Galactic spiral arm

term in astronomy
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Galaxy yes Barred spiral galaxy , multiple Swivel arm , it has three main components: Silver plate , central protuberant Silver core and Halo part. The swivel arm is mainly composed of Interstellar matter Composition.
When studying the spiral arms of the Milky Way, optical methods are very limited. The knowledge about the spiral arms of the Milky Way is mainly derived from radio observations. Near the sun, radio observations detected three segments of spiral arms, namely Perseus Swivel arm Orion arm And Sagittarius Swivel Arm. The sun is near the inside of the Orion spiral arm. In the 1970s, people explored the Milky Way carbon monoxide The distribution of molecules has found a fourth spiral arm, which spans Foxy and Cygnus It is a strip Silver core four thousand Second gap The swivel arm of is called 3000 second gap arm , expanding outward at a speed of about 50 km/s. Known: The spiral arm is the place where gas, dust and young stars are concentrated.
Chinese name
Galactic spiral arm
Foreign name
Milky Way Galaxy
Observation method
Trigonometric parallax
Galaxy type
Barred spiral galaxy


The Milky Way Galaxy is a flat disk with thick middle and thin edge. His main part is called Silver plate , is a Vortex structure its Total mass It is about one trillion times the size of the sun, about 100000 light-years in diameter, about 10000 light-years thick in the center, and about 3000 to 4000 light-years thick at the edge. Outside the silver disk are sparse stars and Interstellar matter Constituent Spheroid , known as Silver halo , with a diameter of about 100000 light-years. A careful observation of the Milky Way shows that it has four spiral arms, namely Orion, Perseus, Sagittarius and 3000 second gap. The Milky Way also rotates. The solar system orbits at 250 km/s Galactic center Rotate for about 250 million years. The Milky Way has two Companion galaxy , respectively Large Magellanic Galaxy and Magellanic galaxy Galaxies other than the Milky Way are called Extragalactic galaxy The sun is located about 27700 light-years away from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy Orion arm Inside.
Since 2003, the research team has measured 163 High quality Star formation In the area Maizeyuan In combination with 37 maser sources measured by other groups in the world, the self motions and self motions of nearly 200 massive star forming regions in the Milky Way were obtained. The distribution of these massive star forming regions on the silver disk clearly delineates four main spiral arms, which are Perseus arm , centaur bottom arm NomaArm And shield- Centaurus arm [2]

Observation results

After a year of observation, an international astronomical team was lucky to "catch" one of them. Journalists from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory It is learned that the institute Xu Ye The international team participated by the doctor accurately measured solar system The distance to the nearest "arm" of the Milky Way, the "Perseus spiral arm", is 6370 light-years. [1]
Shanghai Observatory Shen Zhiqiang The researcher said: "In order to accurately understand the age and size of the Milky Way, we need to accurately measure the distance between these arms. But the biggest problem is that we are observing other Galaxy Their shapes are clear at a glance, but we can't see the full picture of our own Milky Way, so we can only determine their shapes through observation and speculation. " [1]
It is reported that this is the farthest accurate measurement of human beings so far Distance of celestial bodies It is of great significance to accurately describe the age and size of the universe. This achievement was also published in the latest issue of Science.
It is understood that, Galaxy yes spiral galaxy , four rotating "arms" protrude from the inside out: Sagittarius rotating arm Orion arm , Perseus Swivel Arm and 3000 second gap arm Each "arm" is composed of countless stars and nebulae. Our solar system is located in the Orion spiral arm, between the Sagittarius spiral arm and the Perseus spiral arm, but closer to the Perseus spiral arm.
In May 2023, the team of Xu Ye, a researcher at the Zijinshan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, cooperated with the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and proposed a new understanding of the shape of the spiral arms of the Milky Way: the Milky Way is more like an ordinary multi spiral arm galaxy, composed of two symmetrical spiral arms inside and several irregular spiral arms outside, rather than the widely accepted special shape of four spiral arms from inside to outside. [3]

Observation method

It is revealed that the scientists of the three countries skillfully adopted a kind of“ Trigonometric parallax ”Method, using radio telescope We successfully captured a cosmic laser emission source from the "Perseus Swivel Arm", and took the distance between the sun and the earth as the baseline. After geometric calculation, we got this radiation source Distance.
According to the observation results of the team, the sun goes to Perseus Swivel arm Is 1.95 Kilosecond gap , about 6370 light years, with an error of less than 2.1%.
Imagine if have a chance to Looking down on our Galaxy The plane is more like a giant“ octopus ”。 Because the stars in the Milky Way are not uniform distribution Of, various Interstellar matter Nebulae formed Open Clusters , nova, etc Galactic center Outward dependence counter-clockwise direction The extended "arms" are called "spiral arms of the Milky Way" in astronomy.


The Milky Way consists of four large and two small spiral arms. The solar system sits on the shorter Orion spiral arm, between the Perseus spiral arm and the Sagittarius spiral arm. The spiral arms are the cradle of new stars in the Milky Way. In fact, there are about ten new stars forming in the Milky Way every year, and at least one star aging every 100 years. Newborn stars appear on the spiral arms of the Milky Way.
January 5, 2009, United States Iowa University founded to publish news bulletin Said that the scientists of the university and Switzerland University of Zurich Germany Ruhr University Scientists cooperated to draw a complete image of the spiral arms of the Milky Way for the first time. image display There are two obviously symmetrical spiral arms inside the Milky Way, which extend to the outside of the Milky Way and divide into four spiral arms.


High speed operation in the universe has Galactic nucleus When it reaches another galaxy with a galactic nucleus running speed If they are close, they will devour each other and form a larger galaxy. If the galactic nuclei of these two galaxies meet, they will rotate around each other to form a faster rotating galactic nucleus with greater mass. This faster rotating galactic nucleus is like a huge generator, bursting out powerful particles from its poles and flowing into the distance. The greater the energy of the galactic nucleus, the greater the flux of the jet stream, and the farther the jet will go. We call such galactic nuclei Bipolar jet galactic nucleus The galactic nucleus is ejecting High-energy particle When flowing, it will consume its own energy. However, when it captures other star clusters or galaxies, it will add energy. When the energy of the galactic nucleus changes from large to small, two massive Jet belt If the galactic nucleus Magnetic axis Around another axis called galactic nucleus Autorotation shaft )Rotate, then the trajectory of the jet belt will bend Spiral galaxy The two spiral arms of the Milky Way Galaxy are built in this way.