iron hand

[tiě wàn]
Chinese vocabulary
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Iron wrist, Chinese vocabulary, pinyin: ti ě w à n, refers to a powerful means or rule, often with iron blood or irrefutable and unconditional compulsion, mostly referring to political or economic aspects. [1]
Chinese name
iron hand
tiě wàn
words whose meaning is similar
Hemosiderosis [4]
Phonetic transcription
ㄊㄧㄝ ˇ ㄨㄢˋ
Chinese vocabulary


[iron hand] refers to a powerful means or rule [3]


Yuan Hongdao of the Ming Dynasty wrote "Three Chapel Poems Are Du Zongrong's Day Chapter": "The general gets up at once, and the iron hand is fast." [4]

example sentence

1. A strong hand.
Yuan Hongdao of the Ming Dynasty wrote "Three Chapel Poems Are Du Zongrong's Day Chapter": "The general gets up at once, and the iron hand is fast."
Ba Jin's Heart of a Slave: "The car is about to touch my body, and suddenly an iron wrist grabs my arm and drags it aside."
2. A metaphor for strong management measures.
Jiang Zilong《 Director Qiao's appointment 》"Don't you see that many cadres in our factory are learning from him, his iron hand and even his tone of voice. They will make achievements under such a director."
3. It means strong control or domination.
Mao Dun's Midnight 3: "Sun Fu often has no intention pity The land will knock them down and bring the enterprise to his iron hand. "
Ba Jin's Desperado: "Every time I think of Italy in the blue sky, the people crouching under the iron arm of fascism, and my wish that can never be realized, my whole heart will burn." [2] [4]