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Ginkgo biloba( Ginkgo biloba 50. ) is a plant of Ginkgo family and Ginkgo genus. tree , up to 40m in height and 4m in diameter at breast height; The bark of young trees is light longitudinal split, and the bark of big trees is grayish brown, deep longitudinal split, rough; The young and adult tree crowns are conical, while the old ones are broadly oval. The leaves are fan-shaped, long stalked, light green, hairless, with many forked parallel veinlets, 5-8 cm wide at the top, often with wavy notches on short branches, often 2-lobed on long branches, and wide cuneate at the base. Bulbs dioecious, unisexual, born in the axils of scaly leaves at the top of short branches, in clusters; Male cones are catkin shaped, pendulous. The seeds are long stemmed, pendulous, and often oval, long obovate, oval or nearly spherical in shape.
Ginkgo biloba mesozoic Relict It is a rare tree species, native to China, born in altitude In the natural forest of 500-1000 meters, acidic (pH 5-5.5) yellow soil, and well drained areas, it often grows with cryptomeria fortunei, torreya grandis, blueberry and other coniferous and broad-leaved trees, and grows vigorously. It is cultivated in gardens in Korea, Japan, Europe and America.
Ginkgo biloba is a fast-growing precious timber tree species. The sapwood is light yellow, the heartwood is light yellowish brown, thin in structure, light soft, elastic, easy to process, shiny, with a specific gravity of 0.45-0.48. It is not easy to crack and flex. It is an excellent timber for buildings, furniture, interior decoration, sculpture, drawing boards, etc. The seeds are used for food and medicine. The leaves can be used as medicine, insecticide and fertilizer. The fleshy testa of the seed contains leucolic acid, ginkgo alcohol and ginkgo phenol, which are toxic. Bark contains Tannin The ginkgo tree has a beautiful shape, with green leaves in spring and summer and yellow leaves in autumn. It can be used as garden trees and street trees.
Chinese name
ginkgo [1]
Latin name
Ginkgo biloba L. [19]
Ginkgoales [15]
Named by and date
Protection level
National first-class protected wild plants, endangered (EN)

History of botany

Ginkgo Luolian/photo
Ginkgo is the only species of ancient ginkgo plants surviving on the earth, which first appeared 345 million years ago Carboniferous Therefore, it is regarded as "the world's first living fossil" and "the giant panda in the plant world". More than two million years ago, quaternary glaciation After the movement, the earth suddenly became cold, and most ginkgo plants became extinct in other parts of the world, only surviving in China. Therefore, nowadays, other ginkgo from all over the world are directly or indirectly imported from China. Ginkgo biloba was not only introduced to neighboring Japan and the Korean Peninsula, but also moved across the sea to settle down in Europe and America. [22]

morphological character

tree , up to 40m in height and 4m in diameter at breast height; The bark of young trees is light longitudinal split, and the bark of big trees is grayish brown, deep longitudinal split, rough; The young and adult tree crowns are conical, while the old ones are broadly oval; The branches are nearly whorled and extend obliquely upwards (the big branches of female plants are often more developed than those of male plants); The annual long branches are light brown yellow, and the biennial ones become gray with thin longitudinal cracks; The short branches are densely covered with leaf scars and are dark gray. Long branches can also grow on the short branches; Winter buds are yellowish brown, often ovoid, with a blunt tip. [2] [21]
The leaves are fan-shaped, long stalked, light green, hairless, with many forked parallel veinlets, 5-8 cm wide at the top, often with wavy notches on short branches, often 2-lobed on long branches, wide cuneate at the base, 3-10 (mostly 5-8) cm long stalks, and the leaves on young trees and sprouting branches are often relatively deep lobed (13 cm long and 15 cm wide leaves), Sometimes the lobes split again (this is similar to the leaves of more primitive fossil species). The leaves are scattered spirally on the annual growth branches, 3-8 leaves are clustered on the short branches, and turn yellow before falling leaves in autumn. [2] [20] [23]
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Bulbous flower Dioecious, unisexual, born in the axils of scaly leaves at the top of short branches, in clusters; Male cones are catkin shaped, pendulous, stamens loosely arranged, with short stalks, anthers often 2, long elliptic, anther chamber is longitudinally divided, and connectives do not appear; Female bulbs have long stems, and the stem ends are often divided into two branches, 3-5 branches or no branches, and each branch ends with a dish shaped beanstalk, ovule The ovule on which only one fork end usually grows into a seed for wind pollination. [2]
 ginkgo ginkgo ginkgo ginkgo
Ginkgo Luolian/photo
The seeds are long stemmed, pendulous, often elliptic, long obovate, ovoid or nearly spherical, 2.5-3.5 cm long, 2 cm in diameter, fleshy exotesta, yellow or orange when ripe, covered with white powder, and smelly; Mesotesta white, bony, with 2-3 longitudinal ridges; Endoderm membranous, reddish brown; The endosperm is fleshy and tastes sweet and bitter; There are 2 cotyledons, 3 rare ones, which are not unearthed during germination. There are 2-5 primary leaves, which are strip wide, about 5 mm long and 2 mm wide. The apex is slightly concave. The fourth or fifth subsequent leaves are fan shaped, with a deep crack and irregular wavy notch at the apex, and the petiole is 0.9-2.5 cm long; There is a primary root. [2]

Plant differences

Arbor, up to 40 meters high. The leaves are fan-shaped. It is dioecious, with pale yellow male cones and pale green female cones. Seeds nearly spherical, yellow, covered with white powder. It is endemic to China. The flowering period is from late March to mid April, and the seeds mature from September to October.
Deciduous trees, up to 15m high; The tree crown is open, spherical or oblate. Branchlets are reddish brown. The flowers open first, white to light pink, the pedicel is very short, and the calyx is bright crimson red. The fruit is nearly spherical, yellow or reddish, 2.5~3 cm in diameter, with fine pubescence; The stone is smooth. [24]

Growth environment

Growth environment
Wild Ginkgo biloba grows vigorously in natural forests in areas with an altitude of 500-1000 meters, acidic (pH 5-5.5) yellow soil and good drainage. It is often mixed with cryptomeria fortunei, Torreya grandis, blueberry and other coniferous and broad-leaved trees. Ginkgo biloba is a light loving tree species with deep roots and wide adaptability to climate and soil. It can grow in areas with high temperature and rainfall, little rainfall and cold winter, but its growth is slow or poor; It can grow on acid soil (pH 4.5), calcareous soil (pH 8) and neutral soil, but it is not resistant to saline alkali soil and too wet soil. It grows best in areas with a warm and humid climate below 1000 meters above sea level (1500-2000 meters in Yunnan), annual precipitation of 700-1500 mm, deep soil layer, fertile and humid soil, and good drainage. It is not easy to survive or grow poorly in places with poor and dry soil, rocky hillsides, and excessive humidity. [2]

Distribution range

Ginkgo biloba belongs to Mesozoic era Relict It is a rare tree species and is a Chinese specialty. Ginkgo biloba is cultivated in a wide range of areas: from Shenyang in the northeast to Guangzhou in the south, from 40-1000 meters above sea level in the east, to Guizhou in the southwest, and below 2000 meters above sea level in the west of Yunnan (Tengchong). Most of them are planted in Jiangsu Province for the purpose of seed production or as garden trees. It is cultivated in gardens in Korea, Japan, Europe and America. [2] 6.3 million ginkgo trees were planted and grafted in Taixing City, Jiangsu Province, accounting for more than one-third of the national ginkgo output [14] Taixing's ancient ginkgo, the number of ginkgo planted, ginkgo yield, and ginkgo quality rank first in China. [16]
Ginkgo distribution map

Growth habit


blossom and bear fruit

Ginkgo biloba has a longer initial growth and stronger sprouting ability. Ginkgo biloba trees are divided into male and female trees, and the male trees do not bear fruit, while the female trees generally begin to bear fruit after 20 years of growth. Ginkgo trees generally begin to sprout and expand their leaves in March to April, blossom in April to May, mature their seeds in September to October, and begin to defoliate after October. [3] In the cultivation area, seedling, stem moving seedling or root tiller seedling are often used for grafting, which can blossom and bear fruit in 8-10 years in advance (seedling generally starts to bear seeds after 20 years). Ginkgo biloba cultivated in various places has hundreds or thousands of years old trees. [2]

embryonic development

Ginkgo plants are dioecious plants. The megasporangium and microsporophyllum of Ginkgo biloba are located in the leaf axils of the short branches. On the microsporophyllum, there are many slender microsporophylls, and on the stalk part of each microsporophyll, there are two pendulous microsporangium. The megasporophyll usually has a long stalk, with two or more straight ovules growing at the top, and the base of each ovule is surrounded by the nuchal receptacle. The megasporophyll has a more primitive bract scale species scale complex, which is also called the pre species scale complex. [17]
  • Male gametophyte
  1. one
    Microsporogenesis: The microsporangium of Ginkgo plants is thick cyst type of true fern. The cytoplasmic cells differentiate from the microsporophyll primordium, and then undergo multiple periclinal and anticlinal divisions to form a mass of sporogenous cells, and at the same time differentiate into the wall of the microsporangium. The sporogenous cells further developed into microspore mother cells. The microspore mother cells of ginkgo plants were initially polygonal, with thick cytoplasm and close arrangement; Then the arrangement between the microspore mother cells becomes loose, and the shape begins to become round. The microspore mother cells undergo meiosis to form four microspores of similar size, and each microspore equally obtains a certain amount of cytoplasm. The microspore of Ginkgo biloba is nearly spherical, and the cell wall is unevenly thickened. The vacuoles and nuclei are polar, with axial polarity from the near polar surface to the far polar surface. [17]
  2. two
    Development of male gametophyte: The male gametophytes of ginkgo plants grow in absolute spores. The polar division of microspore cells forms small prothallus cells at the base and large embryonic cells at the upper part, and the latter further divides into germ cells and tube cells. The mature pollen grains of Ginkgo biloba are composed of two prothallus cells, one tube cell and one germ cell. The first prothallus cell degenerates. The pollen grains of Ginkgo plants are bilaterally symmetrical ship shaped, with a single germinating groove located at the far pole. In the composition of pollen wall, all layers of pollen wall of Ginkgo biloba originate from the same primary wall. After the pollen grains of ginkgo plants reach the micropylar end, they enter the pollen storage room with the help of pollinators, and develop haustorial pollen tubes. In this way, the surface area is increased, thus completing the function of absorbing nutrients. The direction of the ginkgo pollen tube when it first grows out is almost perpendicular to the axis of the four cells in the male gametophyte. Then the pollen tube branches and grows apically. As the development process continues, it is accompanied by a high degree of sub apical branching, thus forming a highly branched haustorial pollen tube in the cell gap of the nucellus tissue. Germ cells of ginkgo plants divide in the powder storage room to form sterile cells and spermatogonia. Near fertilization, the spermatogonia of ginkgo plants divide longitudinally to form two hemispherical spermatids, and then the cell wall of the spermatogonia breaks, and two spermatids dissociate at the end of the pollen tube. The mature spermatocytes of Ginkgo biloba are about 80-85 μ m long and 40-50 μ m wide, with 3-4 circles of flagella on the top of the spermatocytes. In the spermatogonia and spermatids of Ginkgo biloba, there are two unique structures: vacuole like structure and fibrous granular body. There are two vacuolar structures, located between the spermatogonium nucleus and the two hair generating bodies. It is a structure with no membrane coating and deep staining, also known as osmiophilic granules. With the development of spermatogonia, the volume of this structure increases continuously. During the division of spermatogonia, two vacuoles are distributed into two spermatocytes, so each spermatocyte contains only one; Fibrous particles are generated near the nuclear membrane of cells after the formation of vacuole structure. Fibrous particles are composed of two hemispherical structures connected, and their components are similar to fibers in shape. [17]
  • Female gametophyte
  1. one
    Ovule development and megasporogenesis: The ovule of ginkgo plants grows directly on the megasporophyll. The megaspore mother cell is located deep in the nucellus tissue and forms 3-4 megaspores through meiosis, of which 2-3 megaspores near the micropyle end degenerate, and one megaspore farthest from the micropyle develops into a functional megaspore. Before meiosis, the organelles of Ginkgo megaspore mother cells were distributed in polarity: plastids and mitochondria were gathered at the syncytial end, while there was only a small amount of annular endoplasmic reticulum at the syncytial end, which led to the formation of tetrads. The megaspore cells near the syncytial end were larger, and most plastids and mitochondria in the megaspore mother cells were gathered here, And finally develop into functional megaspores. Due to some difficulties in research, if young ovules are to be collected, the crown must be destroyed. Even so, only one developmental stage of ovules can be collected on one plant. [17]
  2. two
    Development of female gametophyte: the division of free nucleus occurs soon after the formation of functional megaspore. The female gametophyte of Ginkgo biloba produces about 1000-8000 free nuclei and forms the cell wall centripetally. At the end of cell differentiation of female gametophytes of ginkgo plants, there are one surface cell on both sides of the near micropylar end to become the neck oocyte. The neck oocyte divides in the flat cycle to form a small primary neck cell on the surface and a large central cell inside. The former divides twice to form four neck cells, and the latter divides once to form ventral sulcus cells (nuclei) And egg cell (nucleus). The four neck cells of Ginkgo biloba are arranged in a tile like manner, and there is an obvious cell wall between the ventral sulcus cells and the egg cells. However, whether the ventral sulcus cells degenerate before fertilization is controversial. Shortly after the formation of the ginkgo biloba archegonia, the unique tent column structure appeared between the two archegonia of the female gametophyte. With the prominence of the tent column, the nearby nucellar tissue and the megaspore membrane were gradually destroyed, forming a circular gap around the tent column - the archegonia chamber. [17]
  • Fertilization
Before fertilization, the archegonial chamber of ginkgo plants is filled with liquid. When the end of the pollen tube is broken, the sperm cells are released along with the liquid in the pollen tube and swim to the archegonial opening. Before fertilization of Ginkgo biloba, the internal pressure of the neck cells increased. The thick contact wall between the original two neck cells was partially separated, forming an opening. Some of the egg cytoplasm rushed out of the neck egg apparatus from the opening, making the upper cells in the tile lined neck cells open upward, thus forming a larger opening. Although there may be several sperm cells entering the archegonium of ginkgo plants, only one enters the egg cell and fuses with the mao nucleus, and the rest of the sperm cells remain near the top of the egg cell and finally disintegrate. Because the fertilization process of ginkgo plants is very rapid, it is not clear whether all sperm cells enter the egg cells. Some scholars believe that the whole sperm cell, including the flagella, enters the egg cell; Others believe that only the sperm nucleus enters the egg cell, while other parts remain outside the archegonium and disappear soon. [17]
  • embryonic development
Ginkgo plants undergo in situ mitosis immediately after zygote formation. The cell plate appeared at the end of the first division of the zygote of Ginkgo biloba, and there was no such structure during the division of the free nucleus thereafter. At the late stage of free nuclei, the free nuclei in the cytoplasm of Ginkgo biloba were basically evenly distributed. After eight successive mitosis, the zygote of Ginkgo biloba produced 256 nuclei and began to form cell walls. The cell walls of all parts of the embryo were formed almost simultaneously. In a female gametophyte of ginkgo plants, each archegonium can form a proembryo, but only one can mature, and the rest of the proembryos degenerate. The tissue differentiation of Ginkgo biloba embryo was late, and the volume of embryo was slightly smaller. The suspensor system of Ginkgo biloba is underdeveloped and in a degraded state. [17]

Reproductive methods

Ginkgo can be used sow Seedling breeding hardwood cutting , tiller bud ramet and other methods for sexual and asexual reproduction. ginkgo Dioecious In order to obtain seeds, it can also be grafted on the branches of female plants by budding, so that the plants can blossom and bear fruit in advance, and a large number of seedlings can be propagated. [4]


After Ginkgo biloba enters the reproductive growth period, it can use artificial or natural pollination methods to make it bear more fruits. The seeds will be harvested from September to October, dried in the air, stored in a ventilated place with gauze bags, and sown and propagated in April to May of the next year when the temperature is stable at about 20 ℃. When sowing, the seedbed shall be turned over and harrowed carefully to make a flat border. Ditches shall be opened at 30-40cm row spacing with a depth of 4-6 cm, and then the seeds shall be seeded in the soil ditch at 6-8cm spacing, one by one. After sowing, water shall be poured once and covered with fine soil or sandy soil. In order to maintain moisture and good ventilation, the seedbed can be covered with a layer of straw. After the seedlings are unearthed, remove the straw, and transplant them before the sprouts of the next spring to cultivate strong seedlings for garden and yard greening. [4]


use cuttage Ginkgo biloba is a widely used method in horticulture. This method is easy to operate, and the technology is not complicated, so it can be tried by ordinary families.
Ginkgo should be cut in early spring or late autumn. During operation, select the strong branches that have grown for one year, take out the middle and upper parts, and cut them into 10-15cm segments for cuttings. In order to promote the early germination of new roots Indole acetic acid or Naphthylacetic acid Soak the cuttings base in 0.2/10000-0.8/10000 aqueous solution for 12-14 hours, and insert the seedbed made of fine sand or vermiculite. When cutting, most of the cuttings should be inserted into the soil, leaving only one bud node on the ground, and its length should not exceed 3cm at most. The cutting shall be watered once after cutting. [4]
In order to maintain the ground temperature, the seedbed can be arched with bamboo pieces and covered with plastic film to strengthen water management and maintain the relative humidity of the space. In case of strong light and high temperature, pay attention to ventilation. When the cuttings sprout new buds, remove the film, increase the light intensity, and promote the healthy growth of seedlings. Generally, they can be transplanted in the early spring of the next year. Enlarge the row spacing to make the seedlings grow healthily. [4]


After several years of ginkgo biloba growth, tiller buds can sometimes sprout at the base of the plant. The growers can cut the cortex at the base of the moose buds in spring, and fill up the soil to let the base take root. After falling leaves in autumn, the tiller buds that take root underground can be cut off from the parent plant and propagated separately in the middle and late September in the Yangtze River basin and its southern regions. [4]
The root system shall be protected during cutting. The incision can be made with sulfur yellow powder or 1% copper sulphate Disinfect with water solution. When cultivating, it can be cultivated vertically or obliquely according to its own needs. However, the root system should be natural and not too bent to damage the root system. It should be planted in slightly acidic or neutral sandy soil, covered with solid soil, and watered thoroughly to ensure close contact between the soil and the root system and survival after separate planting. [4]

cultivation techniques



  • Selection of planting land
Due to the slow growth cycle of ginkgo trees, the required nutrients and lighting conditions are relatively sufficient, so the site conditions should be selected in the location with high terrain, convenient transportation and good drainage capacity. For seedling gardens planting ginkgo, attention should also be paid to the selection of gardens with thicker soil layers, which are generally required to be more than 1m thick. In addition, it is also necessary to ensure sufficient light and good air circulation, that is, try to avoid planting ginkgo in areas with weak ventilation and light, such as valleys. When planting ginkgo, attention should be paid to the arrangement of plant row spacing and planting direction. It is better to plant in the east-west direction, and maintain a certain planting density. The planting density of 2m × 2m can be selected. Because ginkgo is light loving, planting in the east-west direction can ensure that ginkgo is more fully exposed to the north-south light, and the sparse density can also ensure that it is not affected by other neighboring trees in the growth process. In addition, ginkgo has a strong adaptability to the environment. In the acid alkali soil, the planting density can be appropriately relaxed, and in the soil with high salt content, it can be planted after a certain degree of acidity and alkalinity transformation. [3]
  • Selection of planting time
The planting time of ginkgo tree is affected by temperature, location, etc., so different planting times need to be determined according to different regions. For the regions south of the Yangtze River, the planting time of ginkgo can be selected at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The land in southern winter still has a certain ground temperature, which can basically ensure the demand for root damage recovery after ginkgo planting, and promote the rapid growth of ginkgo in the next year. For the areas north of the Yangtze River, the planting of ginkgo should be delayed until the spring equinox. After the spring equinox, the land is basically thawed. Planting ginkgo at this time can effectively prevent root damage caused by the cold soil layer. [3]
  • Treatment of planting hole
For ginkgo planting hole treatment, comprehensive judgment should also be made according to the groundwater level and soil properties of the planting area. For sandy soil or sandy loam land, the planting hole should be slightly smaller, so as to effectively maintain water. At the same time, the allocation of planting holes should also be determined according to the root conditions of ginkgo biloba when transplanting. Generally, thick roots should be planted in large pits. Generally, the planting hole size should be set to twice the root size of the ginkgo plant. After digging the planting hole, apply a certain amount of base fertilizer, generally using organic fertilizer or farm manure as the base fertilizer. [3]
  • Sapling selection
Another key factor for the survival of ginkgo planting is the selection of seedlings. Generally, ginkgo seedlings with developed roots and straight trunks are selected. When selecting seedlings, it is also important to avoid selecting seedlings with diseases and pests, and select seedlings without the influence of diseases and pests for planting. Before planting, quickly soak the roots of ginkgo biloba bare root seedlings in lime water, and then clean them with clean water. [3]
  • Other precautions
In the process of planting, the topsoil shall be backfilled first, and then the core soil shall be piled around the plant to form a hill. After filling, gently pull up the ginkgo seedlings to ensure the smooth root system of ginkgo, then firm the soil around the plant and pour root setting water. [3]


  • apply fertilizer
Ginkgo biloba has a high demand for fertilizer. It is a plant that likes and bears fertilizer, so scientific fertilization is an important part of its management. Generally speaking, from March to April in spring is the long leaf period of ginkgo biloba, and it is appropriate to apply fertilizer to promote the growth of leaves. Fertilization is generally carried out before and after February, with quick acting fertilizer and mixed organic fertilizer as the main fertilizer. Each plant is applied with 2-5kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer. The amount of mixed organic fertilizer, such as 5-10kg of decomposed human excrement and urine, is generally controlled according to the size of the tree. Summer is the period of ginkgo biloba growing fruit, so it is appropriate to apply fertilizer to promote the growth of fruit, generally in the first ten days of July every year, and apply 0.5kg urea to all ginkgo plants. In case of continuous drought after fertilization, water shall be supplemented appropriately. Autumn is the defoliation period of ginkgo biloba, so it is appropriate to apply nutrient fertilizer to the tree body. September October is the time for ginkgo seeds to mature and harvest, and then ginkgo leaves begin to fall. After harvesting, the root system of ginkgo reached the second growth peak, so fertilization was carried out after harvesting to make up for the nutrients consumed by the ginkgo tree body due to the fruit, and ensure continued high yield in the next year. Generally, farmyard manure is used as the fertilizer for body rearing, and the best amount of fertilizer is 3kg farmyard manure for 1kg fruit yield. [3]
  • trim
Gingko trees should be pruned properly on a regular basis. The purpose of pruning is to cut off some dead branches, twigs and diseased branches of ginkgo; The tree shape is mainly heart-shaped or round, which is convenient for the growth of the tree crown after cutting. [3]
  • Cold proof and warm keeping
In winter, grass rope is usually wrapped around the trunk of ginkgo biloba to protect it from cold. In addition, you can also choose to whiten the tree trunk for warmth preservation. Generally, salt added sulfur stone mixture is used to whiten the tree trunk in autumn. Whitening the tree trunk can reduce its absorption of solar radiation, reduce the impact of temperature difference between day and night, and the ginkgo trees that are whitened are generally not frozen. [3]
  • Garden maintenance
The maintenance of ginkgo orchard is mainly to clean up the impurities in the garden regularly, remove weeds, miscellaneous irrigation, etc. At the same time, attention should be paid to regular maintenance of drainage and irrigation systems in the park and maintenance of planted slopes. The park management office is generally located near the traffic trunk road in the middle of the park to facilitate the management of four-way areas. [3]

Disease and insect control

The prevention and control of diseases and pests of ginkgo biloba should be controlled through scientific means in the whole process of seed collection, seedling raising, management and other planting, and the source of diseases and pests should be cut off by all means. Insect catching lamps need to be set up at fixed points in the planting park to spray medicine regularly to prevent diseases and pests. Once it is found that plants are affected by diseases and pests, spraying treatment shall be carried out immediately to prevent the spread of diseases and pests. [3]
The main diseases of ginkgo biloba are leaf shrinkage Brown rot Scab disease Etc. The growers can spray 0.5 - 1 ° lime sulfur mixture or 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 100 Bordeaux liquid at the onset of disease; Spray 4-5% lime sulfur mixture after falling leaves in winter. For brown rot, 65% mancozeb wettable powder 500-1000 times of aqueous solution can be used, and 50% acetaminophen wettable powder 500-1000 times of aqueous solution can also be used for effective spray treatment. [4]
The pests of ginkgo mainly include Moth moth aphid Leaf curler Etc. The growers can effectively spray 40% omethoate emulsifiable concentrate 1000-2000 times of aqueous solution, or 2% cypermethrin emulsifiable concentrate 1000-1500 times of aqueous solution. [4]

Subordinate classification

  • Cultivars
In the process of long-term cultivation of ginkgo biloba in China, many excellent varieties with large seeds and good kernel quality have been bred to produce dry fruits. The main cultivated varieties are as follows:
Emperor Dongting (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv. 'Dongtinghuang' )The seeds are oblong, plump, with an average nuclear weight of 3.53 grams and a size of 1.75 × 2.93 × 1.48 cm (size refers to longitudinal diameter × transverse and longitudinal diameter × thickness), which is the largest kind of seeds in the Dongting Mountain Ginkgo biloba. It is produced in Dongting West Mountain, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. The shape of the seeds and the average weight of the cores of the giant bergamot (also known as Dachangtou) from Dongting Mountain in Suzhou are the same as those of the Emperor Dongting. [2]
Emperor Dongting
Little bergamot (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv. 'Xiaofoshou' )The seeds are rectangular and round, the average weight of the nucleus is 2.6g, and the size is 1.62 × 2.62 × 1.32 cm. It is produced in Dongting Mountain, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. [2]
Yawei Ginkgo (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv. 'Yaweiyinxing' )The apex of the nucleus is flat and sharp, similar to the tail of a duck, and most of them are seedlings. It is produced in Dongting East Mountain, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. [2]
Duck tail ginkgo
Buddha Finger
Buddha Finger (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv. 'Fozhi' )The seeds are oblong and oblong, the average weight of the nucleus is 3 grams, the size is 1.7 × 2.7 × 1.3 cm, the shell is thin, the kernel is full, the pulp is sufficient, and the yield is high. Each seed bearing branch can bear 1-20 seeds, generally 2-4 seeds are preferred. Made in Taixing, Jiangsu, China. [2]
Buddha Finger
Egg citron (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv. 'Luanguofoshou' ), seed shaped like an egg, slightly smaller at the apex, gradually wider below the middle; The nucleus is large and round, oval or rhombic, with slightly pointed ends. Made in Madian, Zhuji, Zhejiang, China. [2]
Egg citron
Round bottom bergamot (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv. 'Yuandifoshou' ), the seed is rectangular and round, both ends are round and blunt; The nucleus is oblong, slightly pointed at the apex and blunt at the base, extremely plump. Made in Xiadu, Zhuji, Zhejiang, China. [2]
Round bottom bergamot
Olive Bergamot (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv.' Ganlanfoshou' )The seeds are long and obovate, the apex is slightly blunt, the middle upper part is the largest, and the lower part is narrow; The nucleus is long and narrow, oval, with a round apex, a sharp apex, and a very narrow base. Produced in Xing'an, Guangxi, China. [2]
Olive bergamot
Ginkgo biloba (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv.' Wuxinyinxing' )The seed is oblate, the top is round and full, and the base is flat and slightly concave; The nucleus is wide, ovoid, oblate and round, the ridge is not obvious, the size is 2.1 × 2 × 1.6 cm, the endosperm is rich, without embryo and bitter taste. It is produced in Dongting Mountain, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. [2]
Ginkgo biloba
Da Mei He (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv.' Dameiha i'), Seeds large, subrounded, apex obtuse, base slightly wide; The nucleus is slightly oblate, the apex is blunt or slightly pointed, and the base is gradually narrow. Made in Zhuji, Zhejiang, China. [2]
Big plum nucleus
Tongzi Fruit (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv.' Tongziguo '), the seed is large, oblate, the apex is blunt, and the base is wide; The nucleus is nearly round, the apex is wide, blunt and pointless, the base is wide, the ridges on both sides are prominent, and the bottom is fishtail shaped. Produced in Xing'an, Guangxi, China. [2]
Tung fruit
Cotton fruit
Cotton Fruit (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv. 'Mianhuaguo '), the seed is oval, the apex is blunt and round, the top has a thin vertex bulge, there are "one" or "cross" shaped grooves near the vertex, the base of the seed is wide, and it often bears two seeds; The nucleus is oblate and elliptical, slightly narrow, with a wide and sharp apex, prominent ridges on both sides, sharp edges, narrow lower part, and one or two small projections at the bottom. Produced in Xing'an, Guangxi, China. [2]
Da Ma Ling (scientific name: Ginkgo biloba L. cv. 'Damaling '), the seed is rectangular and round, the top is round and blunt, and the base is flat and wide, the top is convex and has a sharp head; The nucleus is oval, hypertrophic, the apex is blunt and sharp, and the base is wide and round. There are ridges above the middle, and the wings are not obvious. Made in Fugai, Zhuji, Zhejiang, China. [2]
Big horse bell

Key values



Ginkgo biloba is mild in nature, sweet and bitter in taste, and slightly poisonous; Enter the lung and kidney channels. [5] Ming Dynasty《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》According to the record in, ginkgo "cooked food warms the lung and invigorates qi, calms asthma and coughs, reduces stool, stops white turbidity; raw food reduces phlegm, disinfects, and kills insects." This shows that ginkgo fruit has unique effects in the treatment of cough, asthma, semen and urine emission, and leukorrhea. According to the analysis of the medicinal ingredients of ginkgo, the pulp contains flavonoids, lactones, leucolic acid, ginkgo alcohol, ginkgo phenol Tannic acid , bacteriostatic protein, polysaccharide and other effective ingredients, which have the effects of inhibiting fungi, anti allergy, unblocking blood vessels, improving brain function, delaying brain aging of the elderly, enhancing memory, treating Alzheimer's disease and cerebral insufficiency. In addition, Ginkgo also has the effects of hypoxia tolerance, fatigue resistance and anti-aging. [6]
Ginkgo biloba extract has obvious effects on the treatment of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and hyperlipidemia, can significantly improve the symptoms of dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue and other symptoms of patients with coronary heart disease, can improve cardiac blood flow, protect ischemic myocardium, reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, increase high-density lipoprotein, and improve some indexes of blood rheology, It is of great significance to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Some studies have shown that ginkgo biloba extract has certain antibacterial and anti bacterial adhesion effects in the oral cavity, and its role in enhancing immunity and promoting tumor cell apoptosis has a certain effect on oral cancer. It is also reported that ginkgo biloba extract can inhibit carcinogenesis of nitrosamines and other substances. [6]


The ginkgo tree has a beautiful shape, with green leaves in spring and summer and yellow leaves in autumn. It can be used as garden trees and street trees. [2]


Ginkgo biloba is a fast-growing precious timber tree species. The sapwood is light yellow, the heartwood is light yellowish brown, thin in structure, light soft, elastic, easy to process, shiny, with a specific gravity of 0.45-0.48. It is not easy to crack and flex. It is an excellent timber for buildings, furniture, interior decoration, sculpture, drawing boards, etc. The leaves can be used as medicine, insecticide and fertilizer. [2]


In addition to active ingredients, ginkgo biloba also contains a variety of nutrients, especially protein, sugar, vitamin C vitamin E Carotene Carotenoids anthocyanin It is rich in such content.


Ginkgo biloba is the only living species of Ginkgoaceae, a living fossil plant, and a precious timber and dried fruit tree species. Due to its many original characters, it is of great value to the study of gymnosperm phylogeny, paleoflora, paleogeography and Quaternary glacial climate. [13]

Protection status

Protection level: Included《 IUCN Red List of Endangered Species 》(IUCN 1998 ver 2.3) - Endangered (EN). [7]

Main toxin

The fleshy testa of the seed contains leucolic acid, ginkgo alcohol and ginkgo phenol, which are toxic. [2] Ginkgo contains small toxic substances: Hydrocyanic acid , leucolic acid, hydrogenated leucolic acid, hydrogenated ginkgolic acid, ginkgo phenol, ginkgo alcohol. Therefore, attention should be paid to the way ginkgo is eaten. If cooked and eaten, it can decompose the white fruit acid and ginkgo diacid, and the hydrocyanic acid is easy to volatilize due to its low boiling point, so the toxicity of cooked ginkgo is less. In order to prevent ginkgo poisoning, cooked food and less food are the basic methods. The pharmaceutical industry believes that raw ginkgo should be controlled at about 10 capsules a day, and excessive consumption will cause abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, convulsions and other symptoms. [6]
Some people like to use ginkgo leaves to soak in water, which has certain risks. Ginkgo leaves contain toxic ingredients. If taken in large doses or for a long time, it will harm heart health. [6]

Plant culture

Chengdu: In 1983, Chengdu, China officially named ginkgo tree Chengdu City trees. [8]
Ginkgo biloba is a tall deciduous tree with a straight trunk, beautiful tree shape, strong resistance to disease and pollution, and a long life span of several thousand years. It is loved and favored by the world for its vigorous physique, unique personality, unique character, high ornamental value and economic value. Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem and chanted: "The apricot is planted as a beam, and the citronella is built as a house. I don't know the clouds in the house, but I want to make rain on earth.". Su Dongpo, a great poet and lyricist in the Song Dynasty, once said in a poem, "The four walled mountains are picturesque and picturesque. A tree lifts the sky, and articles are written in circles.". [8]
Trees in Dandong: Ginkgo has a history of thousands of years in Dandong. As early as the early 1930s, Dandong transplanted ginkgo trees on both sides of the street. According to data research, there are only 6 streets with century old ginkgo trees in cities of Asian countries, while there are 3 streets in Dandong. Dandong has the largest number of ginkgo trees in Asian countries for more than 100 years. A ginkgo tree in Dagushan Temple in Dandong is more than 1300 years old, 35 meters high, and its fruit (i.e. seed) reaches hundreds of kilograms every year. There are quite a number of 300-500 year old ginkgo trees in the streets, alleys and parks in Dandong urban area. The main streets and roads in the urban area are almost covered by ginkgo trees more than 100 years old. According to statistics, there are nearly 1000 ginkgo trees over 80 years old and more than 4000 trees over 30 years old in Dandong. [9]
The night frost fell, and the city was covered with gingko yellow. Every autumn, ginkgo biloba in some streets of Dandong City will naturally pave a "golden avenue" for the general public. [10]
 High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Dafan Village) in Dongtai City High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Dafan Village) in Dongtai City High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Dafan Village) in Dongtai City High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Dafan Village) in Dongtai City High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Dafan Village) in Dongtai City High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Honglan Garden) in Dongtai High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Honglan Garden) in Dongtai High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Honglan Garden) in Dongtai High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Honglan Garden) in Dongtai High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Honglan Garden) in Dongtai High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Honglan Garden) in Dongtai High definition large picture of ancient ginkgo tree (Honglan Garden) in Dongtai High 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Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture Fu'an Ancient Ginkgo Tree (Ding Jiaqi's Residence of Farm Tool Factory) HD Large Picture
Dongtai Ancient Ginkgo Tree

Research progress

In October 2019, Zhejiang University Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences and BGI Gene Research Institute After completing the first genome sketch of Ginkgo biloba, scientists from. Relevant papers have been published in the journal Nature Communication. [11]
According to the researchers, ginkgo is known as the "living fossil" of the plant kingdom, and is one of the oldest existing tree species in the world. Living ginkgo is the only surviving member of the ancient ginkgo family. Zhao Yunpeng, the first author of the paper and associate professor of the School of Life Sciences of Zhejiang University, said that they faithfully retained the appearance of their ancestors hundreds of millions of years ago. Their fan shaped leaves with concave holes sometimes split into two, which is the same in fossils and reality. [11]
The researchers collected a total of 545 representative ginkgo samples from around the world. These ginkgo trees are nearly 100 years old and their DBH is more than 50 cm. The samples cover almost all known natural distribution ranges and large trees of ginkgo in the world. The genome size of Ginkgo biloba is more than 10Gb, 3.4 times that of human beings. A total of 545 Ginkgo biloba trees have generated 44Tb of massive data. [11]
Through population genetic structure and dynamic history simulation analysis, the research team identified that four ancient genetic components of ginkgo exist in three "refuges" in China: the east represented by Zhejiang Tianmu Mountain, the southwest represented by Guizhou Wuchuan and Chongqing Jinfo Mountain, and the south represented by Guangdong Nanxiong and Guangxi Xing'an. When the world experiences extreme climate, the tracks of species will gradually shrink to these sanctuaries, and when the climate improves, they will grow again to the outside world. [11]
This study further shows that almost all ginkgo biloba distributed all over the world originate from populations in eastern China represented by Tianmu Mountain population in Zhejiang Province. In addition, Ginkgo biloba maintains a high level of genetic variation at the species level, which means that Ginkgo biloba has more coping strategies when facing environmental variation. Researchers believe that ginkgo continues to evolve. [11]
Some new crises are also emerging. During field monitoring, researchers found that natural regeneration young trees and surviving seedlings of more than 3 years have not appeared around many wild ginkgo trees for nearly 10 years, and most of the wild populations of ginkgo are not in nature reserves. [11]
Ginkgo biloba not only has strong vitality, but also is known as a "living fossil". The study found that there are two main reasons for the secret of ginkgo's longevity: one is that stem cells in the stem cambium do not enter the aging stage; The second is that the tree body is super resistant. The Ginkgo Research Team of Yangzhou University, the Lin Jinxing Team of Beijing Forestry University and the High Precision Center of Forest Molecular Design and Breeding have cooperated to find that the longevity of ancient ginkgo trees is not controlled by a single longevity gene, but the result of comprehensive balance of multiple factors in the process of growth and aging. The research results were published online in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences. [12]
On June 26, 2022, the Chinese Forestry Society released the ten major advances in forestry and grass science and technology during the "13th Five Year Plan" period. Among them, important breakthroughs have been made in the analysis of forest tree genomes and functional genes. High quality genome maps of more than 10 woody plants such as ginkgo were drawn, revealing the adaptive evolution and genetic structure variation mechanism of trees System. [18]

Food nutrition

Food name ginkgo
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 187 kcal
protein 4.7 g
Fat 1.7 g
fatty acid 1 g
Saturated fatty acid 0.1 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.4 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 0.3 g
water content 54 g
carbohydrate 38.5 g
dietary fiber 1.8 g
Soluble dietary fiber 0.3 g
Insoluble dietary fiber 1.5 g
ash content 1.5 g
folic acid 49 μg
αE 2.8 mg
(βγ)E 0.8 mg
sodium 1 mg
magnesium 53 mg
phosphorus 120 mg
potassium 700 mg
calcium 5 mg
manganese 0.29 mg
iron 1 mg
copper 0.27 mg
zinc 0.4 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.28 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.08 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 1.2 mg
Pantothenic acid 1.38 mg
Vitamin B6 0.08 mg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 23 mg
vitamin E 3.6 mg
vitamin K 3 μg