
The second largest city in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
zero Useful+1
Nagaoka City (ながおかししながおかしししなががおおかしししなな. Changgang City has general machinery, precision machinery, electronics, textile and other industries, and has the National Changgang University of Technology and Science Nagaoka University Etc. In 1984, it was designated as a technology intensive city, and now it is moving towards production, scientific research and education Balanced development of housing. have other joetsu shinkansen stop. [1] Nagaoka City is a famous fireworks kingdom. At the beginning of August every year, Nagaoka Festival, one of the "Three Major Fireworks Conferences in Japan" attended by more than one million people, holds the Undead Bird Revival Praying Fireworks Conference.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Administrative Region Category
Exceptional city
Niigata Prefecture, Japan
geographical position
Beilu District
891.06 km² [3]
population size
265800 [2] (March 2021)
Famous scenic spot
Changgang City Site State owned Yuehou Hill Park
train station
Shinkansen JR Changgang Station

Historical evolution

1889( Meiji 22) After the implementation of the town village system, Koji Prefecture became 51 town villages and Mishima Prefecture became 43 town villages.
On November 1, 1901 (the 34th year of Meiji), six towns and villages, including Nagaokamoto, Nagaokamoto, Qianshou, Caoshengjin, Shincho and Wangnei, merged to become the new Nagaoka cho
Location of Nagaoka City in Niigata Prefecture
On April 1, 1906 (the 39th year of Meiji era), Kochi Prefect Okaocho implemented the municipal system and became Nagaoka
1948( Showa On April 1, 2003, a part of Shencai Village (Big Island) in Mishima Prefecture was incorporated.
On July 1, 1948, part of Shantong Village (Dazi Changcang, Penfu, Otachi, Takata, Chrysanthemum) was included.
On December 1, 1950 (the 25th year of Showa), Baiji Village, Guzhi County was incorporated.
On January 1, 1951 (the 26th year of Showa), Fuhe Gui Village, Guzhi County was incorporated.
On February 1, 1954 (the 29th year of Showa), Shangchuanxi Village, Guzhi County was incorporated.
On March 1, 1954, Gongkou (former: Shangzu Village) was merged.
On May 1, 1954, Fukaze Village, Mishima County was transformed into Mishima County.
On November 1, 1954, a part of Riyue Village, Wangsichuan Village, Guzhijun Shiricho Village, Yamamoto Village, Heitiao Village, Xinzu Village, Fuhu Village, Xiachuanxi Village and Liurishi Village in Mishima County were merged.
On November 1, 1955 (the 30th year of Showa), Xiaxincho and Qishan cho were listed in the annex.
On September 1, 1956 (the 31st year of Showa), a part of the old: Datian Village (big character Jinping · Chouze) was compiled in Guzhi Village, Guzhi County.
On October 1, 1957 (Showa 32), the town of Miyoshima Prefecture was incorporated.
On April 1, 1960, Mishima Prefecture Erhe Village (the village merged with Daji Village and Miyamoto Village) was merged with a part of Bancho (big character Chengze).
On April 1, 2005, Nakano Island Town, Nandao County, Yuelu Town, Mishima County, Mishima Town, Guzhi Village, Guzhi Prefecture and Xiaoguo Town, Moyu Prefecture were included. It was originally planned to carry out reorganization at the same time as the merger. However, affected by the earthquake in the previous years, the de facto pre merger system continued to be implemented for a period of time.
On January 1, 2006 (the 18th year of Heisei), it was incorporated into Powei City, Mishima Prefecture, Sibocho, Yubancho, and Heshima Village. At this time, the population was 283392.
On March 31, 2010 (Heisei 22nd year), it was transferred to Kawaguchi, Beiyunuma Prefecture. This is the enclave of Nagaoka City.

geographical environment

Nagaoka City, located in the center of Niigata Prefecture, is composed of 11 regions. 891.06 square kilometers, 42.6 kilometers from east to west, and 59.3 kilometers from north to south. [4]
With the first length and flow volume in Japan Shinokawa Across the city center, there are fertile alluvial plains on both sides. Its east and west are connected with the East Mountain and West Mountain respectively. Shanguzhi area in the east of the city and part of Tochiwei area form a steep slope zone between mountains. To the southeast of Tochiwei area stands the Shoumen Mountain of Yuehou Mountain. On the other hand, there is about 16km coastline from north to south in the Temple area facing the Sea of Japan. [4]

Tourism resources

Gaolong Shrine
Changgang City Trail
Tibetan King Hall City
Suji Castle: designated historical site of the county
Mibaidui Group Statues
Saffron Winery
Jina Saffron Winery
Jiushan Park
State owned Yuehou Hill Park
State owned Yuehou Hill Park
Octagonal platform
Xueguo Botanical Garden
Changgang Waterway Park
Pengping Hot Spring
Dongshan Family Paradise
Jinfeng Shrine

Famous people

A Dao Tian Gao (Writer, born in Tokyo)
The well is round (Buddhist philosopher and educator, who founded the predecessor of Toyo University)
Nobutaro Imai (former Japanese professional baseball player)
Koharu Kusumi (Former Good Morning Girls)
Sangtian Naili (Cartoonist)
Yoko Sakurai (Japanese TV reporter and professional writer, born in Hanoi, Vietnam)
Sato Yaji (writer)
Nishiyama Maki (Model, actor)
Isoroku Yamamoto (Commander of the Joint Fleet of the Japanese Navy)
Watsuki Nobuhiro (Cartoonist, born in Tokyo)