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Protamine zinc insulin

Drugs for controlling blood sugar in diabetes
synonym Long acting insulin (Drug) generally refers to protamine zinc insulin
Protamine Zinc Insulin is to increase the proportion of fish protamine on the basis of low protamine zinc to make it closer to the pH of human body fluid, with lower solubility, slower release and longer action duration. After subcutaneous injection, it took effect 3 to 4 hours, peaked at 12 to 20 hours, and lasted for 24 to 36 hours.
Drug name
Protamine zinc insulin
Foreign name
Protamine Zinc Insulin (PZI)
Mainly applicable
For controlling blood sugar in diabetes
Main drugs
Prohibited for those allergic to this product and protamine
Mild and moderate diabetes

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Zhang Zheng | Pharmacist in charge

Pharmacy Department of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital to examine

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Qiu Kui | Deputy Chief Pharmacist

Pharmacy Department of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital to examine

essential information

Drug name
Protamine zinc insulin
Foreign name
Protamine Zinc Insulin (PZI)
Main indications
For controlling blood sugar in diabetes
Main drug contraindications
Prohibited for those allergic to this product and protamine
Mild and moderate diabetes


It is used for diabetes to control blood sugar. It is generally used together with short acting insulin to provide the daily basic amount of insulin.

clinical application

It is used for mild and moderate diabetes. It is injected subcutaneously once half an hour before breakfast. The dosage depends on the condition of the patient. Generally, 1 unit of this product is used every 2-4g of urine sugar. The daily dosage is generally 10-20 units. It can also be used in combination with regular insulin in patients with severe adult or young type diabetes, and the dosage ratio of regular insulin to regular insulin is 1:2-4.

Adverse reactions

1. Excess insulin can cause hypoglycemia, hunger, nervousness, rapid pulse, dilated pupils, anxiety, dizziness, ataxia, tremor, coma and even convulsion. If necessary, sugar should be given. When hypoglycemic shock occurs, 50 ml of 50% glucose solution is intravenously injected, and 5% glucose solution is intravenously injected when necessary. Attention must be paid to distinguish hypoglycemic coma from severe ketoacidemia. Sometimes, rebound hyperglycemia may occur after hypoglycemia, that is, Somogyi reaction. If the urine sugar before sleep is negative, but the urine sugar in the next morning is strongly positive, refer to the use of insulin dose. It should be thought that hypoglycemia may occur at night. At this time, try to reduce the insulin dose and do not increase the insulin dose.
2. In order to prevent blood sugar from dropping suddenly and losing consciousness without calling for help, each patient should be given a card with his condition and insulin use, so as to rescue in time.
3. The injection site may have local reactions such as skin redness, subcutaneous nodules and subcutaneous fat atrophy. Therefore, the injection site must be replaced frequently.
4. A few cases of urticaria; Allergic shock is occasionally seen (epinephrine can be used for rescue).
5. Very few patients can develop insulin tolerance: that is, in the absence of ketoacidosis, the daily insulin consumption is more than 200 units. It can be replaced with preparations of different animal species or added with oral hypoglycemic drugs.
6. Do not use it in patients with hypoglycemia, cirrhosis, hemolytic jaundice, pancreatitis, nephritis, etc.
7. A small amount of insulin can be absorbed by the syringe. The lower the content, the higher the absorption. This factor should be taken into account when using the dosage.

matters needing attention

It may cause allergic reactions due to impure preparations, such as urticaria and purpura. It can occasionally cause anaphylactic shock, and its treatment is the same as insulin. Due to its slow action, it cannot be used to rescue diabetic coma. When antibodies are produced and drug resistance occurs, the preparation needs to be changed. This product is divided into two layers after standing. It must be shaken well before subcutaneous injection, but do not use force to avoid bubbles. Do not use alkaline substances when disinfecting the syringe. Intravenous injection is not allowed. The hypoglycemia caused by this product mostly occurs at the peak of efficacy, which is later than that caused by insulin, so attention should be paid.

Drug contraindication

It is forbidden for those allergic to this product and protamine.
Note: The above contents are only for introduction. Drug use must be carried out by regular hospitals under the guidance of doctors.