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State Key Laboratory of New Iron and Steel Metallurgy Technology

National Key Laboratory approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2011
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The State Key Laboratory of New Technologies for Iron and Steel Metallurgy was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2011, and was built based on the key laboratory of the Ministry of Education of Ecological and Recycling Metallurgy; It was officially put into operation in 2012; In 2013, it was officially opened to the outside world after being evaluated and accepted by the Ministry of Science and Technology. [3-4]
Chinese name
State Key Laboratory of New Iron and Steel Metallurgy Technology
Approved by
Ministry of Science and Technology
Listing time

Research direction

Guided by the major national needs, the laboratory takes the iron and steel metallurgical industry as the object, and takes the basic theoretical research and key process technology development related to the sustainable development of China's iron and steel industry, such as the efficient cascade transformation of energy, efficient utilization of metallurgical resources, and efficient production of high-end steel materials as the goal. According to the development trend of international iron and steel metallurgical engineering discipline, It focuses on four research directions: reaction mechanism and kinetics of high-temperature process, efficient energy conversion and linkage, efficient utilization of iron ore resources, and pure purification of steel and inclusion control [1]

Research team

At present, the laboratory has a fixed scientific research talent team with high academic level and rich teaching and scientific research experience. The director is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Yue Qingrui Professor, [5-6] The Executive Deputy Director is the Vice President of Beijing University of Science and Technology Jiao Shuqiang Professor, [5] [7-8] The academic committee is chaired by the Chinese Academy of Engineering Gan Yong Academicians. The laboratory now has 66 fixed and part-time staff, including 2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 41 professors and researchers, and 10 associate professors and senior engineers. There are 59 doctoral degree researchers in the research team. In addition to the fixed staff, there are more than 400 postdoctoral, doctoral and master graduate students engaged in relevant research work in the laboratory. At the same time, the laboratory also employs well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad as guest personnel to cooperate in subject application, talent training, and participate in the research work of the laboratory. [1]

Honors won

Since its independent operation, the laboratory has undertaken a number of projects including“ nine hundred and seventy-three ”Plan“ eight hundred and sixty-three ”Plan Science and technology support plan National Natural Science Foundation of China Key scientific research tasks, including the innovation team and talent introduction plan of the Ministry of Education, have accumulated more than 500 million yuan of scientific research funds; It has won 22 provincial and ministerial level awards, including 5 second prizes of National Science and Technology Progress Award, 1 metallurgical science and technology award, 1 first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Circular Economy Association, 1 innovation achievement award of China's industry university research cooperation, and 1 of China's top ten energy-saving application technologies in 2013; He has published more than 900 SCI papers and obtained more than 200 authorized patents at home and abroad. [1]
In March 2019, it was evaluated by the Ministry of Science and Technology as a good laboratory in the engineering field by the State Key Laboratory of Engineering and Materials in 2018. [2]