zoom lens

Shooting technique
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Long lens is a shooting technique, which is relative to Montage Shooting method. The "long lens" here refers not to the length or focal length of the physical lens appearance, nor to the distance between the photographic lens and the photographic object, but to the time distance between the starting point and the turning off point of the shooting, that is, the length of the film segment. There is no absolute standard for long lens, which is a relatively long single lens. It is usually used to express the director's specific ideas and aesthetic interests, such as the inner description of actors in literary dramas, the real kungfu of martial arts scenes, etc.
Long shot refers to taking a relatively long time (some as long as 10 minutes) to shoot a scene or a play continuously to form a relatively complete shot. As the name implies, it is a lens that takes up a long amount of film in a continuous period of time. This naming is mainly relative Short lens To be symmetrical. The content shot by the camera from the time it is turned on to the time it is turned off is a shot. Generally, a shot that lasts more than 10 seconds is called a long shot. Long lens can contain more required content or become a Montage Sentences (different from montage sentences formed by several short shots). There is no clear and unified stipulation on its length. It is relative to "short shot".
Chinese name
zoom lens
A shooting technique

essential information

Chinese name
zoom lens
A shooting technique


1. Fixed long lens: the lens formed by shooting a scene in a fixed position, called fixed long lens. The earliest method of film shooting was to use Fixed long lens To record the actual or stage performance process. Lumiere Almost all of the 358 films released in early 1897 were shot in one shot.
2. Depth of field Long lens: shot with the technical means of shooting large depth of field, so that the scene at different locations in the longitudinal depth (from the foreground to the background) can be seen clearly. Such a lens is called the scene depth long lens. For example, the train roared in Depth of field lens , can make the train appear at a distance (equivalent to prospect ), approaching gradually (equivalent to panorama , middle shot, close shot, close-up). A deep and long shot is actually equivalent to a group of distant view, panoramic view, middle view, close shot close-up shot The content of the combination.
3. Moving long lens: use the camera's push, pull, shake, move, heel and other motion shooting methods to form multiple Scene The long lens with multiple shooting angles (orientation and height) is called the motion long lens. A moving long lens can play a group of lenses composed of different scenes and different angles Montage The performance task of the camera.

Aesthetic characteristics

The recorded space-time is continuous and actual
Long shots do not interrupt the natural process of time, maintaining Time course Uninterrupted -- consistent with actual time and process, excluding Montage The possibility of compressing or extending the actual time through lens slitting.
The space represented by the long lens is the real space that actually exists. The natural transformation of space is realized in the movement of the lens, and the connection between the part and the whole is realized, which eliminates the possibility of montage lens splicing and patching up new space.
The progress of the situation is continuous
A long lens is used to shoot a scene, a play (a process) continuously and uninterruptedly, which represents the real process of event development and the real scene atmosphere. For example, in the Chinese Art Troupe Visiting Three Latin American Countries, Zhu Fengbo's Guyana The popular part of singing Guyana songs can only be shot once, but it also shows the actors, audience and scene. The author uses a long lens to perform the performance task of slitting through the movement of the lens. This long shot is like this: close shot of Zhu Fengbo, singing; After a bar of singing, the camera opens slowly panorama , pause for three seconds, and slowly swing the camera to the right with the rhythm of the music to clearly show the happy scene of the audience; Then the camera moves across the scene. During the movement, I found a black audience who was very focused and seemed fascinated. The camera was pushed into his close-up and turned 180 around him o At this time, the singing was almost over, and the camera then moved from the close-up to the back of the audience, and the panoramic view passed through the audience to the actors on the stage until the whole audience cheered and applauded, and the actors took a curtain call. A long shot lasts for 3 minutes and 20 seconds. The singing voice is uninterrupted. The shot highlights the details and emphasizes the atmosphere in the movement, maintaining the integrity of the whole content and producing a real, natural and vivid effect.
With unquestionable authenticity
The long lens has time truth, space truth, process truth, atmosphere truth, and fact truth. It excludes all the possibilities of fraud and double acting, and has unquestionable authenticity.
Difference from short lens function
Medium and long shots and Short lens They are two kinds of lenses that play different roles. The difference between the two is mainly the length of duration. The length of time between starting and shutting down the camera determines the length of the lens, that is, long lenses often have a long duration, while short lenses have the opposite.
Long shots are mostly used in documentary film works, because long shots record an event uninterruptedly, which is the process of the audience feeling the truth, while short shots, because of their short duration, may bring unrelated shots together to create new meanings, so short shots are suitable for storytelling Montage The creation of.

Theoretical aesthetics

From the perspective of the history of the formation of film art, long shots have long existed, but at that time long shots only played a role in recording a scene for a long time and mechanically, not as a means of artistic expression. Take the long lens as a new aesthetic concept, as an aesthetic factor, as Film Theory And creative genres, open to the classic Montage theory The challenge, which emerged in the 1950s, is represented by Bazan wait forsomeone. The main theoretical viewpoints are:
1. Photography ontology
Bazan believes that film is developed from photography, its nature is still photography, and its great power lies in the objectivity and authenticity of photographic images, which is the basic content of the so-called photography ontology.
2. Emphasis The truth of the film, advocating "documentary"
Bazan Starting from the photographic ontology, it emphasizes the truth of the film. The significance of the film lies in revealing the true nature of reality, and in its unbiased photographic reproducibility. In his opinion, the truth of the film is first the truth of time and space. The core of Bazan's theory is that the film should show the "unorganized" real space and time, especially the concept of "the truth of space".
In order to maintain the reality of space, Bazan pays special attention to shot scheduling, especially the use of long shots. He believes that only long shots can not only preserve the objective space-time continuity, but also have sufficient ability to coordinate the internal organization of shots. He also emphasized that Depth of field lens It points out that the space of depth of field lens is more complete, authentic and does not lose its inherent ambiguity, and the audience has more freedom to feel and choose in this space.
Long lens theory The school believes that the artistic feature of film is the extension of photography, so its essential feature is "the restoration of material reality", "when the film records and reveals material reality, it becomes a film worthy of the name". Bazan criticism Montage theory The film lost its authenticity. In Bazan's opinion, Montage During shooting, certain events are divided into several segments. When they are reorganized, no matter how realistic individual scenes are, the essence and thought of narration are mainly generated from the (editing) relationship between these segments, and the origin of this result cannot be found in any specific factors.
Bazan believes that there is another big disadvantage of montage, that is, movie audiences are passive when watching movies, and their ideas are basically dominated by the director. Therefore, he advocated that movies should copy and reproduce life without human intervention; Oppose traditional dramatization and advocate life style; Instead of pursuing twists and turns in the plot of the story, people artificially strengthen contradictions, but pay attention to the expression of daily life, characters and events, and reflect life as it is. In order to be realistic and natural, in the film creation process, try to use real scenes (often directly move the camera to the street to shoot real scenes), enable non professional actors, use long lenses, and use unskilled picture conversion. therefore Bazan Theory is also called record school, realism school and reappearance school.

Aesthetic significance

The appearance of long lens is considered as "the revolution of film aesthetics". before this, Montage theory As unique Film Theory , basically dominated the thinking activities of film artists. When people study montage theory, they seldom involve the relationship between film and photography, and seldom study the characteristics of film from this perspective. Bazan Innovate, attribute the characteristics of the film to photography, and from this characteristic, emphasize the verisimilitude and documentary of the film. Bazan's aesthetic thought of realism and his summary Depth of field lens And the aesthetic function of long lens Film language The development of the film has brought a revolution in the means of film expression, and created a new screen form. In a sense, there would be no modern film without long shots.
from World Film In the history of ideological development, after the Second World War, the development of world documentary or documentary style films was affected to varying degrees Bazan The influence of theory.
Long shot learning party Montage Absolutely reject montage as "the most anti film means". Bazan's theory unilaterally emphasizes the true reproduction of the original form of life, and dismisses all necessary artistic processing as "untrue", which easily leads to naturalistic tendencies in artistic works.
Battleship Potemkin 》In fact, the "Odessa Staircase" section in the "Odessa Staircase" section is very short. If you do not pass through the montage and use 141 lenses to form a special montage section, but use a long lens to shoot it, the scene will pass by, and it will never produce so much appeal and shock. Art does create a sense of reality, which is a necessary condition for the creation of realistic models; But the purpose of art is not the sense of reality itself, but to give people great influence through typical images. Montage It is exactly an important means of film typification. In the practice of film art, it is impossible for long lens to replace montage. To reflect the rich and colorful life and cancel all editing, there is not so much film, nor is it necessary. Art cannot be separated from concentration and generalization.
Montage and long lens are two major forms of film expression means. Although they have some opposites, they are by no means incompatible. That is to say, we should not only understand the "photographic nature" of the film, but also see its "artistic" nature. The two are dialectical unity.