bank notes

Notes issued by banks
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Bank notes are issued by banks (especially central bank )A note issued.
Issued by banks to replace Commercial paper Of bank money One of Token currency Generated from currency execution Means of payment Functions to Commercial paper Circulation is the foundation.
A bank note is a note issued by or obligated to pay by a bank. Mainly including Cashier's check Bank draft , cheques issued by banks, etc.
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bank notes
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bank note
A note issued by a bank


Issued by banks to replace commercial paper bank money one kind Credit currency Generated from currency execution Means of payment Functions to Commercial paper Circulation is the foundation. When the commercial paper is not due, the bill holder needs to turn the commercial paper into cash for some reason and goes to the bank to discount it. But there is no cash in the bank to pay Bill discount People will use notes issued by themselves (i.e. bank notes) instead of private persons Commercial paper The holder can cash the bill at any time with the bank note. Banknotes are widely used because of the double guarantee of gold and credit. The issuance of banknotes can not only enable banks to expand their credit business beyond their actual capital, but also meet the commodity production The additional demand for money caused by development.

Origin and development

Banknotes first appeared in the 17th century Commercial paper It is generated on the basis of circulation. because Commercial paper Of Circulation time And circulation scope bank credit Our bank notes are not limited by the payment date, and can be exchanged for gold at any time. With a solid credit foundation, our bank notes are widely used. holder Use it instead Metal currency As a means of circulation. The amount of banknotes in circulation is subject to Commodity circulation Adjustment required. "As long as bank notes can be exchanged for currency at any time, banks issuing bank notes must not arbitrarily increase the number of bank notes in circulation" (The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 594). When Commodity circulation When more money is needed for expansion, bank notes will be used as Means of circulation and Means of payment get into Circulation field When Commodity circulation Zoom out, Means of circulation and Means of payment When it seems too much, it flows back to the bank.
Early bank notes were created by private bank Issued. After the middle of the 19th century, capitalist country The issuance of bank notes by the central bank or its designated banks gradually changed from private banks. World wide in 1930s economic crisis Later, all countries gave up gold standard System. the Second World War After, all capitalist country The currency of central bank Issue non convertible notes as Means of circulation This kind of paper money is different from bank notes Means of circulation Little or no Commercial paper As a guarantee with gold, it cannot be exchanged for gold. It is issued according to the government's laws and regulations, which stipulates that the currency must be accepted in the payment of all public and private debts, so it is called“ Legal tender ”(legal tender)。

Contact difference



Paper money is issued by the state for compulsory use Currency symbol
Banknotes are also a currency symbol.
Both bank notes and bank notes have no value in themselves, which is the same.


(1) Paper money is produced from the function of money as a circulation medium; Banknotes, on the other hand, originate from the credit relationship, that is, when money acts as Means of payment Function.
(2) Paper money is issued and relied on by the government State power Compulsory circulation; Bank notes are issued by banks through short-term Discount of commercial paper Issued in the form of.
(3) Banknotes cannot be cashed, but bank notes can be cashed;
(4) Paper money such as Overissuance Will depreciate, but bank notes will not depreciate.

Non devaluation

First, the issuance of bank notes should be discounted by the bank Commercial paper Based on.
Second, bank notes must be convertible into precious metal currency at any time, that is, bank notes must have double guarantees of credit and gold.