
Ethnic groups with Minnan as their mother tongue
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Minnan people, also known as Minnan people, The Tang Dynasty is also called Fulao people [12] [13 ] [14] , with Minnan It is characterized by its mother tongue and is mainly distributed in the southeast of Fujian Province Xiamen Quanzhou City Zhangzhou City Longyan City Sanming City Of Datian County Youxi County Guangdong, etc Chaoshan Hai Lufeng Leizhou Peninsula Electric white [10] as well as Taiwan Hainan Island Most of [1-2] And the southeast of Wenzhou. [9]
According to the province where Minnan people live, it can be divided into Minnan people in Fujian, Minnan people in Guangdong, Minnan people in Hong Kong, Minnan people in Southeast Asia (divided by the state within the system), Minnan people in Taiwan, and Minnan people overseas (divided by the state within the system). [9]
Migration of Minnan people Taiwan Start at Yuan dynasty However, the large-scale migration took place in the middle of the 17th century Zheng Chenggong Cross the sea to recover Taiwan from the Dutch invaders. For more than 300 years, Minnan people and Han people from other regions who crossed eastward have developed Taiwan Island together with their compatriots of Gaoshan nationality, Minnan It is the main communication tool in Taiwan. [2]
Minnan Ethnic City Cultural Center: Quanzhou, Taipei, Zhangzhou Chaozhou City Economic center: Quanzhou, Xiamen, Taipei Shantou City , The largest city: Taipei. [8] [10]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Minnan people
Fulao people [12] [14]
One of the Han nationality Ethnic system
Main distribution
Fujian Zhangzhou Quanzhou Xiamen Longyan Sanming Taiwan
Character characteristics
Strong personality, shrewd, nostalgic
Mother tongue
Minnan dialect

Ethnic Profile


Narrow expression

Minnan people include the following:
  1. one
    Residents in southern Fujian: including those under the jurisdiction of Fujian Province Quanzhou Zhangzhou Most of the three prefecture level cities, Xiamen, and Taipei Jinmen County )Etc.
  2. two
    Longyan City, Fujian Province Silla District Some residents and some residents of Zhangping City: Minnan dialect is also popular in both places, and Zhangzhou accent is preferred. Most of the population was created by the Tang Dynasty Chen Yuanguang The descendants of the soldiers led by the general are of the same origin and ancestry as some of Zhangzhou.
  3. three
    Minnan people in Taiwan: mostly from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty Ancestral home In south central Fujian( Quanzhou Prefecture Zhangzhou Prefecture Etc.), at Period of Japanese Occupation in Taiwan Previously lived in Taiwan and used Minnan Taiwanese , one of the four ethnic groups in Taiwan.
  4. four
    Minnan people in Guangdong: Minnan people in Guangdong are Minnan people who migrated from Fujian to Guangdong, mainly distributed in Chaoshan and Hailufeng in Guangdong, including Minnan people who migrated from Putian, Quanzhou and Zhangzhou in Fujian to eastern Guangdong, Guangzhou, the Pearl River Delta and western Guangdong in the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and later. Therefore, Chaoshan people and Leizhou people are all Minnan people in Guangdong. [9]

Character characteristics

Fujian, where Minnan ethnic group residents lived in the early years, is narrow and densely populated, and has great pressure on population, resources and environment. Therefore, they constantly go out to make a living and migrate, and cultivate a strong commodity awareness. They have strong adaptability, competitiveness and internal cohesion, and are good at adapting to the environment, striving to start a business, and being sincere and united. They are strong, shrewd, and focus on local conditions.

Ethnical language

Minnan It is the mother tongue of Minnan people, mainly distributed in Minnan area of Fujian Province. Since the Southern Song Dynasty, with several large-scale external migration of Fujian ancestors, it has gradually distributed in Taiwan, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hainan and parts of Southeast Asia. In modern times, the Minnan language has already been used across provinces and across borders, far beyond the southern corner of Fujian. In China, a large traffic area covers Quanzhou, most of Zhangzhou, Xiamen, Xinluo District of Longyan City Zhangping City Some regions Youxi County A small number of places and parts of Datian County, and Taiwan Island gross. There are also Minnan dialect islands of different sizes in Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Jiangsu and other places. Including people who have been naturalized in southern Fujian.

Representative works of Minnan songs

The single of the same name, "Minnan People", was composed and sung by Quanqi artist Yun Hui. As a representative of the new era Minnan inspirational song, this song is superior to the tradition in many places. It combines the rhythm and rhythm of Funk Rock and Smooth Jazz in its creation, which is relatively light and dynamic. Compared with traditional Minnan songs, the authentic Minnan identity of the singer of "Minnan People" makes the whole song sound less "Taiwanese". Whether it is lyrics, composition, or singing, it is rooted in the perspective of Minnan culture, which is different from those songs based on Taiwan culture. It is a true Minnan song. It is worth mentioning that this new style of music is an effective combination of Minnan songs and western electroacoustic instruments, and a musical product after full interaction with contemporary popular music. It is more appealing and provides valuable experience and good reference form for the diversified creation of Minnan songs in the future.

Development history

The genealogy of Fujian and Taiwan generally claims that their ancestors came from Gushi, Guangzhou, Henan. However, since the famous scholars Zheng Qiao and Fang Dacong in the Song Dynasty, many scholars have questioned and researched. The origin of Gushi legend is not only influenced by the political and economic privileges of the emperor's hometown and the orthodox concept of the Central Plains, but also closely related to the construction of geographical relations, the psychology of saints worship and other factors. [5] Some scholars have refuted the theory that "four surnames entered Fujian" or "eight surnames entered Fujian". According to the Kaiyuan Record, "Minzhou, Yuedi, is the ancient eastern Ou. Today, Jianzhou is also a place with snake species, and there are five surnames, called Lin Huang, and others are their descendants." The Kaiyuan Record is a compilation of political affairs during the Kaiyuan period. At the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms at the latest, there were Zhang, Zhan, He, Hong, Wu, Hua, Zou, Sui, Huang, Weng, Tang, Xu, Zheng, Lin and other surnames among the indigenous people in Fujian. During the Southern Dynasty, there were Chen and Jiang surnames, and Tang, Huang, Wu, Lin and other initials that may come from indigenous transliterations. The process of Huaxia in Fujian was slow, and the large-scale household registration in Fujian would be in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. [4] Such local societies all correspond to the problem of how to establish "Han people" identity. People have reconstructed the "history" of their ancestors and carried out a series of cultural practices (such as ancestor worship, gods worship, etc.). It is against this background that the legends of ethnic origin, with the "heroic ancestors" of "coming from the south and conquering barbarians" as the narrative core, were created and widely spread, [6] For example, Chen Yuanguang, who is regarded as the "Holy King of Kaizhang". Chen Yuanguang's life and deeds were not found in the old and new "Tang Shu". The details of his deeds were recorded in the "Eight Min Tongzhi" in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and the later the time was, the more detailed the records became. [7]
During the Northern Song Dynasty, foreign trade enterprises were successively set up in Quanzhou and other ports Shibo Division Quanzhou became a famous international trading port at that time, and the transportation to the sea was very convenient. Since then, many people in Minnan and other regions have migrated overseas (including Taiwan) because of political, economic or other factors, and therefore brought their mother tongue ---Minnan. In the late Ming Dynasty, a severe drought occurred in southern Fujian, Zheng Zhilong Thousands of people were recruited to cultivate in Taiwan. Most of them settled in Taiwan. Since the 16th century, Western European countries began to carry out various plans to colonize overseas. Since 1624, the Netherlands and Spain have successively occupied South Africa North Taiwan In particular, the Dutch ruled Taiwan for nearly 40 years, implemented the king field system, and recruited Fujian coastal people to reclaim Taiwan. Most Han people coming to Taiwan came from Zhangzhou Putian In Quanzhou, under the rule of the Dutch and the long coexistence with the Pingpu ethnic group, the Minnan language brought by the immigrants also infiltrated some new language factors. end of the Ming dynasty Zheng Chenggong After the defeat of the Qing Dynasty, he led a large army to capture Taiwan and drive away the Dutch. Zheng Family was born in Fujian Nan'an , the founder of the cultural and educational system of the Zheng Dynasty--- Chen Yonghua They are also from Quanzhou, and most of the soldiers and civilians they brought are from Quanzhou. Therefore, at this time, the majority of Taiwanese Minnan is Quanzhou.
In 1683, Shi Lang marched against Taiwan, and the Zheng Dynasty fell. The Qing government officially ruled Taiwan. The next year, in order to prevent Zheng's adherents from crossing Taiwan, the Qing government issued a ban on crossing Taiwan, setting strict conditions to restrict people to cross Taiwan only from three ports. People in Putian, Quanzhou, can cross Taiwan from Quanzhou Port, people in Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Fuzhou can cross Taiwan from Xiamen, people in Fuzhou can cross Taiwan from Mawei, and a large number of people can cross Taiwan directly from Fujian coast. The number of registered people only accounts for a small proportion of the total number of people in Fujian who cross Taiwan, The situation is the same in Zhangzhou, Putian, Quanzhou, Xiamen and other places. A large number of people cross Taiwan by themselves, not through official ferry. Among them, the crossing of Cantonese is prohibited, resulting in Hakka people Coming to Taiwan relatively late, the development of Taiwan is almost led by Minnan people, and Taiwan's language is also dominated by Minnan language. During the reign of Emperor Yongqian, the ban was gradually relaxed. In 1862, due to the Peony Society incident, Shen Baozhen, an imperial envoy, came to Taiwan to handle defense affairs, and in the name of "opening mountains and pacifying the people", he recruited people to cultivate wild lands, thus lifting the nearly 200 year ban on crossing Taiwan. During the more than 200 years when the Qing Dynasty ruled Taiwan, the number of Fujian people coming to Taiwan increased sharply, and the language of immigrants spread to all parts of Taiwan along with their footprints. In the future, due to the convenient transportation and the increasing population, the accents of Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Xiamen and other places that have come to Taiwan have gradually merged into a different kind of accent, which is called "Zhang Quanlan" by the people, Putian dialect and Taiwanese They can't communicate with each other. Taiwan's Minnan dialect is characterized by the fusion of different Minnan accents. In a word, the northern part of Taiwan leans towards Quanzhou accent, while the southern part leans towards Zhangzhou accent.
Sino-Japanese Jiawu War Later, the Qing court was defeated and ceded Taiwan to Japan. During Japan's rule over Taiwan, the policy of "national language" (Japanese) was carried out in education. The Japanese language occupied the political advantage, and the Taiwanese language used by the people was inevitably affected by it. Until today, because Japanese was brought from China to Japan in the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China to the early Qing Dynasty, Japan was defeated at the end of the Second World War in 1945, The Chinese National Government recovered Taiwan; After the war, the Kuomintang launched a civil war again communist With the hard work of just people and the defeat of the Kuomintang government, the Kuomintang government "transferred" hundreds of thousands of troops and people from the mainland into Taiwan, which was the largest immigration activity in Taiwan's history. In addition to the "Mandarin" (this time Beijing dialect) movement, under its influence, Heluo added new language materials again. Since ancient Vietnam, Fujian, Guangdong and other places were the places of the Yue nationality, the ancient Chinese used by the Han nationality in ancient northern China after they migrated southward has received a lot of Vietnamese The ancient Vietnam was the territory of China from the Western Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty. Even after its separation from China, it still maintained close relations with southern China. Vietnam was also a vassal state of China from the Five Dynasties to the Qing Dynasty. The ancient Vietnam used the ancient Vietnamese language, which was the fusion of ancient Chinese and ancient Vietnamese, for more than 1000 years. Modern research has also shown that the Dongtai language family (TAI-KADAI) is also related to the original Sino Tibetan language family and Old Sinitic It has a very close relationship. The Dongtai language family and Minnan dialect have some common ancient Yue languages. The Dongtai language family includes the Dong, Zhuang, Dai nationalities in China, and Southeast Asia thai Myanmar Zen language, so Southeast Asian people have the advantage of learning Minnan language. Moreover, due to the migration tradition of Minnan people, Minnan people have very close exchanges with overseas people, especially with Southeast Asia. Accordingly, there are naturally quite a few Southeast Asian loanwords in the Minnan language. Since the Yuan Dynasty, Quanzhou has become The largest port in the East The starting point of the Maritime Silk Road in the Yuan Dynasty was Quanzhou. Since then, South Fujian and the Middle East, West Asia and Southeast Asia have more frequent exchanges. A large number of Arab businessmen have settled in Quanzhou, and overseas Chinese have Out of town After a long time, some foreign words entered Minnan language and became part of Minnan language. For example, sat-b 〉 n (soap, Xuewen, Minnan itself is called“ Tea hoop ”)、pa-sat( Brake ), chi ku la? T (chocolate), chu lu? T (cigar), phia? T - á (plate), t ō ng kat (crutch), si? P-p á n - á (iron plate hand), ba? K-th â u (trademark), à u-s à i (out side) (out side), te? K-s î (taxi, which is now called "taxi" in Taiwanese) Pa-s Ru (bus, bus, Taiwan's public buses tend to read "bus" for daily transportation), m á - tih (death), g ō - kha-k ī (arcade corridor), ka po? K/ka-p ò- M î (kapok), ko pi (coffee).
Minnan dialect
North Fujian Central Fujian Minnan dialect and Minnan dialect are divided into three language families. After Minnan people migrated to Taiwan from the late Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, they brought Minnan dialect to Taiwan.
Minnan dialect is one of the eight major dialects in China. It is divided into several Sublingual
Amoy District: Xiamen Jinmen Tong'an.
Quanzhou dialect District: Quanzhou stone lion , Jinjiang Hui'an , Nan'an, Yongchun Dehua , Anxi, etc.
Zhangzhou dialect District: Zhangzhou Longhai Zhangpu , Yunxiao, Dongshan Imperial edict , Hua'an, Changtai, Pinghe, and Nanjing.
Longyan dialect Zone: Longyan City Xinluo District and Zhangping City.
Datian dialect Zone: Datian County And a small part of Youxi County.
Leizhou dialect District: Guangdong Leizhou Peninsula and Electric white area [14] (Leizhou City, Suixi County, Xuwen County, etc.)
Hainan dialect Zone: Hainan Island Northeast coast, southeast coast and southwest coast.
Chaoshan dialect Zone: Shantou Chaozhou Jieyang Most of the counties and cities under the jurisdiction of the three cities [12 ] Tangnan, Tangkeng and Liuhuang, three Minyu towns in Fengshun County, Meizhou City, and Jiazi, Jiadong and Jiaxi, three towns on the east coast of Lufeng City, Shanwei City. [13 ]
Hokkien Zone: Shanwei City Haifeng, Lufeng, Huidong and Boluo in Huiyang. [12 ]
Puxian dialect Districts: Putian City, Xianyou County, southern Fuqing of Fuzhou City, part of Yongtai


The spread of Minnan dialect is not only in Minnan area, but has already exceeded the provincial boundaries and national boundaries. The most widely spread Minnan dialect in other provinces is Taiwan Gaoshan nationality Outside the region, almost all traffic is similar to Zhangzhou tune and Quanzhou Tune Minnan dialect. According to preliminary investigation, Taichung and Taipei are slightly more Quanzhou tunes, while Tainan and Kaohsiung are slightly Zhangzhou tunes. In the middle of the 17th century, a large number of Minnan people migrated to Taiwan with Zheng Chenggong Crossing the sea Take Taiwan back from the Dutch invaders. For more than 300 years, Minnan people and Han people from other regions, together with their Gaoshan ethnic compatriots, have developed this treasure island of the motherland. In the common life and struggle, Minnan dialect has always been the main Communication tools And remain in the mouth of the Taiwan people. The economic, cultural and other exchanges between the mainland and Taiwan have become closer. Taiwan's elders and brothers continue to seek roots, visit relatives and friends in the mainland. Minnan dialect is even more important.
In addition to Taiwan Province, many overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia also use Minnan dialect. According to preliminary statistics, more than 40 million people at home and abroad speak this dialect, and many people assimilated by Minnan people also use Minnan dialect.

Distribution range


Generalized representation

It includes the people in the narrow sense of Minnan and some residents in Pingyang, Cangnan, Wenzhou, and other places in southern Zhejiang: many local residents moved from southern Fujian to Zhejiang in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the language used is the Min language in southern Zhejiang influenced by the Wu language Wenzhou dialect. It also includes people from places such as the Hakka people who have been naturalized in southern Fujian and the Pingpu people who are the descendants of the ancient Minyue people in Taiwan. The Hakka people who have been naturalized in southern Fujian are mainly distributed in the west of Nanjing, Zhao'an, Pinghe, Yunxiao and other counties. There are also a large number of southern Fujian Malay People: Baba Nyonya (or native Chinese/overseas Chinese) means that they began to settle in Malaga in the early 15th century( Malacca )Most of the descendants of the Ming Dynasty of China in the areas of Manchu Boyi and Srivor Shiguo (Indonesia and Singapore) were originally from central and southern Fujian, China. Ba Ba Niangrao also includes a few Tang people who settled here in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Generally, Ba Ba Niangrao refers to the descendants of ancient Chinese immigrants. The culture of the descendants of Tang, Song and Ming dynasties was influenced to some extent by the local Malays or other non Chinese ethnic groups. The male is called Baba (Baba), and the female is called Niangrao. Before the 1960s, Bamiputra was indigenous in Malaysia (Bumiputra) Constitution of Malaysia The identity of Shanghai is no different from that of "new guests" since the late 19th century. Baba Nyanga is a unique Malay culture, specifically referring to the descendants of Chinese and Malays. It is said that the earliest Zheng He's voyages in the South Seas as far as Africa It is a special ethnic group formed by the combination of the Chinese and the local Malay women. Baba Nianga Culture - Traditional Chinese Culture
These Babas mainly migrated to Southeast Asia in or before the Ming Dynasty of China. Most of them were originally from Fujian, China, and a small number were from Guangdong and Hakka. Many of them were mixed with Malays. Some Baba culture has the color of traditional Chinese culture. Baba Niang attracts the family to attach great importance to some traditional festivals of Chinese people. During the Spring Festival, as descendants or young generation, they have to kneel and kowtow serve tea Best wishes. During the Spring Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, the seventh month of the lunar calendar and the death day of ancestors, offerings are offered to worship their ancestors, and the offerings are also exquisite. Three animals and food should be placed, and eight or twelve bowls of dishes should be placed.


There are about 30 million overseas Chinese, mainly in Southeast Asia, some in the United States and Canada, and the rest are scattered. The United States and Canada are traditional places of Cantonese immigrants, but in Southeast Asia, even in terms of the number of immigrants from Zhangzhou and Quanzhou, they are far more than those from Guangzhou. Many people often think that there are more people from Guangzhou, which is a false impression, It does not deny the influence of Cantonese in Southeast Asia (but helps the media). Cantonese is given by Hong Kong, while Minnan dialect is widely distributed. There are at least 511 Chinese borrowings in Indonesian (Malay), including 456 borrowings in Minnan dialect, accounting for 89.5%.

Ethnic branch

According to the province where Minnan people live, they are divided into Minnan ethnic groups in Fujian, which are mainly concentrated in Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Longyan, and part of Datian County and Youxi County, [2] Minnan ethnic group in Guangdong, Minnan ethnic group in Guangxi, Minnan ethnic group in Southeast Asia (subdivided by countries inside), Minnan people in Taiwan , overseas Minnan ethnic groups (re divided by domestic countries), etc. Fujian is 20 million, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States, and the world's overseas 40 million (Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, and the five provinces of southern Zhejiang combined), Taiwan more than 10 million, and other regions, a total of more than 100 million. [2]

Fujian Minnan people

Southern Fujian Residents: including Chinese ruled Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Xiamen, and Fujian Longyan City Silla District And Zhangping City , Central Fujian Putian Xianyou Residents of: Puxian dialect It belongs to the Minnan language family, but because it is near Fuzhou Foochow With more influence, Puxian dialect still has many words in common with Minnan dialect in other places. Moreover, Putian is the hometown of many Fujian immigrants, and Putian Meizhou Island is also a famous sea god in Fujian and Taiwan Mazu My hometown.
Because Minnan people and Fuzhou people are both in Fujian Province, there are population exchanges between eastern Fujian and southern Fujian. Fuzhou people, that is, Mindong people, also have some elements of Minnan ethnic groups. However, Minnan people entering Fuzhou are assimilated by a larger number of Fuzhou people. The relationship between Minnan ethnic groups and eastern Fujian ethnic groups is still very close. In ancient times, there was no ethnic group theory, and the population of southbound regime was mostly in Xijiang and Fujian, Fuzhou is the political center of Fujian, and the Fujian people in the east of Fujian were moved to the south Wuyue people Although the language is somewhat different, the relationship between eastern and southern Fujian and the origin of surnames are still very close.

Minnan people in Guangdong

Historically, Minnan people migrated to Guangdong and settled mainly in the three regions of Hailufeng, Chaoshan and Leizhou Peninsula. [11]

Minnan people in Taiwan

Taiwan Minnan people are the largest ethnic group in Taiwan, generally referring to people whose mother tongue is Taiwanese (Minnan language with Taiwan characteristics). Three quarters of them are descendants of immigrants from Zhangzhou and Quanzhou in Fujian, China, and a few are immigrants from Chaoshan, Guangdong. It is generally recognized as a branch of the Minnan ethnic group of the Han nationality. The ethnic identity of Taiwan's Chaozhou people is determined by the Chaozhou people It changed to Minnan ethnic group.
Implemented in the middle of the Ming Dynasty Sea ban However, Guangzhou was still able to conduct limited trade Quanzhou Port South Fujian people who were engaged in trade went south to Guangzhou and the coast of Guangdong. During the Ming Dynasty, South Fujian migrated to Guangzhou, the coast of western Guangdong, and Chaoshan, but they were also mainly Guangfu District Guangfu dialect, also known as Cantonese speech (i.e. standard Cantonese) assimilation, there are also a large number of Fujian Minnan immigrants in the coastal areas of western Guangdong and eastern Guangdong, many of whom intermarry with local people, affecting the local ethnic system. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, a large number of people from southern Fujian went south to Guangdong, especially Putian, making Fuzhou people go south to Putian, Putian dialect Become Minnan Foochow A mixture of dialects. In addition, there are Minnan people from Putian to the south in Meizhou, such as Zeng Xianzi

Minnan people in Hainan

In the late Southern Song Dynasty, hundreds of thousands of South Fujian People from Putian, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Chaozhou, Guangdong immigrated to Hainan Island At present, most of the Han people in Hainan are descendants of Minnan, and speak the Hainan dialect of Minnan dialect.

Minnan Culture

South Fujian Culture refers to the common creation of people living in Fujian (mainly minnan )The regional culture that has been inherited, developed and innovated from generation to generation is a branch of the profound Chinese culture with a long history. Its distribution range is known as the "Golden Triangle of Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou" after China's reform and opening up, that is, Xiamen Zhangzhou City Quanzhou City Districts, cities and counties (formerly under the jurisdiction of Quanzhou) Jinmen County To be unified)
"Food is the most important thing for people", and food is the first need of people's material life. It has strong characteristics of the times and distinctive local culture.
Minnan people usually drink tea first thing in the morning. Xiamen calls tea "tea rice", which is on the same level with rice. Drinking tea is called eating tea, which is on the same level with eating, to show that tea and rice are equally important in people's life Wang Anshi As the saying goes, "Tea is for civilian use, equal to rice salt, and can't be left alone for a day". The tea custom in southern Fujian is dominated by drinking Kung Fu tea. Because it takes more time than drinking tea, it is called "Kung Fu tea". Drinking tea usually requires "tea matching", especially drinking Kung Fu tea, which is high in concentration, and tea matching can prevent "tea intoxication". Banquet is the most important kind of wine custom in southern Fujian. As the saying goes, "No wine, no feast", drinking wine to celebrate the Spring Festival, such as Spring Festival wine, Dragon Boat Festival realgar wine, Mid Autumn Festival wine, etc.
Minnan people eat rice three times a day. They eat porridge in the morning and evening, and lunch at noon. Minnan dialect calls porridge mi. It is thin, thick and thin. The thick porridge is called "roasted dumpling", "roasted" means "dried with water", and the thin porridge is called "Anmi Zi". As for the food customs on New Year's Day, there are different food customs according to different festivals. For example, on the Spring Festival, it is customary to have a hot pot in addition to various chicken, duck, fish and meat dishes for the New Year's Eve dinner. The old copper hotpot used to burn charcoal in the middle, symbolizing the family reunion.

Costume customs

With the progress of ideas and concepts, people's clothing has also changed. Among them, the unique features of Minnan costumes are Huiannv Clothing, the biggest feature of which is "short clothing, exposed navel, eye-catching". A doggerel vividly depicts the animals in Hui'an women's traditional clothing as "feudal heads, democratic bellies, saving clothes and wasting pants".

Architectural custom

Buildings are closely linked with the people's peaceful living, so a series of folk customs have also been formed. If the direction is selected before building the house, select a lucky day Rites and customs such as ground breaking, beam offering, completion offering, etc., such as selecting auspicious days before ground breaking, and setting up cases Pig head and three animals Offering, burning incense and candles, setting off firecrackers, worshipping gods and spirits, offering sacrifices to the land, commonly known as ground breaking or foundation laying sacrifices. After the ceremony, the master who built the house was entertained with rich food and wine. In addition, there were also customs such as nailing bamboo boards on the wooden doorsill, digging wells to find sweet springs.

Marriage customs

The marriage etiquette and customs in southern Fujian have followed the basic procedure of the Han traditional Zhou ritual "Six Rites" since ancient times, that is, Na Cai (proposal), ask for the name (female surname), Na Ji (engagement, funeral and marriage), Na Zheng (gift for marriage), application date (notice of marriage date), and kiss welcome (wedding reception). Among them, special attention is paid to the custom of "wedding reception". The bride usually goes back to her parents' home to visit her on the fourth day after marriage, and is called "guest" or "Guizi". "To be a guest", you must return to your husband's home on the same day, and when you get home, it must be dark. As the saying goes, "If you touch in the dark, you will grow dry.". This means that boys will be born.

Birthday etiquette

In the old days, people were considered to have a long life if they could live to 50 years old due to factors such as life and sanitary environment. Therefore, the folk custom in southern Fujian starts at the age of 50 and starts at the age of 10 (in some places, it starts at the age of 60). There are also people who start their lives one year earlier or one year later (that is, at the age of 9 or 11). Generally, a light is hung on the longevity hall, and a gold character "longevity" or Longevity chart , hanging on both sides longevity couplets , Shouxing wears new clothes or shroud Sitting in the high hall, receiving the greetings from children and grandchildren. Birthday banquet is an important part of birthday celebration. Generally Shouqing At the noon or evening banquet on Sunday, there must be a dish of "pig's feet, thread and noodles" in the dishes, which is lucky to take pig's feet, thread and noodles with strong meaning and long life.

folk taboo

Taboo is a kind of restrictive concept and practice about social behavior and belief activities, which is a traditional custom. Minnan people have also formed some taboos on diet, clothing, living, communication, language and other aspects in their daily life. For example, they should not knock the bowl with chopsticks when eating, because only beggars used to knock the empty bowl for begging. It is also not allowed to insert chopsticks into the rice in the bowl, which is related to the funeral custom of "worship feet and tail rice" in folk customs. Do not hit people with a broom, or they will be unlucky, because people regard brooms as spiritual things. Banana trees and banyan trees should not be planted in the courtyard. It is said that because bananas have no seeds, it is not conducive to fertility. The banyan is regarded as a divine tree (because it is the oldest). It is disrespectful and unlucky to plant it in the family yard.

Dietetic culture

The development and inheritance of Minnan cuisine also has a gradual process. It originated from Quanzhou and its surrounding areas and spread to southern Fujian, such as Zhangzhou, Taiwan, Xiamen, etc cultural ring Medium. After Quanzhou people went to Southeast Asia, due to frequent exchanges, foreign exchanges expanded, and the exchange and integration of food culture became closer. In this way, the flavor of Minnan cuisine not only affected Zhangzhou, Xiamen, Chaoshan, Taiwan and other regions, but also exported to Southeast Asia. Many tourists to Southeast Asia will be surprised to find that the food they eat is just the taste of their hometown, and the snack stalls on the street can also eat Fried oyster , Huajuan glutinous rice dumpling filled with meat Some overseas Chinese have also returned to their hometown and opened restaurants. Minnan people can eat authentic Indonesian food, Vietnamese food, Myanmar food Singapore Cuisine

Minnan folk houses

Minnan folk houses are traditional buildings of Minnan folk system. However, from the perspective of folk houses, the influence of overseas religion and decoration is more limited to places with religious color such as temples. We think that although Minnan folk houses have the influence of diverse cultures, they are more Local culture , especially the influence of Han culture in Central Plains. Many factors, such as geographical environment, climate characteristics and blood lineage, have made his worship of the Central Plains culture fully visible, which can be proved by some patterns, some metaphorical symbols and some architectural styles. Of course, buildings influenced by other ethnic cultures also exist, such as Tulou Round building Stilted building , towel, etc. However, this does not affect the typological form of Minnan dwellings, especially brick and stone walls.

Minnan Business Gang

As one of the five new business groups in China, Minnan Business Group started mainly in Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and other places. Over the past two decades of reform and opening up, the unique "fighting" strength of Minnan people has not only created dozens of well-known Chinese trademarks and a large number of well-known entrepreneurs in Minnan, but also these enterprises and entrepreneurs in Minnan have been expanding geographically - in the surrounding provinces of Fujian, East China, and other eastern coastal developed areas, The Minnan Business Group plays a leading role among foreign investors and businessmen. In Beijing, in Shanghai, and in many border towns, the South Fujian Business Group is having an increasing influence, which makes the world look at it with new eyes.
Distribution of business groups in southern Fujian
"In Beijing, most of the large-scale real estate is operated by Minnan people." Zhuang Yongzhang said that Zeng Wenzhong is the chairman of the board of directors of the Coastal Green Home Group. In recent years, the group has created one after another boutique buildings in the mainland with an international strategic vision and strength background, and now has an annual real estate development capacity of millions of square meters. Chen Shuibo, the chairman of Beijing Fengrun Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., is not only engaged in the real estate development industry in Beijing, but also involved in decoration, property management and other industries. Beijing Yingcai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd Yang Ying, the chairman of the board of directors, selected the housing project of "Talent International Village" in the first rich area since the reform and opening up and the hot spot area of consumption and investment in Beijing's real estate market, and achieved great success.
In Shanghai, Minnan Business Group has a brilliant group of stars and talents, which has achieved rapid development. Many impressive figures have emerged in shipbuilding, real estate, food, building materials, steel, wood, medical and other industries, becoming a great new force. For example, when it comes to plumbing, Dali stone and bathroom facilities, industry insiders will think of Nan'an businessmen. In the major building materials markets in Shanghai, the relevant products of Jinyongyu Building Materials Co., Ltd., founded by Zeng Otter, a Nan'an native, occupy a large market share.
In Tianjin, Su Guochuan founded the wholesale market of building materials and ceramics in North China, and Ruan Zhixiong's Jinxiong Group became the pioneer of Tianjin's printing industry. In the northeast black land, though separated from southern Fujian by thousands of mountains and rivers, the three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang are full of businessmen from southern Fujian who start businesses and become rich; In North China, it has formed certain scale and advantages; In Inner Mongolia, many people of insight in southern Fujian seized the favorable opportunity of economic complementarity between the north and the south, and resolutely went to business. In Xinjiang, Hengshun Fire Engineering Co., Ltd., with Zhuang Yongshun as the chairman, almost undertook the fire engineering of major local projects; In Sichuan, Chen Yangshui's Chengdu Tsinghua Unisplendor Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. became one of the first enterprises to enter the high-tech field of western cities. [3]