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Jinji Town

Tianchang Town, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province
open 2 entries with the same name
Jinji Town, subordinate to Chuzhou City, Anhui Province tianchang It is located in the southeast of Tianchang City, bordering Qinlan Town to the east, Xieji Town, Yizheng City, Jiangsu Province to the south, Liuhe District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province to the west, Yeshan Town to the north, and the town people's government is 16 kilometers south of Tianchang City, [2] The administrative area is 96.68 square kilometers, [3] By the end of 2019, the registered population of Jinji Town was 39963. [3]
In the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), Tianchang was divided into 9 districts and later into 5 districts. Jinji was the location of the Third District Office. In May 2007, Jinji Town was merged with the original Yuxing Township. [2] As of June 2020, Jinji Town has jurisdiction over 2 communities and 9 administrative villages; [4] Jinji Community, the town people's government. [2]
In 2019, there were 196 industrial enterprises in Qinlan Town, Jinji Town, including 23 enterprises above designated size and 66 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [3]
Chinese name
Jinji Town
Administrative Region Category
Chuzhou City, Anhui Province tianchang
geographical position
Southeast of Tianchang City
96.68 km²
Area under jurisdiction
2 communities and 9 administrative villages
Government residence
Jinji Community
Area Code
Postal Code
two hundred and thirty-nine thousand three hundred and fifty-one
License plate code
Wan M
39963 persons (Registered population by the end of 2019)

Historical evolution

In the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), Tianchang was divided into 9 districts and later into 5 districts. Jinji was the location of the Third District Office.
During the Anti Japanese War, it was occupied by the Japanese army.
In October of the 34th year of the Republic of China (1945), it was restored to Jinji District.
In the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), Jinji Town was established.
At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was the location of districts and towns.
In January 1956, it was changed to Jinji Township.
In February 1958, Jinji Township was merged into Guantang Township after being removed from the district and merged into the township.
In October 1961, Jinji Commune was set up in Guantang Township.
In October 1985, it was renamed Jinji Township, and Jinji District was restored as the location of the district office.
In April 1992, the district was removed and a town was set up.
In May 2007, Jinji Town was merged with the original Yuxing Township. [2]

administrative division

By the end of 2011, Jinji Town had two neighborhood committees, Jinji and Yuxing, and nine village committees, Toudun, Luchai, Baogang, Cangfang, Yimin, Jingting, Huangqiao, Caoxi and Matang; There are 326 village (resident) groups. [2]
As of June 2020, Jinji Town has jurisdiction over 2 communities and 9 administrative villages: Jinji Community, Yuxing Community, Huangqiao Village, Caoxi Village, Jingting Village, Matang Village, Cangfang Village, Baogang Village, Yimin Village, Luchai Village and Toudun Village. [4] Jinji Community, the town people's government. [2]

geographical environment


Location context

Jinji Town is located in the southeast of Tianchang City, bordering Qinlan Town to the east, Xieji Town, Yizheng City, Jiangsu Province to the south, Liuhe District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province to the west, Yeshan Town to the north, and the People's Government of Jinji Town is 16 kilometers south of Tianchang City, [2] The administrative area is 96.68 square kilometers. [3]
Jinji Town

natural resources

In 2011, Jinji Town had 55000 mu of arable land. [2]


By the end of 2011, Jinji Town had a total population of 38100, including 11000 urban permanent residents, with an urbanization rate of 28%, and 2150 floating population. In the total population, there are 19100 males, accounting for 50.13%; 19000 women, accounting for 49.87%; 9000 people under 14 years old, accounting for 23.6%; 24600 people aged 15-64, accounting for 64.6%; 4500 people are over 65 years old, accounting for 11.8%, and the population density is 376 people per square kilometer. [2]
By the end of 2017, the permanent population of Jinji Town was 38843. [1]
By the end of 2019, the registered population of Jinji Town was 39963. [3]
 Jinji Town Scenery Jinji Town Scenery Jinji Town Scenery
Jinji Town




In 2011, the total financial revenue of Jinji Town was 32.65 million yuan, an increase of 64% over the previous year. The local fiscal revenue was 8.85 million yuan, an increase of 30% over the previous year. From the perspective of main taxes, business tax was 800000 yuan, value-added tax was 23.8 million yuan, and corporate income tax was 1.25 million yuan. [2]
In 2019, there were 196 industrial enterprises in Qinlan Town, Jinji Town, including 23 enterprises above designated size and 66 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [3]


In 2011, Jinji Town mainly planted wheat, corn and vegetables in agriculture, with a total agricultural output value of 540 million yuan, accounting for 36.24% of the town's total regional output value. Grain crops are mainly wheat and corn, producing 39500 tons of grain, including 21000 tons of wheat. The main cash crops are vegetables. The vegetable planting area is 4316 mu, and the output is 5070 tons. The main varieties are leafy vegetables, cabbage, tubers and tubers. Livestock husbandry is dominated by raising pigs, sheep and poultry. The number of pigs raised is 5400, with 3800 on hand at the end of the year; The number of poultry raised is 76000. [2]


In 2011, Jinji Town formed an industrial system focusing on the production and processing of chemical industry, casting, machining, plastic products, and building materials. The total industrial output value reached 950 million yuan, and the industrial added value accounted for 63.76% of the total output value of the town. There were 110 industrial enterprises, 9235 employees, and the industrial added value reached 250 million yuan, an increase of 35.6% over the previous year. [2]

Commerce and trade

At the end of 2011, Jinji Town had 95 commercial outlets, 850 employees and a total social commodity sales of 80 million yuan, an increase of 24.3% over the previous year; There are two urban and rural fairs, with an annual turnover of 25.65 million yuan and exports of 10 million dollars, an increase of 34.3% over the previous year. The main varieties are plush toys, electronic remote controls, etc., which are sold to countries and regions in Africa, Japan, Southeast Asia, Europe, America and the Middle East. [2]


At the end of 2011, Jinji Town's financial institutions had a balance of 240 million yuan in various deposits, an increase of 8% over the previous year; The balance of various loans was 160 million yuan, up 10% over the previous year. [2]

Posts and telecommunications

In 2011, the postal business income of Jinji Town was 8.9 million yuan, of which the net income was 2.6 million yuan. The annual telecom business income was 2.8 million yuan. [2]

social undertakings



At the end of 2011, there were 2 kindergartens in Jinji Town, with 480 children and 23 full-time teachers; There are 12 primary schools with 1944 students and 105 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%; There are two junior middle schools, 1169 students and 91 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of the school-age population in junior middle schools, the enrollment rate from primary school to junior high school, and the coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education all reach 100%. The education funds in the budget are 2.335 million yuan, an increase of 29% over the previous year. The education funds in the budget (including urban education fees) account for 34% of the total financial expenditure, an increase of 11% over the previous year. [2]

Science and technology

At the end of 2011, Jinji Town had 264 scientific and technological talents and 3 provincial high-tech products. [2]

Cultural and sports undertakings

At the end of 2011, Jinji Town had 1 cultural station and 11 village cultural activity centers; 12 various libraries; More than 120000 books; There are 45 amateur creative teams in music, art, calligraphy, photography and literature, and 2 school sports venues. 85.5% of the villages have installed fitness equipment, and 23% of the permanent residents often participate in sports activities. [2]

medical and health work

At the end of 2011, Jinji Town had 13 medical and health institutions at all levels, including 13 outpatient departments (institutes); There are 70 sickbeds, 1.75 medical beds per thousand people, and the total value of fixed assets is 4.9 million yuan. 78 professional health personnel, including 16 licensed doctors, 20 licensed assistant doctors, 8 registered nurses, medical institutions (outpatient department and above) completed 73000 person times of diagnosis and treatment, and the participation rate of new rural cooperative medical care was 99.5%. [2]

social security

In 2011, there were 96 urban minimum living security households in Jinji Town with 157 people, and the expenditure was 360000 yuan, an increase of 11% over the previous year. The monthly per capita income was 191 yuan, an increase of 10% over the previous year; 190 person times of urban medical assistance, 1600 person times of cooperative medical care funded by civil affairs departments, with a total expenditure of 96000 yuan, an increase of 12% over the previous year. The number of rural minimum living security households was 480, with 1181 people, and the expenditure was 950000 yuan, up 15% over the previous year. The monthly per capita income was 67 yuan, up 10% over the previous year; 92 people are provided with five guarantees in rural areas. 397 people were entitled to state pension and subsidies, and 1.5 million yuan was spent on pension business. The social welfare fund was 2.2 million yuan, an increase of 17% over the previous year. 41000 people participated in the new rural social endowment insurance, with a participation rate of 98%. [2]

Post and telecommunications

At the end of 2011, Jinji Town had 1 post office, 12 agency offices, 13000 newspapers and periodicals with a total capacity of 8000 telephone exchanges, 5000 fixed telephone users and a telephone user penetration rate of 96%; There are 15000 mobile phone users and 9000 broadband access users. [2]


  • Water supply and drainage
At the end of 2011, there were three waterworks in Jinji Town, with an annual water supply of 900000 cubic meters. [2]
  • power supply
At the end of 2011, there was a substation in Jinji Town with a power consumption of 11.5 million kilowatt hours. [2]
  • Landscaping
At the end of 2011, Jinji Town had 15000 square meters of green area. [2]


At the end of 2011, Jinji Town had 205 Provincial Highway passing through, 30 kilometers away from Yangzhou Railway Station in the east, and the town road was 15 kilometers long and 12 to 30 meters wide. [2]

Historical culture


Origin of place names

Jinji Town was called "Jinjiaji" in the Qing Dynasty. It got its name because of the large number of people with Jin surname, and later changed its name to Jinji. [2]

cultural relics and historic sites

  • Tomb of Wang Yinzhi
The tomb of Wang Yinzhi is located in Yuxing Village, Jinji Town. The tomb owner is the minister of the Ministry of Works during the reign of Emperor Guangnian of the Qing Dynasty and a famous exegetist. Gao Youren from Jiangsu Province. The tomb was built in the 14th year of Daoguang's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1834). It was originally a high mound of earth. There were stone carvings of Shinto in front of the tomb, which were destroyed and dug during the Cultural Revolution. Keep tombstones and epitaphs.
Wang Memorial Hall
  • Tomb of Wang Yongji
The tomb of Wang Yongji is located in Yuxing Village. The owner of the tomb was the official secretary of the Ministry of Civil Affairs during the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. The original 200 meter long Shinto Path was destroyed in the tomb of the Zhou Dynasty during the Cultural Revolution, and only one stone tablet was left. The inscription was written by the Emperor Shunzhi.
  • Yang Jie's Tomb
General Yang Jie's Tomb is located in Yuxing Caomiao Mountain, Jinji Town. Yang Jie, a native of Baoying, Jiangsu Province, was a general of Zhaowu, a doctor of Guanglu, and also a crown prince during the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. He participated in many important wars, such as the pacification of San Francisco, the takeover of Taiwan, and the conquest of Junggar. He made outstanding contributions and won a royal burial after his death. The stone carvings in front of the tomb are of high scientific and artistic value, and belong to the provincial key cultural relics protection unit.
  • Plaque of Zhang Family School
The plaque of the Zhang Family School is about 1.5m long and 0.5m wide in Yuxing Village, Jinji Town. It is made of alum stone and inscribed with four official script characters "Zhang Family School", "Daoguang Second Year" on the right and "Yuntai Ruan Yuan" on the left.

Famous people

  • Bu Wancang
Bu Wancang, Chinese film director, Qing Guangxu In 1903, he was born in Yuxing, Jinji Town, a declining family of large families; In the tenth year of the Republic of China (1921), he joined the Chinese film manufacturing company to learn photography with Americans and shoot the short film "Foolish Bucket"; In the 13th year of the Republic of China (1924) Star Film Company Photography; In the 15th year of the Republic of China (1926), Ren Minxin Film Company directed the first film, Jade Clean and Ice Clear. In the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), he acted as the director of Lianhua Company and filmed Three Modern Women Wait for a good movie. After the fall of Shanghai, he directed costume films in Xinhua, Huacheng and other companies. In the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942), he joined the China United Production Company and participated in directing such films as "Forever Love". In the 37th year of the Republic of China (1948), he was the director of Hong Kong Yonghua Film Company; In 1950, he founded Taishan Film Company and directed various film companies in Hong Kong. Directed for Taiwan Studio in the 1960s Wu Feng It is Taiwan's first color wide screen feature film; "Liang Hongyu" is Taiwan's first colorful Peking Opera drama film. 1964, Director Zhao Wuniang 》And then quit the movie world. It was recorded in the World Film History.
First generation famous director Bu Wancang
  • Ye Zhangmin
Zhang Zhangmin, born in Jinji Town in the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), studied in the United States, received a doctor's degree from the Department of Mechanical Astronautics of MIT, and later became a professor of Yale University.
  • Zhang Zemin
Chi Xiang (the 27th year of Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty) was born in Zhangjiaying, Jinji Town, in 1901. He entered St. John's University and later studied in the philosophy department of Guanghua University. After graduation, he served as the director of the Education Bureau, once served as a librarian of the Provincial Museum of Culture and History, and wrote "Chi Xiang's Chant".