Albrecht Durer

Outstanding painters in the Renaissance
zero Useful+1
synonym Albrecht Durer (Albrecht Durer) Generally refers to Albrecht Durer
Albrecht D ü rer (1471-1528), [4] Born Nuremberg , German painter, printmaker and Woodcut Designer.
Durer's works include woodcut prints and other prints, oil paintings, sketches and Sketch works Among his works, printmaking is the most influential. He's the best Woodcut prints And one of the copperplate painters. His watercolor Landscape painting It is one of his greatest achievements. The atmosphere and emotion of these works are extremely vivid.
His main works include Apocalypse, The Great Crucifixion of Christ, The Little Crucifixion《 Hand of prayer 》Men's Bathroom, Sea Monster, Wanderer, Great Destiny《 Adam and Eve 》And《 Knights, Death and the Devil 》Etc. [5]
Chinese name
Albrecht Durer
Foreign name
Albrecht Dürer
Albrecht Duler
Ethnic groups
germanic people
date of birth
May 21, 1471
Date of death
April 6, 1528
Key achievements
Renaissance Outstanding European Painters
one's native heath
Representative works
Revelation, The Great Crucifixion of Christ, The Little Crucifixion《 Hand of prayer 》, Author《 Human body proportion study 》Four volumes
School of painting
Northern Painting School

Life experience

Albret Durer (self portrait)
The Germans introduced it through the papermaking revolution Movable type Italy People use their own Artistic talent And the ability to make luxury goods Dominance
How lucky Dule is to be courteous and bring his talent into play.
When he was young, he followed his father to learn art. He showed special talent for painting. At the age of 13, he could draw his own portrait realistically. At the age of 19, the portrait painted for his father has fully demonstrated his mature sketching skills Da Vinci echo each other at a distance. Later, he worked at Michaaeel Wolgemut for three years. Vogmut's big workshop also produced woodcut illustrations for Anton Koberger, the godfather, printer and publisher of Durer. At that time, the largest factory had a great impact on Durer. He first learned copper skills in his childhood. This enduring impression played a decisive role in his later creative play in printmaking art.
When the teacher was full, the young painter walked out of the studio Rhine Travel Germany main Industrial city , has been Frankfurt , visited Cologne And Basel. The 4-year study tour has played a decisive role in the formation of painters' world outlook and the development of art. At the age of 23, Dule was already an influential artist. In that year, he married the daughter of a musician in his hometown, Agrissa Fuhuangyi. Since then, Dule began to work independently as a jeweler and painter.
In 1485, Germany Education in Humanism Under the influence, on the eve of the upcoming reform, Durer entered Nuremberg A public primary school. according to other people's homes The father asked his son to become an apprentice in his workshop, hoping to train him to become a jewelry worker. Durer got painting training for the first time in the workshop, and soon became proficient in it, which became his career Art activities Dule is necessary for learning jewelry technology decorative art He further began to copy the figure paintings of the artists, and also copied the sculptures of Martin Sangue, which created conditions for him to become an artist. Dule carved his first picture with a silver needle when he was 13 years old self-portrait He wrote on the painting: "When I was a child in 1484, I drew myself in the mirror." His pen and ink painting "Virgin Mary and Angel on the Throne" in the second year was one of the second earliest works, which was preserved.
In the process of learning painting, Durer was very interested in character structure and painting rules, so he asked his father to allow him to be a painter. His father followed his son's wishes and sent him to Nuremberg The nearby painter Michael Vargamut's studio was contracted to be an apprentice for three years. Durer copied the teacher's works, and gradually learned a variety of painting skills. He began to study nature, human body and plants, and began to try to create. At the same time, he also carefully studied the deployment and application of color, so when his apprenticeship expired, he could create according to the art rules. Durer, 23 years old, started painting in a studio not far from his home after he got married and started his career Portrait painting
Painting "Two Feet"
Later, Durer completed the woodcut of the first great masterpiece, "Apocalypse" Group painting This apocalypse originated from Imperium Romanum The mysterious fantasy of the old Christianity of Nero Dynasty. He produced a group of 15 immortal works, which expressed the helpless horror and disappointment of mankind at the end of the 15th century due to the arrival of the end of the world. At that time, Germany was bourgeois class and handicraftsman The struggle between farmers and Feudal lord The struggle between hunger and exploitation, the people's passionate emotions have finally developed into religious, political and revolutionary ones for countless times Mass movement Durer wanted to put the illusions in the apocalypse into the realistic images, and give these illusions moral power. Several of the paintings were openly critical of the ruling forces, and he gave his opinions to everyone's conscience.
Since the publication of "Apocalypse", Durer has been ranked among the glorious ranks of contemporary great artists. Frederick invited him to paint the second picture altarpiece
In 1498, Durer painted a self portrait (extant Madrid Prado Museum).
On March 19, 1514, Durer mother [3] Two months before his death, he painted a portrait of his mother Charcoal painting He created the most lively and moving work in his life, which is the only portrait of Durer's mother that has ever been handed down. When his mother died on May 17, 1514, he inscribed a few words on the picture: "This is Albrecht Durer's mother, who lived before the prayer week of 1514 Tuesday He died at 2:00 pm at the age of 63. " It shows his lifelong respect and love for his mother.
Painting "Hand"
From 1490 to 1507, he visited Basel Strasbourg and Venice And met Giovanni Bellini, whom he admired for a long time. He not only tried to strengthen his artistic knowledge, but also started to study mathematics geometry Latin Classical literature He has more frequent and close contacts with scholars than with artists.
In 1512, he became the imperial painter of Emperor Maximilian. Back to Antwerp Brussels , Malian, Kolen, Middleburg, Bruges and Ghent Travel to other places is well received.
Returning to his hometown in July 1521, his health deteriorated, but he continued to write until his death.
Durer as Germany The greatest painter, his artistic exploration Germany Its influence is far-reaching. As someone commented, "Durer is Germany The representative of national painters. He also took Italy The Renaissance Thought brought into Germany and created German nation Art new era " Engels also spoke highly of him Da Vinci It is regarded as a giant produced in the era of the need for giants.
Self portrait of Albret Durer
Durer is in the north The Renaissance The representative of. At that time Germany It is in the darkest period in its history, and its thoughts and beliefs are very confused. Famine and plague Black Death )Ruthlessly took the lives of large numbers of people. social contradictions The intensification of Germany Its culture and art are weak and sluggish, which is external to the serious downturn. At the same time Italy The leading European countries have successively stepped out of the Middle Ages and entered an open and prosperous period of politics, economy and culture, Humanism The European continent has been illuminated by the glory of. So, as a Germany As an artist, Durer can only pursue and spread the advanced ideas of "modern" Europe in a backward country that represents the past.
This talented boy is ready to be alone modern culture introduction Germany However, his eyes full of curiosity and doubt and Christian indicative fingers show that he is different from the Italian Renaissance's joyful view of people and the world of people, and also different from Netherlands The Renaissance about External world The German Renaissance will gaze at people themselves with a little bitterness. And this will make him a contradictory loner and Avant-garde
As a The Renaissance Durer believed that artists must deeply observe nature and try to discover the secrets of the universe to reveal and express beauty. But at the same time, he insisted on his semi medieval belief that artists and their art should be the tools of God.
When Michelangelo with David When the statue (1501-1504) showed the perfection and rebirth of human beings, Durer created the etched painting Saint Eustace (1501) with the same superb technique Martyr The scene of meeting the miracle is like a paradise on earth. However, his representative work at that time was the woodcut group painting of Apocalypse, which was created earlier, and its content and performance style were more obviously characterized by small Gothic educational portraits.
Albert Durer's watercolor painting
with Vinci Similarly, Durer also had a scientific mind, so he studied mathematics and Perspective And wrote a lot of notes and treatises Human anatomy On the other hand, he created many reflections social reality Paintings. He also studied architecture and invented an architectural system. Durer is also an art theorist, and has written Introduction to Painting and Principles of Human Anatomy. He freed German art Gothic art The influence and restraint of Humanism Ideologically guided Realism Art path. He pushed the childish printmaking art of that time to perfection New stage
He supported the religious reform movement at that time and sympathized peasant 's war He took the initiative to draw prints and illustrations for the brochures of Martin Luther, the leader of the religious reform movement, and ended his creative path with the design of the peasant war monument.
The accuracy of his sketches of animals and plants is completely the same as Vinci What he left behind was comparable, but at the same time, he believed in the existence of various monsters recorded in the Revelation. So Durer is not only a painter, but also a sculptor, Alchemist , mathematician, machinist, art theorist, philosopher, mystic, anatomist, architect, he once founded the theory of urban construction.
His non-stop travel throughout his life had a wide footprint and vision that almost no one could match at that time, but he always retained some peasant style ignorance and narrowness. He believed that reason and knowledge would make people noble, but he also had a deep sense of human imperfection.
He was born in a medieval craftsman's family and lived in the country with the lowest status as an artist, but he became a craftsman at that time Europe The most independent and proud artist. As the "father of self portraits", he was the first European painter attracted by his own appearance and identity, thus becoming the precursor of Rembrandt. It is on a par with Rembrandt's self portrait in terms of realism and artistic expression. He was more or less aware that art would make him immortal, but he could not shake off the fear that the body would disappear because he was pursued by the idea that death was approaching all his life.
Adam and Eve
In terms of artistic style, although he is the pursuer of Italian Renaissance art and Disseminator However, the German tradition in which he was exposed kept his art a little bit of the legacy of medieval Gothic, and at the same time, it was surprising that he took the lead in showing some Baroque features.
At the end of 1523, Durer began to write his autobiography, not only reviewing his life, but also recounting his parents, his seventeen brothers and sisters and his own life experiences. Only one of his younger brothers was left alive at that time.
In 1525, Durer's important book "Measuring Art Course" was published. Therefore, he became one of the top art theorists in the Renaissance.
The year of 1526 was the year Durer created outstanding portraits, such as "Ismas Van Rotterdam", which became his greatest masterpiece.
In 1527, Durer's second scientific work "Principles of City Building" was published.
In 1528, the manuscript of "Principles of Human Anatomy" was released, which was the crystallization of his research on human anatomy for 27 years. Unfortunately, he did not see the great impact of this work. Dule, 57, from Netherlands After returning, his physical strength was weak, and he was repeatedly harassed by diseases. This brilliant cultural star suddenly fell on April 6, 1528.

Main works


Hand of prayer

Germany The artist Albrecht Durer has a famous painting“ Hand of prayer ”From 1507 to 1511, Durer and Matthias were jointly located at Frankfurt Of Dominican The triptych of Heller's altar creation in the church Painting institute The two hands are the right side of the middle of the triptych Lower corner The hands of the disciples in green, and the blueprint of these hands is the painter Durer himself, because these hands have appeared on Durer's paintings for many times, and this triptych was destroyed by fire in 1729.
The triptych created by Heller's altar Replica
Albert Durer's paintings
Albert Durer's paintings [1]
Because people liked this painting very much, a legend spread about it, which was also quoted by some Chinese celebrities as true stories in their speeches.
Praying hand
In the 15th century Germany A family with 18 children lived in a small village of. His father is a metallurgist. In order to make a living, he works 18 hours a day.
Although life is hard, two children in this family have the same dream. They both hope to develop their artistic talents. However, they also understood that their father could not afford them to study at Nuremberg Academy of Arts financially. In the evening, after many discussions in bed, the two brothers came to the conclusion that the winner would go to the art college to study, and the loser would go to the nearby Mine Work to make money; Four years later, the one who worked in the mine went to the art college to study, and the one who graduated earned money. If necessary, they may also work in the mine.
After Sunday morning worship, they threw a coin. As a result, their brother Albrecht Durer won and went to the Nuremberg Academy of Arts. Albert, his brother, went to work in a dangerous mine to provide financial support for his brother when he was in college. Albrecht is outstanding in the art school, and his paintings are even better than those of the professor. By the time he graduated, his works would have made a lot of money.
On the day the young artist returned to his hometown, his family prepared a feast for him to celebrate his return from school. At the end of the long and unforgettable banquet, accompanied by music and laughter, Albert stood up to thank his beloved brother for his support over the years. He said: "Now it's your turn, dear brother, and I will fully support you to study at Nuremberg Academy of Arts to realize your dreams!"
All eyes were eager to move to the other end of the table. Albert, who was sitting there, burst into tears. He hung his head, shook his head and repeated, "No... no..."
Finally, Albert stood up, wiped the tears off his cheeks, looked at the faces of his loved ones on both sides of the long table, moved his hands closer to his right cheek, and said: "No, brother, I can't go to the Nuremberg Academy of Arts. It's too late. Look at my hands - I have worked in the mine for four years and destroyed my hands. My joints can't move. Now my hands can't even raise a glass to celebrate you, not to mention waving a brush or Carving knife What about? No, brother... it's too late... "
More than 450 years later, Albrecht Durer has thousands of masterpieces handed down. His sketches, sketches painting in water colours , wood carving, copper carving, etc. can be found in museums around the world; However, most people are most familiar with one of them. Maybe you have a copy hanging in your home or office.
In order to compensate for his brother's sacrifice and pay tribute to him, Albrecht Durer worked hard one day to carve his rough hands together. He simply called this great work "hands". However, people all over the world immediately opened their hearts to this masterpiece and renamed this work of love as“ Hand of prayer ”。
Next time you see this moving work, take a closer look. If you need such a painting, let it be your reminder. No one - no one can succeed alone!

Book information

essential information
Dule [2]
Title: Durer
Author: Huang Yin
Published on: July 1, 2010
ISBN :9787538642476
Format: 16
Price: 25.00 yuan
Introduction to "The Great Master's Sketch Series: Dule (1400-2000)": Albright Dule (1471-1528) is a German Art history An epoch-making artist from Italy The Renaissance Its form and theory spread to northern Europe, creating and laying the tradition and foundation of German national painting school, and greatly influenced the development of German art thereafter. He is a versatile and knowledgeable painter, sculptor, architect and art theorist. Durer and Italian Da Vinci It is also one of the greatest representatives of the European Renaissance.
Durer was born in a goldsmith family in Nuremberg, and accepted it since childhood Gold and silver jewelry Sculpture and painting skills training necessary for arts and crafts. Disused at the age of 13 Silver stylus He painted a self portrait for himself. His beautiful and delicate brushwork has shown his great artistic talent. Although Durer has deep respect for the craftsman's exquisite skills Thirst for knowledge Driven by the belief that he expected to expand his artistic vision, Durer became a disciple of Carl Vogmut, the best local painter, at the age of 15. During his three-year apprenticeship, Durer copied many works, gradually learned a variety of painting skills, and began to try to create with nature, human body and plants as objects.
Durer lived in the darkest period in German history. The confusion of ideas and beliefs, the prevalence of famine and plague (Black Death), and the intensification of social contradictions made German culture and art weak and in a serious downturn. At the same time Italy The leading European countries have stepped out of the silence of the Middle Ages and entered the open and prosperous period of politics, economy and culture. The glory of humanism has illuminated the European continent.
After his apprenticeship, Durer began to travel around Europe and arrived in 1494 Italy Padova Doule was deeply impressed by Giotto's murals in the city, and he admired them very much Italian Renaissance Of artistic values and plastic arts He began to deliberately absorb some elements of Italian art and put his own artistic exploration on the rules of modeling. The Venetian color and the description of nature also inspired Durer greatly.

Art category

Albret Durer's art categories are mainly print [6]

Character evaluation

1、 Germany Of Vinci 2、 self-portrait Father.
According to the contemporaries who wrote an article recalling Durer's appearance, "He has a vivid face, a pair of bright eyes, and is known as quadrilateral His nose, long neck, broad chest, and abdomen tied tightly around his waist, his thighs and muscles are very developed, and his calves are strong and well proportioned, looking gentle. Some people have seen his fingers, which are as beautiful as green and white, and his witty manners are more intoxicating, so that the audience feels that there is nothing more melancholy than when he ends his speech. He is almost familiar with astronomy and geography Philosophical aesthetics Not only do they understand, but they also dictate. "
In his famous comment on the European Renaissance, Engels regarded Durer as Vinci One of the same outstanding figures. He said that "Albrecht was a painter, a copper plate sculptor, a sculptor, and an architect. In addition, he invented a system of urban architecture".
Even if this reputation is somewhat exaggerated, it is enough to show the image of Durer in the minds of his contemporaries.
Durer's most famous work is Hand, which was later renamed《 Hand of prayer 》, whose influence exceeds any other works.