Tao Yuanming

[táo yuān míng]
Pastoral poets in the Eastern Jin Dynasty
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Tao Yuanming (about 365-427 years), whose name is Qian, whose character is bright, and whose nickname is Mr. Wuliu, has a private posthumous title of Jingjie, known as Mr. Jingjie in the world Xunyang County Chaisang County [47-49] (Today Jiangxi Jiujiang [1] [47] )People, Another Talk about Jiangxi Yifeng people [43-46] Eastern Jin Dynasty Last Liu Song He was an outstanding poet, lyricist and essayist at the beginning. [1]
Tao Yuanming Jiangzhou Offering sacrifices to alcohol , Jianwei Join the army Zhenjun Joining the army, Peng Ze county magistrate The last time he became an official was the county magistrate of Pengze. After more than 80 days, he left his post and retired to the countryside. He is the first pastoral poet in China and is known as the "Master of Ancient and Modern Reclusive Poets" [2] ”,“ Idyllic school The ancestor of ". [1]
Tao Yuanming's works include《 drink wine 》《 Story of the Peach Blossom Valley 》《 Farewell 》《 Biography of Mr. Wu Liu 》He is the first literary giant in Jiangxi. [1]
  • TA said
  • TA said
  • TA said
But those who have not stepped on the pit are not enough to talk about life. After all, it takes some effort to live the life you want, through ups and downs! Although I live an ordinary life of simple food, simple food, and simple alleys, I enjoy drinking, poetry, and friends. ... Details
Content from
Tao Qian, Mr. Jingjie
Yuan Liang
Mr. Wu Liu
Eastern Jin → Southern and Northern Dynasties
date of birth
About 365 years
Date of death
427 years
Key achievements
Founder of pastoral poetry school, the first poet in literary history to write a lot of drinking poems
Main works
Collection of Tao Yuanming
True name
Tao Yuanming
Poet and Poet
Private posthumous title

Character's Life


Early life

Sculpture in Wuliu Square of Youyang Taohuayuan
The great ancestor of Tao Yuanming Tao Kan (There is still controversy, but the kinship between the two is positive [3] )。 Grandfather Meng Jia , a famous scholar in the Jin Dynasty, married the tenth daughter of Tao Kan. Grandfather was a Taishou (his grandfather's name has two words, either Ming Dai or Ming Mao [4] )My father is a man who "lives in the past, and I am unhappy". His specific deeds have not been tested. There was a concubine, Xiao Yuanming, who was three years old and later married Cheng, so Tao Shiwen referred to her as Cheng's sister. As far as his father still had a concubine, Tao Yuanming's initial family situation was not too bad. Tao Yuanming's father died at the age of eight, and his family gradually declined. His concubine died at the age of twelve. Tao Yuanming later wrote in his composition when recalling this past event: "In the early days of merciful grief, children were fashionable. I was twenty-six years old, and I was only nine years old."(《 Ji Cheng's younger sister Wen 》)。 At the age of 20, his family was especially poor, and there is a poem to prove that "every weak year has a poor family"(《 Do it at a meeting 》)。
Tao Yuanming "studied the Confucian classics since he was young, loved leisure, thought of good deeds, thought of solitude, loved hills and mountains, had great ambition, and was different from ordinary people". [5] The preface of Rong Mu says: "The general angle hears the Tao"《 drink wine 》Sixteen: "Young people are rare, and they are good at traveling in the Six Classics". He had received Confucian education in his early years, and had a "great ambition and ease in the world, and he thought about the future"(《 lines 》)Ambition; In the age when Laozi and Zhuangzi were in vogue, he was also influenced by Taoist thought, and he liked nature very early: "young people are not comfortable with vulgar rhymes, and nature loves mountains"(《 Guiyuantianju 》First, there is also the Aegean Book: "I seldom learn the piano book, and I love leisure. When I open the book, I will gladly forget to eat. When I see the trees in shade, the birds change their voices, I will be happy again. It is often said that in May and June, when I lie down at the north window, I will meet the cool wind for a while, and I call myself Emperor Xi. I have little knowledge of meaning, and I call myself a man of Xi Dynasty who can protect his words."(《 Be estranged from Zi Yan 》)。 He has both Taoism and Confucianism. [6]

Official career

The Painting of Retraining from the Mountain (Tong Chunfeng's Traditional Chinese Painting)
At the age of 20, Tao Yuanming started his Itinerant officials career To make a living. drink wine 》Ten: "In the past, I traveled far to the East China Sea. The road was long and wide, and the wind and waves blocked the way. Who made this trip? It seemed that I was driven by hunger. When I was full in camp, I would have more than a little. I was afraid that this was not a famous plan, so I stopped driving and returned to my leisure life". That is to recall his career as a travel official. At this stage, the details of the low-level officials he was forced to serve for life are no longer available. After a short stay at home, at the age of 29, he took the post of Jiangzhou Offering sacrifices to alcohol (The specific responsibility of this official position is yet to be examined.) Soon, he was unable to hold the official position and resigned from the office to return home. Soon, the state called him to be the master book again, but he resigned and still stayed at home.
Long'an In the second year (AD 398), Tao Yuanming joined Huan Xuan Curtain. At the beginning of the fourth year of Long'an (AD 400), he was sent to the capital by an envoy. In May, he returned home from the capital. Yu Guilin was blocked by the strong wind. He wrote the poem "Geng Zi was still blocking the wind from the capital in May", which expressed his longing for returning home and his nostalgia for the old residence in the garden. One year later, he returned to Xunyang for his mother's funeral. At the end of the three years of Ding You, Tao Yuanming became an official again with the idea of "40 unknown, not afraid", and served as the general of the town army Liu Yu Join the army. At this time, his mood was contradictory. He wanted to show his ambition for the official, but after he became an official, he still missed the countryside. "His eyes were tired and his path was different, and his heart was thinking of mountains and lakes."(《 Started to work as Zhenjun and joined the army through Qu'a 》)。
In March of the first year of Yixi (A.D. 405), Tao Yuanming became General Jianwei Liu Jingxuan Joining the army, through Qianxi envoy《 He joined the army for Jianwei in March at the age of Yisi and passed through Qianxi 》As the poem goes: "Look at mountains and rivers in the morning and at night, everything is as it used to be", "Pay close attention to the enemy and keep things, and the righteousness is not separated", "Dream in the garden day, and be safe for a long time". He has been turbulent between official career and farming for more than ten years, and he is tired of and has seen through official life. [7]

Reclusive life

Tao Yuanming
In August of the first year of Yixi (A.D. 405), Tao Yuanming was elected as Peng Zeling for the last time. In November, Cheng's younger sister died in Wuchang, written by Tao Yuanming Returning Home Xie Yin resigned from office and formally began his life of seclusion until the end of his life. At this time, Tao Yuanming's political attitude entered a clear period, and his ideology also entered a mature period. Different from the previous hard work life, he was conscious: he did it and understood why he did it. His pastoral life in the past seemed to be that of small and medium-sized landlords, but at this time, his labor output was more, that is, closer to the life of ordinary farmers. During this period, he wrote many poems reflecting the pastoral life, such as《 Guiyuantianju 》Five songs《 lines 》Twelve songs.
In the middle of June of the fourth year of Yixi (A.D. 408), Tao Yuanming was forced to move because his house was destroyed by fire.
In the 11th year of Yixi (415 AD), the imperial court ordered him to be Works by Zoran Tao Yuanming said that he didn't apply for the job.
In the 14th year of Yixi (A.D. 418), Wang Hong He was a governor of Jiangzhou, and made friends with Tao Yuanming about this year or a year or two later. There were anecdotes between them about how to wear clothes and how to give wine in white clothes.
In the first year of Yuanjia (AD 424), Yan Yanzhi In order to be the first prefect of Shi'an and make friends with Tao Yuanming, there is an anecdote that Yan Gong paid for wine.
In the fourth year of Yuanjia period (AD 427), Tandaoji Hearing the name of Tao Yuanming, I went to visit him, gave him Liang meat, and advised him to become an official. Tao Yuanming rejected him and did not accept the Liang meat. In the same year, Tao Yuanming died in Xunyang. After his death, his friend's private posthumous title was "Jingjie", and later generations called it "Taojing Festival". [8-9]

Literary achievements


Poetic works

Tao Yuanming's works handed down from generation to generation include 125 poems and 12 articles, which were edited as Collection of Tao Yuanming by later generations [10]
Four words of a poem in volume 1:
lingering clouds (in parallel)《 Luck (in parallel)《 Rongmu (in parallel)《 To Changsha Duke (in parallel)《 Reward Ding Chaisang 》《 Answer Pang's joining the army (in parallel)《 Dissuade farmers 》《 Mingzi 》《 Return to Bird
Volume 2: Five Words of Poetry:
Volume III, Poem V:
Four Poems and Five Words:
Fu Ci of Volume 5:
Volume 6: Praise
The seventh volume:

Type of work

Drinking poems
Tao Yuanming
Tao Yuanming is history of Chinese literature The first poet who wrote a lot of drinking poems. In his "intoxicating" voice, he accused the upper class society of reversing rights and wrongs, and denouncing the same reputation; Or reflect the dangers of official career; Or to express the poet's happy and intoxicated mood after leaving the officialdom; Or to express the poet's grievances in distress.
poems from the heart
Tao Yuanming's Yonghuai Poems《 lines 》Twelve songs《 Reading the Classic of Mountains and Rivers 》Thirteen are representatives. The twelve poems in Miscellaneous Poems more than express the political depression after his retirement, and express his noble personality not to associate with the secular world. It can be seen that the poet has infinite deep and broad feelings of anxiety and indignation. Thirteen Songs of Reading the Book of Mountains and Seas《 shanhaiching 》The strange things in the poem express the same content, such as the tenth song mythical bird trying to fill up the sea with pebbles Torture To express and show that his ambition to help the world will never die out.
Pastoral poetry
Tao Yuanming's Pastoral poetry The number is the largest and the achievement is the highest. This kind of poetry fully shows the poet's noble integrity of keeping his mind; It fully shows the poet's love for simple rural life, his understanding of labor and his friendly feelings for the working people; It fully shows the poet's pursuit and yearning for the ideal world. As a scholar doctor, such thoughts, feelings and contents are unprecedented in the history of literature, especially in a society with strict patriarchal system and ideas. Some of Tao Yuanming's pastoral poems also reflect his dilemma in his later years, which can make readers indirectly understand the miserable life of the peasantry at that time. Tao Yuanming is the pioneer of pastoral poetry. His pastoral poems, with simple and natural language and lofty artistic conception, opened up a new world for Chinese poetry, and directly affected the pastoral poetry school of the Tang Dynasty. In his pastoral poems, we can see everywhere that he is tired of the dirty reality and loves the quiet pastoral life. Because of his practical labor experience, his poems are filled with the joy of workers, showing the thoughts and feelings that only workers can feel. For example, the third song of "Returning to the Garden and Living in the Field" is a powerful proof, which is also the progress of his pastoral poems.
Tao Yuanming's pastoral seclusion poems had a great influence on Tang and Song poets. Du Fu As the poem goes: "Relaxation should be wine, and never mind poetry. This meaning can be understood by Tao. When I am born, I will live in your period.". Poets of the Song Dynasty Su Dongpo Tao Qian has a high evaluation: "At the beginning of the Yuan Ming Dynasty poetry, it seems to be slow, but there are strange sentences when you are familiar with it... If you are bold, you can understand the meaning of the poem, which is wonderful, and your words are so sophisticated, so you can do it. It seems like great craftsmanship, without the traces of the axe". Su Dongpo《 Hetaozhi 》《 Drink two songs with Tao Lianyu alone 》Six Poems of He Tao Quannong《 He Tao Jiuri Leisure 》《 He Tao Imitates Nine Ancient Songs 》《 Eleven Miscellaneous Poems by He Tao 》"He Tao Gives Yang Changli"《 And Tao Ceyun 》《 He Tao Xing presents a picture 》《 He Tao Ying Da Xing 》He Tao Liu Chaisang《 He Tao Rewards Liu Chaisang 》Tao Yuanming's influence on Su Dongpo can be seen from 109 Hetao poems, such as The Master Book of Hetao Guo.
Prose prose
Tao Yuanming's position and influence in the history of literature depend on his prose and ci fu, which is no less than his poetry. In particular《 Biography of Mr. Wu Liu 》《 Story of the Peach Blossom Valley 》And《 Farewell 》These three articles are most famous for their temperament and thought.
The Biography of Mr. Wu Liu adopts the form of official historical biography, which does not pay attention to the description of life stories but focuses on the expression of life interests, with the characteristics of autobiographical feelings. This writing method was first created by Tao Yuanming. "Returning Home" is a declaration of leaving official career and returning to the countryside. There are many colorful passages in the article, whose ups and downs of rhythm and pleasant sound kisses present the poet's ecstasy to the readers. Ouyang Xiu He once commented that "there is no article in Jin Dynasty, but Tao Yuanming's" Farewell to the Past "." The Tale of the Peach Blossom Garden "should emphasize that the ideal model provided by Tao Yuanming has its unique features: people living in the Peach Blossom Garden are a group of ordinary people, a group of people who escape the war, not gods, but more than the world retains the purity of nature. At the beginning of his retirement, Tao Yuanming thought of his own progress and retreat. When he wrote The Peach Blossom Garden, he was no longer limited to individuals, but thought of the way out for the whole society and the happiness of the people. Being able to take this step is related to years of hard work and poverty. Although the Peach Blossom Garden is just a fantasy, it is very valuable to put forward this fantasy. [11]

Literary thought

Tao Yuanming was a great thinker in the Middle Ages. His literary thought is an important part of the literary thought of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. His understanding of truth, which focuses not only on the truth of history and life, but also on the truth of thoughts, feelings and ambitions, is a more perfect artistic truth. At the same time, his understanding of nature also shows the uniqueness of his literary thought. He doesn't talk about edification, doesn't work hard, pays attention to the free expression of emotion, and pays attention to the natural nature of poetry, which is a very high realm. However, whether advocating artistic truth or advocating the nature of literature, they are all for the purpose of expressing life soundly. This is the soul of Tao Yuanming's literary thought.
Tao Yuanming has a very clear understanding of the hypocrisy and darkness of social personnel, so his seclusion is not a passive escape from reality, but has a profound positive significance in criticizing social reality. When he fell into the plight of hunger and cold in his long reclusive life, although he hesitated and wavered, he did not yield to reality in the end. He would rather be poor and stick to the Qing Festival all his life. It is said that the county official sent the governor to see him, and the county official told him to dress up and greet him. He sighed and said, "How can I bow down to the children in the countryside for five measures of rice?" Since then, it has been a good conversation not to bow down for five measures of rice. Tao Yuanming likes to drink. "Sending wine as a sign" expresses his wish not to associate with the corrupt ruling group, which shows the poet's calm and broad-minded mind, aloof and lofty character. It is also because of this that his works are plain but poetic.
Tao's poems and essays are more than 140 in total, quoted《 The Works of Liezi 》《 Zhuangzi 》There are as many as 70 allusions, so we have to be right the Daoist school of philosophy Deep ideological acceptance. Tao Yuanming advocates Laozi and Zhuangzi's natural aesthetics, and at the same time, he lives and works in the countryside. Naturally, the pastoral life has become his aesthetic objectification, and thus has achieved the glory of Chinese pastoral poetry. Tao Yuanming's poetic beauty thought, which regards nature as beauty and truth as beauty, shines on the poetic sentiment, which illuminates the personality of the characters and makes readers strongly feel the poet's unyielding personality and pursuit of freedom; In terms of content, it introduces pastoral life into the poetry world, opening up a new world for the development of Chinese poetry; Infiltrating in art, it produces a simple and remote artistic realm and an aesthetic style that dilutes nature. This is Tao Yuanming, a great poet. For thousands of years, his character, his poetry, his idyll, together with his carefree, have become the object of worship and research by later poets and readers, which is enough to show the endless vitality of his aesthetic thoughts. [12]

artistic characteristics

Tao Yuanming, a famous painting of the famous officials in the past dynasties [13]
The language of Tao Yuanming's works is plain, but it expresses deep feelings and rich thoughts in simple and easy language; The expression is easy to understand, and its connotation needs to be carefully tasted, but it is also full of passion and interest. Liang Shiqiu said, "The most gorgeous thing is plain, but it is not plain. It is not insipid. It is a kind of artistic charm that does not show the traces of the axe."
Such as rural spoken language, but the artistic image created is vivid. Su Shi Cloud: "At the beginning, Yuanming poetry looks like a leisurely sight, and it is interesting to be familiar with it. It is like warming a distant village, and leaning against the smoke in the ruins. Dogs bark in the deep lane, and chickens crow in the mulberry trees." It is also said: 'Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely.' If you are bold and generous, you can understand the meaning of the poem, and it is wonderful, so you can do it. It is like great craftsmanship, without any marks of the axe, and those who do not know it will be tired until death. " It reflects a kind of "seemingly ordinary and most extraordinary, easy but difficult"( Wang Anshi ).
He is good at sketching scenery and stippling the environment with line drawing and freehand brushwork, and his artistic conception is harmonious, lofty and rich in reason and interest. The language is exquisite and natural, simple and sincere, with sparse tone and profound charm. However, Tao's poetry is not only elegant and natural, but also has the generosity and boldness of Jin Gang's anger, such as "Jingke", "Reading the Book of Mountains and Seas", "Jingwei and Weimu". Tao's poems are also good at integrating Xing Ji and natural beauty. The scenery in his works is not only a symbolic scene in the mind, but also a real scene in life. For example, the words "Moon among Clouds" and "Leaf China" written in the seventh "Cloudless Day" of "Imitating the Ancient Times" are not only the spring scenery on a moonlit night ", but also a metaphor for the most beautiful and happy short time in life. The scenery in Tao Yuanming's works is often personified, such as green pines, fragrant chrysanthemums, returning birds and solitary clouds, which are common in daily life, and are also symbols of the poet's noble character. [11]
Tao Yuanming is good at poetry and prose. His poems mostly describe the natural scenery and the scenes of his life in the countryside. The pastoral life is also the main theme of Tao Yuanming's poems. The outstanding works express his boredom with officialdom and secular society, showing his ambition of being clean and not willing to bow to flattery. But there are also negative thoughts such as advocating "impermanence of life" and "happy destiny". Its artistic characteristics are both plain and cheerful, and its language is simple and natural, but also extremely refined, with a unique style. Tao Yuanming is the first pastoral poet in China. His poems focus on expressing feelings and aspirations. Lyricism, landscape painting, and argumentation are closely combined, which reflects the author's personality.

Character evaluation


From the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty

Portrait of Tao Yuanming
Yan Yanzhi Tao Zhengshi Lei 》: Be diligent and thrifty in living, and be humble and sick at the same time. If you don't care, you are alone. Dimly idle, postpone resigning. It is also clear that non straightness is the only way. Entanglement mediates the flow and rewards the alms. Which is cloud and benevolence? True doubts are wise. It means that heaven is high, and evil is just? Fulfillment of faith? Where is Sishun located? In the middle of his life, he became ill. Look at death as if you were going home. No medicine can be tasted, and prayer is not a shirt. The end of Youyou, and the end of peace. [14]
author of an epochmaking work in phonology Book of the Song Dynasty - Biography of Seclusion: Hidden weak young officials, the trace of uncleanness. Since his great ancestor Jin Shizai assisted him, he has been humiliated and bowed to his descendants. Since the Emperor Gaozu's reign, he has gradually prospered, and he will not be accepted as an official again. All the articles are titled with their dates. Before the reign of Yixi, the year of Jin was written; Since the beginning of Yongchu, only cloud Jiazi.
Xiao Tong Biography of Tao Yuanming 》Yuanming is rarely interesting, knowledgeable and good at writing; She stands out from the crowd and is content with herself.
Preface to Tao Yuanming's Collection 》There is a suspicion that Tao Yuanming has wine in his poems. I don't think it means wine. His articles are unique, elegant, dramatic, unique, elegant and bright. The horizontal wave is straight against the current, and the dry green cloud is straight up. When talking about current events, we can think about them; when talking about embrace, we can be broad-minded and true. Who can be so virtuous and persevering in upholding morality and upholding moral integrity, and not be ashamed of hard work or ill health because of lack of wealth?
Zhong Rong ranking of poets 》: The style is simple and clean, without long words. Benevolent and ancient, elegant and pleasant. Every time I look at his literature, I think about his moral character. The world sighs for its straightness. Such as "drinking spring wine with joy" and "there is no cloud in the sunset", the elegance is so clear that it is not always the evil words of the Tian family! The ancient and modern hermit poets are also masters.
Yang Xiuzhi "Preface to Tao Ji": After looking at Tao Qian's prose, although the diction is not excellent, there are often strange and strange words, which are free and easy, and still high.
Wang Tong's "Wen Zhong Zhong Shuo Li Ming Pian": Or ask Tao Yuanliang, and Confucius said, "Let people go." In "Returning", there is a desire to avoid the land, while in "Biography of Mr. Wu Liu", there is a tendency to close the door. "
"The Book of Jin · Reclusive Biography": thick rank and tiredness, cultivate names and follow desires. It's true that a group of people are extraordinary. Nourishing the pure rock, dispelling the sound of forest music. Stimulate greed and stop competition, and stay high forever.
meng haoran "A Midsummer Journey to Beijing": After reading the "Biography of Gao Shi", Tao Zhengjun is the most famous. His eyes are attracted by pastoral interests, and he calls himself Emperor Xi.
Wang Wei Fortuitous 》: Tao Qian is naive, and his nature is rather heavy on wine. Since he abandoned his official position, his family cannot be poor. On September 9th, chrysanthemums were empty. The center thinks about whether someone will send it to Tang. White clothes and cups will leave the old man behind. And pleased to consider, Ann asked to rise and fight. In the field of clothing, today's sorrow is unbearable. It is arrogant and obsessed with things, and the rainbows and bamboo hats cannot be kept. Dump and force the way, and sing to the five willows. He is ashamed of his wife who has never asked about his troubles.
Book with Wei Jushi 》: Tao Qian is near. He refuses to bend his waist to see the governor of the post, and leaves the official. After poverty, the poem "Begging for Food" said "knock on the door and speak clumsily". It's a shame to beg repeatedly... Can't bear to be ashamed, but feel ashamed all your life? This is also my attack. I forget the big and guard the small, so I won't be tired of the following.
Li Bai Nine day mountaineering 》: Yuanming returns, not competing with the world. As there is nothing in the cup, I am a local herdsman. Laugh at the yellow chrysanthemum for inviting people in white.
Han Yu Preface to Sending Wang Xiucai 》: When I read The Story of Drunken Hometown as a young man, I blamed the hermits for nothing in the world, but there were still words. How could they be sincere in taste and evil? When reading Ruan Ji's and Tao Qian's poems, we can see that although they are reluctant to connect with the world, they are still unable to calm their minds, or they feel that things are wrong, so they have a mandate to flee.
Bai Juyi Interview with Old Residence of Tao Gong 》: Dirty dust does not pollute jade, and the soul phoenix does not peck the mutton... Even though Lian Zheng can not afford it, I can be said to be really virtuous... I do not admire the wine in the bottle, nor the strings of the piano. Mujun left Rongli and died of old age in this hilly garden. [15]

Song dynasty

Portrait of Tao Yuanming
Lin Bu Heart saving Record 》: Tao Yuanming has no merit, virtue and people, but his honor and honor are with his meritorious officials and righteous people. Why? Gai Yanzi retreats to advance. Ning Wuzi is a fool.
Ouyang Xiu : There is no article in Jin Dynasty, but Tao Yuanming's Farewell to the Past.
Su Shi : I am no better than the poet. Yuanming, the only poet who likes Yuanming, does not write many poems. However, his poems are beautiful, beautiful and plump, which is unparalleled by Cao, Liu, Bao, Xie, Li and Du.
If you want to be an official, you should be an official; If you want to hide, you should hide. Hunger knocks the door and begs for food; If you are full, you can welcome guests with chicken and millet. The ancient and modern sages value their truth.
Huang Tingjian Su Jiu Peng Zehuai Pottery Token 》: I wish to dive into the deep, but there is no way to escape. When Peng Ze was at this time, he was very brave. Sima is as cold as ash, and Li Yue Mao Gold Sabre. Year old and evening are written in words, and the starting number is Yuan Liang. Looking at Zhuge sadly, he is as dirty as Han. Time does not benefit the state's herdsmen, and the command is used by the generals. Life is based on the heart, and the years see the waves of the river. When you are free, you can write in the sky. This is a friend who has never been alone. It belongs to freshly made wine, and is useless to drink a cup of wine. If you want to attract thousands of souls, you should be gentle.
Chen Shidao Houshan Poetry 》Tao Yuanming's poems are about things, but not about words Yuanming is not a poem, but writes the wonderful ears in his chest Youcheng and Suzhou are both learning from pottery, and they are comfortable with it.
Wang Anshi (Chen Zhengmin《 Tun Zhai's Leisure View 》(Recorded in): (Wang Anshi) said that his (Yuanming) poems had something strange and incomparable, such as "Jielu is in the human realm, without the noise of horses and carriages. How can you ask you? Your heart is far away from your side", which has never been said since the poet. However, Yuan and Ming dynasties tended to be different, and their ci poems were excellent. There was only one person between Jin and Song dynasties.
Yang Shi Quotations of Mr. Turtle Hill: Tao Yuanming's poems are incomparable. They are pure and deep, and come from nature. If you have ever used mechanics, then you will know that Yuanming's poetry cannot be achieved by force.
Chao Shuozhi Chao Shike 》: Yuan Mingru: "After reading thousands of years of books, we can always see the martyrs; high calisthenics are not what we want to climb, and they will win the festival of poverty consolidation". They will not compete with things, and they will not be strong enough, so they will naturally keep their integrity.
Cai Qi Cai Kuanfu's Poetry 》: Look at his (Yuanming) "Poor Scholars", "Responsibility Son" and other works. When you are worried, you will be worried. When you are happy, you will be happy. Suddenly, you will forget both happiness and sorrow. It is suitable for whatever you encounter. You never have to choose between them. The so-called super relics should be like this.
Zeng Xuan (Recorded in Li Gonghuan's Notes on Tao Yuanming's Collection): I try to comment on Tao's poems, which are plain and profound, withered on the outside and plump in the middle, and are crowned as true poets.
Portrait of Tao Yuanming
Cai Tao Poetry of the Western Qing Dynasty 》: Yuanming has a true and ancient meaning, and is the leader of simplicity. Poets regard Yuanming as a poet, just as Confucius regards Boyi.
Xu Yi Yan Zhou's Poetry 》: Tao Pengze's poems, which are inferior to those of Yan, Xie, Pan and Lu, are attached to his poems by what he did in the past. There is no word of shame, so he can be excellent.
Yang Wanli Preface to Mr. Xixi and Tao's Poems: poems of Yuanming, orchids of spring, chrysanthemums of autumn, wind of pines, water of streams.
Chengzhai Poetry 》Tao Yuanming and Liu Zihou are the elegant and profound five character ancient poems.
Zhu Xi Zhuzi Genre 》Yuan Ming said that he was Zhuang and Lao, but his words were simple and ancient Tao Yuanming's poems are said to be plain. According to someone, he is bold and unconstrained, but he is bold and unconstrained.
Ao Qi: Tao Peng is like a crimson cloud in the sky, which can roll freely. [16]
Xin Qiji Partridge Sky: In my later years, I will not complain about poverty when I work hard. None of them had anything to do with the Jin and Song dynasties. They were from the Emperor Xi and above. A thousand years later, a hundred articles have been preserved, and none of them is not innocent. If the king Xie Zhulang is here, he has not arrived at the Chaisang Road.
Jiang Kui On Taoist Baishi's Poems 》Tao Yuanming's talent is high and his interesting accomplishments are far away, so his poems are scattered and dignified, simple and rich, and can never be used as a step in Handan.
Zhen Dexiu "Postscript Huang Yingfu's Imitation of Tao Poems": From the perspective of the rest, the profound learning comes from the art of scripture, so the shape of the poem cannot be concealed. The worry of "Rong Mu" is also a sigh of passing away; The chant of "Poor Scholars" is also the music of bamboo bowl. In the last chapter of Drinking, it is said: "Xinong has been away from me for a long time, and the whole world is less true. We should draw the old people from the middle of Lu and make them honest." How can the wisdom of Yuanming be expected by those who are metaphysical? Although he left favours and disgraces and lost his life, he was broad-minded. He played with his words carefully and felt sad and sad at times. He was not unintentional about the world, or he only knew that after Yixi, he did not write an annual title, which was a shame for his two surnames. He did not know that his relatives, the royal family, had the heart of the grandfather, Changsha, and could not do anything alone. So Fatty Tun was deeply distressed by the words of self denial, eating Wei and drinking water, and the metaphor of taking wood to fill the sea, Look to the reader but not to the ear. If the ambition of Yuanming is true, how can it destroy Yi Lun and other famous people like Japanese!
Yan Yu Cang Lang's Notes on Poets and Poetry 》The ancient poems of the Han and Wei Dynasties have a chaotic atmosphere and are difficult to extract. There are some good verses from the Jin Dynasty and the early Jin Dynasty, such as Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the southern mountains", Xie Lingyun's "spring grass growing in the pond" and so on. Xie is therefore inferior to Tao. His poems are exquisite, and those of Yuanming are natural.
Liu Kezhuang Houcun Poetry 》: Duke Tao, like the heaven and earth, has a clear spring, which is the only thing that doesn't come out. If he comes out, it will be auspicious. Besides, Duke Rao Po is alone with Tao Ke.
"Water Dragon Chant": I loved Yuanming all my life, and I came back early occasionally. The letter meaning of the poem is also written in Jiazi and the year title. Tao Kan's grandson and Meng Jia's nephew are suspicious and arrogant. With Chai Sang Qiao Mu, Xiechuan Fish and Birds, after the alliance, we are good. In addition to climbing and whistling. Things are like the sky. Don't consult with others. The countryside is quiet, the city is overturned, and you can smile when you turn around. The festival sequence is inspiring. The east hedge is the chrysanthemum, and the west wind blows the hat. To be a gentleman and a scholar, one's whole life, regardless of his qualifications.
Tang Han Preface to Notes on Tao Jingjie's Poems: Tao Gong's poems are profound and exquisite. The farther you measure them, the more you can't look at them. It is not a festival of different generations, and it is the same as the meaning of Xianghan, the fifth prince of the son house.
Huang Zhen Postscript to Zhang Shiyuan's Poems: Tao Yuanming has no ambition in the world, but he is leisurely and modest.
Chen Model's "Memories of the Past": Tao Yuanming was poor and begged for food. How could he look at the joy of being happy and rich? However, Yuanming was so pleased that he did not count and pay attention to the external objects. Those who were real and had gained from the heart were different from those who were empty.
known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns The Sea: Wang Jifei is a crazy uncle, but Tao Qian is not intoxicating. If you get an official, you must report to the state. You can hide and escape from Qin. [17]

Gold dollar

Zhao Bingwen "The Painting of Picking Chrysanthemum in the East Fence": He was also an official in the early Ming Dynasty, and his trace has been far away. Yazhi Huailinyuan, high feeling Miao Yunhan. The fox faints in the same day, and the crane alone warns at midnight. Loyalty in life, return to the company of pines and chrysanthemums. The east fence holds a stick, but does it mean the wine cup. Seeing no white clothes, I watched the wild geese in Nanshan. Calmly forget to say, chat to pay a smile.
Yuan Haowen On poetry 》: A word is natural and new forever, and true and pure can be seen in luxury. The Emperor Xi in the south window in the daytime did not harm Yuanming, who was from the Jin Dynasty.
Liu Yin "The Painting of Returning Home": Yuanming's heroic spirit has not been eliminated in the past, and the eight forms of flying fly through the sky. When returning from the wilderness, I hoe with my hands. I'm afraid of Liu Jinu in the grass. Middle aged people want to join the barbarians, and the happy land in the evening goes to Tangyu. In my life, I have nothing to be honest about. "Stopping the Clouds" was painted by Huairen long ago. When there is wine, Pang Tonggu should not cry in his eyes, and the voice of mourning should be heard.
Wu Cheng Supplementary Preface to Zhan Ruolin's Yuanming Collection: Yu Wen is called Qu Doctor of Chu, Zhang Situ of Han, Zhuge Prime Minister of Han, and Tao Zhengshi of Jin. These four gentlemen are different in their system and conduct, their times and their hearts. What about one? It's just to clarify the righteousness of the monarch and his officials Tao Zi's poems are especially fresh when they are understood. Those who are indifferent and willing to do nothing will have a peaceful life; Those who feel indignant and want to do something show their willingness. Woo hoo! Tao Zi has no illustrious martyr to help with, no high emperor to rely on for revenge, and no way to extend his wish. Instead, he lives in poetry, so that later viewers are also ignorant. Isn't it sad! Qu Zi couldn't bear to see the death of Chu and die first. Unfortunately, Tao Zi saw the death of Jin and died later. The death sequence was different, and it was the same in different places. He could also mourn his husband!
Zhao Mengfu's Painting of Returning: The origin is not accidental. Yuanming Fu came back, and the best place is not easy to say. Later generations admired her and imitated her. Finally, I can't go and adapt to the dust. The people of Si have their own way, and their names are linked to the sun and the moon. Green pines stand out, and yellow flowers are fresh in frost. Abandonment of officials is also easy to hear, endure poverty and sleep in the north window. Playing the piano for three times and sighing, there is no such talent in the world.
"Biography of Mr. Wu Liu": Those who aspire to fame and achievement, glory and salary are not enough to move their hearts; Those who value morality and righteousness are not good enough to worry about their fame. What? Yu Qing Huai Jin, and He hoe acres of people on different roads; It is different from those who are happy for a while; This Boyi was hungry in Shouyang, and Zhonglian wanted to walk in the East China Sea. The joy of the famous religion is added to the Xuanmian crown. The pain of disobeying oneself is worse than being cold and discouraged. This is more important than it is lighter. There is a reason why. Zhongni once said that he lived in seclusion to pursue his ambition and practice righteousness to reach his way. I hear his words, but not his people. Alas, you are as close as you are!
Yu Ji "The Yuanming Image painted by Bazi Ang": returning from the countryside, the cool wind blows the clothes. Slim and rugged, far and small. The emperor's hometown is not expected to return. Philosophers' thoughts cannot be violated for thousands of years. [18]

the Ming dynasty

Song Lian "Titles on Zhang Le and Tao Poems": Tao Jing's festival poems, such as the exhibition of birds and officials, three officials and three stops, stand at the top of it, speak and act, not seeking to be very different from the common, but moving in line with the Tao, covering harmony and integrity, quality and culture, elegance and elegance.
Tao Yuanming Serves Wine in Nanshan
Li Dongyang Huailu Tang Poetry 》: Tao's poems are thick in quality, and the more you read them, the more wonderful they become.
Li Mengyang "Preface to the Collection of Carving Tao Yuanming": Yuanming is a talented person who is proud of himself, but he knows how to be good. When he is exhausted, the hidden dragon should not be used. However, when I read his poems, I have the heart to look up and mourn and play with the world. Alas!
Zhu Dienpei "Songshixuan Poetry Review": Tao Qian's works are like the white birds in the clear blue hills and the elk in the Changlin. Although they can be trapped by babies, they can be clean, but they are not even visible. They are still tired of joy and stagnate. Look straight at this and cannot forget the others!
Xie Zhen Siming Poetry 》: Yuan Ming is the most temperamental person. He is just like Bao and Xie. Why is he so interested in the occasional and indifferent?
Return to light Leisure Pavilion 》: Jingjie poems are not the works of Jin and Song sculptors. The sense of carefree, when seen out of words, is not only suitable for the moment, but also has no lingering in the middle. When you see things between heaven and earth, you will not be satisfied with where they are going. I think that those who are carefree are actually in harmony with the Tao. It is said that Jingjie doesn't know and can't be ignored.
Jiao Hong "Preface to Mr. Tao Jingjie's Collection": Mr. Jingjie has the highest personality. In his life, it seems easy for him to promote it. For example, the Lingyu Yuanzhu, whose brilliance reveals itself, is unknown to me.
Wang Shizhen Yiyuan Zhiyan 》: Yuanming asked the imperial edict to dilute, and his words were extremely skillful. He came to think deeply, and made no trace of his ears. Later generations suffer all kinds of things deeply. If we take the form of it, we call it nature.
He Mengchun Postscript to Collection of Tao Jingjie: Duke Tao has been the first celebrity since three generations, and his poems and essays have been the first class writer since the Han Dynasty. But because of his high bosom, his words are wonderful, and later generations admire him for his elegance.
Wang Wenlu Wenmai: Since Wei and Jin dynasties, there have been many poems, which are called Tao's poems alone. Tao Ci is too light, not as good as Cao Zhixiong and Liu Zhixiong, Xie Zhili and Jiang Zhili. However, most of them are composed with feelings, so the reciters are full of thoughts beyond the world.
Anpan "Yishan Poetry": It is said that since the Han and Wei Dynasties, scholars who had learned to obey Confucius and aspired to be sages and sages, and who were also brilliant, so they came out of the table.
Huang Wenhuan Self Preface to the Interpretation of Tao Poems: Honor Tao in ancient and modern times, and return to plain; To judge pottery by its plainness, pottery cannot be seen. It is analyzed by refining characters and chapters. The characters are strange and mysterious. The separation and combination are hidden and dangerous. Sitao's hand and eye are out of the question. Zhong Rong, who is known as the master of seclusion, tastes pottery; Cover the pottery with seclusion, and the pottery cannot be seen. It is analyzed by worrying about the times and thinking about chaos, thinking about helping the decline of Shanxi, thinking about fighting against the Zen of Shanxi, being economical and warm-hearted, hiding the essence and essence of the language, surging like a sea, standing like a sword flying, and Sitao's courage is gone.
Xu Xueyi Poetic Source and Style 》: But Jingjie does not follow the ancient style, does not learn new words, and is honest and natural, it is a source of its own... Jingjie poetry is honest and natural, it is a source of its own, although it is slightly biased, but the style is perfect, it is really desirable Jingjie Poems are easy to read at the beginning, and their writing should not be worded as if they were, because they are talented and interesting, and they were not thought about at the beginning Jingjie Poems are natural and have a thorough meaning, similar to Mencius Jingjie poems are written directly and naturally Jingjie poems are not redundant words, but the meaning is convenient, so there are few concentrated long poems; Wei and Liu can't match this.
Tang Shunzhi Answer the county magistrate of Lumen 》: Tao Pengze has never compared the rhythm and carved sentences, but he writes freely, which is the best poem in the universe. What? Its true color is high.
Hu Yinglin A poetry den 》:...... Tao's five words are the beginning of the history of mediocrity Although Tao's meaning is new, it has a long history
Xue Yingqi "Narration of Fangshan": The Tao Jing Festival is about begging and chanting, and the Shao Kang Festival is about being slightly drunk. It is not self satisfied. Can it be? In the past, Confucius and Yan enjoyed themselves.
Jiang Yingke "Snow Tao Poetry Review": Tao Yuanming is detached from the world and has a unique family. He is not a person of the Six Dynasties, so his poetry is not a poem of the Six Dynasties.
He Zhanzhi's Preface to the Collection of Tao and Wei: Chu Shi in the Jin Dynasty planted a festival in the rough autumn, wandering beyond fame and wealth. His poems are clear and open, free from worldly customs, and doing nothing. Therefore, all the words are practical, and one person believes in Three Hundred Chapters.
Wang Qi "History of Barnyard Grass": all feelings can not be spit out; The scenery can not be touched without writing people; Jin is the most brilliant, Tang is the most famous Tao Shidan is not cut without rope, but when the rope is cut to the nature, we can see the beauty of its light, but not the trace of rope cutting.
Zhong Xing Return to ancient poetry 》: Tao's poems are leisurely and far away. Since they are true to themselves, they are full of vitality.
Lu Shiyong Introduction to Poetry Mirror 》: Those who are plain but gorgeous, humble but not high at the beginning, are profound and bright.
Liu Chaozhen's "On Pottery": Jingjie is not Confucian, not vulgar, not arrogant, not romantic, not stubborn, plain and complacent, no matter how to decorate, all have a natural taste of complacency; Hunger, cold and poverty are not tiring, but enough wine will make you empty. And feeling for the words, then pull the meaning of Ren Zhen, slightly without axe marks, fireworks gas. [19]

the Qing dynasty

Gu Yanwu Daily knowledge record 》: Li Li's characters are indifferent to the world, but sometimes they can't stop feeling indignant. Those who see their feelings in a small way are true, and those who are absorbed in expressing their violence are hypocritical.
Portrait of Tao Yuanming
"Essays in Zizang": Tao Zhengshi and Wei Suzhou are not straight and honest, and they are really ambitious.
Wang Fuzhi Selection of Ancient Poems 》Zhong Rong believes that Tao Rong's poems are "out of response to the Qu" and "belong to the family of ancient and modern reclusive poets". However, I don't know the truth of this statement, since I am not deeply intoxicated with six righteousness. Simplicity in poetry is an integral part of itself. It is said that the average person takes power without being confused, and the light person distracts the mind without being bothered. Tao's poems are abundant here, but are they unique? If near slang is regarded as flat, insipidity as light, Tang Zhiyuan, Bai, Song Zhiou and Mei will be regarded as the winner. When a person wants to do something, he will lead it to grow; The essence wants to come and go like a duck, so it is suitable for old women. It is called barbarian. If it is self assertive, it does not know that it is not warm to expose its back and wants to offer it. For example, the article Guan Ju is actually the beginning of the wind. Since it is not miscellaneous and boring, it is plain? But the master called it "not obscene, not injurious", "the foundation of kingship". Now try to think about where is the person who is not obscene and does not hurt? Since the ancients, don't describe it. Those who are said to be insipid do not return from prostitution, and those who are injured do not have discipline. Tao Shiheng has many sentences and numbers in his articles. He is afraid that the ignorant will not know his meaning, so he will laugh and mourn. If he hears his cry and laugh, he will never get it. He has been accustomed to making friends with women in the farmhouse; Because I don't know where to go. I know that Zhong Rong's product of pottery is Tao Zhen.
Feng Ban Correction of Mistakes in Canglang's Poems: When the poet talked about drinking, he didn't think he was taboo.
Chen Zuoming Selected Poems of Caishutang: Poems of the past thousand years are called Wei Tao and Du Keya The Tao Jing Festival poem is like a high autumn poem in Wu Gorge. The white clouds are rolling, the trees are falling and the water is clear. The sun is cold and the mountains are bright. The sky is long and the clouds are lingering.
Wang Wan "Tao Yuanming's Image Praise": Since the gold industry has declined, the slaves have inherited it. Ants fight against flies, and the public is ashamed. If you want to herd birds and animals, there is no place to live. The source of peach blossom is a fable. The wind blows through the north window, while the chrysanthemum blows through the east fence. How can you please yourself and compose poems on the piano. A hundred poems have been left behind, and they are full of praise. After the two Su's, who can know?
Zhu Yizun "Tao Jingjie's Essay on the Death of Children": The old man in Shaoling sneered that Duke Tao might not be able to achieve Tao, and he did not believe in it.
Ye Xie Original poem 》: Tao Qian has a noble mind and abhors everything in the world, so his poems are not derived from the world. There are other Samadhi outside of poets.
Zhang Qianyi Tao Zhai's Poems: Tao's poems are close to people, but the words are exquisite, neither time nor understanding. Only because of the broad-minded, so the Yankou is superb.
Wu Song On Tao: Yuan Ming is not reclusive. He is loyal to the monarch and patriotic, sad and indignant, and cannot help himself. He can't help but write poems from time to time. His words are gentle and peaceful, not exciting and not following, and he is deeply left behind by Three Hundred Poems.
He Yisun Poetic raft 》: Tao Yuanliang's poems are not boring. Why not get tired of it? It is also thick. Poetry is thick and thin, light and thick Tao Yuanliang is the only poet in Jin who can stand on his own with simplicity.
Wu Zhantai The Preface to the Collection and Annotation of Tao's Poems: The ancient poetry has been based on Jingjie since the Han Dynasty. The purpose of its poems is to be simple and elegant. It is really said that "water flows out of lotus and nature carves".
Qiao Yi Sword Stream Poetry 》: Tao's poems are mixed with those of the Yuan Dynasty, and have their own style in the Six Dynasties.
Shen Deqian Speak Shishu 》: Duke Tao, after a famous official, was always a top figure in the Six Dynasties. His poetry can be unprecedented and independent. The Zhong Ji Office said that it originated in response to the adversity, and its purpose was the middle grade. It was unwise to say a word, and it was hard to say no to blame.
Ji Yun "Preface to Yunlin Poems": Tao Yuanming's poems are sometimes strong, but not as clumsy as the humanistic poems of the Ming Dynasty.
Zhao Wenzhe "Yueyatang Poetry": Tao Gong's poetry is full of vitality, natural and unrestrained, and pure as nature. However, it is not easy to lead people to express their feelings by playing with the body and objects carefully. The common people regard the vernacular as Tao's poetry, which is really worthy of comparison. Scholars should learn from God, but they should not learn more.
Li Diaoyuan Yucun Poetry 》: Yuan Ming poetry is pure and leisurely, which is its true color, and there is a section of it that is deep, primitive, simple and luxuriant.
Song Datun On Mingxiang Poetry 》Yuanming's pastoral poetry is better than his high interest. I don't know what to do when Yuanming goes to the mountain to compose poems? In the Song Dynasty, there was no poet who was more than happy, so he and Tao were called together. Fortunately.
Fang Dongshu Zhaomei Zhanyan 》However, Duke Tao is full of his own thoughts. He has no intention of becoming a poet.
Pan Deyu Yangyizhai Poetry 》Although Tao Gong's poems are peaceful and peaceful, their twists and turns are full of indignation and indignation. Chen Yu's arrogance is not unique.
Gong Zizhen Miscellaneous Poems: Tao Qian likes to talk about Jing Ke in his poems, and wants to sing a great song in Cloud Stopping. When I recite about gratitude and hatred, I am afraid there are few chivalrous men in the Jianghu.
Tao Qian looks like a Wolong Hero, and the pines and chrysanthemums in Xunyang are high. Mo believes that the poet is actually plain, two points of "Liang Fu" and one point of "Sao".
Tao Qian is honest and warm. He will repay his kindness. It seems that Shaoling's poems have a thin kiss, but his words knock at the door of Fu'er. [20]


Tao Yuanming's View of Chrysanthemum
Lu Xun The Title of Undetermined Grass (7): Tao Qian is great because he is not all "quiet".
Zhu Guangqian On Poetry: Yuan Ming experienced extreme depression in his emotional life and reached extreme harmony and solemnity.
Liang Qichao Tao Yuanming's Literature and Art and His Character: Nature is his beloved companion and often smiles at him. [21]

Character controversy

On Chaisang County, Xunyang County [47-49] (Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province today [1] [47] )People in Yifeng, Jiangxi [43-46]

Anecdotes and allusions


Humble origin

internationally known sinologist It is believed that "celebrities in Jiangzuo, such as Tao Kan and Yuan Ming, also come from the Xi nationality." Guo Moruo He said, "Tao Kan was originally a minority of the Xi nationality in the Eastern Jin Dynasty." [35] Xi people are semi Chinese Yue people. [36] From Tao Yuanming's autobiography, we can see that he is very clear about his status as a humble scholar. Although Tao Yuanming was famous for his seclusion at that time, his actual social class was between the gentry and the common people. [37]

Ge towel drips wine

Tao Yuanming is making wine. County will come to visit. When the wine was ripe, Tao Yuanming took the Ge towel off his head to drain the wine. After the wine was drained, he still covered the Ge towel on his head, and then received him. [22]

A lute without strings

Tao Yuanming has an unadorned piano, which has no strings. When drinking, he plays it to express his interest. [23]

Wine delivery in white

When Wang Hong was the governor of Jiangzhou, Tao Yuanming did not drink on the Double Ninth Festival, so he picked a handful of chrysanthemums in Dongli and sat next to it. After a while, Tao Yuanming saw a man in white coming. It was Wang Hong, the governor, who had brought him wine. Yuan Ming drank a little and returned drunk. [24]

Don't give in to five measures of rice

In order to support his family, Tao Yuanming came to Pengze, not far from his hometown, to be a county magistrate. In the winter of that year, the county magistrate sent a postman to inspect Pengze County. The governor of posts has a low taste, but has some power. He can speak well or badly in front of the guard by his mouth. As soon as he arrived at Pengze's hostel, he sent county officials to call the county magistrate to see him. Tao Yuanming usually despises fame and wealth, and refuses to follow the crowd. He despises such people who give orders in the name of their superiors, but he also has to meet them, so he starts at once. Unexpectedly, the county official stopped Tao Yuanming and said, "Your excellency, you should wear official uniforms and wear big belts when you see the governor of posts, otherwise it would be indecent, and the governor of posts should take the opportunity to make a big fuss, which would be bad for your excellency!" This time, Tao Yuanming could no longer bear it. With a long sigh, he said, "I can't bow down to the villagers for five bushels of rice!" Then he took out the official seal, sealed it, wrote a letter of resignation immediately, and left Peng Ze, who had been a county magistrate for more than 80 days. [25]

Quantitative leather shoes

Tao Yuanming had no shoes. Wang Hong ordered his men to make shoes for him. The men asked Tao Yuanming about the size of his feet, and Tao sat down and stretched out his feet for them to measure. [26]

Yan Gong pays for wine

Yan Yanzhi When Liu Liuhou was in the position of military exploiter Cao, he used to have a good relationship with Tao Qian. Later, Yan Yanzhi was an official in Shi'an County. When he passed the place where Tao Qian lived, he went to Tao Qian's home every day. When he was leaving, Yan Yanzhi left twenty thousand yuan to Tao Qian, who sent all the money to the restaurant so that it would be easier to get the wine later. [27]

I'm drunk and sleepy, Qing Ke

No matter how noble or humble, as long as someone visits Tao Yuanming and he has wine, he will drink with his guests. If Tao Yuanming gets drunk before the guest, he will say to the guest, "I'm drunk and want to sleep. Go away." Yuanming's frankness is here. [28]

Publishing books

  • Author name Tao Yuanming
    Work time 2019-08
    The Tale of the Peach Blossom Garden is about a fisherman who accidentally wandered into a paradise, where people live in peace and quiet, even without knowing the outside world. After he came back, he went to find this paradise, but he never found it again. It is such a dream story that fascinates the whole world. one
  • Author name Tao Yuanming
    Work time 2020-7-1
    Tao Yuanming of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Tao Yuanming (about 365~427 years) was renamed Qian after joining the Liu Song Dynasty, with bright characters and the title of Mr. Wu Liu. His private posthumous title was Mr. Jingjie, and he was born in Xunyang Chaisang (today's Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province) in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.
  • Author name Tao Yuanming
    Work time 1979-5-1
    Collection of Tao Yuanming is a book published by Zhonghua Book Company on May 1, 1979. The author is Tao Yuanming. The Collection of Tao Yuanming was collected by Xiao Tong, the crown prince of Liang Zhaoming in the Southern Dynasty, and compiled into seven volumes and one volume of the Collection of Tao Yuanming. Tao Yuanming's works inherit the tradition of Han, Wei and Zhengshi, and form a unique style. The content is rich, the emotion is sincere, the style is diluted, the charm is leisurely, and he is very good at using freehand brushwork to touch the simple and profound artistic conception.

Historical records

Duke Tao was born in the Jin and Song Dynasties, so Book of Jin Song Book Southern History There are records of them, and the three editions are different; also Prince Zhaoming The collection of Tao Yuanming is a biography, and these four are important reference materials for modern scholars to study Yuan Ming's life. Therefore, they are included together. [29]
Portrait of Tao Yuanming
Prince Zhaoming《 Biography of Tao Yuanming [5]
Jin Shu · Tao Qianchuan [30]
Southern History ·Biography of Tao Yuanming [31]
Song Dynasty Book ·Biography of Tao Qian [32]

Family members


Lineal system

Tao Yuanming Family Lineage Table
full name
The founding fathers of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, He was granted the title of Duke of Changsha and posthumously presented to Dasima after his death [3] [42]
A famous scholar in the Eastern Jin Dynasty Meng Jia 's daughter. [14]
First wife
I don't know my family name, but I died very early, about twenty years old. Tao Yuanming《 Resentful Poems from Chu State Show Pang's Book, Deng Zhizhong 》He wrote: "The first house lost its bias.". [38]
Second wife
Mrs. Zhai has a noble character and is very harmonious with her husband. "She has the same ambition and interest, can enjoy the hardship, her husband plows in the front, and her wife hoes in the rear" (Southern History - Hermit Biography). But in his later years, Tao Yuanming《 Be estranged from Zi Yan 》But he said that he "has no room Lai Fu [30] [38]
Pottery Statue
Nickname Tao Shu
Also known as Tao Xuan
Also known as Tao Yong
Tao Yi
Also known as Tao Duan
Tao Tong
Also known as Tao Tong [38]

Collateral selection

full name
younger male cousin
Tao Jingyuan
Their father is a brother and their mother is a sister. When Tao Jingyuan died early, Tao Yuanming deeply mourned him and wrote "Memorial to my younger brother and Jingyuan article". [39]
From my nephew
The great grandson of Tao Yuanming's grandfather and brother [40] The title of Duke of Changsha was extended to Longevity, and after the establishment of Shouchan in Song Dynasty, he was demoted to Marquis Wuchang. [41]

Commemoration for future generations



Tao Yuanming's Tomb is located on the south slope of Mianyang Mountain in the southwest of Lushan Mountain, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, with Hanyang Peak to the north and Huanglong Mountain to the south. It not only satisfies his desire to "settle in a secondary city, and be carefree and leisurely", but also shows his affection of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain".

Wuliu Square

Sculpture of Tao Yuanming's Wuliu Square
Located in Chongqing Youyang Peach Blossom Garden Wuliu Square of Eryou Mountain is equipped with a sculpture, weighing 200 tons, with a net height of 9.9 meters, a base of 1.28 meters, and a total height of 11.18 meters. The statue of Tao Yuanming has appeared in the national 5A tourist attraction, which is one of the tourist attractions of the Peach Blossom Garden. The statue is processed locally using sesame white granite from Xingzi County, Jiangxi Province as raw materials, with a total consumption of 500 tons, The engineering technicians from Xingzi County, Jiangxi Province are responsible for the installation. The highest statue of Tao Yuanming in the world is 1.28 meters higher than the statue of Tao Yuanming in Xingzi County, Jiangxi Province, his hometown. It has become a landmark attraction of the Eryou Mountain Xanadu Culture Theme Park.

Tao Yuanming's Hometown

Current Jiangxi Province Yifeng County Xiuxi Village, Chengtang Town, the hometown of Yuanming, has more than 20 remains. At the foot of Nanping Mountain in the south of Yifeng County and on the Peach Blossom Island beside the Yexi River, there is Tao Yuanming Memorial Hall (also known as Tao Yuanming's Hometown Park), Chongwen Pagoda in the east, and Nanping Park in the west. The scenery is beautiful and the environment is quiet. In front of the memorial square, there is a huge sculpture of Tao Yuanming; In front of the sculpture is a four pillar archway, and two couplets highly summarize Tao Yuanming's life. [50]

Memorial Hall

Tao Yuanming Memorial Hall is located in the northeast corner of Shahe Street, Jiujiang County, at the west foot of Lushan Mountain, Jiangxi Province, covering an area of 1600 square meters. It was established in memory of Tao Yuanming, the poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It opened on July 30, 1985. The museum site was originally Taojingjie Temple. The building area of the temple is about 250 square meters. It is a brick and wood structure with the architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and is equipped with wing rooms on the side. In the main hall, a statue of Tao Yuanming, more than 2 meters high, with a bottle of wine on his head and a roll in his hand《 shanhaiching 》。 The two walls are engraved with "The Sacrifice of the Pottery Jingjie Temple" written by Tao Yuanming, the forty first grandson of Ming Dynasty, and Tao Xiang, a native of Ming Dynasty, and the plaque inscribed by Liu Yanchen, a Qing Dynasty scholar: "Emperor Xi" and "Looking at the Ancient Collection". At the front of the gate, there is a stone plaque titled "Tao Jing Festival Temple" written by Xue Yingqi, a Jinshi in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. The two ear doors lead to the Jupu Garden and the Liu Lane respectively. [33]