
The thicker and longer hair in the wool, which can prevent moisture and protect
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Guard hair refers to the thicker and longer hair in the hair, which plays the role of moisture prevention and protection. Directional hair is also needle hair, which is thinner, longer and more elastic than needle hair. The tips of needle hairs are mostly spearhead shaped or oval, and the hair shafts are cylindrical, conical or spindle shaped. The needle hair is fine, soft, glossy and beautiful, which is one of the important indicators to identify the quality of fur. According to the requirements of special clothing, sometimes the needle hair needs to be pulled out to make "fur", or it needs to be bleached, faded, brushed and dyed to beautify the color of needle hair and improve its use value.
Chinese name
Foreign name
The thicker and longer of the hairs
Moisture proof and protection

brief introduction

Needlehair aciculum
The hair on the animal body is thick and long, smooth and elastic, and grows in a certain direction. It can form a hair coat and protect the covered villi.

Related Introduction

yes Viverridae Observation and analysis of the microstructure of the needle hairs on the head of big civet, small civet and masked civet showed that: 1. 3 species animal The length of needle hairs is different; There were significant differences in the hair medulla index; 2. Hair scales exist near the root and near the tip difference The number of scales of equal area in the main body is significantly different between big civet, small civet and masked civet, but there is no significant difference between big civet and small civet (P>0.05). These differences are conducive to the identification of three species of Viverridae.
art designer
Dryopteris aciculata

Population distribution

Domestic distribution: It is produced in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan Island, Taiwan, and southeast Yunnan.
Distribution abroad: It is distributed in Vietnam, southern India, Myanmar, Thailand, the Nanyang Islands and the Philippines.