financial risk

Books published by China Renmin University Press in 2012
zero Useful+1
Financial risk refers to the risk related to finance, such as finance market risk Financial product risk , risks of financial institutions, etc. The consequences of a financial institution's risk often outweigh its own impact. Financial institutions in specific financial transactions The risks in the activities may pose a threat to the survival of the financial institution; A specific financial institution has a crisis due to poor management, which may affect the whole financial system The stable operation of is a threat; Once it happens system risk financial system Failure in operation will inevitably lead to chaos in the economic order of the whole society, and even lead to serious political crisis.
On March 2, 2021, the 2021 People's Daily Online National Two Sessions Survey Hot words Financial risk ranked sixth in the list.
Chinese name
financial risk [1]
Economic Science Translation Library: Examination Manual for Financial Risk Managers (6th Edition)
Philip Jory [1]
Publication time
February 2012
China Renmin University Press
Number of pages
Page 687
nine trillion and seven hundred and eighty-seven billion three hundred million one hundred and forty-eight thousand three hundred and seventy-three [1]
market risk credit risks
Original works
Financial Risk Manager Handbook(6th Edition)
168 yuan
Related risks
Financial market risk and financial product risk
System Global
Relative individual financial risk or partial risk


market risk
credit risks
Financial risk management
Liquidity risk Operation risk
Laws, regulations or Policy risk

System Global

The so-called systemic financial risk and global financial risk are relative to individual financial risk or local financial risk.
From the lessons of some countries in the world, no matter what causes the financial crisis, it will ultimately be manifested as a payment crisis, that is, either the failure to pay off the matured foreign debts, or the banking system has failed to meet the general deposit requirements of domestic depositors, which will further lead to Squeeze lift Even Bankruptcy It is precisely from this emphasis on the importance of liquidity that many foreign monetary and financial theoretical works will system risk It is defined as a dangerous phenomenon caused by the destruction or interruption of the payment chain.
When talking about and using the concept of systemic financial risk, we have consciously or unconsciously equated it with "overall financial risk". In the history of cultural development, it is common for a word or a concept to change its meaning slightly with the change of historical conditions. I think one important reason why systemic financial risk can be used for global financial risk is that financial system The development and progress of Interaction Become an indisputable fact. For example, stock market The credit market and the credit market are two markets with different functions in the financial field, but the sharp rise and fall of the stock market may cause a large number of bank bankruptcies; Conversely, mergers and acquisitions or bankruptcies among some influential big banks may also lead to sharp changes in the stock market.
stay Modern market economy In China, the financial field is the field with the most intense competition and thus the highest degree of risk. There is no financial activity without risk. Therefore, it is impossible to avoid financial risks. For the decision-making authorities, there are Decision reference The significance is to focus on systemic financial risks or global financial risks. The term "defusing financial risks" commonly used in our newspapers is actually a muddle. Systematic financial risks or global financial risks exist all the time. Individual financial risks or local financial risks are emerging every day. How can we defuse them? If we say "resolve", we should only resolve the crisis, but when the crisis has not yet occurred, we should do the work - and only reduce systemic or global financial risks.

Prevention of disclosure

financial risk
Finance is the core of modern economy, financial market It is the artery of the whole market economy system. But finance itself high-risk Sexual and financial crisis dominoes effect , making financial system The safe, efficient, and stable operation of is crucial to the overall stability and development of the economy. China has crowded out a large number of people by virtue of the macro regulation under the RMB capital account that has not been opened up and started in 1993 Economic bubble Of Dual protection , on Asian financial crisis China survived the disaster. However, we should be soberly aware that there are also many deep level problems in China's financial sector.
China officially joined in 2001 WTO Deeper opening-up will attract funds and bring advanced technology and management experience to China's financial industry. However, China's financial industry will also face enormous challenges. The competition between financial institutions and the entry of foreign finance in the reality of small scale, weak innovation ability and heavy historical burden is no different from "dancing with wolves in shackles". Therefore, in the economic globalization and Financial openness On the premise of, we should emphasize preventing and resolving financial risks to ensure Financial security And become a basic requirement for financial operation.
On March 5, 2018, Premier Li Keqiang was working Government Work Report Shi said that at present, China's economic and financial risks are generally controllable, and we should address both symptoms and root causes to effectively eliminate potential risks. attack severely Illegal fund-raising financial fraud And other illegal activities. Accelerate marketization and legalization Debt to equity swap and Merger and reorganization of enterprises Strengthening financial institutions Risk internal control Strengthen the overall coordination of financial supervision and improve the Shadow Bank online finance Financial holding company And further improve financial supervision. Prevention and resolution Local government debt risk All kinds of illegal borrowing and guarantee are strictly prohibited. The provincial government takes the overall responsibility for the debts in its jurisdiction, and the local governments below the provincial level take their own responsibilities to actively and steadily dispose of the outstanding debts. Sound normative Local government borrowing Financing mechanism [2]



basic feature

The basic characteristics of financial risks are as follows:
(1) Uncertainty: It is difficult to fully grasp the factors affecting financial risks in advance.
(2) Relevance: The particularity of the commodity currency operated by financial institutions determines that financial institutions are closely related to the economy and society.
(3) High leverage: financial enterprises Debt ratio On the high side, financial leverage Large, resulting in Negative externality Large, in addition Financial instrument innovation Derivative financial instruments It is also accompanied by high financial risks.
(4) infectivity : Financial institutions are responsible for agency The function of the original lending and borrowing was separated. The risks of any party in this intermediary network may have an impact on other aspects, even industrial and regional financial risks, leading to financial crisis


What is financial risk? Financial risk is a certain amount financial assets In the future Expected revenue Possibility of loss. For financial operation, risk is a kind of objective existence What we need to do is to learn how to control risks and regulate financial risks.
Financial risks can be divided into market risk , institutional risk, institutional risk, etc., but the biggest risk in China comes from the impact of traditional systems and regulatory failures resulting in violations. Due to the institutional and institutional factors accumulated for a long time, including the traditional planned economy Due to the influence of the system, state-owned enterprises rely too much on construction funds bank loans Bank credit funds Financialization; In addition, the internal management of financial institutions is poor, resulting in huge Bad creditor's rights , leading to financial Asset quality Not high. China's securities futures market Irregular operation has disturbed the normal order, and there have been a lot of violations of laws and regulations Securities institutions And enterprises (including listed companies) collude with a few banking institutions, Make exorbitant profits , the stock market's Speculative risk Introducing the banking system; Some enterprises and financial institutions evade national supervision and conduct overseas futures trading in violation of regulations, causing huge losses to the country; Listed companies are not standardized, and even become a means of helping the poor and circulating money.
After joining WTO money market capital market foreign exchange market Under the condition of full openness free flow Will give our economy and Financial market supervision Bring more challenges.


Preventing and resolving financial risks and ensuring Financial security , we should strengthen financial regulation And bring financial activities into the track of standardization and rule of law. and information disclosure Is the leading role of financial supervision Institutional arrangements
1、 Information disclosure system And its theoretical basis
information disclosure It can also be called“ Information disclosure ”, in the capital market Principle of publicity The following refers to the financial institutions and listed companies that will be related to their operations in accordance with the provisions of the law Significant information One that is made public legal system Information disclosure system It has attracted the attention of financial legislation in various countries and has become an important system of financial supervision in various countries. From the perspective of economics, in the information age, effective information disclosure can help managers and purchaser Provide sufficient information for correct investment decision Is conducive to improving the efficiency of the capital market and optimizing Allocation of financial resources , make Law of value Give full play to its role in a larger scope. From the legal point of view, the information disclosure system can effectively prevent Information Asymmetry , errors, etc. to prevent information monopoly and Information advantages Resulting in unfairness.
2. Internal and external risk control mechanism of financial institutions Organic combination spot
As mentioned earlier, the biggest financial risk is institutional risk, so financial institutions should "practice their internal skills" and improve under the premise of effective national supervision Internal control mechanism In China, legislation and law enforcement have always attached great importance to national supervision, and Industry self-discipline And the improvement of internal control mechanism. This kind of internal and external control out-off-balance It weakens the effect of external control and supervision and is not conducive to the overall security of finance. The establishment and improvement of the information disclosure system, coupled with the regulatory constraints on information disclosure, will help the country financial regulation The external control mechanism of financial institutions is transformed into the internal control power of financial institutions. National supervision on Authenticity of information disclosure Integrity timeliness As a result, it is bound to bring pressure on the operation of financial institutions and make them more transparent. The operation of financial institutions is in the public's view. Poor operation will lead to the loss of public confidence in them. They will strive to improve the internal control mechanism, avoid illegal operations, and maintain a good operating state.

Defect overcoming

The clearest provisions of Chinese laws on information disclosure system are as follows:《 Securities Law 》Yes Information disclosure of listed companies In terms of requirements, that is to say, the law clearly stipulates that information disclosure is mainly for listed companies, which are capital aggregators, but not for financial institutions as important subjects and intermediaries in the capital market. As for listed financial institutions, information disclosure is only required according to the Securities Law and because they are "listed companies", not because they are financial institutions. Even on this point, it seems that what we have done is not enough. Information disclosure is often untrue, incomplete and untimely, and national supervision has not achieved the expected effect; In addition, the information disclosure of listed financial institutions accounting standard They didn't do a good job either.
from information disclosure In practice, the structure of information disclosure in a broad sense should be comprehensive (the information disclosure stipulated in the Securities Law of China is in a narrow sense). Information disclosure can be divided into public disclosure, industry disclosure and supervisor and competent department disclosure. The reality in China is that the operation of financial institutions is full disclosure of information to supervisors or competent departments, while there is little or no disclosure to the public and industry disclosure. This has led to the poor transparency of financial institutions in China, so there is no external credit pressure business risk enlarge.
In view of the above shortcomings or fundamental inadequacies of information disclosure of financial institutions in China, many scholars advocate improving the information disclosure system of financial institutions from the perspective of legislation. The operation of financial institutions shall disclose their information to the public to guide reasonable and rational Financial consumption Strengthening financial institutions information disclosure And establish information disclosure Responsibility system , accounting and lawyers who play an important role in information disclosure Intermediary organizations It is also necessary to strengthen supervision and emphasize its responsibility to improve the quality of its assessment documents and ensure the authenticity of information.

make a concrete analysis

1. Banking needs limited information disclosure system
financial risk
Information disclosure of commercial banks is central bank An important auxiliary means of effective supervision is also the basic requirement of the principle of market openness. At present, China's banking industry Internal control system The construction emphasizes more, but it is illegal. There is no transparency requirement for internal control construction, that is, information disclosure is not enough. except Listed banks In addition, almost all bank operations are Grey box Operation in. This is also planned economy The sequela of the times.
Taking into account the realistic institutional factors, scholars advocate that the information disclosure system of the banking industry should be implemented step by step. It is urgent to study a limited information disclosure system. This limited information disclosure system should be able to achieve the purpose of forcing commercial banks to strengthen management and enhance their ability to withstand huge losses, and can exert pressure on commercial banks. Its main bodies are the central bank and commercial banks. The procedure consists of five levels. The first level is the internal disclosure of banks, mainly the key information held by internal regulators and investors; The second layer is the information disclosed by banks to the central bank, and the key information that should be mastered by the central bank; The third layer is disclosure among banks, which should be mastered by banks Market information The fourth layer is the information disclosed by the central bank on behalf of each bank, which should be relatively complete; The fifth floor is for banks The public The information disclosed, the complete choice of the market, is information disclosure The highest form of.
As for the contents disclosed Basel Accord There are six categories: first banking business Status; Second, banks Financial position Third, the strategy and principle of risk management; Fourth, risk conditions, including credit risks market risk Liquidity risk Operational risk , legal and other risks; Fifth, accounting standards; Sixth, basic business management principles. By insisting on accurate, comprehensive and timely disclosure of information, the central bank will have much better supervision. At the same time, for commercial banks, its binding force It has also increased.
2. Insurance company credit is reflected in its information disclosure
The applicant purchases insurance for the purpose of Purchase risk Its essence is to buy the reality and future of insurance companies, that is, the ability of insurance companies to provide risk protection at this time and in the future. Therefore, the basis for the policyholder to buy insurance is the credit of the insurance company. The insurance company, due to its credit Continuity And guarantee the characteristics of the flow, so that its risk has Long term And concealment, but once exposed, it may be difficult to clean up. Due to the lack of policyholders Expertise It is impossible to fully understand the operating conditions and risks of the insurance company. Even with expertise, the cost of information collection is too high, and others may thumb a lift And give up. Therefore, it should form a market mechanism , requiring insurance companies to disclose their Business information Professionals will evaluate the business status, financial quality, risk management and development prospects, and make the evaluation public.
Similarly, emphasize Insurance Information disclosure, for CIRC Our supervision is also an extremely powerful tool, which will encourage insurance companies to continuously improve their business quality and create more products that satisfy the insured.
3、 information disclosure It is the requirement of complete and transparent capital market
Listed companies have a perfect information disclosure system, and the operation of listed companies is transparent, which is extremely conducive to safeguarding the interests of shareholders and creditors. However, only the information disclosure of listed companies is not enough stock market No securities companies and Securities intermediary The participation of is incomplete.
Although China's securities market has made great progress after ten years of development, it is still far from perfect Securities issuance approval system Under conditions, Securities firms It is conditional for listed companies to carry out illegal packaging. Moreover, securities firms Insider information It has natural advantages, so the CSRC also needs to strengthen the supervision of securities and other intermediaries Business behavior Do not abuse its advantages and do not violate the "three fairness" principle of the Securities Law. use information disclosure To restrict securities companies and other intermediary institutions, it will also have a chain effect on listed companies, playing the role of "killing two birds with one stone". To expand the business and scale of securities companies and other intermediaries, they need sufficient funds, good talents and standardized management. Similarly, information disclosure is an effective catalyst to achieve these goals.
4、 Trust and Investment Company Information disclosure of should be the most basic rule
Trust and Investment Company Accepting the trust of the trustor, with the best interests of the beneficiary as the purpose Dealing with trusts Transaction, and Prudent management trust property According to the latest《 Trust law 》And People's Bank of China Administrative Measures for Trust and Investment Companies 》The trust and investment company must set up its own account and the customer's account respectively, that is The Self owned property and trust property are managed separately. In reality, under the premise of insufficient information disclosure requirements and supervision, trust and investment companies are very easy to misappropriate trust property for non trust purposes, use trust property for their own operations or provide guarantees for their own operations, and conduct mutual transactions between trust properties in different trust accounts.
To eliminate the above Trust and Investment Company And establish and complete good trust and investment company business management system and internal control system On the premise of strengthening supervision, it is necessary to emphasize the information disclosure obligations of trust and investment companies, and make their operations within the broad vision of regulatory agencies, industry organizations, as well as clients and beneficiaries, which can curb the momentum of their illegal operations, promote their internal management, and improve Business performance

Nine risks

The consequences of a financial institution's risk often outweigh its own impact. Financial institutions in specific financial transactions The risks in the activities may pose a threat to the survival of the financial institution; A specific financial institution has a crisis due to poor management, which may affect the whole financial system The stable operation of is a threat; Once it happens system risk The failure of the financial system will inevitably lead to chaos in the economic order of the whole society, and even lead to serious political crisis.
Nine financial risks
Because China's capital market Small and medium-sized financial institutions Lagging development, state-owned bank Absolute in fund allocation for a long time dominance On the one hand, residents lack other effective investment channels in addition to depositing their money in banks. In addition, reforms in education, health care and social security have brought Cautiousness Expectation makes margin Savings rate The residents' savings rate remained high. on the other hand, Enterprise development yes Exogenous Large dependence on funds Direct financing underdeveloped In this case, we have to rely mainly on bank loans.
Finance and financial risk enlarge
In the process of gradual reform, the risk isolation mechanism between finance and finance has not been established. On the one hand, financial risks are transferred to finance. Due to the lack of institutional norms, the central bank Application of funds There is an obvious tendency of financialization, and it is difficult to recover the huge amount of re loans. on the other hand, financial risk Into financial risks. Since 1998, Debt dependency and government debt-service ratio On the high side. financial power Mismatch with authority, Central and western regions county Township finance Common difficulties, there are a lot of Implicit debt
Huge informal finance becomes a hidden danger
Over the years, SMEs Formal finance It is very difficult to raise development funds through channels, so we are forced to seek informal financial channels. The scale of China's informal finance is estimated to be close to 1/3 of that of formal finance.
Prominent risks in mechanism transformation
First, banking risks are concentrated, and asset quality is generally worrying. China's banking industry lacks competition, corporate governance Weak, business innovation ability Poor, financial risk ubiquitous. secondly, securities business Huge financial risks are implied. The income structure of securities companies is unreasonable, the asset quality is not high, the liquidity is obviously insufficient, and the cumulative risk is serious. A number of securities companies have been in a serious insolvency situation; "Privatization" of illegal benefits is widespread?, Illegal cost Institutional dislocation incentive of "socialization", overall moral risk Serious. Third, insurance company risk Not to be ignored insurance industry Overall integrity awareness and Service awareness Weak; Operation management Low level, lack of effective supervision and restriction on the operation of branches. Seize at no cost market share Vicious competition Serious.
Capital account control Serious weakening of effectiveness leads to large-scale abnormality capital flows First, Fake foreign capital The rent-seeking inflow of. Since 2001, net capital inflows have increased rapidly. According to the actual utilization of foreign capital in China, a considerable part of the inflow of foreign capital has an obvious tendency of "domestic capital capitalization", with an obvious feature of "policy rent-seeking". There are also a large number of illegal capital disguised as cross-border flow of current account receipts and payments. Second, capital flight Seriously, the escape channels are diversified. Large scale abnormal capital flow increased RMB Of exchange-rate risks , affecting our economy Financial security
RMB rate Loss of mechanism
The defects of the RMB exchange rate mechanism have led to the unsustainable development dilemma of China's traditional opening mode and policy, and further triggered many outstanding problems: First, the distortion of the exchange rate formation mechanism has led to incentive foreign investment policies, which have intensified domestic Development mode The contradiction of. Second, low Exchange rate Boost extensive type Foreign trade growth mode , frequently causing international Economic friction Third, distorted exchange rate formation mechanism leads to low Value chain Value added model, endangering China's resources Energy security Fourth, Exchange rate mechanism The long-term distortion of External dependence , increase the country Macroeconomy Operational risk. Fifth, it is increasingly large and exceeds Reasonable needs Of foreign exchange reserve , causing huge national welfare Losses.
Interest rate risk Increasingly prominent
Marketization of interest rate double-edged sword Interest rate risk In fact, they are two sides of the same problem in the process of gradual marketization of interest rates. First, because our country Interest rate marketization The process is slow, the regulation is still strict, and the commercial banks cannot adjust the interest rate independently, facing a large systemic interest rate risk. Second, with the continuous advancement of China's interest rate marketization process, Interest rate fluctuation It will continue to intensify, and financial institutions will also face greater risks due to their insufficient ability to manage interest rate risk.
Real estate risks cannot be ignored
As of 2004, China's banking industry accounted for 17 trillion yuan Credit assets About half of them are based on Real estate loans Or directly related to real estate. The hidden risks in the real estate industry should not be underestimated, mainly as follows: Real estate developers The ratio of bank funds obtained through various channels to its assets is more than 70%, and high debt operation implies financial risk Prominence; False mortgage stay Personal housing loan Serious problems; The operation risk of real estate loans issued by grass-roots banks is obvious; Land development loan There is greater credit risk; new laws and regulations May restrict loans Collateral Execution of, Legal risk enlarge; wait. especially Real estate market The existence of bubbles is almost equal to financial risks, which may affect the stability and development of China's financial market.
Latin American ”Risk
The so-called "Latin Americanization" of finance mainly means that domestic financial activities are increasingly dependent on international capital , home country financial market Gradually dominated by foreign capital, domestic assets Pricing power Securities service industry income from investment Such a phenomenon is mostly controlled or dominated by international investors and foreign financial service institutions. All kinds of signs indicate that China's finance is indeed in danger of "Latin Americanization", which is directly reflected in China's financial assets Loss of pricing power; The stock market is not really in line with the international standards, not only Optimize resource allocation Even the financing function has shrunk sharply; A large number of domestic High quality enterprise be forced Overseas listing , domestic investors sigh with admiration; Under the premise that China does not have the right to price assets, domestic commercial banks compete to transfer equity to foreign capital on a large scale, resulting in National wealth Loss; We are paying high prices Introduce foreign capital At the same time developed country Provide funds. "Latin Americanization" may be the biggest risk in our opening up.

stock investment

Financial risk is related to the way the company raises funds. We usually observe a company's capital structure To measure the financial risk of the company's stock. Companies with a small proportion of loans and bonds in their capital structure have low financial risks in their stocks; The financial risk of stocks of companies with significant loan and bond ratios is high. The joint-stock company can pay dividends to shareholders only after paying all debt interest and due principal. The remaining part of the company's total income from sales of products and services minus all operating expenses such as wages, depreciation and materials is the company's business income Tax and necessary financial expenses, such as interest paid to banks or other creditors, are deducted from operating income, and the remaining part is the income that can be used for dividend payment. As this income is used for dividend payment Stock price The judgment of Yield The aspect is very important. If a company raises all its capital by issuing shares, it does not Interest expense As for any company that raises part of its capital by borrowing money, the change in its operating income will cause shareholders to pay interest net income More changes.




Since July 1997 Asian financial crisis Since its occurrence, financial risk has become one of the most popular topics in China. The global financial crisis is still contagious, and we in China must also be more vigilant Sense of hardship and Crisis awareness Only in this way can we have a clear understanding of the real contradictions in China's economic operation and take appropriate countermeasures.
China is an economic country Transition period Country. After two decades of reform and opening up, social resources The configuration mode of has undergone a fundamental change, and plans to give way to the market, Quantity management Yield to Price signal The main content of the transformation of resource allocation mode is to give priority to finance instead of finance. Finance becomes national income The main distribution means of market economy At the same time, there is a Concomitant phenomenon , that is: national economy All kinds of contradictions should be reflected in the financial field. Although in terms of industry division, finance belongs to the service sector; the tertiary industry , is for Real economy Service department, but Physical resources The flow of Monetary capital The flow of, financial service The sector is not a passive sector that only meets the needs of micro entities in the real economy, but a sector that provides services and has a huge regulatory role. If the national economy is regarded as a person's body, then, Financial sector It's in this human body Blood system and nervous system
stay market economy All activities in the field of competition are accompanied by certain risks. Financial risks are more prominent. According to the most abstract analysis, the economic operation system can be simply divided into two sectors: the real economy sector and the financial sector. Under modern economic conditions, not only the contradictions in the real economy sector should be reflected in the financial sector to form certain financial risks, but also the finance itself will automatically generate risks due to various problems in the operation process. Especially in various Asset securitization , Primitivity financial products With the growing trend of derivatives Virtual commodity More and more financial risks will arise from the independence movement. In this sense, in a market economy system, there is a very normal and logical phenomenon of financial risk.
When it comes to this, people will not only ask: since the existence of financial risks is a very normal and logical phenomenon, why do we raise the issue of financial risks to such an important position and regard it as a key issue related to economic development and social stability? I think there are at least the following reasons:
First, from East Asia Six countries Russia Brazil's financial crisis The lesson is that none of its financial risks and financial turbulence is not the result of long-term accumulation of financial risks. Once financial risks evolve into financial crises, they will not only lead to economic recession, but also lead to social and even political crises.
Second, China economic transition In the process, State-owned commercial bank The fund of Financial funds ", used to support state-owned enterprises Soft budget constraint To Soft credit constraint "A large number of debts of state-owned enterprises have been converted into state-owned commercial banks Non performing assets The huge stock of non-performing assets of banks and the new non-performing assets that are still increasing have become "time bombs" that may affect the overall economic development.
Third, the outward dependence of China's economy is constantly increasing. In this context, the impact of dealing with financial risks will be shown in two aspects: first, the ability to withstand external financial shocks; Second international financial market Trust. We have to take the initiative Structural adjustment Only by effectively resolving and reducing financial risks can we avoid the financial crisis and have a strong attraction for foreign investors.
From the above analysis, it can be seen that the financial risks concerned by China are very different from those in the traditional sense. In essence, it seems to refer to those financial hidden dangers that may pose a serious threat to the normal development of the national economy.


The western financial risk analysis is financial market Theory and securities investment theory.
In the division of assets of the whole society, Actual capital and financial assets It is the two most basic components. Normally, Actual assets For owner Or the dominator provides service flow, while the financial asset provides service flow for its owner or dominator Monetary income Flow. The most direct form of monetary income flow is interest, dividend, bonus, etc.
When people buy financial assets with their own currency at a certain price, the income flow provided by such financial assets is not the current income flow, but the monetary income flow that will be realized in a certain period of time in the future. Therefore, when the monetary income flow to be realized is converted into the actual monetary income flow, it must be considered time factor The real world is full of competition and unexpected factors financial assets There is still considerable uncertainty about how much money income flow can be generated in the future. This possibility of loss of expected income is commonly referred to as financial risk.
In many literatures, people equate risk with uncertainty. In fact, risk and uncertainty are two concepts that are strictly different.
For a microscopic Economic entity For example, risk is the possibility of loss of its expected income, while uncertainty is the impossibility of predicting or controlling the occurrence of certain unpleasant events. From a statistical point of view, uncertainty is manifested as Random event Its appearance is usually accidental and sudden. Risk usually comes with income. For example, investors in financial assets Capital gains The confidence of expectation can be expressed by probability, which can be used to describe any given state of such expectation. assume Investment behavior There are n possible results, so, this probability distribution There must be two characteristics: first, it has average value The central tendency represented by; Second, there must be some deviation, that is Off centre trend The central inclination of the probability distribution represents the expected income of investors, while the off center trend represents the expected income of investors Revenue risk use probability theory The risk of investors is the value of specific monetary returns in the probability distribution and the value representing investors' expectations median The degree of deviation, which can be used standard deviation The formula is as follows:
The above is Asset Selection Theory and financial market The definition of risk in theory. The financial risk under this definition has the following characteristics and meanings: ① The risk as the research object refers to micro risk or Individual risk ;② The analysis of individual risks mainly serves the micro level of asset selection Investor ;③ In a Full competition In the financial market, rational investors can make estimates or alternative decisions on risks and returns in different asset choices.
Obviously, the above traditional analysis of financial risks is strictly different from the financial risks we will focus on here.

System Global

This is what we are talking about and making it one of the priorities of economic work Quasi finance Risk.
So, what is the measurement standard of systemic financial risk or global financial risk?
It should be said that the reason why people care about systemic financial risks is that when systemic financial risks develop to a certain extent, they will turn into financial crises. If a financial crisis causes a social and political crisis, it will not only pose a threat to the rulers' political power, but also lead to stagnation or serious regression of economic development. In this sense, discussing the measurement standard of financial risk is essentially to solve the early warning problem of financial crisis.
Among the countries that have experienced financial crises since July 1997, Thailand Malaysia Indonesia the Philippines Four Southeast Asia Countries generally belong to the same type, South Korea, Japan and Russia belong to one type respectively, while Brazil, which had just experienced financial turbulence in January 1999, belongs to another type. The outbreak of financial crisis in Thailand and other countries is sudden. Not only are the governments of these countries unprepared International Monetary Fund Such international financial institutions did not anticipate in advance. stay world economy In the academic circles, Krugman, an economist from the United States, was the only one who predicted that these countries would face a financial crisis - as far as I know. Krugman's judgment is based on the fact that although Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries have absorbed a lot of foreign capital short-term capital The proportion is too high, and these foreign capitals are not improving the Capital formation rate And the transformation of technological achievements, but a large number of stock market And real estate, so economic system It contains crisis factors. The biggest difference between the financial turmoil in Brazil in 1999 and the financial crisis in Thailand and other countries is that the Brazilian government had ideological preparation and emergency arrangements as early as the second half of 1998 East Asian financial crisis Not long after it appeared, it was expected by many economists. These economic judgments are based on Brazil's important Economic indicators It is very similar to the similar indicators of some countries before the crisis. It can be seen that the financial crisis is by no means like an antelope hanging over a horn. The financial risks hidden in the economic system before its outbreak are always reflected in certain indicators or structural contradictions between financial and economic operations.

risk management

Overview of financial risk management
Financial risk management is For-profit organization and nonprofit organization Measurement and control risk And returns. The term financial risk management is the core of financial language. along with Financial integration and economic globalization With the development of, financial risks have become increasingly complex and diversified, and the importance of financial risk management has become increasingly prominent.
Financial risk management includes the identification, measurement and control of financial risks. Due to the impact of financial risks on economy, finance and even national security In the world, many large enterprises, financial institutions and organizations, governments and financial regulation All departments are actively seeking the technology and method of financial risk management to effectively identify, accurately measure and strictly control financial risks. With modern economy increasingly relying on the financial industry, financial risk management has become Industrial and commercial enterprises And one of the core competitiveness of financial institutions. At the same time, it has become one of the most important, information science Boundary and finance theoretical realm It is one of the important topics studied and concerned with the practical community.
Theoretical basis of financial risk management
Why finance risk management Early Financial Theory Merton Miller and Modigliani (1958) pointed out that in a perfect market, hedging or Hedging Such financial operation means cannot affect the value of the company. The perfect market here means that there is no tax and Bankruptcy costs , and Market participants All have complete information. Therefore, it is unnecessary for the company's managers to conduct financial risk management. Similar theories also believe that even though there will be small fluctuations in the short term, in the long run, economical operation Will move along a balanced state, so those who economic fluctuation Risk management based on losses will only be a waste of resources. In this view, there is no financial risk in the long run, so short-term financial risk management will only offset the company's profits, thereby reducing the company's value. However, in real economic life, financial risk management has attracted more and more attention from academia and practitioners. Whether financial market Of regulator Or financial market participants management theory The demand for and methods is unprecedented. Those who advocate financial risk management believe that the demand for risk management is mainly based on the following theoretical basis:
The real economy and financial market are not perfect, so the company value can be improved through risk management. The imperfection of the real financial market is mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, Real market There are various taxes in. These taxes will affect the value of the company. From this point of view, Miller and Modigliani's Theoretical hypothesis Not suitable in the real economic situation. Secondly, there are transaction cost Finally, in the real market, it is impossible for financial participants to obtain Full information Of. Therefore, it is quite possible and necessary to manage financial risks.
Financial risk management process
The management process of financial risks needs to be roughly established management objectives , risk assessment and Risk Management And disposal:
(1) Objectives of financial risk management. The ultimate goal of financial risk management is to identify and measure risks Possible To prevent and reduce losses and guarantee currency Fund raising and operating activities To be carried out steadily.
(2) Evaluation of financial risks. Financial risk assessment refers to the evaluation of financial risks Risk identification , financial risk measurement, selection of various risk disposal tools and financial risk management countermeasures. (1) Risk identification. Financial risk identification means that Research On the basis of, use various methods to systematically classify and conduct comprehensive analysis and research on potential and obvious risks. (2) Risk measurement It refers to the estimation and measurement of the possibility of financial risks or the scope and degree of losses, and the quantitative analysis of the possibility and consequences of losses at different levels. (3) The choice of financial risk management countermeasures. Means in the front Two stages On the basis of the above, according to the goal of financial risk management, various tools for financial risk management are selected and optimally combined, and suggestions for financial risk management are put forward. This is the most important stage of financial risk assessment.
(3) Control and disposal of financial risks. The control and disposal of financial risk is the countermeasure category of financial risk management and the way and method to solve financial risk. It is generally divided into control method and financial method. (1) Control method. It refers to a method of implementing various control tools to eliminate various hidden dangers, reduce the factors that cause financial risks and minimize the serious consequences of losses before losses occur. The main ways are to avoid risks Loss control and Diversify risk (2) Financial law. It refers to the financial Risk event When losses have been caused after the occurrence, financial instruments shall be used to compensate the losses incurred in a timely manner to promote the recovery as soon as possible.
Characteristics of financial risks
objectivity Uncertainty relevance Controllability Diffusivity , concealment, superposition


The so-called systemic financial risk refers to the concentrated outbreak of various risks. In general, whether there is a systematic risk should consider both internal and external economies financial environment Financial institutions Operation Debt level and interest rate of government and private institutions Exchange rate fluctuations etc. universality To some extent“ black swan ”The impact of quasi sudden factors is most typical in the United States on October 19, 1987“ Black Monday ”Stock disaster event. It is reminiscent of the remarks made by the responsible person of the central bank Wenzhou The collapse of Liren Group. So, China Association Is there a systemic risk? I don't think so. However, although there is no foresight, there are near worries.
In the long run, although there are some structural problems China's economy It is still in a rapid growth period financial stability Provide the most favorable external guarantee; China's economy is gradually moving towards domestic market demand Stimulating transformation, external influence on China's economy impact force It is also declining. Moreover, for a long time, the supervision of the regulatory authorities over China's financial institutions has been relatively strict, and the leverage, virtualization, integration and derivative problems of financial institutions are not prominent Real economy It always fits well. In contrast, in Europe and the United States, the excessive leverage and derivatives of financial institutions, as well as the loose supervision of the regulatory authorities, led to the subprime crisis Because domestic economic growth is sluggish and the government has high welfare liabilities The structural problems caused by European debt crisis China's economy is in trouble, but within a controllable range. The impact of the European debt crisis on China's economy is smaller than that of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States that year.
In the near future, the main line of the central economic work is "seeking progress while maintaining stability", and "stability" is the top priority. But there are many hidden worries in practice: financial system Look, the last three years banking The loan increment of accounts for more than 50% of the loan stock of each bank, and these loans have not yet been completed economic cycle Inspection of.
From the perspective of the real economy, the majority of SMEs, especially Small and micro enterprises , cost increase profit margin Extremely low. The financial industry is strong if the industry is prosperous, and the banking industry profits grow rapidly while the entity Enterprise profit The decline is not normal. In addition, small and micro enterprises financing channel Limited, resulting in several years private lending The increasing scale and interest rate directly triggered a series of private lending events. For four months executive meeting of the State Council Three special studies have been carried out to support small and micro enterprises Policy measures , sending a positive signal to the society. To solve these problems, the key lies in regulation and supervision. We should continue to control housing prices, but this will affect the development of the real economy, and then affect the stability of the financial system. This really makes people "draw out their swords and look around blankly". In the face of these difficulties, the core of its governance lies in more sparsity and less blockage Give more Take less. Only in this way can we effectively prevent systemic financial risks and implement the principle of "seeking progress while maintaining stability".

social influence

On March 2, 2021, the 2021 People's Daily Online National Two Sessions Survey Hot words Financial risks rank first in the list 6th. [3]