prince Albert

Queen Victoria's cousin and husband
zero Useful+1
Prince Albert (English: Prince Albert , August 26, 1819 – December 14, 1861), Queen Victoria His cousin and husband, Albert's birthplace Saxony Coburg Salfeld The Principality has affinity with many European royal families. At the age of 20, she married her cousin Victoria and had nine children after marriage. At first, Albert was severely restricted, and his status was only that of the Queen's spouse, without other corresponding rights or duties. Over time, he has absorbed many people's demands, such as the implementation of educational reform and the implementation of global Abolition Movement , manage the royal family affairs and the Queen's Office. He actively participated in 1851 world 's fair Preparation for. Politically, although he opposed the policy pursued by Lord Palmerston during his tenure as Foreign Secretary, he persuaded the Queen not to be partisan in her dealings with Parliament. In this regard, it has promoted britain Constitutional monarchy Development of.
Albert died in 1861 at the age of 42.
Chinese name
Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emanuel
Foreign name
Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel [1]
Ethnic groups
germanic people
date of birth
August 26, 1819
Date of death
December 14, 1861
Key achievements
Participate in the preparation of the 1851 World Expo
one's native heath
Coburg, Germany
Queen Victoria
Saxony Coburg Duke of Gotha Ernst I
Saxony Gotha Altenberg Princess Louise

Character's Life


Family origin

Young Albert (first from left)
Albert is Germany Saxony Coburg Duke of Gotha Ernst I 's son. Belgium king Leopold I Victoria's uncle and Albert's uncle. Victoria's mother and Leopold I are brothers and sisters, Albert and his cousin Queen Victoria Married and had nine children in total, but because of intermarriage, three of the four princes were hemophilia Fortunately, the five princesses were healthy and beautiful, but they were also carriers of hemophilia gene. Their marriage with the European royal family resulted in the spread of this terrible disease in the European royal family.
Many descendants of Prince Albert married royal family members from various European countries, the eldest daughter Crown Princess Victoria Becoming Emperor of Germany Friedrich III One of his grandchildren is the German emperor who launched the First World War William II , a granddaughter Princess Sophie The queen of Greece; The second child is the later king of England Edward VII , his granddaughter Princess Maude yes Norway king Hakang VII Her queen; Third child Princess Alice Became the duke of Hessen and Rhine in southwest Germany Ludwig IV His wife, one of his granddaughters Alexandra Fiodorovna The last czar of Russia nicholas ii The Queen of England, another granddaughter Princess Victoria Elizabeth II husband prince philip My grandmother; The other three daughters, two of whom are Badenburg in southern Germany and northern Germany Schleswig Holstein The prince's princess. And one married Scotland A duke of Canada governor The sons are married Denmark , princesses and princesses from Russia and Germany. [2]

happy marriage

Victoria, Albert
Albert, born in Germany on August 26, 1819 Bavaria It's the Duke of Saxony Coburg Gotha Ernst I And Saxony Gotha Altenberg Princess Louise His elder brother is the Duke of Saxony Coburg Gotha Ernst II Albert University of Bonn Educated. In 1840, he married his cousin Queen Victoria As a wife.
Victoria's father, the Duke of Kent, was an English George III The king's fourth son died when she was eight months old. Her three uncles—— george iv Duke of York and william iv There was no legal heir, so she succeeded to the throne after the death of William IV. Victoria's mother and Leopold had planned Albert's marriage to Queen Victoria. Albert never thought about his marriage. At first, the young queen resisted and did not want to give up the right to make decisions on her own life. Their marriage eventually became British royal family An incomparable love legend in history.
When it comes to marriage, Victoria is so disgusted and afraid that she would not even listen. She said to Lord Melbourne more than once, "At this time, my mood is very disgusted with marriage". When talking about the matter with Albert, she said in a letter to her uncle, "We have no engagement." Even if she likes Albert, she "can't make a final agreement this year, because at the earliest, this kind of thing will wait for two or three years.". She also said that she "hated" changing her current life; She also claimed that if she did not like him, she would also like to get his understanding. To Lord Melbourne, she spoke more clearly. She told him that she "didn't want to see Albert very much because the whole incident was a nuisance".
No matter how Victoria evaded, Albert's visit came as scheduled. On the evening of October 10 of that year, under the arrangement of Uncle Leopold, Albert came to Windsor accompanied by his brother Ernest, the heir of Duke Saxe Coburg.
Victoria, Albert and their princes and princesses
The next day was Thursday. In the morning, Albert and Ernest finally came to see the Queen. The Queen stood silently, and the two princes were still so beautiful, handsome and elegant. This made her recall the happy time of those three weeks a few years ago, boating and riding. Yes, they really saw each other again, but their separation was too long, too long. The long separation almost made her forget everything. Now, all the memories are recalled. She carefully looked at the two young people in front of her, especially Albert. She was very surprised. Albert not only retained the style of his youth, but also added a bit of maturity and poise to him. He was still a handsome face. Only a slender mustache appeared on his mouth, and his white face was also scattered with loose cheek whiskers, and his size was more tall and symmetrical, Albert is completely a mature man, and all his hatred and fear disappear in the light of the handsome young man's blue eyes and the charming smile on his mouth. They rode horses together, danced together, and talked together. Everything was so perfect that she seemed to be introduced into a new territory. There was no sign of Lord Melbourne in this territory. She could get introspection on her past life through comparison: those happiness and attachment were only built on a superficial pastime, Two or three days passed quickly. On Sunday morning, when she stood in front of Lord Melbourne again, she seemed to be a new person. The childish, expectant and adorable expression had completely disappeared, instead of more firmness and maturity: "I have greatly changed my view on marriage, and I have decided to marry Albert." The next morning, she summoned the cousin alone. This time, the queen completely forgot the dignity and rules of the emperor. She said affectionately, "If you can meet my wish (marry me), I will be very happy."
Albert affectionately opened the man's powerful arms and tightly embraced the Queen. His embrace was so powerful and gentle. Victoria was immersed in an unprecedented sense of happiness.
Albert really has reason to fall for Victoria, or Victoria's choice is extremely correct. Although at this time, the Queen's choice was more based on intuition and admiration for Albert's many superficial qualities: his handsome beauty and charming temperament. But more and more later, Albert's internal quality will be more and more obvious to show in front of people, making the Queen more and more willing to be his vassal. These are the last words of course, but Albert's extraordinary talent was acquired before he joined the Queen. Albert was born in August 1819, three months later than his cousin Victoria. Francis Charles Auguste Albert Emanuel of Sax Coburg Gotha is his full name. Albert inherited all the advantages of her mother, a lively and beautiful woman, in appearance: golden hair, blue eyes, polite and energetic.
Compared with his brother Ernest, Albert was a child who had his own ideas and could abide by them. In countless games and quarrels between his brothers, his brother always had the upper hand. In the eyes of outsiders, their identities should be reversed. Albert's character is popular in Coburg. He is intelligent, resourceful and hard-working. His principality has experienced war, is weak and powerless, and the Grand Duke is not rich. He grew up in a simple environment since childhood. Such a simple environment made him willing to accept the call of the era's enthusiastic morality: honesty, tenacity, goodness and truth. When he was still 11 years old, when his father tried to ask him about his future plans, his answer surprised the ruler of the weather beaten principality: "I want to be a kind and useful person". He said that the simple and concise sentence contained a child's consciousness of his future life responsibilities and goals, which was the highest style of that era. People can't help thinking that when Victoria first understood that she would become the Queen of England, her answer was almost the same: "I want to be a good person". Is this an occasional coincidence, or is it all that can be explained by just saying that "I have a good heart"? From here, people have already vaguely felt that it is no accident that after Albert and Victoria were combined several years later, their lifestyle and attitude towards life became the model of the whole national life.
Like Victoria, Albert is Confirmation ceremony The performance on was so excellent and unforgettable. The confirmation ceremony was held publicly in the "Giant Hall" of the castle, citing the ancient example. Because Albert's temperament and demeanor since he was young have gone deep Coburg In everyone's heart, the confirmation ceremony affects all the people in the court and in the field. A large number of nobles, rich businessmen, priests, representatives of cities in the Principality and all kinds of spectators came together, and the scene was very lively Wuteng Castle His Royal Highness Prince Alexander and Ernest, Archduke Lainingen, Archduke Hornloy Langenburg, Archduke Hornloy and Archduke Slimfest were all present at the ceremony. A simple but well decorated podium was set up at the rear of the hall. Dr. Jacobi, the priest in the inner court, sat in the center, and the chorus sang the hymn "The Holy Spirit Comes" loudly The ceremony began after the first quarter of. Dr. Jacoby began to ask questions, and the prince answered them. Doctor's questions are carefully designed and considered. These questions cannot be answered by a simple "yes" or "no". They must have their own opinions and explanations. The purpose is to enable the audience to understand the views of the young prince in more detail. Albert's answers are frank, decisive and accurate, especially those subtle interpretations with personality shining everywhere, which contain a deep attitude and confident internal force, which closely affects all the people present, from the noble and rich businessmen to ordinary civilians. When asked if the hereditary prince intended to be loyal Evangelical In church, the prince's answer was just "yes". But he added with a clear and firm voice: "I am determined to always be loyal to the recognized truth." Always be loyal to the recognized truth, which is the starting point and cornerstone of all Albert's virtues.
Broad learning is another excellent quality of Albert. He always takes every opportunity to enrich and expand his knowledge field. He studies law, political economy, mathematics, literature, biology, etc. almost diligently, and also learns riding, shooting, fencing, hunting.
At the age of 17, he began to devote himself to studying German literature and profound German philosophy. He once wrote a paper, "On the German Mode of Thinking and a Brief History of German Civilization". He tried to "reflect on the drawbacks of our times, appeal to all people to start from themselves to correct these drawbacks, and thus set a good example for others." His strong interest in the way of thinking of his own nation has played an extremely important role in his future work as the Queen's assistant.
Albert in 1840 [3]
Albert was very concerned about the nation's lifeblood industry and commerce. He was very clear that the fundamental reason why Britain and Germany were outstanding was the development of industry and commerce and the progress of science and technology. In 1852, he successfully conceived and held a large-scale event that focused on the production of raw materials, machine manufacturing, mechanical design Various advanced samples made by manufacturers and produced in application World Exposition Is the best footnote in Brussels He once met a famous mathematics professor, Adolf Godley. His research and application of the law of probability deeply attracted Albert. He soon became lifelong friends with the mathematics professor. Unlike the French monarch, who was keen on art pet dances, Albert was more interested in economics, technology, military affairs and learning. Such an outstanding young man, from the moment he came to the world, his grandmother, the grand duke of Coburg, the grand duchess, The Duchess of Kent and King Leopold put him and Victoria together to talk. From the age of 3, even his nanny often told him that "the little May flower of England" (Victoria was born in May) would become his wife,
When he collided with Victoria's eyes, he found that his irresistible fate had been determined and they fell in love.

Uncrowned king

Victoria, Albert
The Queen of the British Empire is much higher than his little German prince in status, so he doesn't have to propose to her. She proposed to marry him, and he bowed respectfully. They got married. A new and unimagined world unfolded before her. How nice of him - how wonderful! Albert is a real aristocrat, a gentleman and a model husband!
He said in his love letter, "I believe that heaven has sent me an angel to illuminate my life.". He is always noble, manly and regal.
But there are also obstacles in their families. The first child, Princess Wikipedia, was born on November 22, 1840. Victoria insisted on giving care to a woman whom Albert disliked very much: Louise Lezhen, Victoria's old governess. She is a cunning and dominant person, and Albert thinks she is dangerous.
Albert loved his daughter very much. In 1842, Wikipedia was seriously ill. Le Zhen and the royal doctor James Clark arranged the treatment of Wikipedia badly, so Albert decided to intervene. He thought that indulgence had made Wikipedia suffer too long, but the Queen stood by her side. The couple broke out in a fierce quarrel, accusing each other of not caring about Wikipedia's life and death. Albert wrote angrily to Victoria: "I don't care! Take the child away, and do what you want. If she dies, your conscience will know!"
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
Fortunately, the terrible Jane has never diminished Victoria's love for Albert. She was shocked by his tough attitude and finally came back to apologize to him. Then she gave Lezhen a pension and sent her back to Germany. The cloud immediately dissipated and Princess Wikipedia recovered. It is clear that many of Albert's problems in Britain stem from the negative influence exerted by Le Jane on the young queen.
But it did not end their differences of opinion. Often – usually Victoria is trapped Postpartum melancholia When the time comes - two people will quarrel over trivial trivial things. She lost her temper and scolded him, while he ran away to do his own research. She will catch up, still arguing and complaining. Then, her attitude will turn 180 degrees and drown him with apologies and promises. He forgave her and everything was fine - but only for a while. However, there was no big quarrel like that in 1842. LeJane's departure liberated Albert and enabled him to participate in her life and national affairs.
He worked hard to overcome the difficulties and exerted a very beneficial influence on Britain and his wife. Albert could easily understand and explain to Victoria the state documents she had read so hard. When she is impatient, he sends a written order to ministers in her name to make notes, comments or suggestions on state affairs. He often participates in her meetings with ministers, and his influence is unquestionable. As Victoria became more and more obedient to his intelligence, he became more and more involved in mechanized political affairs, an endless variety of affairs in a huge empire.
Prince Albert in Knight Gard and Order of Bath dress
Now every minister knows who makes the final decision, and the prince has become the center of all things.
Albert finally had a very important impact on Britain, which was unmatched by other members of the royal family, and in fact would not happen in the future. He created a new image for the royal family, which used to stand aloof in the past, brought them to the public, and set up a leader image who was very concerned about the well-being of his subjects.
He visited the poor families and appealed for the unemployed. Under his influence, Victoria began to know that there were too many people outside her palace who were facing threats of insecurity, poverty, infectious diseases and early death and needed the royal family's attention. He initiated the first World Expo -( The Great Exhibition )The 1851 World Expo in London showed the miracle of the industrial revolution to the public, which effectively raised Britain's international prestige.
Not all people welcome Albert into the political circle. This achievement depends on the Queen's willingness to obey her husband, and Victoria can no longer cooperate.
Victoria and Albert [2]
He was in a state of loneliness. Victoria worships him extremely. At home, his words are the law. The Queen taught her nine children, and their father was their model. Several children were disobedient, especially the later ones Edward VII , a complete prodigal son. Victoria would blame them for not being like their father, rather than expressing sadness to them. In 1857, she broke the precedent and added Wang Fu (Prince Consort).
In the autumn of 1861, Albert also successfully intervened in the dispute between Britain and the United States. Under his influence, Britain and the United States avoided war. Then, in the following months, his son Edward VII fooled around with an actress. Albert came to persuade him Ireland Unfortunately, on the way home Typhoid fever Death.

die young

Prince Albert in 1860
Prince Albert has been suffering from serious Gastrospasm In the autumn of 1860 Coburg During one of his travels, Albert drove a four wheeled carriage alone. But the horses were frightened and galloped, and rushed to a truck parked at the railway crossing. One of the horses was hit and killed, and Albert jumped in time to save his life. Although he was only slightly scratched and bruised in the accident, he was shocked after all. Later, he told his brother and eldest daughter Crown Princess Victoria Frankly, time is running out.
In 1861, the Duchess of Kent, Victoria's mother and Prince Albert's aunt, died of illness. Victoria was heartbroken. Although Albert was in great pain at this time, he still took most of the Queen's responsibilities. On June 5, 1861, the Royal Gardening Park opened. Prince Albert presided over the opening ceremony, which was the last public event he attended. In August, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert visited Ireland , and visited the Marsh Camp where the Crown Prince is serving (English:. Here, the Crown Prince met the Irish actress Nellie Clifden (English: Nellie Clifden) through the introduction of his colleagues.
In November, Albert and his wife returned Windsor And the Crown Prince also returned Cambridge study. During this period, Albert's two cousins, Portugal king Pedro V And Prince Ferdinand died Typhoid fever At this time, another news pushed the royal family to the forefront of the storm. Prince Albert learned that the crown prince was involved in the scandal with Nali Clifden, which spread rapidly among the gentry and foreign media. Albert and his wife were restless because of their son's disorderly behavior, worried about possible blackmail, scandal, and even unmarried pregnancy. At this time, although Albert was still ill and depressed, he still visited his son in Cambridge and discussed with him how this incident caused by frivolity. In the last few weeks of Albert's life, he suffered from back and leg pain.
In diplomacy, it's time U.S.A Civil War The "Trent" incident brought the United States and Britain to the brink of war. Albert was seriously ill at that time, but he still intervened so that the British government handled the incident in a more moderate way. On December 9, William Jenner, one of Albert's doctors in charge, confirmed that the prince was suffering from typhoid fever. Soon Albert's lungs became congested, and at 10:50 p.m. on December 14 Windsor Castle Blue Hall came to the end of life. At that time, Queen Victoria was accompanied by five of the nine children. At that time, doctors judged that Prince Albert died of typhoid fever, but some writers pointed out that Albert might have suffered from typhoid fever at least two years ago Crohn's disease This chronic disease, so renal failure Or cancer is the real cause of his death. [4]


Albert Monument, London
Queen Victoria was deeply saddened by the death of Prince Albert Hong. The British public's attitude towards Albert has also changed from lukewarm to sympathetic. In the days after her widowhood, Victoria always wore black clothes to express her condolences to her late husband. And in the room where she lived with Albert, the arrangement of articles and even the hot water, sheets, towels, etc. for washing in the morning were still as usual. This kind of behavior was also rare among many noble and rich merchants at that time. Since then, Victoria gradually faded out of public view and began to live in seclusion. The Queen's influence on politics has weakened, but it also makes the British royal family should always be above politics. Before Albert married Victoria, when Victoria was in power, she supported Whig Party And tried to stop her from changing the maid Robert Peel The Sir formed a Conservative government.
After Prince Albert died, Zigong temporarily stayed in Windsor Castle St. George's Chapel. One year later, Zigong was buried in the imperial mausoleum located in Furuoge Moore Palace, but the imperial mausoleum project was not completed until 1871. The sarcophagus, his final destination with Victoria, was carved from the largest single granite ever mined in Britain. Although Albert asked not to erect his statue, every town in the British Empire had a monument to him. Among the many monuments, the most eye-catching one is the Albert Monument in London.
Edinburgh, Albert Monument
In many ways, we can also see things named after Prince Albert, from Lake Albert in Africa to Saskatchewan Prince Albert City, and four British troops are also named after him: Prince Albert's 11th Light Cavalry, Light Infantry, Leicestershire Cavalry and Rifle Brigade. Hampshire There is a Prince Albert Library built by Albert and donated books.
After his death, his biographies were published one after another. Some biographers, such as Stanley Wentworth, portrayed Prince Albert as a tragic figure who died young and was missed by his lovers all his life.




  • August 26, 1819 - November 12, 1826: His Royal Highness Prince Albert of Saxony Coburg Salfield [5] (His Serene Highness Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld [5]
  • November 12, 1826 - February 6, 1840: His Royal Highness Prince Albert of Saxony Coburg Gotha [5] (His Serene Highness Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha [5]
  • February 6, 1840 - June 25, 1857: His Royal Highness Prince Albert of Saxony Coburg Gotha [1] (His Royal Highness Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha [1]
  • June 25, 1857 - December 14, 1861: His Royal Highness Wang Fu [6] (His Royal Highness Prince Consort [6]



Prince Albert's coat of arms
In 1840, after his marriage to Queen Victoria, Prince Albert received his own coat of arms. Although the heraldry is a royal badge, it is also different. The seal ribbon on the coat of arms is tooth rake type, with St. George's Cross tattooed, and the Saxon family is used for the quarter shield surface. The first and fourth parts of the shield surface adopt the English royal coat of arms with the tooth rake pattern of St. George's Cross. The second and third parts of the shield surface are Saxony family patterns, that is, gold and black are matched with a green rutile crown obliquely penetrating the shield surface. The prince's coat of arms is a special case, which does not completely conform to Heraldry Rules are a kind of self contradiction. Before marriage, Albert used his father's coat of arms.
In the middle of the crest Garde Medal The logo of the garter belt surrounds the shield. Above the garter belt, there is a crown and six top decorations representing the Saxony Coburg Gotha family. From left to right: 1. Symbol Makabe Top decoration: red bull head, with a crown on the head, silver ring on the nose, and red and white rings on the bottom of the crown. 2. Representatives Thuringia Top decoration: gold crown, on which two silver buffalo horns protrude. The buffalo horns are divided into five equal parts, and each equal part extends three bodhi leaves. 3. Symbols Saxony Top decoration: gold crown, on which extends the crest of the Saxon family. The crest is in the shape of a tower, and is equipped with a gold crown, which is decorated with three peacock feathers. 4. Symbols Mason Top decoration: silver whiskers are long, the collar and hat are red and white, and the tip of the hat also has three peacock feathers. 5: The top decoration symbolizing the Principality of Ulysses: a golden haired, black winged, red beaked griffin with a ring of red neck. 6. Top decoration symbolizing the principality of Berg: golden crown with 12 peacock feathers.
The lion, who wears a crown to symbolize England, and the unicorn, which symbolizes Scotland, support the coat of arms around. The ribbon at the bottom of the coat of arms is written with Albert's motto in German, which is also the slogan of Prince Albert's 11th Light Cavalry: Loyalty and Affirmation.
According to convention, all male descendants of Albert have the right to add the coat of arms of the Principality of Saxony in the center of their coat of arms. However, in 1917, because of World War I, the King of England George V Abandoned the German element of Saxony in the heraldry.

member of family

full name
date of birth
Date of death
Marriage, family and children
November 21, 1840
August 5th
1858 and Friedrich III marry
Four sons, four daughters, children include William II , Queen of Greece Princess Sophie Queen Margaret of Finland (unrecognized)
November 9th
May 6th
1863 and Danish Alexandra Princess marriage;
Three sons, three daughters, children include George V , Queen of Norway Princess Maude
April 25th
December 14th
1862 and Hesse and the Grand Duke of Rhine Ludwig IV Marriage (1837 – 1892)
Two sons and five daughters, including the last empress of Russia Alexandra Fiodorovna prince philip For the descendants of Princess Alice
August 6th
July 31st
1874 and the Russian Empire Maria Alexandrovna Matrimony (1853 – 1920);
Two sons and four daughters, including Romania queen mary
May 25th
June 9th
In 1866, he married Prince Christian of Schleswig Holstein Thornburgh Augustenburg (1831 – 1917);
Four sons (one stillborn), two women,
March 18th
December 3rd
1871 and the Ninth Duke of Argyle John Campbell Marriage
No issue
May 1st
January 16th
1879 and Prussian Louise Margaret Princess Marriage (1860 – 1917)
One son, two women, and the eldest daughter is the Swedish princess Princess Margaret , son-in-law, the king of Sweden Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden
April 7th
March 28th
1882 and Valdec Piemonte's Helene Princess Marriage (1861 – 1922);
One son, one woman,
April 14th
October 26th
He married Prince Henry of Batenburg in 1885 (1858 – 1896);
Three sons, one daughter, children including Spain Victoria Eugenia queen

Character evaluation

As the queen's husband, as the prince of the world's most powerful empire in the 19th century, the responsibility on his shoulders has constantly strengthened his rigorous thinking and rigorous life. Of course, he also plays the piano and likes oil painting, but that is just a kind of adjustment and relaxation between heavy work. Some people always want to find the graceful figure in the dance hall or theater, But his figure is almost always fixed in Buckingham Palace In front of the desk full of all kinds of documents, under the green writing lamp.
His diligence has almost reached the level of madness. The green desk lamp is lighting up earlier and earlier, letters are exchanged more and more widely, newspapers are read more and more comprehensively, and the memorandum writing he has always insisted on is becoming more and more detailed, profound, incisive, and lengthy, which almost engulfs him, or he himself is like a hungry dragon, He gobbled up the increasing workload day and night. Even, his entertainment is just a forced obligation to work. He arranges his entertainment according to the schedule and says something at lunch Pun , appropriate entertainment and humor.
He is always under great pressure. This kind of pressure comes not only from the various documents flying in like snowflakes, but also from the deep heart of this strict German. Yes, on the surface, he was successful. He did his best to maintain the monarchy, establish royal prestige and promote the prosperity of the British Empire.
He dragged the sick body Cambridge Learn about the situation of the eldest son, the future heir to the British King, the Prince of Wales, who suffered a fatal cold, and Albert soon became bedridden. Victoria felt the seriousness of the matter. She knew Albert would never lie down until he had to.
Victoria guarded her husband all day long. His illness worsened, and the ambitious prince finally raised the white flag after decades of indomitable life struggle. He called Victoria to him and said, "I don't attach much to life. I don't value it. If I get seriously ill, I will surrender immediately. I won't struggle for life. I have no attachment to life." Victoria tried to comfort him. Victoria also leaned over her husband and read aloud what he liked to hear Scott He tried to lean back and touch her cheek while murmuring "Lieges Frauchen" (lovely wife) and "guts weibchen" (kind wife).
On the morning of December 14, 1861, after seeing the patient, Dr. Watson looked gloomy. He helplessly opened his hands and said, "Hurry to find relatives to say goodbye to him, or it will be too late." First, the children passed their father silently one by one. Albert's breathing was very weak, his eyes were slightly closed, and his lips occasionally slightly pulled, It seems that they are dreaming a distant dream. The children are holding tears and dare not speak out. They are told not to disturb their father, so let him go quietly.
Victoria finally realized that she was standing on the edge of a terrible abyss. After the children left, she sat quietly beside her husband. At this time, Albert also seemed to feel his wife's existence in the dark. He murmured something, and she tried to turn her ear to the side, but still could not hear what was said. After a while, he tried to raise his hand and began to cut his hair. This action usually only happened before he went to a formal meeting. Could Albert also feel that he was approaching the most solemn meeting in his life, a meeting with God?
When she saw that he was struggling, Victoria helped him clean his loose hair and leaned down beside him, constantly comforting him: "ES ist kleines Fraucheu" (the lovely lady is here). He seemed to understand, showing an unbearable smile on his face, and then calmed down. This situation continued. After a few minutes, the excessive silence finally made Victoria a little uneasy. She reached her hand to her husband's nose. She felt that the delicate breath was getting weaker and weaker, but finally there was no breath. His face gradually became stiff and congealed, and she could no longer control herself, A long and shrill scream tore at the deep palace, so terrible, so thrilling.
Prince Albert finally abandoned his beloved wife, the noble queen, and left alone. He was only 42 years old when he left.
Albert's death is a significant event not only for Victoria, but also for Britain and Europe as a whole. In his lifetime, especially in the 20 years since he assisted the Queen, he has made himself incomparable in British political life. He has been accepted as a necessary and useful member of the government agencies in the core group of politicians. Especially in the era when the voice of bourgeois freedom, democracy and the labor movement rose one after another, and when one feudal monarch fell after another, he made Britain the strongest fortress and the thickest backer of the whole European monarchy
According to the life expectancy of ordinary people, Albert, 42, can still live for at least another 30 years, which means that he spent less than half of his time in the British Empire when he died. What reason do people have to wonder how amazing Albert would be if he lived another 30 years? In the next 30 years, politicians will come and go, and your side will sing, but there is only one queen and only one prince. The prince is a lifelong prince. As long as he does not die, he will be at the center of the country's political affairs all his life. Think of such a person who, in the eyes of the British, has high moral integrity, sagacity, and unprecedented experience in politics all his life until the end of the 19th century, What kind of extraordinary achievements will be achieved?
However, history is history after all, without any assumptions and conditions, it is one-time. The true history is that from then on, the British monarchy, like a rickety ship in the ocean, can no longer achieve the glory of Albert's time; For the whole process of world history, this is of course a great progress, but since then, the monarchs of Europe have lost their backbone overnight and have fallen off one after another; Since then, his wife, Queen Victoria of England, has fallen into the abyss of loneliness. Yes, Victoria is the one who lost the most in the death of the king, only Victoria!
Her grief, like her love and worship, is extremely excessive and selfish. Wearing mourning clothes all her life was not common in the 19th century, and she did much more than that. She did not want to live and was ready to die. His room at Windsor Castle was always the same as when he left. Entertainment is forbidden in the palace. Shortly before his death, Prince Edward, 20, her successor, was making the first of a series of romantic stories in his life. This news made Albert very painful. A few weeks later, he died of typhoid fever. Victoria blamed Edward for killing his father, never really forgiving him again, and never allowed him to perform his duties as Crown Prince. She secluded herself, ignoring her duties as a queen and even as a mother. She did not appear in public for a long time, which greatly damaged her prestige, so that there were many calls from the people to change the system into a republic.
She regarded him as a saint, a supernatural Holy Spirit not equipped with this earthly world, so she left early. The biography she wrote for him was simply a saint's biography, calling him "kind Albert", as if he were an angel. After 40 years of widowhood, Victoria died in 1901 and was buried beside him at Windsor Castle. In front of the mausoleum is a statue made in 1862: Albert looks up, as if looking at the sky above; When she looked at him, all her love, piety, and sadness were frozen in the stone. This statue tells everything between him and her.