Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease
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Alzheimer's disease, that is, Alzheimer's disease, refers to a persistent disorder of high-level neurological activity. To put it simply, there are obstacles in memory, thinking, analysis and judgment, visual spatial identification, emotion and other aspects in the absence of conscious disorders. Generally, Alzheimer's disease often occurs after the age of 50. The onset of the disease is hidden and the development is slow. At the earliest stage, it often starts with gradually increasing forgetfulness. If you do not pay attention, it is not easy to find. It is often heard that some elderly people say, "Old age, poor memory, useless. This may be the precursor of Alzheimer's disease.

Symptom characteristics

The three characteristics of Alzheimer's disease help to distinguish Alzheimer's disease from physical amnesia among family members, so as to eliminate mental pressure on family members and reduce suspicion, anxiety and terror. These characteristics are:
① The amnesia of Alzheimer's patients is so severe that they cannot take care of themselves in daily life; The past experiences are all forgotten, but the general physiological amnesia is not like this.
② Alzheimer's patients not only have memory decline, but also have a variety of pathological symptoms. As the brain barrier of the patient gradually expands, even the simplest calculation can not be carried out, and he can not find out where he is, or the television that he used to operate can not be operated. Some patients change their previous personality and become easily angry and excited.
③ People with Alzheimer's disease do not know that they are forgetful, while people who are generally forgetful can find their own forgetfulness and overcome or correct it by themselves.

Stage of illness

According to the development of the disease, it can be roughly divided into three stages:
The first stage (amnesia period): This stage is characterized by a marked decline in memory, such as forgetting words, things done or important appointments at the beginning, and gradually forgetting the past. At the same time, the ability of thinking analysis, judgment, visual spatial discrimination, computing ability, etc. has also been reduced, but sometimes it can still maintain the familiar work or skills in the past.
The second stage (chaotic period): in addition to the aggravation of the symptoms in the first stage, the prominent performance is that the visual spatial recognition disorder is obviously aggravated, and it is easy to get lost. It is also very difficult to dress, or wear pants as clothes: do not know the faces of friends or relatives, do not remember their names, and cannot talk to others, although sometimes they talk to themselves.
The third stage (extreme dementia period): the patient enters into a state of overall decline, unable to take care of himself, such as eating, dressing, bathing, and incontinence.

Master and apply the way of getting along with patients

According to medical research, there is no specific drug or treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Drugs that can increase the quantity of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, are often used clinically to improve patients' intelligence, behavioral ability and emotional control ability, and improve patients' quality of life. In addition to necessary medication, home treatment and care are also very important.
Before talking to the patient, the family member should first explain who he or she is, so as to facilitate communication. Speak slowly and clearly to the patient. Never shout loudly. This may stimulate the patient's mood and lead to deterioration of the condition. Don't order patients to do anything. Speak to patients in short and clear sentences. Don't confuse them. Be patient. Don't worry. Talk to patients. If they don't understand at one time, they can repeat it two or three times slowly until they understand.
The behaviors and expressions of the relatives should be natural and not exaggerated. When talking with patients, they should look into their eyes and keep a proper distance, because if they are too close, they will feel afraid, and if they are too far away, they will sound laborious. If you want to approach him (her), try to be as light as possible, and approach from the front, not from the back, so it is easy to frighten him (her) and lead to emotional loss of control. Smiles, friendly eyes and expressions encourage patients.

Family treatment and nursing of patients

There should be a special person to arrange the patients to eat, take medicine, rest and go out on time. It is better to set a schedule. If the family does not have time to take responsibility, they should explain it to the nursing staff or nanny. Put the medicine in a fixed place and stick a label indicating the name, usage and dosage of the medicine. Label the wardrobe and drawers with the names of the items inside. The things in the wardrobe and drawer should be stacked neatly so that patients can find them when they need them. In the obvious place, stick a note to prevent the patient from forgetting to turn off the power supply of household appliances, gas valve and door when going out. Bring the patient a card with home address, telephone number and home route for emergencies. If the patient gets sick when he goes out, he can remind the memory according to the card, and the kind-hearted person can also escort the patient home. Make important phone numbers into cards and put them in a conspicuous position, and stick a picture of the user of the number next to the phone number.
Although the incidence of Alzheimer's disease increases with age, it can be prevented and reduced if more attention is paid to the diet, health, social interaction and other aspects of the elderly in life. The medical experts of Columbia University in New York reached this conclusion after tracking 1772 people over 65 years old for seven years. They released the latest research results that reading, watching movies, walking, eating out, visiting friends and other leisure activities may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The study took race, education, occupation and other factors into consideration, and the elderly who often participated in leisure activities had a 38% lower risk of Alzheimer's disease than others. Among various leisure activities, intellectual activities such as reading play the most important role in preventing Alzheimer's disease, followed by social activities and physical activities.

Senile depression

In addition to the true Alzheimer's disease, there is also a disease called senile depression among the elderly. Its clinical manifestations are also very similar to Alzheimer's disease in some aspects, and it is easy to be mistaken for Alzheimer's disease.
This kind of patient is characterized by decreased activity, little talk, lazy life, stiff expression, dementia but not dementia due to mental depression, so it is said to be "pseudo Alzheimer's disease".
Senile depression is a common disease in the elderly, accounting for 5% - 10% of the elderly over 65 years old. It is a functional mental disease. In order to distinguish it from Alzheimer's disease, this chapter will introduce it.
If a patient with senile depression shows sluggish or reduced action, often retreats to a corner of the house or lies in bed all day, and is unwilling to talk at ordinary times. When called by his family, the patient often answers in a soft voice. Everyday life seems lazy and unwilling to take a bath or change clothes. The patient is depressed, depressed, and haggard, feeling bored and living like a year. When the condition is serious, negative suicidal behaviors may occur.