
A mineral
zero Useful+1
Anatase; octahedrite titania (TiO two )One of the three minerals in the mineral. It occurs in veins in igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks, and also in placer deposits. It is hard, shiny square crystal system with different colors. Many anatase is formed by the weathering of sphene, and it can be altered into rutile itself; TiO two The isomorphic substitution includes Fe, Sn, Nb, Ta, etc. In addition, it is also found that rare earth element And U, Th. The crystal forms are generally cone, plate and column.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Main components
Crystal system
Tetragonal system
Conversion temperature
Hold at 1100 ℃ for 1h, and change into rutile
Preparation of optical materials and extraction of titanium


It is produced in igneous rock and Metamorphic rock Internal Lode Medium, usually also appears in placer In the bed, it is hard and shiny Tetragonal system Crystal, with different colors. The famous vein deposits occur in many areas of the Alps. Many anatase minerals are composed of Sphene It is formed by weathering and can be altered into rutile Rutile Homomorphic illusion (i.e., metasomatic products with the same shape) are common in clastic deposits in Brazil and Mount Wula. Isomorphism Substitutions include Fe, Sn, Nb, Ta, etc. In addition, it is also found that rare earth element And U, Th. [1]

crystal structure

Anatase crystal phase
Crystal system: tetragonal crystal system [2]
Cell parameter: a zero =0.379nm,b zero =0.379nm,c zero =0.951nm; Z=4。
Crystal transformation temperature: 815 ℃ rutile
Space group: I 41/amd。 (L four 4L two 5PC)
Crystal form It is generally in the shape of cone, plate and column.

Anatase TiO2


Crystal chemical properties

Anatase, rutile and brookite are Homomorphic multiimage , i.e. composition and rutile Brookite Same, but different crystal structure. Anatase belongs to tetragonal crystal system, and its crystal structure is similar to the frame shape. O ions are the most closely packed cubic, and Ti atoms are located in octahedral void [TiO six ]Octahedrons are connected with each other by sharing two pairs of opposite edges, [TiO six ]The octahedron surrounds each fourth spiral axis to form a spiral chain parallel to the c-axis. Ti coordination number is 6 and O coordination number is 3. The Ti-O atom spacing is 0.1937nm and 0.1964nm, and the O-O atom spacing is 0.2802nm and 0.3040nm.

chemical property

Anatase has the same chemical composition as rutile, and its chemical formula is TiO two , isomorphism replaces Fe, Sn, Nb, Ta, etc. In addition, it is also found that the anatase contains Y group based rare earth elements, U and Th. [3]

physical property

The crystal forms are generally cone, plate and column. The color is brown, yellow, light green blue, light purple, gray black, and occasionally nearly colorless. Stripes are colorless to light yellow. Adamantine luster Complete cleavage. Mohs hardness is 5.5-6.5. Density 3.82~3.976g/cm three

optical properties

Different colour , mainly brown, yellow, light green blue, light purple, gray black, occasionally nearly colorless. Uniaxial crystal (negative phototropism), sometimes biaxial crystal with small optical axis angle. Refractive index Very high with obvious changes, such as yellow crystal, refractive index: n zero =2.501; Grey crystal, n zero =2.556, weak polychrome, dark crystal with strong polychrome, strong wine yellow crystal, n o : dark wine yellow, n e : Light red light brown. Under reflected light, anatase in the light sheet is gray, with obvious internal reflection, gray band blue, no double reflection and reflection polychromism, and reflectance ratio sphalerite Slightly higher.

Genetic occurrence

Anatase is relatively unstable, and changes into rutile The formation conditions are similar to rutile. It occurs in veins of igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks, and also in placer deposits. It is hard, shiny, and has different colors. Anatase also occurs in metamorphic hydrothermal sedimentary rocks. The titanium deposit in Yangtizi Moshishan, Zhenglan Banner, Inner Mongolia is a new type found in China in recent years Titanium deposit Yangtizishan ore belt is a hydrothermal reworked titanium rich deposit, and Moshishan ore belt is a sedimentary metamorphic titanium rich deposit. The main features of these two ore belts Useful mineral It is anatase, rutile and ilmenite. Many anatase is formed by the weathering of sphene, and it can be altered into rutile itself. The rutile formed by replacement of anatase has the illusion of anatase, which is very common in clastic deposits in Brazil and Mount Wula. In cassiterite sulfide ores, anatase is commonly associated with cassiterite. [3]

Optical characteristics

Brown, yellow and black, and a few are blue and green gray; The thin village is colorless, or light yellow, light brown, or distributed unevenly or in a ring band. With weak polychromaticity: n o One yellow, blue and green; n e A brown, dark blue, sky blue. The dark variety may be more polychromatic. Absorption usually n o <n e , sometimes n o >n e The positive pole has high protrusion and obvious roughness. The refractive index changes obviously. Such as yellow anatase crystal n o =2.501,n e =2.431; Grey product n o =2.556。 The interference color is very high, reaching Grade IV or above, parallel extinction or symmetric extinction. Double crystal edge (112), rare. Negative ductility. The dark variety may be a biaxial crystal with a small optical axis angle. [4]

Transformation and identification of anatase

Change: Anatase is TiO two A low temperature homomorphic polymorphous variant. It can be transformed from other titanium minerals, and rutile can be transformed at 800-900 ℃.
Identification characteristics: sharp biconical shape, high positive protrusion, and axial negative product are its identification characteristics. The differences between rutile and brookite are: (1) rutile is in the form of uniaxial orthomorphic, columnar and acicular crystals; (2) Bantase is axial orthomorphic, and the crystal is in parallel (001) plate and column shape. [4]