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[jūn tái]
Ancient platform name
Juntai is the name of the ancient platform. One Xiatai, located in Henan Province Yuzhou City Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》"Xia Qiyou" in the fourth year of Zhao Gong Enjoy Juntai ”It means that Xia Qi, after taking the throne, summoned various princes or tribal leaders to hold a large banquet at Juntai to formally inherit the throne.
Chinese name
jūn taí
geographical position
Yuzhou City, Henan Province
Henan, China
Zuo Zhuan, Four Years of Zhao Gong
Xia Qi enjoys Juntai
Phonetic transcription
ㄐㄩㄣ ㄊㄞˊ

Explanation of words

1. Ancient platform name. Also known as Xiatai. In the south of Yu County, Henan Province today.
Zuo Zhuan · Four Years of Zhao Gong: "Xia Qiyou Enjoy Juntai The Shang Tang has the destiny of Jing Bo. " Du Yu noted: "There is Juntaibei in the south of Yangzhai County, Henan Province, where the princes can enjoy themselves." In the Preface to Qushui Poems on March 3 by Yan Yanzhi of the Southern Dynasty, "It is a pity that Juntai is not coming, and Fenggong is not a county."
2. It generally refers to the stage view of emperors' amusement.
Tang Chen Ziang《 Poem List for Imperial Chen Fenghe's Race to Autumn Landscape 》"Ti listens to Juntai, and he hears the imperial music." [1]

place name

In about 2198 BC, Yu was a hundred year old man who went hunting in the south of the Yangtze River. He died in Kuaiji and was buried on the spot. Xia Qi, his son, "feasted the princes in Juntai". All the princes supported Xia Qi's succession to the throne of Yu, which was the beginning of the so-called "father inherits his son, and his family is the world". Qi reigned for ten years and passed it on to his son Taikang. Taikang reigned for twenty-nine years (four years are recorded) and passed it on to his younger brother Zhongkang. Zhongkang had been on the throne for 13 years in name, and the tradition gave him a son minister. During his twenty-eight years in power, he was forced to kill by Han Zhuo. The Xia Dynasty was interrupted for forty years. Until Shaokang, the deceased son of Xiang, grew up and lived in Lunyi (16 kilometers northwest of today's Yuzhou) Kangcheng Village )After ten years of preparation, he finally eliminated the Han Zhuo force in his forties. "He ordered his majesty to the southeast, seeking the former capital of King Xia in Yangzhai (today's Yuzhou)", and "sitting on the Juntai and courting the princes" restored the foundation of the Xia Dynasty, known as "Shaokang Zhongxing" in history. Since then, the Xia Dynasty has passed on eleven masters to Xia Jie, a total of seventeen generations, with and without a king, lasting for 471 years.
Jun Terrace, also called Xia Terrace, was originally located in the south of Yuzhou City, ten miles away from the city. According to Shuijingzhu, in the southeast of Sanfeng Mountain and west of the mausoleum, there is a "Divination Pavilion" on the mausoleum, which is called Juntai. The corner water flows to the southeast and passes under the mausoleum, forming a slope. The slope is ten miles long and is called Juntai Slope. In a word, Juntai in the "Yin of Yingchuan City and Guo" is the first place in Chinese history to hold the "founding ceremony" and "state banquet", and it is also the place where Xia Jie imprisoned Shang Tang. Later, the Shang Dynasty was strong and powerful. It united all the vassals to attack the Xia Dynasty, bound Xia Jie, and exiled him to Xianchaoting Mountain (today's Anhui Province). Three years later, Xia Jie died of anxiety and indignation, and Shang Tang established its capital in Bo (Bo Bo, southeast of Shangqiu, Henan), but it was still granted Yu as the successor of Xia Ting. The former site of Xiating is Xiasi Village, Hongchang Town, Yuzhou City. Later, the calendar of the marquis was granted to the place of Xia, so at the end of Shang Dynasty and the beginning of Western Zhou Dynasty, Yuzhou was once called the place of "calendar", or“ oak ”Land.