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The city of Akeshus, Norway
open 3 entries with the same name
(Asker) is a city located in Akeshus County in the southeast of Norway. It was established on January 1, 1938. Ask is located in the suburb of Oslo, the capital of Norway. Ask has beautiful beaches, mountains, forests and other landscapes, as well as many important enterprises. In 1963, the first IKEA store opened outside Sweden in Ask.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Akeshhus County Norway southeast
Time of establishment
Established on January 1, 1938
Norway capital Oslo
Definition of the same name
NORRON Name in
Main scenic resources
There are beautiful beaches, mountains and forests
Name Source
NORRON The gods took ash branches to make men and elm branches to make women. The male is called "Ask", and the female is called "Embla". Odin Give them life and soul, Willy give them reason and action, Fei give them feelings, appearance and language. This is the ancestor of mankind.
A Journey to the Past
In his previous life, the hero Sanatorius was the sun god in charge of light, the most beautiful god in the heaven world. Finally, he fell into the dark world and never saw the sun because he inherited the voice of killing gods to Isha.