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Silver nucleus

term in astronomy
The silver core is Galaxy The dense part of the material forms a disk, called the silver disk. The bulbous part in the center of the silver plate Nucleosphere There is a small compact area in the center of the nuclear sphere, called the silver nucleus. The silver core is a slightly convex part of the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is a very bright Spheroid , with a diameter of about 20000 Light year , about 10000 light years thick. This area is composed of high-density fixed star and Interstellar matter The composition is mainly composed of old red stars over 10 billion years old. The activity of the silver core is very intense.
Foreign name
Silver nucleus
Silver core, silver disc and silver halo
application area
About 20000 light years

Concept of silver core

The silver core, disk and halo of the Milky Way were formed about 11 billion to 12 billion years ago at the same time.
The structure of the Milky Way's silver core is very complex. Due to the serious extinction, the observation of the central part of the Milky Way with optical methods is greatly limited. At present, the data about silver nuclei mainly come from infrared observation and radio observation. As mentioned above, there is an outward expanding rotating arm 4000 seconds away from the silver core. According to the analysis of neutral hydrogen observation data, the silver core may also have a rapidly rotating gas disk with a radius of about 1000 seconds and a rod structure connecting this gas disk with the 4000 second gap spiral arm. In addition, there are some individual hydrogen clouds and molecular clouds.
The silver core is very complicated. It is not clear whether it is composed of stars, gases or other substances. Its exact size is not clear, only that it is very small, not more than a few seconds gap. Silver nuclear energy emits strong radio radiation and infrared radiation. It has been found in recent years that it also emits X-rays. There is no doubt that radio radiation is mainly non thermal radiation. As for infrared radiation, the scattering effect of dust is very important, but it cannot be ruled out that some infrared radiation is non thermal radiation.
In 1972, Weber claimed to detect gravitational radiation from the center of the Milky Way, but it was not confirmed. Some people use detectors that are more sensitive than Weber's, but they do not detect gravitational radiation. This problem needs further study.

Silver nucleus correlation

The Milky Way Galaxy looks like a large disk with a slightly swollen center, which is mainly composed of three parts from inside to outside: the central bulge is called Silver nucleus Is a star dense area; Outside the silver core is the main silver disk of the Milky Way, where most of the stars and interstellar matter of the Milky Way are concentrated; Outside the silver disk is a larger, nearly spherical distribution system, in which the density of matter is much lower than in the silver disk, called the silver halo. The Milky Way can be said to be a galaxy in the universe that can be carefully studied for human beings. A deep understanding of the formation of the Milky Way is the basis for human understanding of the formation of other galaxies in the universe.
The more popular theoretical model of galaxy formation believes that the Milky Way and other galaxies are gradually formed from small to large by attracting gas, dust and devouring nearby galaxies with the help of intergalactic gravity.
At the beginning of 2010, Harvey Richel of the University of British Columbia in Canada and his colleagues used the Hubble Space Telescope to carefully study the Magellanic nebula lateral 47 Tucanae Although Rhododendron 47 does not reside in the bulge of the Milky Way, it has the same chemical composition and operating characteristics as the bulge of the Milky Way, so it becomes the best reference for studying the bulge of the Milky Way.
By analyzing the pictures of the Hubble Space Telescope, Harvey and others found that the Rhododendron 47 and the Milky Way bulge formed 11 billion to 12 billion years ago, rather than the previously estimated 9 billion years ago. This indicates that the Milky Way Silver nucleus , silver plate and silver halo were formed in the same period.
JOHNS HOPKINS University Rossi believes that the silver halo and the silver core of the Milky Way formed at the same time, which may be an accidental event in the universe, indicating that there may be an unknown violent movement in the history of galaxy formation. One possibility is that the Milky Way encountered a rare cosmic collision shortly after its birth. As a result, the matter located in the silver halo is pushed into the silver core, forming the protrusion of the Milky Way Galaxy. This can also explain why the mass of the star in the silver core is 10 times that in the silver halo.
Scientists said that this new achievement did not rule out the fact that the Milky Way is still expanding, and is still using intergalactic gravity to attract and gather materials and engulf nearby galaxies. Moreover, the new discovery is still in the preliminary stage of research, and some conclusions need further research and demonstration by scientists.

Galaxy data

Silver plate diameter: 25000 seconds or 80000 light years
Thickness of silver plate center: 10000 light years
Thickness of silver plate near the sun: 5000 light years
Maximum diameter of silver halo: 30000 seconds difference or 100000 light years
Distance from the sun to the silver center: 10000 seconds or 30000 light years
Distance from the sun to the galactic plane: 8 seconds north of the galactic plane
Total density of matter near the sun (including stars and interstellar matter): 8.8 × 10 ^ - 24 grams per cubic centimeter
The rotation speed of the Milky Way galaxy near the sun: 250 kilometers per second
The rotation period of the Milky Way galaxy near the sun: 250 million years
Total mass of the Milky Way: 1.4 × 10 ^ 11 solar mass

Shape of silver nucleus

The silver core is a slightly convex part of the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is a very bright spheroid with a diameter of about 20000 light years and a thickness of about 10000 light years. This region is composed of high density stars and interstellar matter, mainly old red stars over 10 billion years old. The activity of the silver core is very intense.


The Milky Way contains about 200 billion stars, about 100 billion of which are our sun. It is a typical spiral star system with a diameter of about 100000 light-years, and the sun is about 28000 light-years away from the center of the Milky Way. The Milky Way has three main components: the silver disk, the silver core and the halo.

Activity of galactic nuclei

Silver disk: The silver disk is the main body of the galaxy, with a diameter of about 80000 light-years. The thickness of the middle part is about 6000 light-years. The thickness of the silver disk near the sun is about 3000 light-years. The silver disk is mainly composed of four huge spiral arms. It is composed of numerous blue stars. The sun is located on the Orion arm between the arms of Sagittarius and Perseus, Twenty eight thousand light years or eight or five thousand seconds away from the center. The formation of spiral arms is related to the activity of galactic nuclei during the creation of the Milky Way.

Central bulge

The central bulge of the galaxy is a very bright sphere, with a diameter of about 20000 light-years and a thickness of 10000 light-years. This region is composed of high-density stars, mainly red stars aged over 10 billion years. Many evidences show that there is a huge black hole in the central region, and the activity of the galactic nucleus is very intense.
Halo part

Galactic halo

The galactic halo is scattered in a spherical region around the silver disk. The diameter of the silver halo is about 98000 light-years. The density of stars here is very low. There are some globular clusters composed of old stars. Some people think that there is a huge spherical radio radiation area outside the silver halo, called the silver corona, The silver crown extends at least one hundred thousand seconds or 320000 light years away from the silver core.


The torrent flew down three thousand feet, and it seems that the Milky Way has fallen into the sky. " (Li Bai), the ancient Chinese culture regarded the Milky Way as the Milky Way, expanded its attention to the two constellations of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl in Hedong and Hexi, and imagined making up the love story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. In such a beautiful love, there was a Queen Mother in the middle, which caused trouble. The women had no strength to resist. They had to get spiritual sustenance and comfort by meeting on a magpie bridge and "begging for cleverness". The oriental culture was so euphemistic and implicit.
In Gu Kuang's "Palace Ci" of the Tang Dynasty, there was a saying that "the crystal curtain rolls near the autumn river", and the "autumn river" here refers to the Milky Way. Another example is Li Shangyin's "Chang'e", in which "the long river gradually falls and the stars sink".
The night sky gave a big hint, in the form of a lovely paleband of light that cut across the heavens like a river. Because the river in the sky encircles the whole celestial sphere, in the sixth century BC, the Greeks initially called it Galaxias Kyklos or Kyklos Galaktikos (Milky Circle, literally "Silver Ring"). The Romans who accepted the Greek civilization later renamed it Via Lactea (Milk Way). Modern western languages, such as English, French, German, and Russian, are all translated from Latin via Lactea. By the way, Galaxy (capital letter), which is synonymous with the Milk Way, was later retained as an astronomical term. Other galaxies are called galaxies (capital letter in lower case).
In English, there are two ways to address the Milky Way. One is galaxy, which can also refer to "galaxy", which is more formal. Another saying is the Milk Way, which comes from a Greek myth.
The English Milky Way and Galaxy first appeared around 1384. The former is borrowed from Latin via Lactea, while Via Lactea is translated from Greek Galaxias Kyklos, changing Kyklos into Via. The latter is a borrowed form loanword derived from the Greek galaxias and was used as an astronomical term since 1848.
There are many myths about the creation of heaven and earth around the Milky Way. In particular, there are two similar Greek myths in Greece that explain how the Milky Way came into being. Some myths combine the Milky Way with the constellations, and believe that the milk of herds of cattle has whitened the dark blue sky. In East Asia, people believe that the fog belt between stars in the sky is a silver river, which is also known as the Tianhe River.
Akashaganga is the name given by Indians to the Milky Way, which means the Ganges River in the sky.
According to Greek mythology, Hera discovered that Zeus had tricked Zeus into feeding young Hercules with milk splashed in the sky. Another theory is that Hermes secretly took Hercules to Olympus Mountain to steal his milk while Hera was sleeping, and some milk was shot into the sky, thus forming the Milky Way.
According to Greek mythology, Zeus is the main god in the Greek temples, that is, the god of gods, which is comparable to the Jade Emperor. Zeus' wife is his sister Hera, who is the god of women and marriage, the god of all goddesses, and has the same status as the Queen Mother. Hera's milk and Tangseng's meat have the same effect. Whoever sucks her milk will live forever. Zeus was a restless god who secretly had an affair with the married woman Alcmene and gave birth to Hercules. Zeus hoped that Hercules would live forever in the future, so he secretly put Hercules next to Hera, who was asleep, and asked Hercules to suck the milk of Hera. But Hercules sucked too hard and woke Hera up. She found that it was not her son who was suckling, so she pushed the child away. But she tried too hard, and the milk sprayed into the sky, which became Milk Way. See the oil painting The Origin of the Milk Way (1575-1580), which is from Italian Renaissance Hand of famous painter Tintoretto. Later, Westerners imagined the Milky Way as Hera's milk, and called it the Milky Way.