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Apollo asteroids

Astronomical terminology
synonym Apollo Group (Asteroids discovered in 2011) generally refer to Apollo type asteroids
Apollo asteroids Is a group named after the asteroid Apollo Near Earth Asteroids , (1862) Apollo was the first asteroid found in this group. Track distance is less than 1 Astronomical unit , so it can go deep into Venus , even Mercury Within the track.
Chinese name
Apollo asteroids
Discovery time
About 400~8000 meters

brief introduction

Their Track radius Some of the asteroids that are larger than the radius of the Earth's orbit and cross the Earth's orbit are very close to the Earth, which poses a threat to our Earth (the longer the orbit radius is close to the radius of the Earth's orbit, and the smaller the orbital oblateness is, the closer it will be to the Earth).
The largest known Apollo asteroid is (1866) Xue Xifus (Sisyphus), about 10km in diameter Mexico Domestic Yucatan Peninsula And may cause Cretaceous Tertiary times dinosaur And Mass extinction The size of meteorites is similar. In addition, according to scientific analysis, 2013 Chelyabinsk Asteroid Impact Event It may also be caused by Apollo asteroids.
As of June 2011, there have been more than 4000 known Apollo asteroids, of which about 570 have permanent numbers and 60 have official names.


Apollonian Rail inclination Large Eccentricity Large, this may be related to Short period comet of

statistical data

About 30 have been found since the 1930s. They are small in size and about 400~8000 meters in diameter. The orbit has a large inclination angle and a very flat orbit. The orbits of some asteroids are similar to Earth orbit Intersection. It is estimated that there are 400 to 1000 asteroids brighter than Grade 18. On average, there is about 1 collision every 1 billion years earth It is estimated that the total number of Apollo asteroids is about 1000. Discovered in 1989 Near Earth Asteroids 1989FC flew over 750000 kilometers away from the Earth, becoming the closest NEA discovered.