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Venus 14

The Venus probe launched by the Soviet Union in 1981
Venus 14 was launched by the Soviet Union by the Proton K/D carrier rocket on November 4, 1981 Venus probe , the same as Venus 13.
Chinese name
Venus 14
English name
Venus 14
Soviet Union
Main instruments
It consists of a flyer and a lander
Launch time
November 4, 1981
Launch carrier
Proton K/D carrier rocket
Destination planet
Main tasks
Study Venus molecular spectrum, radiation, solar wind ions, etc

brief introduction

Venus 14 was launched by the Soviet Union by the Proton K/D carrier rocket on November 4, 1981 Venus probe , the same as Venus 13.

Task situation

Venus 14 studies the molecular spectrum, radiation, solar wind ions, etc. of Venus, and consists of a flyer and a lander. The mission was successful, and many photos were sent back to the earth.
Photos from Venus 14
Topographic photos sent back by Venus 14