duke of the State of Jin and the State of Sui


Wanyan A Lihe Sad

never A Li He is depressed Jin Jingzu The eighth son. Health and agility are good at fighting. On the 18th of the year, the wax fermented grains and hemp crops were mobilized according to the twilight ridge water, Wuchun Womouhan helped him with Gulidian troops. The Shizu captured the wax grains, but the water man at twilight edge was still on the opposite side, uneasy, so that Ah Lihe went to Fuchai, and joined forces with the Xiebo to attack the nest and seek for a rare place. Wuchun is dead. Womouhan abandoned the city and fled. Later, Liu Ke was pacified from Zagai, and Ah Lihe was most successful.
Jin Taizu Catch Xiao Hai, and make A Lihe give up in Liao. The Emperor Taizu planned to attack the Liao Dynasty, and Ah Lihe agreed with him. As well as raising the army, A Lihe has been meritorious in the battle between the lines. And Taizong, but he didn't agree. A Lihe, Yu Zong Han They said, "Today's great achievements have been collected. If we do not build a title based on the time, it will not be the heart of the world."] Taizu said, "I will think about it." In the first year of the country's recovery, Taizu ascended the throne. Ah Lihe Huo and Zong Han offered nine tillers and said, "Let your majesty not forget the difficulties of farming.". In a short time, it is extremely fierce for the country to discuss Room B.
Jin Shi is an intelligent person who never forgets what he hears. There was no written language at the beginning. The ancestors belonged to current events and could memorize them. They studied the genealogy of this dynasty with Xie Ge. Seeing the old people but not knowing them, and hearing the names of their fathers and ancestors, you can tell the history of their tribe. Sometimes, because of his association with the past, people may forget about it. They often analyze it one by one, and those who have doubts will interpret its meaning. Shizu tried to call it a strong memory, which is beyond people's reach.
In the three years of Tianfu in the history of Jin Dynasty, when he was sick, Zong Hanri went to ask him about it every day, and he got the old customs of his ancestors. When he was ill, he was lucky enough to ask about his family's illness and the state's affairs. He said, "Horses are used as soldiers. Today, it is not peaceful in all directions, and the state customs often use good horses for burial, which can be prohibited." This is the war horse that Xian rode in his life. He also offered the emperor Taizong a horse and made his son Puli iterate to play. There was a mistake when he played it, that is, he compared it, and Zong Han changed from near to fixed. After finishing, Hong, 49 years old.
In the history of Jin Dynasty, when hearing that Ah Lihe was facing Hong Kong, he said, "When he died, there was no chaos. When it comes to the affairs of the country, he is really a virtuous minister." He wept bitterly. And bury, come to me. In the reign of Emperor Xizong, he was crowned the King of Sui Dynasty. Tiandezhong, change to gift Kaifu Yitong Third Division , Duke of the Sui Dynasty. In Dading Room, you will enjoy the imperial palace of the Emperor Taizu, with the posthumous title of Gang Xian.

Li Chuerro

Li Chuenechi, surnamed Li, empress Jin Ruizong Queen Zhenyi Li's father. Jin Shizong ascended the throne and posthumously granted Li Chue the title of Taiwei and Duke of Sui.

Perfect Face and Live Girl

Wanyan Live Girl is the son of Wanyan Lou Room. From attacking Ningjiangzhou on the 17th year, he fought hard and helped out. The Emperor Taizu looked up and asked him that it was Lou Shizi. He comforted him and gave him medicine. He sighed, "I will be a famous general someday." He attacked Jeju and defeated eight thousand enemies. Encounter the enemy in Xinzhou, move the spike into the array, fight with the living female strength, and the enemy will go north. Defeat Yalu Foding and other soldiers in Shenyang. Ji Zonghan attacked King Xiamo of Xi with his army, and three hundred living women defeated two thousand enemies. From attacking Room B, defeat it and break the second battalion. Repeatedly stabbed the tribe to rebel, led the two conspirators to break through.
Living women often surrounded Taiyuan from Lou's room. Song generals sent 100000 soldiers to help them. Living women defeated them. When an army reaches the river, it is not allowed to cross without a boat. Lou Shi sent live women up and down the river, and they led three hundred soldiers. They went down from Mengjin to get across the river, so they led the army to help and the army followed them. Song general Guo Jing sent tens of thousands of troops to the Loushi Battalion, and the living women fought from the side. The enemy was in chaos and broke it. The division also broke through the enemy at Pinglu Ferry and got its ship to help. He also defeated the enemy in Zhangdianyuan with troops. At that time, there were heavy enemies in garrison, Taiping and Yicheng, and they were defeated. They also sent troops to Shaanxi and Puzhou to stay in the women's town. If you attack Fengxiang, live women will come first. Ruizong decided Shaanxi, and the living women became the capital. He attacked Jingzhou and defeated its soldiers. Wang Kaishan refused to return with his troops, invited him to fight, attacked again, and lost again, so he came down to Jingzhao and Fengxiang counties.
Lou Shihong, taking advantage of the good fortune and safety, took the place of 10000 households in Huanglongfu Road. In the second year of Tianjia's reign, he was the commander of the right capital and moved to the left to supervise the army. The Marshal's Mansion was abandoned and the Anhua Army was changed to be a provincial envoy. He was granted the title of Guangping Prefecture after the reign of the Emperor of Beijing. Taking Zhenglong as an example, he was renamed the Duke of the State of Dai, and was granted the title of Duke of the State of Sui, with the posthumous title of Zhenji. He died in sixty-one.