Chen Jialuo

The Hero in Jin Yong's Swordsman Novel "Book and Sword: A Record of Enjoys and Enemies"
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Chen Jialuo, yes Jin Yong Chivalrous novels《 Book and Sword 》The hero in《 Flying Fox 》There was also a minister in the Qing Dynasty Chen Shiwen Son of, and Qianlong The emperor is Sibling Yes Fighting against Qing Dynasty and restoring Ming Dynasty organization Safflower Club The second Chief Helmsman of, who was handsome, elegant in conversation, modest and polite, and had excellent martial arts skills, finally gave up the anti Qing cause because he mistakenly trusted his brother Qianlong. He appeared again in Flying Fox, but was discouraged. He went with the tide of the times, became an outsider, and lost his ambition in his early years. [1]
Chinese name
Chen Jialuo
Three Officials, Chief Helmsman, President Chen
Debut works
Book and Sword Record of Enjoys and Enemies and its derivative works
Feihu Waizhuan and its derivative works
Safflower Club
Second Chief Helmsman of Honghua Society
Adoptive father
Yu Wanting
A rosy face
Huo Qingtong, Xiangxiang Princess
Servant girl
Sunny painting, rain poem
Chen Shiwen
Ethnic groups
Han nationality

Character experience

Many people said that Chen Jialuo was a failure, but everyone dreamed of being like Chen Jialuo at one stage. He was born noble and civilian, versatile, elegant, affectionate, loyal, and willing to sacrifice for the country and the nation Personal happiness If Chen Jialuo is a failure, it just shows how unrealistic this dream is. The biggest failure of Chen Jialuo is political failure. No matter how innocent he is in personal conduct Safflower Club Of Helmsman He is also a complete failure. At the beginning of the story of "Book and Sword, Friends and Enemies", the leader of the Red Flower Club told how to greet Chen Jialuo as their chief helmsman with the most solemn ceremony of "taking the lead from a thousand miles". They decided to let a man in his twenties be the chief helmsman. The only reason was that the last chief helmsman had a will to say that the great cause of recovering the Han people was the key to this person. However, Chen Jialuo did not complete his task. His alliance with the emperor resulted in a complete defeat, and many heroes died in vain. Finally, all of them retired to Xinjiang. The failure of Chen Jialuo is certainly related to his era and mission, but his naivety is also an important factor. He attaches too much importance to personal feelings and ignores objective factors, because he has rich feelings and does not understand politics, which may be completely different. Such a person who lacks experience and wisdom is doomed to be a failed political figure. As a leader, Chen Jialuo is actually the most passive person. He didn't want to be the chief helmsman. He thought that it was incompatible with his personality, but someone must insist. He accepted that he had no ambition and was afraid to deceive himself. Shen Youhuan thought that Chen Jialuo was suitable to be the chief helmsman, because he knew that the emperor today was Chen Jialuo's brother, and Chen Jialuo could use brotherhood to Qianlong It was the reality of Han people, so I moved the emperor and asked him to restore the clothes of Han people. There is a big doubt whether this plan will work, but Chen Jialuo did not consider the problem. His adoptive father asked him to do it, and people asked him to do it. This is a matter of national strength, and he did it. After taking over the task, he tried to show his leadership style in front of others, but when he was alone, what he cared most was his personal gratitude and resentment, right and wrong. Have no self-knowledge, aim high and only try to achieve Private morality It is the weakness of Chen Jialuo's scholar in politics that he does not measure the public effect.
Chen Jialuo and the Emperor Qianlong met several times, each time closely touching the hearts of people. The first time was when Chen Jialuo was touring the mountain near the West Lake. He met Qianlong playing piano in the mountain. They didn't know who the other was, but they felt very close and far away. The second time was to spy on the Yamen at night. Qianlong was in charge of the night trial Wen Tailai Chen Jialuo was surprised to see that the person who played the piano in the daytime was the current emperor. Qianlong's identity has been revealed. The third meeting was the Hongmen Feast on the West Lake boat. It was polite and polite on the surface, but the weapons were tight in the dark. On the one hand, the guards escorted the guests, and on the other hand, the heroes followed each other. The words were tit for tat, and the martial arts contest was a struggle for life and death. The situation was extremely dangerous. The two people who were very close were helpless and extremely opposed, and they could not be close at hand, which strengthened the attraction between them. The fourth time was catharsis, Chen Jialuo returned Haining In his hometown, he paid homage to his parents and cried in front of the grave, but Qianlong was already crying. At first sight, they were excited and held hands with each other. Qianlong knew that Chen Jialuo was Chen Shiwen The son of A blood brother However, Chen Jialuo still did not know that Qianlong was his brother. The two joined hands to listen to the tide along the Qiantang River. Chen Jialuo told Qianlong about his mother's missing. This was the closest time for them. These four meetings, especially the last one, are of great significance to Chen Jialuo, because this emotional meeting established that the emperor was very kind to him. It is his idea of being close to people. His mistake is to let this personal feeling develop into trusting the Emperor Qianlong unconsciously. So when we met for the fifth time, Qianlong was Safflower Club When the heroes are imprisoned in the Six Harmonies Pagoda, Chen Jialuo is confident. At this time, Chen Jialuo knew the life experience of Qianlong and his task was to persuade Qianlong to ally with the Honghua Society and restore the Han people. Qianlong had no choice but to agree, but Chen Jialuo thought he really stood on the side of the Honghua Society because of his overconfidence, which finally led to the final defeat.
From personal feelings to trust, from trusting people to self-confidence, Chen Jialuo made many serious mistakes that could not be repeated. He did not understand that apart from cherishing him, Qianlong cherishes his own peace status. In addition to being moved by the ambition of the founding emperor he portrayed, he was also moved by the threat of the empress dowager. People are selfish and cowardly, dominated by environment and habits, and the emperor is also a person. If Chen Jialuo is not so confident, or he will take these factors into consideration, after all, he is a smart man, but he is too confident and too trusting of people who have feelings for him. He is far from mature.
In the Book of Swords, Chen Jialuo showed the real image of a refined scholar as soon as he appeared.
However, what is not in harmony with the grand atmosphere of taking the lead from thousands of miles away is Chen Jialuo's reluctance to be the chief helmsman of the Red Flower Club, which is forced by the situation.
This indicates Chen Jialuo's weakness, that is, the scholar's weakness: the lack of the great hero's momentum to swallow the sky and spit out the earth.
Scholar's momentum is not enough to burden the Honghua Club Fighting against Qing Dynasty and restoring Ming Dynasty Such a big mission.
Chen Jialuo defeats him with a set of wrong fists Zhou Zhongying This is the first time to show his outstanding ability in both calligraphy and sword, Be polite and polite , no hurry or impatience, skill startles four people.
It was love at first sight between Chen Jialuo and Huo Qingtong. When Chen Jialuo first saw Huo Qingtong, he was shocked and admired him Arise
However, the root of this love has not yet sprouted, but it has died prematurely.
Because Chen Jialuo saw Huo Qingtong And women disguised as men Li Yuanzhi Very intimate, his self-respect It's not good to be hurt.
Chen Jialuo's weakness was exposed very early.
He took it in his stride Safflower Club As the helmsman, he also tried his best to play his own role, playing a brave and resourceful leader with great skills in front of others, but the weak side of the scholar in his heart did not disappear. He is not as confident and skillful as he seems.
He is vulnerable and easily hurt, and he is not broad-minded enough, at least not as broad-minded as a leader who does great things. In order to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, we should broaden our talents and accept Mu Zhuolun To keep his daughter's kindness, Chen Jialuo changed his mind and refused to join Huo Qingtong for personal reasons.
Chen Jialuo's later tragedy was not accidental, character was destiny, and all this had already been doomed.
At the West Lake Moon Appreciation Meeting, Chen Jialuo leaps onto the horse and wears a flower on his chest Sea bowl Of size Golden velvet A large number of red flowers will be cheered when they are detonated. A large number of red flower congregation in the government and army also swarmed to salute. The scene was very spectacular and beautiful.
The red flower has formed a beautiful symbol. It represents justice, passion, kindness, virtue, freedom and liberation.
Read this section happily.
When celebrating the victory, Chen Jialuo quietly left, went to the center of the lake alone to stare at the moon and cry loudly. This extraordinary stroke is very moving.
The hero's heart was filled with many unknown sadness and grief. Chen Jialuo's temperament was once again revealed.
In front of everyone, he tried his best to play a leader who lived up to the expectations, but his true heart still had a weak side that was unknown to everyone.
The book has hinted many times that he who is a scholar would rather live a carefree and comfortable life as a scholar.
He is trying to overcome difficulties, which is his valuable and also his tragedy. Since he has promised to be the chief helmsman of the Red Flower Club, he will devote himself wholeheartedly. He's just doing his best Listen to the destiny Has.
Qianlong Hearing Chen Jialuo's secret yearning for his mother, he was also moved and shook his hand. Their hearts had never been so close before.
Qianlong's kindness to Chen Jialuo was really heartfelt at this time. Chen Jialuo's impression of Qianlong has also been greatly improved, which has become the emotional basis for Chen Jialuo to trust Qianlong in the future, and also the hidden reason for Chen Jialuo's future tragedy.
Chen Jialuo is a man with great feelings. Qianlong treated him like this, so he would not be indifferent.
The precious jade given to Chen Jialuo by Qianlong was engraved with the words "deep affection but not longevity". Chen Jialuo was too emotional. Emotion is extremely dangerous for a political figure who does great things.
In front of Qianlong, Chen Jialuo showed his inner weakness again, and he almost cried again.
On the Six Harmonies Pagoda, Chen Jialuo and the heroes of the Red Flower Society captured Qianlong, and Chen Jialuo showed his cards to Qianlong. By calling him "Brother", Chen Jialuo was moved by his true feelings. He had already preconceived the belief of Qianlong. A mystery of blood relationship Cordiality , a touch of ordinary people who have met again after a long separation, led Chen Jialuo's policy as a political figure. Chen Jialuo no longer regarded Qianlong as an imaginary enemy. He arranged everything wishfully. own Be affectionate Moved, he also wanted to appeal to Qianlong. Chen Jialuo said in detail that in the past, he persuaded Qianlong and the Honghua Association to form an alliance to bring order out of chaos, so as to help Qianlong Special status , disintegrate the power of the Qing people, restore the court of the Han people, and be a benevolent, filial, and wise founder of the Han people. Speaking of the deep feelings, Chen Jialuo shed tears, and did not hesitate to expose the vulnerable side of his heart. "It is too late to get close to each other when brothers meet", and he had set the tone of the negotiation first.
Chen Jialuo once again appealed to Qianlong for reasons and feelings. Under the pressure of the situation, Qianlong agreed to the alliance. Chen Jialuo was very happy. In politics, he was really too naive and inexperienced. He only knew how to pass on others. He just thought from the good side, from personal trust, from kinship, everything was taken for granted. Chen Jialuo did not think that people are animals of the environment. Even if Qianlong was his own brother, and even if the blood relationship of Qianlong was pure and reliable in nature, the education Qianlong received from childhood, the environment he lived in, and the habits he learned from hearing and seeing are much more complicated. In addition, things are far more than that simple. In the imperial palace, Qianlong did not want to do what he wanted, Qianlong still had many difficulties to consider.
Chen Zhengde's words, looking on coldly, are really insightful. "No matter how nice the government's words are, I never believe them, let alone the government's mind". Officialdom and politics are the darkest places to extinguish conscience.
Guan Mingmei Guan De was lenient and suddenly brought up the matter of Huo Qingtong in front of Chen Jialuo. Chen Jialuo can't laugh or cry. The scholar's gentleness and weakness made him lose not only in politics, but also in love. He had no confidence and ability to grasp it.
Chen Jialuo's "Book Sword"
In Jin Daxia's novels, the hero who can best match the word "book sword" should be Chen Jialuo. Although Chen Jialuo failed in both career and love, his demeanor is still unforgettable to readers and is still a favorite role of readers. Chen Jialuo has the most tragic beauty. The scholar's softness and weakness made Chen Jialuo unable to deal with the contradiction between politics and love. Chen Jialuo's heart is never as strong and self-confident as that of the promising young master of the Red Flower Club. At first, he admired Huo Qingtong. Huo Qingtong was not only beautiful but also excellent. His martial arts and intelligence were top choices, but Chen Jialuo was not confident that he could grasp it. and Princess Fragrance Chen Jialuo can take the initiative everywhere to show his advantages and strengths. One firm, one soft, one hero, one beauty, just in time. The same is true of Princess Xiangxiang. In her experience and experience, among the social circles she can reach, Chen Jialuo is undoubtedly excellent. Chen Jialuo is handsome, gentle, considerate, and has extraordinary martial arts, which can make Princess Xiangxiang feel safe. In the meeting, Princess Xiangxiang happily threw herself into the arms of Chen Jialuo. "Who picked the snow lotus for me" and "Who saved my fawn", which is a simple task for Chen Jialuo and will never spend more effort, but Princess Xiangxiang regards it as bigger than the sky. In the game of love, Chen Jialuo can finally win easily. The weakness of Chen Jialuo's scholar is really clear at a glance.
Chen Jialuo finally found out Li Yuanzhi It's a girl's secret. After thinking about it, I understand many details. But now that this has been done, what can he do? What can he do with Xiangxiang Princess? Huo Qingtong can bear such a blow Princess Fragrance , she will not collapse immediately. The elder sister disappeared. She just repeated anxiously and blankly, "What should we do? What should we do?" Maybe Chen Jialuo loves Huo Qingtong and wants to escape. Li Yuanzhi's incident gave him an excuse to escape. Even without this misunderstanding, would Chen Jialuo be as straightforward as Xiangxiang Princess? As Chen Jialuo reflected on his feelings for the two sisters later, he thought: "Do I not like her too capable in the bottom of my heart?" Chen Jialuo was not sure of his love for Huo Qingtong, nor confident.
After the great disaster, Chen Jialuo began to reflect, realize and make progress. Chen Jialuo finally realizes whether his mind is too small? His admiration for Huo Qingtong is natural, but because of her talent and cleverness, he has some awe of her. He clearly knew that if he handled the relationship with Huo Qingtong well, he would undoubtedly add a great assistant to his career. He escapes from Huo Qingtong because he lacks self-confidence. Being able to reflect on and recognize their own shortcomings and limitations is also a scholar's strength. The problem is, realize that deficiencies , is progress, but how to correct it is a difficult thing to do.
In the secret room of the ancient city, he wrote another story about Mamir recorded in the sheepskin booklet. This story was read from the mouth of Princess Xiangxiang, and it was very special Suggestive and symbolic meaning This story has dual significance for Chen Jialuo and Princess Xiangxiang. In the future, we can find a metaphor for Xiangxiang Princess's behavior from this story; Chen Jialuo, on the other hand, was inspired by this story, which reminded him of his duty and the cause of his anti Qing and anti Ming work with the Honghua Association. Chen Jialuo has finally made a decision in his introspection. Although it doesn't show much wisdom, he has made a decision after all. He wants to put aside love and focus on his cause of fighting against the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty. He did not have. It occurred to me that he was still running away from love. He could not even deal with love head-on. How could he deal with political affairs?
Mystery of life experience
Led by Chen Jialuo Safflower Club The heroes went to the Shaolin Temple in Fujian to find out the truth that his adoptive master was expelled from his school, and completely revealed the mystery of Chen Jialuo's life experience. The purpose of this trip is that Chen Jialuo is careful. If he wants to take on the great task of recovering the Han family, he must find out all the secret grievances, or he will be afraid of falling short.
It's quite impressive to write about Chen Jialuo's battle of wits and courage in Shaolin. The martial arts novels of Great Xia Jin are often just the introduction and transition of martial arts, but the highlight lies in life philosophy , an analysis of the noble quality of chivalry. Chen Jialuo and Zen Master Tianhong gave a lecture, which deepened the theme of the book and improved the realm of the novel. To save people in danger, we are desperate. Although we are involved, we will never regret. The book ends in tragedy, but the word "no regret" is the highlight of value and the place to settle down.
The story between Chen Jialuo's adoptive father and Chen Jialuo's mother is half bright, half hidden, and vague. Chen Jialuo is surprised to read it, and his heart suddenly jumps. This paragraph hints at the heritage of blood in Chen Jialuo's character. Chen Jialuo's adoptive father is affectionate, his mother is also a person with great feelings, and Chen Jialuo himself is also an emotional person. The sad and bitter love between the adoptive father and his mother shocked Chen Jialuo, making him have a further understanding of the meaning of life and his own Emotional life There was also reflection. Chen Jialuo's Oedipus complex It is revealed here to the extreme that the weak side of his scholar and the melancholy of his injury come from here.
The naivety of the scholar finally performed the last tragedy. Chen Jialuo wishfully wants to make choices in national affairs and make painful personal happiness sacrifices for the cause. This is a cruel scene. Chen Jialuo finally has the heart to Princess Fragrance The cards were played. He even used the story of Mamir to describe the Princess Xiangxiang. What can Princess Xiangxiang do? She's just a beautiful woman Insights As a simple girl like a vase, she completely worships Chen Jialuo, the biggest hero in her heart. No matter how miserable she is in her heart, she can only obey the cruel arrangement. This is a double-edged sword. Xiangxiang Princess was injured innocently, but Chen Jialuo's heart was bleeding.
Chen Jialuo's painstaking support is really unbearable and pitiful. His character has the weakness of a scholar and the fatal weakness of passivity, but he bears the great responsibility of the Chief Helmsman of the Red Flower Society, which is forced by the situation. His plan to find Qianlong was not a whim, but was arranged by his adoptive father, which was recognized by everyone. But the most valuable thing about him is that once he took over, he was brave to take on the responsibility, and devoted himself wholeheartedly, completely gave up himself, everything was Focus on the overall situation He was very tired and hard, but he really tried his best. When he learned the news of Princess Xiangxiang's death, his first thought was not personal sorrow, but he also supported the people to prevent them from being affected by his emotions and disturbing the situation. He can control his mind as much as possible and continue to communicate with Dust free The Taoist Priest was able to fake a smile when he tried to fight, but he couldn't stand it until the end, and then a mouthful of blood gushed out. The writing here is moving and very suitable for his scholar's character and identity.
Chen Jialuo's painstaking efforts have to be pitied and forgiven. Although Huo Qingtong was sad and indignant, he asked Chen Jialuo, "Why are you so confused that you should trust the emperor", but he also understood that "it is to save the world, but no wonder".
Hatred sprouts in the heart. Everyone is poisoned In the jar When Chen Jialuo thought that Qianlong was born with his own mother, he couldn't bear it for a moment, but he was too angry at Qianlong's insidiousness. He also boiled his dagger in poison for a while.
Jin Yong In the book, let Chen Jialuo Nalan Rongruo It seems that Chen Jialuo's literary accomplishment is described by the talent of Nalan Rongruo to set off his identity as the prince of the same prime minister.

Character relationship

Father: Chen Shiwen
Mother: Xu
Adoptive father: Yu Wanting
Brother: Chen Hongli

Character analysis

Huo Qingtong It is too perfect and capable, which will put pressure on Chen Jialuo, so he will turn to simple and docile Katherine.
He is basically Jiangnan Scholar Thought Without that kind of generous and heroic mind, I certainly can't accept such a strange woman back to Xinjiang.
There is also a paragraph in the original book, which may be explained by Jin Laolao: "Who really loves in my heart?" This idea has been haunting my mind for a moment these days, and I suddenly thought: "So who really loves me? If I die, Kasri He must not live, but Huo Qingtong can live. However, this does not mean that Kathleen loves me more. If I get along with Huo Qingtong, Kathleen will die of grief. She is so pure hearted, can I not cherish her? "
When I think about this, I can't help thinking: "We have made it clear to each other that she loves me, and I also love her. I have never said anything about Huo Qingtong. Huo Qingtong is so capable. I respect her, and even a little afraid of her... Whatever she wants me to do, I will do it. Where is Katherine? Where is Katherine?... If she wants me to die, I will do it too Kengo I'm happy to die for her... Then don't I love Huo Qingtong? Alas, I really don't understand. She is so gentle and intelligent, and so is she to me
 Chen Jialuo Chen Jialuo Chen Jialuo Chen Jialuo Chen Jialuo
Characters of Chen Jialuo
Love deeply and love deeply. She vomited blood and fell ill. She almost lost her life. Isn't it all for me? " One is respectable and sensible, and the other is amiable and lovely, which is really hard to distinguish. " I also thought: "There are many complicated and arduous things to recover the Han Dynasty in the future. Her strategy is better than that of the seventh brother. If I can get her help, I will benefit a lot... Alas, do I not like her to be too competent in the bottom of my heart?" Thinking of this, I was heartily surprised and said softly: "Chen Jialuo, Chen Jialuo, are you so small?" More than half an hour later, the moonlight slowly moved to Princess Fragrance In his heart, he said, "I only have joy, joy, joy..."

Character archetype

According to historical records and documents, Chen Jialuo was a martial artist in the Qing Dynasty Haining )Ren Shi was famous for his chivalry and righteousness when he was young. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, he visited a distinguished family in Beijing and became famous for his martial arts. Yongzheng reign Governor of Zhejiang Li Wei He suppressed Gu Yunqing, was implicated in the anti Qing case but was not executed, and ended up at home in his eighties during the reign of Qianlong.
Stamps of Chen Jialuo, a character in Jin Yong's novels

Unique martial arts

● "Hundred Flower Wrong Fist": This fist technique contains hundreds of schools, and its beauty lies in the word "wrong". Each move is similar to the authentic techniques of various schools, but it is not true. Once the opponent thinks it is a certain move, he raises his hand to meet the enemy, and then he knows that the direction and technique of the fight are completely different. Its essence lies in the eight words "plausible but not unexpected".
Paoding Jieniu Fist ": The master and the apprentice talked for a while. Chen Jialuo elaborated on the martial arts he learned in Yufeng, mainly because it was like a cook trying to kill an ox. [Seeing the gaps and flaws in the opponent's martial arts, the ox knives were all cut in the places without tendons and bones]. Naturally, though he killed thousands of oxen, the knife was not damaged. The two men proved that Chen Jialuo realized many subtleties. The two of them started to talk and walked out of the tent. They practiced while talking. They did not realize that the sky was white, so they enjoyed themselves.

Sworn brother

Three Headmasters Thousand Hand Tathagata zhao banshan
Four Leader Thunder Runner Wen Tailai
Seven Leader Wu Zhuge Xu Tianhong
Eight Leader Iron Tower Yang Chengxie
Nine leaders and nine lives leopard Wei Chunhua
Ten Leaders Shi Dandang Zhang Jin
The Twelve Leader's Worries Shi Shuangying
Thirteen Leader Copper Head crocodile Jiang Sigen
Fourteen Leader Golden Flute Scholar Yu Yu Tong
Leader of the Fifteen Year Plan Heart inkstone
Film and television image
"Book and Sword Record of Enjoys and Enemies"
Zhang Ying
Hong Kong Cantonese Film in 1960《 Book and Sword
Li Honghe
1976 Hong Kong Teleplay《 Book and Sword
1980 Hong Kong ATV TV series《 A group of heroes in the university
Play (teenager)
1980 Hong Kong ATV TV series《 The sequel of the great interior heroes
Play (adult)
1981 Hong Kong Shaw Film《 Book and Sword
Du Mansheng
In 1984, Taiwan TV drama "Swords, Rivers and Mountains"
Jiang Wei (young)
1987 Co production film《 Book and Sword
Zhou Siping
1987 Hong Kong Teleplay《 Book and Sword
Kang Dianhong
1992 Taiwan TV series《 Book and Sword
Lu Coyett (part)
1994 Mainland TV Drama《 Book and Sword
Zhao Ming
2002 co production TV series《 Book and Sword
Tian Bo
2009 Mainland TV Drama《 Book and Sword
Flying Fox in Snow Mountain
1978 Hong Kong TV series《 Snow Mountain Flying Fox
Shi Jiefei
1985 Hong Kong Teleplay《 Snow Mountain Flying Fox
Guan Zhihong
1991 Taiwan TV dramas《 Snow Mountain Flying Fox
Du Yange
1999 Hong Kong Wireless TV Drama《 Snow Mountain Flying Fox
Xu Guangyu
2007 co production TV series《 Snow Mountain Flying Fox