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Closed loop

Academic noun
Closed circulating system: from Annelida Beginning The blood circulatory system , based on Mesoderm Developmental Coelom (Also called Secondary coelom )。 from Dorsal vessel , abdominal vessels, heart and Capillary network Form a closed system.
Chinese name
Closed loop
Foreign name
closed vascular system
Part of speech
Academic noun
blood Always flow in blood vessels and heart
Each blood vessel capillary The blood is always flowing in the blood vessels and heart without flowing into the interstices between tissues. The circulation speed is fast and the transportation efficiency is high. This type of cycle is called closed pipe cycle.
blood circulation The general route: the blood of the back blood vessel flows from the back to the front, and from the back to the abdomen after reaching the circular blood vessel. Then blood is collected from abdominal vessels and flows from front to back. The blood is always sealed in the blood vessel Internal circulation Flow.
Closed loop
Circulatory system of earthworm
Closed pipe circulation system : All vertebrate And section invertebrate Of circulatory system It is "closed", such as the circulatory system of earthworms.