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Forging white powder

Tripropylene powder
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The scientific name of forging white powder is polypropylene powder, which is compact in structure, relatively stable, and low in optical activity, so it has good weather resistance, high hiding power and achromatic power, and can partially replace titanium dioxide and lithopone. Because its price is relatively cheap, it has been widely promoted in the market and sold on the market.
Chinese name
Forging white powder
Tripropylene powder



Compared with titanium dioxide, lithopone and forging white, they can only be used mostly in paint, concealing agent, porcelain imitation and latex paint, and can partially replace titanium dioxide and lithopone. It is structurally stable, so it has good weather resistance. The price is cheap, so it can be partially replaced titania , lithopone is used.
Properties of forging white powder
Performance index Tripropylene
density four point two
Oil absorption 10-12
PH neutral 7
Limited hiding power, partially replacing titanium dioxide and lithopone
chemical stability Good, except acid with pH<3


At the end of the 1990s, due to the rapid development of China's plywood industry, the word concealing agent was born, the coating industry. Shi Guang, a 13-year-old boy, unintentionally invented it from several raw materials, and founded Shandong Linyi Leide Chemical Co., Ltd. to produce a large amount of forging white powder. This product was widely promoted after 2003, and the coating industry is well aware of this chemical raw material.


Used in paint, concealing agent, porcelain imitation, latex paint, can partially replace titanium dioxide, lithopone. It is structurally stable and has good weather resistance.