Aleppo Ancient City

Ancient Cultural Sites in Syria
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Aleppo Ancient City, located in Syria Northwestern Aleppo Basin Central, located at mediterranean sea and Mesopotamia Between and Tigris River and Euphrates River Between Crescent fertile land North of Damascus 350 kilometers north the Silk Road The westernmost end of.
Chinese name
Aleppo Ancient City
Foreign name
Ancient City of Aleppo
In 1986, it was listed in the World Heritage List

Basic information

Heritage name: Aleppo Ancient City
Ancient City of Aleppo
Selected time: 1986
Selection basis: cultural heritage (iii) (iv)
Geographic location: N36 11 57 E37 09 46
Heritage area: 364 ha
Heritage number: 21

natural heritage

Geographical Location of World Heritage Site in Syria
The ancient city of Aleppo is located in the center of Aleppo Basin in the northwest of Syria, 350 kilometers north of Damascus, in the north of the crescent fertile land between the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia, and between the Tigris River and the Euphrates River the Silk Road The westernmost end of. Since it was settled here in 2000 BC, Aleppo Old City, like Damascus, is one of the cities with the longest history of city building in the world, and is the most densely populated and active ancient city in history. The ancient city of Aleppo is characterized by huge houses, narrow alleys, roofed markets and ancient caravanserais. Aleppo Ancient City, including the area inside and outside the city wall, covers an area of about 3.5 square kilometers.
The most famous Islamic cultural relics in Aleppo is the Aleppo Acropolis, which is located on a gentle slope in the east of the ancient city. It is a witness of the history and culture of the Hittites. In addition to the famous Aleppo Acropolis, there are also many scenic spots of cultural value in the ancient city.
1986 based on cultural heritage Selection criteria (iii) (iv), Aleppo ancient city was UNESCO World Heritage Committee Approved as cultural heritage and included in《 World Heritage List 》。
Selection criteria (iii): The ancient city of Aleppo reflects the rich and diverse culture of its previous residents. Many historical periods have left an impact on the city's architectural structure. The ruins and elements of the Hittite, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Ayyubid buildings are integrated into the huge existing In the castle. [1]
Evaluation of World Heritage Committee
Aleppo has been at the intersection of several commercial roads since 2000 BC, and it has been successively Assyrian arab Mongolian Mamluk and turk Ruled. The 13th century castle, the 12th century Great Mosque and the 17th century Muslim school, palace, desert hotel and bathroom in the ancient city form the unique architectural structure of the city. Aleppo is now facing the dilemma of overpopulation. [1-3]

Heritage Introduction

Aleppo has been at the intersection of several commercial roads since the 2nd century BC Hittite Assyrian arab Mongolian Mamluk Dynasty and turk Ruled. The 13th century castle in the ancient city, the 12th century castle mosque And 17th century Muslim School palace Desert Hotel And bathrooms form the unique architectural structure of the city. There are no trees and no traces of water flowing through the red soil hilly area stretching across the vast area to the horizon, only extremely monotonous and open, ancient Aleppo The city is right here. It will suddenly appear without any sign and stand solemnly in front of people, just like the most beautiful illusion in the world.
Since it was settled in 2000 BC Aleppo Ancient city and Damascus It is also one of the cities with the longest city building history in the world, [4] It is the most densely populated and active ancient city in history. Historically, people in the ancient city of Aleppo engaged in industrial and trade activities. allegedly Abraham He once lived here. Long before he lived here, there was a castle (where Aleppo is now located). Abraham milked his grey cows in this castle, so Aleppo is also called“ Halabal-Shahba ”。
Aleppo mosque , schools, cemeteries and bathrooms. As East mediterranean sea Country and Venice An important trade center for businessmen, Aleppo stay Ottoman Empire It has been very prosperous for several centuries since then. Many hotels are still in use today.
An important business center
Aleppo Ancient City
Aleppo Almost and Damascus The same long history has become important as early as 4000 years ago commercial centre Since the third century BC, Aleppo has become a prosperous city, playing a unique strategic role. Because of this, Aleppo Yakadian and The Amorite Dynasty Since the beginning of the period, it has maintained a very unique position. Aleppo is also the intersection of several important commercial roads in the north, which connects Southern Europe South Asia Subcontinent and North Africa as well as the arabian peninsula since ancient Greek Ancient Rome During this period, strategic points and transportation centers of all dynasties were located here. 18th century BC Amorite Aleppo is regarded as the capital city of the empire. Aleppo also plays a very important role in Christianity. It used to be a diocese, in which stood a cathedral, which is still preserved.
About 1595 BC, Hittite intrusion Kingdom of Babylon Time from Anatolia People take it away Aleppo In 738 BC, Assyrian Occupy this place. stay Alexander the Great After his death, Aleppo was included Seleucid Dynasty And was ruled by Rome in 65 BC. In 636 Aleppo was arab Conquer and Dai Maya Dynasty A period of prosperity began under the rule. At this time, Aleppo's cultural and commercial status was restored. In Umayyad period and Abas period Aleppo was included Hamadani Province Principality of Handanide ), Hamadani The province was founded in 944 by Seifer Dala After its establishment, Aleppo became Syria The capital of the north entered the golden age. Seif Dala built a famous castle in Aleppo. During his reign, Aleppo was a prosperous city, enjoying a high reputation in science, literature and medicine. The two most famous poets, Mutanabi and Abu Ferrari Hamdani philosopher Concurrent scientist - Farabi Linguists - Ibn Calavi They all live in the palace of Seif Dala and are famous for their erudition and versatility. In addition, it is in the Crusaders invade eastward Time has played an important role. [4]
It was occupied by the Mongols in 1260, but then by Egypt Mamluk Army Recapture. stay Mamluk Under the rule of, its trade continued to develop. In 1516, Aleppo cover Ottoman Empire conquer. [4] During this period, Aleppo has always been Turkey, France, Britain and Netherlands The important trade center of European architecture , still can see traces in many buildings. [5] nineteenth century middle period, Suez Canal Destiny gradually declined after excavation. The rule of various dynasties left Aleppo with splendid culture in various historical periods, especially its preserved Arab culture It is even more famous in the world.
World famous urban architecture
The ancient city of Aleppo is located in the red soil hilly area stretching across a large area to the horizon. There are no trees, no traces of water flowing through, only extreme monotony and emptiness. Historically, people in the ancient city of Aleppo engaged in industrial and trade activities. Aleppo is famous for its buildings, churches, mosques, schools, cemeteries and bathrooms. As an important trade center for Eastern Mediterranean countries and Venetian merchants, Aleppo has been very prosperous for centuries after the Turkish Empire, and many hotels are still in use today. [2]
stay Aleppo Inside the seven city gates is the revelation ancient Greek Apocalyptic Urban layout Web. Open-air theater Distributed along Andeko (Anticoch) On the straight line from the gate to the base of the castle wall, the Great Mosque was built at the market place in ancient Greece. Throughout the city, street And dead alleys are distributed according to the hierarchy of public and private territories. Later, some new roads were built between the two, some of which were perfectly integrated with the original streets and alleys. Aleppo was built around the restored castle in the 13th century BC. The Great Mosque, built in the 7th century and renovated in the 12th century Great Mosque of Damascus It is famous for the planning and layout of the blueprint. his Urban structure It is mainly composed of traditional houses with high-level buildings and painted with limestone. Mosques Muslim Schools, palaces Turkish Bathroom and Movable houses Centralized area. [4]

Islamic cultural relics

Aleppo Acropolis
The ancient city of Aleppo in the 14th century depicted in historical documents
Aleppo's most famous Islamic Culture The historic site is located on a gentle hillside in the east of the ancient city Aleppo Acropolis It is the witness of the history and culture of the Hittites. legend Abraham During the journey, he stopped here to milk his red cows. However, the evidence left by the more ancient civilization shows that there have been many wars here. It was originally built in 2000 BC Assyrian Empire The Temple of God. 11- thirteenth century After several reconstruction and expansion, it covers an area of 15 hectares. What people see is A.D twelfth century End by Nural Ding Zangu He presided over the reconstruction and restoration of the ancient castle, which preserved the traces left by the ancient wars and earthquakes. Acropolis The wall is made of huge stones and surrounded by a trench 22 meters deep and 30 meters wide. It is 65 meters high from the bottom of the trench to the top of the wall. The slope from the lower part of the city wall to the trench is not only steep, but also covered with smooth stone slabs. It seems that no one can climb over the trench to the city wall. The entrance is more than 10 meters away from the sentry. In the past, there were A.D sixteenth century The large suspension bridge built at the beginning is connected. If the enemy invades, put the suspension bridge away, and the Acropolis will be as solid as gold. The castle has three big iron gates. The first gate is carved with two giant snakes circling each other, so it is called the Snake Gate; The second door is carved with a pair of sitting lions; There is also a pair of lions on the third door, one of which is Laughing lion , the other is Crying lion These exquisite sculptures are calling to heaven, calling for Allah's infinite power and all inclusive kindness. The passageway connecting the gates is equipped with flip plates and various mechanisms. The top of the passageway is full of crenellated holes and monitoring holes, which can kill the enemies who rush in. At the same time, there are unknown secret passages inside the castle. The Acropolis is well defended, cleverly conceived, extremely easy to defend and difficult to attack, and proudly isolates itself from the world. It is said that only in 1401 AD Timur We have never been captured again. There are several palace ruins of different dynasties in the Acropolis, among which the 13th century palace is particularly impressive. Its hall is inlaid with white marble, and the roof is hung with various Stalactite It can be said that Arab art A masterpiece of. The palace was built in the 15th and 16th centuries Jinluan Hall It is famous for its extraordinary gorgeous details, such as the complicated and beautiful roof beams in the hall, painted glass windows, luxurious palace lamp stands and crystal lamps, etc., all of which reflect the development level of Syrian handicrafts and the outstanding wisdom of craftsmen at that time. In addition, there are prisons with dungeons in the Eastern Roman Empire turk The barracks during the rule period, the large storage reservoir and gunpowder depot more than 1000 years ago granary , as well as the ruins of the Great Mosque in the 12th century and some wells 60 meters deep, which are said to be connected to the secret passage.
Other attractions
Except famous Aleppo In addition to the Acropolis, there are still many scenic spots with cultural value in the ancient city. Even the old streets and alleys that are difficult for vehicles to pass are enough to make people linger. Throughout the city, streets and alleys are distributed according to the hierarchy of public and private territories. Then some new roads were built between them, some of which were perfectly integrated with the original streets and alleys. Central Umayyad Great Mosque Originally built in the 7th century, it was completely destroyed and rebuilt in the 12th century. What is now shown to the world is not the original features of early Islamic architecture, but Ancient Egypt Rucker cavalry style. There are also a number of ancient ones near the Great Mosque Islam Buildings, all of which together constitute Aleppo's unique temperament, are worshipped from all over the world. [4]

Earthquake damage

On February 6, 2023, Turkey and Syria were hit by a destructive earthquake. The investigation shows that the ancient city of Aleppo has suffered major damage, the west tower of the old city wall has collapsed, and many buildings on the market have been damaged. [6]