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Chen Jing

Ministry of Household, Ministry of Rites and Ministry of War of the Ming Dynasty
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Chen Jing, named Bochang and Dongzhu, Qingzhou Yidu (Today Shandong Qingzhou), the ninth year of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty (1519) Jinshi , official to minister of works Minister of Rites Minister of War , plus Prince Shaobao
Full Name
Chen Jing
the ming dynasty
one's native heath
Yidu, Qingzhou (today's Qingzhou, Shandong)
Highest office
Minister of Household Affairs, Minister of Rites, Minister of War

Character's Life

The ninth year of Zhengde (1519) Jinshi be an observer of government Ministry of Officials repair Ministry of War In progress , ordered to check and count thistle water Liaodong Military reserve. Right promotion is in the process.
Ming Shizong Enthronement General Administration Department right participate in policy-making discussion Zuo Tongzheng , canonized Taksin Fan Zhengshi. Promotion General envoy , transfer Left Waiter of the Ritual Department , in charge of the minister. Promotion minister of works , Governor Warehouse yard , concurrently Xiyuan Farming. Change of appointment Minister of Rites , in charge of political affairs. Soon, he changed his post Minister of War , concurrently as the commander in chief Regimental camp Military affairs. plus Prince Shaobao Due to illness resign from an official post Governor warehouse Lack of staff The Ming Shizong appointed Chen Jing as the minister of the Ministry of Household again, but when the letter of appointment was issued, he died of illness. [1]

Family members

Grandfather: Chen Jun
Father: Chen Qing [1]