Busan International Film Festival

Korean Film Festival founded in 1996
zero Useful+1
Founded in 1996, Busan International Film Festival is one of the most important film festivals in South Korea and Asia. It is supported and funded by Busan Municipal Government, film industry, business sector and other departments. It is held in Busan, the second largest port city in South Korea, from September to October every year. The main venue is BIFF Square in Nanpudong, Busan. Since the 9th session, the main venue has been changed from Nanpu Cave to Haiyuntai, but there are still various stalls and TV stations performing in BIFF Square.
In May 2018, Busan International Film Festival was selected as one of the first members of the International Film Producers Association Film Festival Committee. [1]
The 27th Busan International Film Festival It will be held from October 5 to 14, 2022. [11]
The official announcement of the 28th Busan International Film Festival will be held from October 4, 2023 (Wednesday) to October 13, 2023 (Friday) [14]
Chinese name
Busan International Film Festival
Foreign name
Busan International Film Festival(BIFF)
Korean name
host city
Busan, South Korea
Busan Municipal Government, etc
Time of establishment

Award Introduction

The Busan Film Festival was first held to promote the development of the Korean film industry, and is committed to finding new people and new works, so as to provide a broader platform for Asian films to go global. After four film festivals, the Busan Film Festival has grown rapidly, becoming the most influential international film festival in Asia and attracting the attention of global filmmakers. Of all the awards previously held in the film festival, only the "New Wave" unit is the competition unit, and the best new work in Asia will be selected. Other units are non competition units. [2] On September 4, 2017, The 22nd Busan International Film Festival The Organizing Committee officially announced that a new competition unit, the "Kim Jiseok Award", will be created this year. This award was born out of the 22 year old "Window of Asia" unit to commemorate the founder of the Busan Film Festival who died in Cannes in 2017 and the famous Asian film selector, Mr. Kim Ji seok. The "Window of Asia" unit aims to "recommend the most talented and potential director's works in Asian film world", while the newly created jury award "Kim Jiseok Award" is positioned to "discover and promote new trends in Asian films to inherit Jin Zhishi Mr. Li's spirit of helping new Asian directors grow. "
The film festival has seven sections, including "Window of Asian Film", "New Wave", "Korean Film Panorama", "World Film", "Wide Angle Mirror", "Open Film", and "Special Planning Projects". In addition to "Window of Asian Films" [2] In the "New Wave" unit, the film festival is basically a non competition mode. Except the "Kim Jiseok Award" set for the competition unit [2] Besides the "Best Asian New Artist Award", there are also Meritorious Award, Labor Union Award, Fans Award, International Film Critics Association Award, Asian Film Revitalization Agency Award, KNN Audience Award, etc.
In addition to promoting new talent and new works, the festival is also committed to promoting cultural exchanges between South and North Korea and promoting Asian films to the world. In 1996, the film festival in fetal movement adopted "PIFF (Pusan International Film Festival)" as its English title, which was later standardized and unified. The full English name of the film festival was corrected to "BIFF (Busan International Film Festival)". [3]
In May 2018, selected International Association of Film Producers The first members of the Film Festival Committee. [1]
In April 2022, the secretariat of Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) said that it would cooperate with French luxury brands for the first time in 2022 Chanel Operate the Asian Film Academy education program. [10]

Award establishment

New Currents Award
This award is for the Asian Film Competition. The participants are mainly new directors who direct feature films for the first or second time, and the winners can receive a prize of 30000 dollars. The jury is composed of world-famous directors and film experts, aiming to encourage and tap talented new directors in Asia.
Flash Forward Award
This award was newly established in 2009. It complements the Sina Trend Award and is dedicated to recommending the first or second film of a non Asian director. The winner can also receive a prize of 30000 dollars.
Best Documentary Award/BIFF Mecenat Award
The award will be awarded to Asian documentaries awarded in the "Wide Angle" unit (the unit that shows short films, cartoons, documentaries, experimental films and other works with different visual effects in a unique way of shooting). Each award-winning director can obtain a prize of 10 million Korean won to help him shoot his next work.
Asia Best Short Film Award
The award will be awarded to the winning short films in the "wide-angle lens" unit. Each winning director will receive a prize of 10 million Korean won to fund his next film.
International Film Critics Association Award/FIPRESCI Prize
The award will be awarded to the best works among the new Asian directors, which must be artistic, creative and enterprising.
Asia Film Promotion Agency Award
The award will be awarded to the best Korean films selected from the two units of "Korean Cinema Panorama" and "New Wave". The Asian Film Revitalization Agency, established in 1990, aims to expand the international influence of Asian films.
Audience Award
For the works selected in the "New Wave" unit, the audience will select the best works to award, and the winners will receive a prize of 10000 dollars.
Asian Filmmaker of the Year
This award is awarded to filmmakers who made outstanding contributions to the film industry and cultural development in Asia.
Korean Cinema Award
This award will be awarded to those who have made contributions to the development of Korean films in the world.

Project content

  • Hold awards for feature films, documentaries and short films;
  • The "World Film" mapping activity was held to widely screen feature films, documentaries and short films from all over the world;
  • Hold the "Window of Asian Film" screening activity, mainly showing feature films, documentaries and short films from Asian countries;
  • Hold a special session of "New Trend Film" to show non-traditional new trend films;
  • Hold the exhibition of "Korean Panorama Film", which only shows films produced by South Korea;
  • Establish the Busan Development Plan Film Market to conduct in-depth research on film investment, distribution and screening for film directors and independent producers;
  • Carry out various forms of publicity activities to promote souvenirs, memorabilia, medals, pictorials, books and periodicals of the Film Festival;
  • Organize film directors, actors and other arts to meet and exchange views with the audience;
  • Organize foreign guests to visit and visit historic sites;
  • Set up a film investment award ($10000) to award the most innovative film, and a new director award and other awards to the winners of the best film, the best director and other best artists.

Chinese Award

Asia's Most Contributing Film Award: Lau Andy [13]
Asian Filmmaker Award: Liang Chaowei [12]

Past reviews

Review of Busan International Film Festival
Busan International Film Festival
Busan International Film Festival
Busan International Film Festival

Previous time

September 13-21, 1996
October 10-18, 1997
September 24 to October 1, 1998
October 14-23, 1999
October 6-14, 2000
November 9-17, 2001
November 14-23, 2002
October 2-10, 2003
October 7-15, 2004
October 6-14, 2005
October 12-20, 2006
December 4-12, 2007
October 2-10, 2008
October 8-16, 2009
From October 7 to 15, 2010, the opening film:《 Hawthorn Tree Love
From October 6 to 14, 2011, the opening film:《 Invisible love
From October 4 to 13, 2012, the opening film:《 shiver
October 3-12, 2013
October 2-11, 2014
October 1-10, 2015
October 6-15, 2016 [4]
October 12-21, 2017 [5]
October 4-13, 2018
October 3-12, 2019 [6]
October 25, 2020 [7]
October 4 to October 13, 2023 [15]

Previous posters

The first session
The first feeling when I saw this poster was a blue sea. The furthest distance was a light blue, and the nearest place was a thick blue, which implied that blue was better than blue. The film that meanders to the bottom of the sea shows that this is an ocean of movies.
The big circle in the middle represents the film disc of the film. All the films are collected here and will be played here. The second represents time, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... just like a clock, recording the stories of those movies. The "Three Represents" refers to the eyes of appreciation, which are picky in choosing their favorite movies.
The second session
This poster looks like a simple and elegant watercolor painting. At first glance, I felt like a window. Outside the window, there was a thick scene of late autumn. The trees on both sides of the window were all yellow in the taste of autumn, and the road that extended was also covered with thick leaves, which made people think deeply.
However, it is closely related to the film. Those two black circles are the film of the film. When it is rotated, it is played. The big black shadow is actually a film image.
Again, this is not a window, but a scene of watching the movie life.
The third session
The PPP program, namely the Pusan Promotion Plan funding program specifically for young directors, started in the third Busan Film Festival, so this year's posters are dominated by blue and slightly colorful oceans. The blue sea signs represent the movie world, and the yellow, red and purple colors actually represent the filmmakers struggling in the movie world.
The sea is not always calm, because there will be wind and waves; The world of film is not flat, because there are filmmakers with different ideas. Only when it is used to express your own thoughts and set off the biggest wave can you be fixed in the history of movies.
The fourth session
This is a poster full of nostalgia. At first glance, this poster looks like a book with a long history. On the yellow page, half of it is a black screen. It tells us that the movie starts from here; The other half is countless lenses and rotating film, which are trying to shoot their own films and strive for the chance to play on the big black screen.
The fifth session
The poster of this film festival still takes the sea as the theme, but this time the sea is the deep sea in the dark night, which seems to be a quiet and practical mystery. It may be an opportunity to become famous, or it may be an invisible reef. But the highlight of this poster is not the sea, but the filmmakers who are trying to hold the oars. Only the spirit of fearing death can make Asian films bright and promising.
The sixth session
At first, the poster of this film festival looks like a Chinese ink painting with thick ink and light color. But after a closer look, I found that the black ink is actually a lens, facing life, facing you and me, which makes a movie. Again, the black ink has become a pair of eyes to observe the world and life, which is the eyes of the filmmaker.
The seventh session
This poster strikes people's eyes with a large piece of thick dark blue, giving people a very heavy visual experience. The dark blue color blocks that are inserted into the city, like the hardship and pressure on the film; The color blocks under the suppression of blue are those filmmakers who bravely pursue. They try their best to break out of the tight encirclement and show their talents.
The eighth session
This year's film festival posters showed several zigzag white or white to gray color blocks, accounting for nearly two-thirds of the space. At first glance, it actually looks like a barrier, a barrier that separates the film from the audience. In modern times, the barrier has been broken. Through those gaps, we can see that the film world is like a big forest, deep and rich in content.
The ninth session
When I first saw this poster, I felt that it was a small circle of ice holes cut in a snow field. The lake inside was blue, and there were many creatures in the water struggling to poke their heads out to see the outside world and breathe fresh air. This is like the film makers who are trapped in the film world, some blind, some struggling, but if you can give them an outlet, maybe you can release their amazing energy.
The tenth session
The posters of this film festival have a strong flavor of Korean folk customs. Those women in Korean costumes played the horn, played the piano, and welcomed their guests with cranes, which symbolize longevity and good fortune. The red background film symbolizes the enthusiasm of the Korean people, who are bringing their most sincere enthusiasm to welcome all guests to the film festival.
The eleventh session
The posters of this year's film festival are in Chinese style, like a Chinese ink painting with a strong Chinese flavor. In fact, these are two fans spread out, one small enough to be quaint, and the other large enough to be romantic. A few strokes on the big fan seem to be drawn at random, with appropriate shades and weight, which seems to imply that this will be a party more pursuing artistic feeling and life vitality, a grand party.



The 14th session

2009 is the 14th Busan International Film Festival, but the "Asian Film Market" was first launched in 2006. Although the "Asian film market" Asia It is famous, but it is open to global investors, producers and film dealers. The film market consists of two parts: first, the "Busan Film Promotion Plan", which is not only a film trading market, but also a platform for projects in the conceptual stage to find partners and investors; The second is "Busan Film Industry Expo", which mainly deals with video editing technology and video production equipment.
In 2009, there were 45 booths in the "Asian Film Market", with 79 enterprises from 30 countries and regions participating, including the republic of korea CJ Entertainment and Showbox Film companies, Hong Kong Star Media Group and other influential entertainment enterprises.
On the evening of October 16, The 14th Busan International Film Festival At the end of the main competition, the highest award -- New Wave Award was awarded by Iraq Director Shawkat A. Korki (Kick Away) and Korean director Su Xiangmin (《 Go ahead 》)The first time director Jiang Wenli won the KNN Audience Award. On the red carpet of the brief closing ceremony, there were few Korean local stars, even local media, but Chinese movie stars Li Bingbing High circle And Jiang Wenli The front and back appearances of the.
The film festival with few stars is cold in China
In Busan Film Festival China The media of our country are described as "bleak" and "desolate". No wonder, from the perspective of ordinary netizens' habitual understanding of the film festival, a film festival with international influence can not only gather many excellent international works for the competition, but also can't lack the quick observation of international and domestic famous stars. However, during this week, except Takuya Kimura Li Bingxian And Josh Harnett Leaded《 Follow the rain 》The Pusan Film Festival has never seen the so-called international movie stars again, and even the local stars rarely appeared.
From the list of winners in recent years, the works of new directors and non famous directors account for the majority, and few works are known by the public. Even local films are difficult to be included, which makes the Busan Film Festival, which emphasizes academic and artistic value, fail to get the republic of korea Support from local people.
Zero attention of Chinese netizens
Busan Film Festival in China The attention of Baidu Post Bar There is only one post in Busan Film Festival (as of Beijing Time 10 o'clock on October 17, 2009).
But because Chinese movie This Busan Film Festival has been continuously reported by China's mainstream media due to its active participation. Chengdu I love you 》High profile appearance of the crew, film《 sound of wind 》Closing ceremony Jiang Wenli 's maiden work《 See you in heaven 》Winning the KNN Audience Election Award has become a highlight of the Busan Film Festival.
girlhood Li Xiaoli , Brother Heat BIGBANG Stars, etc.

The 15th session

2010 Busan Film Festival Poster
At 7:00 tonight (6th) local time, South Korea, October 6, 2010, The 15th Busan International Film Festival It will be located in the second largest port city in South Korea Busan Open the curtain. In Busan Film Street, South Korea, guests of the Busan International Film Festival displayed their actors' fingerprints at the celebration on the eve of the festival. A total of 308 films from 67 countries and regions were invited to participate in the 2010 Busan Film Festival. Chinese director Zhang Yimou Directed movies《 Hawthorn Tree Love 》Was selected as the opening ceremony film.
By famous Korean actors Han Zhihui and Zheng Junhao Hosted by, and the closing ceremony was held by Anshengji and Ginger delayed To host.
Chinese directors were selected for the opening ceremony of this film festival Zhang Yimou Of《 Hawthorn Tree Love 》At the closing ceremony, the short film collection Camellia by Korean director Zhang Junhuan was selected. The poster of the 2010 Busan Film Festival was first published as early as February 23, 2010. The poster was supervised by the art department of the Busan Film Festival. Choe Soon tai of Kyeong University, South Korea, according to the famous Korean costume designer, Dongxi University, Korea professor Li Yingai The "To the Story" made of cotton, Jean and other clothing materials is designed for the prototype.

The 16th session

On the evening of October 6, 2011, 16th Pusan International Film Festival Open the curtain, Zhang Dongjian Su Jisub , Fan Bingbing joe odagiri And other stars to attend the red carpet ceremony, making the newly built "Palace of Film" shine. Fan Bingbing On the evening of the 6th, a retro hair bun and a low cut pink blue strapless gauze skirt were used together Leehom Wang Of《 The woman of the dynasty, Yang Guifei 》The cast appeared on the red carpet.
On the evening of October 14, the nine day Busan Film Festival was held in the republic of korea Busan Hai Yun Tai Close the curtain. The closing ceremony was held in the light rain. Compared with the bustling red carpet of the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony was much quieter. There were few Korean media present. Although there were Korean national treasure level actors on the red carpet Anshengji The number of actresses decreased significantly.

17th session

On the evening of October 4, 2012 local time in South Korea, The 17th Busan International Film Festival stay Busan Hai Yun Tai The "Palace of Film" officially opened. Chinese actress Tang Wei Partner Korean actor Anshengji Presented the first show of the host. Hong Kong New Director Liang Lemin Lu Jianqing Directed Guo Fucheng and Liang Jiahui Hong Kong action film starring《 shiver 》As an opening film, it was held for the world premiere and was praised. In addition, by Xu Qinhao Directed Chinese films《 Dangerous relationship 》And Chinese directors Zhang Yuan Rateable《 There are species 》The crew, on behalf of the Chinese Legion, set foot on the red carpet in Busan.
First, the leading role of the opening ceremony of the film festival is South Korea's "national actor" Anshengji He once relied on《 Lust · Ring 》、《 Late autumn 》Wait for the film the republic of korea Tang Wei, a well-known Chinese actress. Two people served as the host of the opening ceremony ceremony on the 4th. especially Tang Wei She is the first foreign host in the history of Busan International Film Festival.

The 18th session

On October 3, 2013, The 18th Busan International Film Festival stay the republic of korea Busan The festival officially kicked off with 301 films from 70 countries and regions showing during the festival, including 136 global and national premieres. There are no Chinese films among the competition units of this film festival.
The master of ceremonies at the opening ceremony was Ginger delayed And Guo Fucheng. The master of ceremonies at the closing ceremony was Song Shanmei and Yin Qixiang to serve as.
Jia Zhangke 's new film《 Destiny 》, and by Sun Honglei and Guo Fucheng Starring《 Silent witness 》They will be shown in the "wide-angle mirror unit".
The opening work of the 18th Busan International Film Festival is a famous monk and film director who is a descendant of Tibetan Buddhism in Bhutan Zongsa Qinzhe Rinpoche Directed Vara: A Blessing (i.e《 Walla: Blessing 》)。 Directed by Jin Dongxuan《 dinner 》It will be shown as the closing work.
The film festival will end on October 12, 2013.
Chinese judges
Jiang Wenli
On October 7, 2011, 16th Pusan International Film Festival Jiang Wenli, the judge of the "New Wave" unit and Chinese actress the republic of korea Busan attend press conference It has been three days since the opening of the 16th Busan Film Festival on the 6th, except The opening ceremony In addition to the red carpet, the films that were shortlisted for the "Sina Wave Award" in the competition unit of the Busan Film Festival have also attracted much attention. As the judges of this film festival Jiang Wenli In the interview, he also expressed his own views on the film, and there is no need to dispute a good work.
There are 13 films shortlisted for the "Sina Tide Award" this time, including three Chinese films, namely Starry Sky《 Returnees 》And《 Empty mountain anecdote 》。 By little actors Xu Jiao Starring《 starry sky 》She had received a lot of media attention on the eve of the film festival. As for whether the film is expected to win, Jiang Wenli said that she has not seen the film yet. She also hoped that everyone would not be obsessed with the results. It would be a good work to be shortlisted in this unit. meanwhile Jiang Wenli Don't forget to share your own experience, "good works don't need too much controversy, stick to what you like."

22nd session

On September 4, 2017, the Busan International Film Festival Organizing Committee officially announced the creation of a new competition unit - the "Kim Jiseok Award" of the Busan Film Festival Jury. This award was born out of the 22 year old "Window of Asia" unit and was founded to commemorate Cannes The deceased founder of Busan Film Festival, a famous film selector in Asia Jin Zhishi sir.

The 23rd session

On October 13, 2018, Chinese film director Triswell Of《 Snowstorm 》With Korean film directors Quan Wanji Of《 breathing 》Won the highest award of the 23rd Busan International Film Festival Sina Tide Award [8]

The 24th session

On October 25, 2020, the 25th Busan Film Festival Asian Content Award was awarded online, Zhang Xiaoquan And Zhu Zhixun Won the Best Actor Award jointly, and the Best Actress was awarded by《 The world of husband and wife Jin Ai And《 A new life Heimuhua Won, the best drama will be awarded to Korean drama《 When camellia blossoms 》Singapore Drama《 Last Madame 》,《 Kingdom Season 2 》Won three awards, including best screenwriter, actor and technology. [9]

The 28th session

The 28th Busan International Film Festival will be held from October 4 to October 13, 2023 [15] Li Dixun Park Enbin Will host the opening ceremony of the film festival [16] Chow Yun fat will participate in the film festival on behalf of the Hong Kong film industry, and will be awarded the "Asian Cinematographer Award". Three classic films starring Chow Yun fat, "True Hero", "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Don't Call Me" Gambler ", will be screened in the film festival [17]