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Qian Fengqi

Martyrs in Hejian County, Hebei Province
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Qian Fengqi (1909 – May 1949), male, from Hejian County, Hebei Province. He was killed in Shanghai Song Park on May 20, 1949. [1]
Full Name
Qian Fengqi
date of birth
Date of death
May 20, 1949
Native place
Hejian County, Hebei Province
Character's Life
Qian Fengqi (1909 – May 1949), male, from Hejian County, Hebei Province. He was secretary during his lifetime. In 1944, he joined the "New Police Alliance", a peripheral organization of the Party in Shanghai. In September 1945, he actively participated in the struggle against the arbitrary reduction of police officers. In June 1946, in order to protect the interests of police officers, he participated in launching the "June 2" duty protection movement. He was arrested for revolutionary activities on May 13, 1949, and was killed in Shanghai Song Park on May 20 of the same year. [1]