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Closed pipe circulation system

The closed system is composed of dorsal vessels, abdominal vessels, heart and capillary network throughout the body
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Closed vascular system means that blood always flows in a loop formed by blood vessels and the heart, and its circulation speed is fast and transport efficiency is high, which is more evolved than open tube system, such as invertebrate Annelids and all vertebrates. [1]
Chinese name
Closed pipe circulation system
Foreign name
closed vascular system
Species begin to appear
Vascular network forms a closed system

system composition

It consists of dorsal vessels, abdominal vessels, heart and Capillary network Form a closed system. than Open tube circulation system More quickly and effectively complete the transportation of nutrients and metabolites.

Circular pathway

The general way of blood circulation: the blood of the back blood vessel flows from the back to the front, and from the back to the abdomen after reaching the circular blood vessel. Then blood is collected from abdominal vessels and flows from front to back. Blood is always closed in the circulation of blood vessels.
Open vacuum system:
Compared with the closed tube circulatory system, the true body cavity and the false body cavity coexist in molluscs, arthropods and other animals, and the false body cavity more widely exists in the gap between organs and tissues, which is full of blood, and is called the blood sinus. Because of the existence of blood sinuses, most mollusks have an open tube circulatory system, which is related to their slow movement. However, the function of arthropods is related to the development of their respiratory system, which has replaced part of the circulatory system. The open tube circulatory system includes the heart (ventricle, auricle), blood sinuses, arteries and veins. The way of blood circulation is: auricle ventricle artery sinus vein auricle. However, in mollusks, cephalopods decapoda have a closed tubular circulatory system, and their movements are more agile and rapid.