zero Useful+1

Apollo 6

The last unmanned mission in Apollo program
Apollo 6 is Apollo program The last unmanned mission in Saturn 5 carrier rocket The second flight of.
Chinese name
Apollo 6
Carrier rocket
Saturn 5 SA-502
Launch time
1968 April 4 12:00:01 Universal Time
Service cabin
Call sign
Command module
Lunar module
Number of members
Launch site
Cape Canaveral, Florida LC 39A
Landing place
April 4, 1968 21:57:21 Universal Time
Task time
9 hours 57 minutes 20 seconds
Orbit times
Earth orbit apogee
Earth orbit perigee
Flight distance
144000 km
Total mass
Instruction/service cabin quality
Mass of lunar module tester
11794 kg
1968-025A [1]

Mission objectives

Apollo 6
This is Saturn 5 In the first manned flight( Apollo 8 )The last previous unmanned flight was intended to test Command shelter reentry system Simulate a return from the moon to the earth under very bad conditions. Finally, this goal was not achieved because the J-2 engine failed.

Public response

The American public showed little interest in the Apollo 6 mission. Because on the day of launch, Martin Luther King Was shot at Tennessee State Memphis City. Five days before the launch, President Johnson announced that he would not seek re-election and other events had become the focus of the American public, instead of paying attention to the launch of Apollo 6.

Astronaut list

Up to 2006, only the following 12 people (listed in the order of landing on the moon) have landed on the moon, and all of them have only performed the mission of landing on the moon once. No one else has landed on the moon since 1972, and the list will not change in the next 10 years.
1 -- Neil Armstrong - Apollo 11 - July 1969
2 -- Buzz Aldrin Apollo 11 - July 1969
3 -- PETE· Conrad -Apollo 12 - November 1969 (Apollo 20 moon landing mission is planned, but since it has already landed on the moon, Conrad is unlikely to land on the moon again even if Apollo 20 is finally implemented)
4 -- Alan Bing- Apollo 12 -November 1969
5 -- Alan Shepard- Apollo 14 -February 1971
6 - Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14 - February 1971
7 - David Scott- Apollo 15 -July 1971
8 -- James Alvin Apollo 15 - July 1971
9 -- John Young- Apollo 16 -April 1972 (Yang also executed Apollo 10, which had not landed on the moon
10 -- Charles Duke Apollo 16 - April 1972
11 - Eugene Cernan - Apollo 17 - December 1972 (Cernan also executed Apollo 10 without landing on the moon)
12 -- Harrison Schmidt Apollo 17 astronauts who approached the moon but did not land on the moon in December 1972: in each of the six Apollo missions listed above, one astronaut stayed in the command/service module and orbited the moon when the other two partners landed on the moon. In addition, Apollo 8 Apollo 10 In the three missions of Apollo 13, three astronauts approached the moon (in the first two missions, the spacecraft orbited the moon as planned, while Apollo 13 only bypassed the moon and did not enter the orbit).
The following is the list of astronauts who were only hundreds of kilometers away from the moon:
1 -- Frank Bormann- Apollo 8
2 -- Jim Lowell Apollo 8, Apollo 13: Plan to land on the moon
3 -- William Anders Apollo 8
4 -- Thomas Stafford Apollo 10
5 -- Michael Collins Apollo 11
6 -- Richard Golden Apollo 12 (the cancelled Apollo 18 moon landing mission is planned to be carried out)
7 -- Jack Swigt Apollo 13
8 -- Fred Hayes Apollo 13: planned moon landing (the cancelled Apollo 19 moon landing mission is scheduled)
9 -- Stuart Rosa Apollo 14 (the cancelled Apollo 20 moon landing mission is planned to be carried out)
10 -- Alfred Walden Apollo 15
11 -- Ken Martinley Apollo 16
12 -- Ronald Evans Apollo 17