Magnesium ion

Chemical terminology
zero Useful+1
Magnesium ion, a chemical term, is obtained from the loss of the outermost two electrons of magnesium atom, written as Mg 2+
Chinese name
Magnesium ion
Mg 2+
metal ion
Discovery date

essential information

Element name: magnesium (m ě i) Symbolic expression: Mg ^ 2+
Element type: metal Relative atomic mass: 24.31
Discoverer: David. Discovered in 1808
Chemical formula of magnesium element: number of protons in Mg nucleus: 12
Number of extranuclear electrons: 10
Number of nuclear charges: 12
Atomic volume: (cubic centimeter/mole)
thirteen point nine seven
Element content in the sun: (ppm)
seven hundred
Element content in seawater: (ppm)
one thousand and two hundred
Content in crust: (ppm)
twenty-three thousand
Electronegativity: 1.31
Oxidized state:
Ionization energy (kJ/mol)
M - M+ 737.7
M+ - M2+ 1450.7
M2+ - M3+ 7732.6
M3+ - M4+ 10540
M4+ - M5+ 13630
M5+ - M6+ 17995
M6+ - M7+ 21703
M7+ - M8+ 25656
M8+ - M9+ 31642
M9+ - M10+ 35461
External electron arrangement: 3s2 External electron arrangement: 2,8,2
Crystal structure: the unit cell is hexagonal unit cell.
Cell parameters:
a = 320.94 pm
b = 320.94 pm
c = 521.08 pm
α = 90°
β = 90°
γ = 120°
Isotopes and Radiation :Mg-24 Mg-25 Mg-26 Mg-27[9.45m] Mg-28[21h]
Electronic affinity and energy: - 21 KJ · mol-1
First ionization energy: 738 KJ · mol-1 Second ionization energy : 1451 KJ · mol-1 Third ionization energy: 7733 KJ · mol-1
Single substance density: 1.738 g/cm3 Single substance melting point: 650.0 ℃ Single substance boiling point: 1170.0 ℃
Atomic radius: 1.72 angstroms Ionic radius: 0.66 (+2) angstroms Covalent radius: 1.36 angstroms
Thermal conductivity: W/(m · K)
one hundred and fifty-six

Human needs for magnesium

Magnesium is necessary for human body Mineral element Because the content of magnesium in human body is high, it is called Constant element The total content of magnesium in normal adults is about 25g, of which 60% - 65% is in bone and teeth, and 27% is in soft tissue. Magnesium is mainly distributed in cells, Extracellular fluid Not more than 1% of magnesium. Its main physiological functions are: activating the activities of various enzymes in the human body; Maintain bone growth and neuromuscular excitability; Maintain the function of gastrointestinal tract and hormone. If magnesium is deficient, the above functions will be affected, which may lead to Serum calcium Decline; Neuromuscular hyperexcitability; Potential impact on vascular function (reported by someone) Hypomagnesemia Patient can have room Ventricular premature beat atrial fibrillation as well as Ventricular tachycardia And ventricular fibrillation, half of them had elevated blood pressure; Probably menopause Post women Osteoporosis A risk factor of; There are also studies that show that magnesium depletion can lead to insulin resistance Related to diabetes). Magnesium is rich in coarse grains, green leafy vegetables and nuts, while the content of magnesium in meat, starch foods and milk is medium.
A Japanese research team in the new issue of the United States《 neuron 》The magazine reported that they used Drosophila melanogaster Experiments show that magnesium ion can block the production of an inhibitory protein in nerve cells, thus helping maintain long-term memory
Previous studies have shown that NMDA glutamate receptors in the central nervous system play an important role in learning and memory. This receptor absorbs glutamate After that, the nerve cells will absorb calcium ion And trigger biochemical reactions necessary for learning and memory. however, calcium ion channels It is usually blocked by magnesium ion. Only when the nerve cell is activated and becomes excited, magnesium ion will leave, and calcium ion can enter the nerve cell.
Tokyo Capital Institute of Comprehensive Medicine, Tokyo Capital University Tokyo Pharmaceutical University The joint team of Drosophila melanogaster Researchers found that although these flies can learn normally( Short-term memory )However, there will be excess calcium ions entering the nerve cells, which can inhibit gene activity CREB Protein increase, maintenance long-term memory The necessary genes are thus suppressed.
Researchers believe that the blocking effect of magnesium ion can prevent excessive calcium ions from entering nerve cells and prevent the increase of inhibitory CREB protein. This discovery is expected to promote the discovery that aging causes Memory decline And Alzheimer disease And so on.