Zhenlong Town

Zhenlong Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province
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synonym Zhenlong (Town under the jurisdiction of Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province) generally refers to Zhenlong Town (Zhenlong Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province)
Zhenlong Town, subordinate to Guangdong Province Huizhou City Huiyang District , on Huiyang District Southwest, Northwest and Lilin Town Junction Chenjiang Town , adjacent to the east Yonghu Town , Southeast Company Qiuchang Street And other towns, adjacent to Huizhou in the northeast Huicheng Town , south Xinxu Town , Xitong Dongguan City [1] It covers an area of 149.5 square kilometers. [2] As of February 2020, the total population of Zhenlong Town is nearly 70000, including 28000 permanent residents and more than 40000 immigrants. [2] By 2019, Zhenlong Town has jurisdiction over 1 community and 13 administrative villages [3] The town government is located at No. 3, Old Street, Zhenlong Town, Huiyang District.
The territory map of Guishan County Annals compiled in 1783, the 48th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty, is marked with Zhenlong Dock and painted with a polder. In the ninth year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1870), it belonged to Siwei Community. In the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), it belonged to the ninth district. In 1957, it was renamed Longxiang Town. In 1963, it was called Zhenlong Commune. In January 1984, it was renamed Zhenlong District. In January 1987, the town was set up in Longju District. Zhenlong Town has a subtropical climate, with an extreme maximum temperature of 33 ℃, an extreme minimum temperature of 5 ℃, an average annual rainfall of 2262mm, and a frost free period of about 350 days. [1]
Zhenlong Town is rich in human and natural resources, and the largest Hakka enclosed house in Huizhou Chonglin Shiju Baiyunzhang, the highest peak in Huiyang, is within the territory, adjacent to Baiyunzhang Forest Park in Xinxu. [15]
From January to September 2019, Zhenlong Town achieved GDP of 0.64 billion yuan, an increase of 14.9%. [4]
On June 10, 2021, Zhenlong Town was officially awarded the title of "the hometown of litchi in China" by China Economic Forest Association. [9]
Chinese name
Zhenlong Town
Administrative Region Category
Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province
geographical position
Southwest of Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province
149.5 km² (2019)
Area under jurisdiction
1 community and 13 administrative villages
Government residence
No. 3, Old Street, Zhenlong Town, Huiyang District
Area Code
Postal Code
five hundred and sixteen thousand two hundred and twenty-seven
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
population size
70 thousand [5] (2019)
Famous scenic spot
Chonglin Shiju
License plate code
Yue L

Historical evolution

The territory map of Guishan County Annals compiled in 1783, the 48th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty, is marked with Zhenlong Dock and painted with a polder.
In the ninth year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1870), it belonged to Siwei Community.
In the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), it belonged to the ninth district.
From the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937) to the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947). It belongs to the first zone.
In 1950, it belonged to Longxiang, Tonghu (District I) Town.
In 1951, it belonged to the second district (the district government was located in Zhenlong).
In 1957, it was renamed Longxiang Town.
On September 17, 1958, it belonged to the first people's commune "Dongfeng People's Commune".
In the spring of 1959, Zhenlong Commune was established from Dongfeng Commune.
In 1961, it belonged to Empress Commune and Zhenlong Commune in Tonghu District.
In 1963, it was called Zhenlong Commune.
In January 1984, it was renamed Zhenlong District.
In January 1987, the town was set up in Longju District.

administrative division

By 2019, Zhenlong Town has jurisdiction over 1 community and 13 administrative villages [3] The town government is located at No. 3, Old Street, Zhenlong Town, Huiyang District.
Administrative division of Zhenlong Town
Zhenlong Community
Hilltop village
Changlong Village
Daguang Village
Takata Village
Potangjiao Village
Jinglong Village
Tangjiao Village
Louzhai Village
Louxia Village
Huangdong Village
Ganpi Village
Queens Village
Lianxi Village

geographical environment


Location context

Zhenlong Town is located in Huiyang District Southwest, Northwest and Lilin Town Junction Chenjiang Town , adjacent to the east Yonghu Town , Southeast Company Qiuchang Street And other towns, adjacent to Huizhou in the northeast Huicheng Town , south Xinxu Town , Xitong Dongguan City [1] It covers an area of 149.5 square kilometers. [2]
Zhenlong Town

topographic features

Zhenlong Town is backed by Baiyunzhang Mountain, 1003 meters above sea level, which is high in the southeast and low in the northwest. It is a hilly and small plain area. [1]


Zhenlong Town has a subtropical climate, with an extreme maximum temperature of 33 ℃, an extreme minimum temperature of 5 ℃, an average annual rainfall of 2262mm, and a frost free period of about 350 days. [1]


Zhenlong Town has 13 large and small reservoirs, and the farmland is basically protected by drought and flood. [1]

natural resources

mineral resources
There are limestone, sulfur, tungsten, silver and other minerals. [1]


As of February 2020, the total population of Zhenlong Town is nearly 70000, including 28000 permanent residents and more than 40000 immigrants. [2]


From January to September 2019, Zhenlong Town achieved a GDP of 0.64 billion yuan, an increase of 14.9%; The gross industrial output value above designated size increased by 20.1%; The industrial added value increased by 21.5%; Investment in fixed assets increased by 53.5% (including 43.73% increase in industrial investment); Total retail sales of consumer goods reached 934 million yuan, an increase of 7.3%.
From January to August 2019, the total import and export volume of Zhenlong Town was 2.598 billion yuan, an increase of 8.9%; Industrial and commercial tax revenue was 510 million yuan, up 12.8%; The total power consumption was 569 million kilowatt hours, up 6.9%, including 467 million kilowatt hours for industrial use, up 5.9%. [4]
In 2022, in the third quarter, the accumulative total will be 4.766 billion yuan, up 5.3% year on year. From January to November, the GDP of Zhenlong Town reached 6.254 billion yuan, an increase of 10.6%; The industrial added value of the whole town above designated size reached 4.372 billion yuan, up 4.3% year on year; The gross industrial output value above designated size reached 20.318 billion yuan, up 7.1% year on year; The total investment in fixed assets reached 2.796 billion yuan, down 6.3% year on year; The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 1.366 billion yuan, up 1.9% year on year. [15]

social undertakings


attract investment

As of October 2019, Zhenlong Town has signed one new project with a total investment of 120 million yuan and an estimated annual output value of 570 million yuan. 4 new projects were started. [2]


In 2019, Zhenlong Town completed the control planning of the northern new city area and the administrative center area, and the village planning of five administrative villages, including Potangjiao Village, Daguang Village, Jinglong Village, and Huangdong Village, and invested 1.93 million yuan to complete the preliminary work of the special drainage planning. [4]

social security

As of October 2019, there are 15343 residents in Zhenlong Town who have completed endowment insurance (including endowment insurance for farmers whose land has been requisitioned and children's endowment insurance), with a coverage rate of 105.23%. 22476 urban and rural residents have paid for basic medical insurance, with a payment rate of 100%. 210000 yuan was allocated from the town finance according to the standard of 10 yuan per person to subsidize the villagers' medical insurance payment. [4]

Historical culture


Origin of place names

It is said that Zhenlong Town is named Zhenlong because of the undulating Qilongjing Mountain near it, which is shaped like a dragon. "Long" and "Long" are homonymous.

Humanistic customs

Zhenlong has unique red culture, litchi culture and Hakka culture. [14]

Zhenlong Litchi

Zhenlong Litchi
According to the Records of Qianlong Guishan County, litchi planting began more than 200 years ago in Zhenlong Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou City. In the ancient tree park of the town, there are 13 ancient litchi trees with the age of more than 600 years certified by relevant departments. [6]
Every family in Zhenlong Town grows litchi, which has become the main economic source of local villagers and has become the town of litchi in Guangdong. The industry of Zhenlong litchi has a history of more than 300 years, and some old trees in the village have a history of more than 600 years. There are "Zhenlong" brand lychees, "Nuomici", "Guiwei" and other lychee brands. [7]

famous scenery



Zhenlong Town is rich in tourism resources, with the largest Hakka enclosure in Huizhou (the second largest in Guangdong)“ Chonglin Shiju ”There are the "Four Big Half Enclosures" of Huiyang Early Peasant Movement Center, the site of the CPC Huizihe Bo Prefecture Committee - Huang's Ancestral Temple in Gaotian Village, the former site of the Soviet government in Huiyang County - Yang's Ancestral Temple in Gaotian Gangtou Village, and the former residence of Luo Jun and Huang Zhuoru, early CPC members. [2]
Chonglin Shiju
Chonglin Shiju
Chonglin Shiju is located in Daguang Village, Zhenlong Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou City. According to the Ye family tree, it was built in 1798, the third year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty. It was built by Ye Wenzhao, the third ancestor of the Ye family. Because it was called Chonglin, the enclosure was named "Chonglin Shiju". Sitting in the southwest and facing the northeast, it is 128 meters wide and 130 meters deep, covering an area of about 16640 square meters.
Chonglin Shiju is a large and well preserved Hakka enclosure in Huizhou, which provides material materials for the study of the architectural form of Hakka enclosure in the Qing Dynasty. In 2004, Chonglin Shiju was announced as a municipal cultural relics protection unit. [8]

Honors won

On June 10, 2021, Zhenlong Town was officially awarded the title of "the hometown of litchi in China" by China Economic Forest Association. [9]
On November 10, 2021, Zhenlong Town (Litchi) was identified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as the eleventh batch of national "one village, one product" demonstration villages and towns. [10] [13]
On November 10, 2021, it was recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a town with a national rural characteristic industry of one billion yuan in 2021. [11-12]
In March 2023, it was selected as a town with a national rural characteristic industrial output value of more than 1 billion yuan in 2022. [16]