Arecibo Message

Radio information
zero Useful+1
Arecibo Message [1] Was created in 1974 to celebrate the completion of the renovation of the Arecibo Radio Telescope radio Information, and at a distance of 25000 light years from Earth Globular cluster M13 is the target, and the information is sent to space through the telescope. This information has 1679 binary digits, and 1679 can only be composed of two Prime number Therefore, the information can only be divided into 73 horizontal lines and 23 straight lines. It is assumed that the reader of the information will first arrange it into a rectangle. If it is arranged into 23 horizontal lines, it will become white noise. On the contrary, if it is arranged into 73 horizontal lines, it can arrange one piece of information in the picture. [2]
Chinese name
Arecibo Message
Foreign name
Arecibo Message
Creation time
Celebrate the completion of reconstruction of Arecibo Radio Telescope
1679 binary digits
Word classification
Radio information

Information summary



Figure 1 Numbers
The white line at the top is the number represented by binary, and the fourth line is the starting position. From left to right, the numbers are 1 to 10.

DNA element

Figure 2 DNA Elements
The light purple in Figure 2 represents the five chemical elements contained in human DNA, which are represented by the atomic number. From left to right, they are hydrogen (1), carbon (6), nitrogen (7), oxygen (8) and phosphorus (15), respectively.


Fig. 3 Nucleotide
The green code represents the basic structure of human DNA, which can be divided into four lines from top to bottom. The first and third lines are divided into four blocks from left to right, each block represents one of the three components of DNA: deoxyribose and base; Lines 2 and 4 from left to right only contain two blocks, both representing another component of DNA: phosphate. All blocks are composed of five numbers, which in turn represent the number of atoms of the five chemical elements in the previous paragraph. At the same time, the bases in lines 1 and 3 also reflect the base pairing rules.
Line 1: Deoxyribose (C five OH seven )Adenine, C five H four N five )、 Thymine (Thymine, C five H five N two O two ), deoxyribose, C five OH seven
Line 2: Phosphate, PO four )Phosphate, PO four
Line 3: Deoxyribose (C five OH seven )Cytosine, C four H four N three O)、 Guanine (C five H four N five O)、 Deoxyribose (C five OH seven
Line 4: Phosphate, PO four )Phosphate, PO four

double helix

Figure 4 Double Helix
The blue double helix in Figure 4 represents the double helix shape of human DNA, and the white stripe in the middle represents the number of nucleotides (the estimated value at that time was about 4.3 × 10 nine The measured value is 3.2 × 10 nine )。

Human data

The red person in the middle represents the shape of a man, and the pattern on the left represents the average height of a man (1764mm), which is 14 times the wavelength of this information (126mm). The white pattern on the right represents the global population in 1974 (4292853750).


The yellow part represents the stars in the solar system, the largest pattern on the left represents the sun, and then Nine planets planets And Pluto, which was also counted as a major planet at that time), the third place Earth was raised one grid, representing that the message was sent from the Earth, and the pattern close to the human form indicates that human beings live on the Earth.


Fig. 5 Telescope
The last light purple pattern represents its Arecibo radio telescope, and the mirror shape and signal reflection diagram are on the top. The following indicates that its aperture (306.18m) is 2430 times the wavelength of this information.