Jin Yilian

Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, computer expert
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Jin Yilian (September 5, 1929 -), Tianjin native [1] , China's famous expert in high-performance computer field, China Supercomputer Pioneer, chief designer of "Shenwei" supercomputer, has the reputation of "Father of Chinese supercomputers". [1-2] [10]
Graduated in 1951 Tsinghua University Electric power system, elected in 1994 Chinese Academy of Engineering The first group of academicians studied computer technology in the Institute of Precision Machinery and Computer Technology of the former Soviet Academy of Sciences from 1956 to 1958; The third session in 2003“ National Highest Science and Technology Award ”The only winner, [3] Won the 2002 National Highest Science and Technology Award; [4] In May 2010, the asteroid with international permanent number "100434" was named after Jin Yilian.
As one of the persons in charge of the operation control department, Jin Yilian participated in the development of China's first general-purpose large-scale computer. Since then, she has been committed to the research and practice of computer architecture, high-speed signal transmission technology, computer assembly technology and other aspects for a long time, and has successively presided over the development of a variety of large-scale computer systems that were leading in China at that time. During this period, he put forward specific design plans, made many key decisions, solved many complex theoretical and technical problems, and made outstanding contributions to China's computer industry, especially the development of parallel computer technology. [1]
Chinese name
Jin Yilian
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
date of birth
September 5, 1929
University one is graduated from
Tsinghua University
Education and research workers
Key achievements
Pioneer of China's supercomputer industry
In 1994, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Character experience

On September 5, 1929 (the 18th year of the Republic of China), Jin Yilian was born in Tianjin. [3]
In 1935 (the 24th year of the People's Republic of China), Jin Yilian entered Tianjin Yaohua Primary School. [2]
In 1947 (the 36th year of the Republic of China), he graduated from Yaohua Middle School. [2] In the autumn of the same year, Jin Yilian was admitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University the state council prime minister Zhu Rongji He is a classmate of the same class. When I was a freshman, I lived in a large dormitory with eight people. I could not study at night. I went to the library early after dinner every day, or took a seat in the big restaurant where the lights could not be turned off at night. I learned by myself until the cold and midnight. [3]
In 1951, the newly graduated Jin Yilian and five other students in the department were assigned to the army. [3]
In 1956, Premier Zhou He personally led the formulation of China's 12 year Vision for Science and Technology Development, in which "computing technology" became a key discipline. According to the vision, the Chinese government quickly sent a 20 person training team to the Soviet Union to study computers. Jin Yilian, 27, was very lucky to be one of them. [3]
1956-1958, in the Soviet Academy of Sciences Institute of Computer Technology Learn computer technology.
In 1958, after returning to China, Jin Yilian participated in the development of China's first large-scale electronic computer - 104. Since then, Jin Yilian has never left the field of computer research and development, which has lasted for more than 50 years. Even if the unit moved from Beijing to the mountain valley in the southwest, and this has been 20 years.
In 1963, with the nationwide "third line" construction boom, Jin Yilian's research institute secretly moved to the southwest. In this relatively closed and quiet valley, Jin Yilian and her colleagues mainly focus on meeting the urgent needs of large-scale computers, and at the same time spare some strength to start the development of the second generation model: large transistor computers. [3]
In 1992, National Research Center for Parallel Computer Engineering Established, Jin Yilian served as the director. Jin Yilian aims at hundreds of billions of times. [3]
Elected in 1994 Chinese Academy of Engineering The first group of academicians.
From 1994 to 2000, he was elected as a member of the presidium of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the Information and Electronic Engineering Department of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
In 2001, the "Shenwei II" supercomputer designed under the leadership of Jin Yilian ran 13.1 trillion times, surpassing the highest performance computer in the world at that time, both in peak speed and continuous speed.
On February 28, 2003, the Third National Science and Technology Award Conference was held in the Great Hall of the People, Hu Jintao The General Secretary presided in person. Academician Jin Yilian is the winner of the highest science and technology award, Jiang Zemin The chairman presented a certificate of award and a prize of 5 million yuan to Jin Yilian. [3] [5]

Key achievements


Scientific research achievements

  • Overview of scientific research
From the 1950s to the end of the 1960s, Jin Yilian, as the technical backbone and the technical director of the operation control department, successively participated in the development of China's first large-scale electronic computer and a variety of general-purpose computers and special-purpose computers. [6] In the early 1970s, Jin Yilian keenly realized that the performance, reliability, availability and maintainability of dual computer parallel computing would be greatly improved than that of single computer, and proposed the design idea and implementation scheme of dual computer parallel computing. In the late 1970s, Jin Yilian, together with other scientists, presided over and completed the development of a multi computer parallel computer system, making a breakthrough in China's computer technology. He used Markov chain stochastic process method to analyze the contradiction between main memory, supply and data, and proposed a hybrid interconnection network scheme, which solved the problem of mutual topological structure in multi machine systems; The stacking principle is used to analyze and solve the problem of high-speed small signal transmission; The idea of system recombination, parallel operation and maintenance of the two systems without interference is proposed to improve the availability of the machine. [6] In the mid-1980s, with the rapid development of microprocessor chips, Jin Yilian foresaw that large-scale parallel processing computers would become the mainstream of the development of international supercomputers. She proposed a hybrid network structure based on the design idea, implementation scheme and multiple technologies of large-scale parallel computers based on universal CPU chips, and solved the problem of interconnection of 240 processors, Thus, we developed a parallel computer system whose computing speed reached the leading level in China at that time, realizing the development of Chinese supercomputers towards large-scale parallel processing, and the development of Chinese supercomputers entered an era of synchronous development with the international development. [6] In the 1990s, he wrote monographs such as "The Development of Large scale Parallel Computers and Our Countermeasures", proposing to seize the opportunity to develop large scale parallel computers so that China can catch up with the world Supercomputer Advanced technology. [6]
  • Rewards for scientific research achievements
He has won the National Science Conference Award, the second Grand Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, and the first prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award once. In 2003, it won the 2002 National Highest Science and Technology Award. [4]
  • Academic treatise
Key Technologies and Development Trends of High Performance Computers
China Engineering Science
Parallel operating system based on multi virtual space and multi mapping technology
Journal of Software
Impact of resource sharing on system performance
Computer Research and Development
Young talents should be well guided and entrusted with important tasks
Chinese Talents
Jin Yilian
Capacitive load in high-speed signal transmission
Computer Research and Development
Research on the performance of multiprocessor system interconnection network
National Conference on Computer Architecture ,
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six

personnel training

Through scientific research practice and leading graduate students, Jin Yilian has cultivated hundreds of outstanding scientific and technological talents for the country, some of whom have become Engineering Institute Academicians, more than 30 scientific and technological cadres have taken the leading positions in scientific research. [7]

Honor recognition

In 2012, he won the 2012 CCF Lifetime Achievement Award. [8]
In 1994, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering [4]

Social posts

In 2001, Jin Yilian served as the director of the National Research Center for Parallel Computer Engineering Technology. At the same time, he served as honorary director of the Chinese Computer Society.
From 1994 to 2000, he was the director of the Information and Electronic Engineering Department of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and also served as a member of the presidium of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Character evaluation

Over the past 50 years, Jin Yilian and his research team have made many significant innovative achievements on the road of developing the national computer industry. He is a scientist with a strong sense of dedication, responsibility and rigorous and realistic style. Comments on Overseas Chinese Website [7] Jin Yilian is one of the pioneers of China's computer industry. He presided over and completed the development of many large and supercomputers in China, systematically and creatively proposed the supercomputer architecture, design ideas and implementation plans, and made significant contributions to China's computer industry, especially the leap forward development of supercomputers. The then Premier of the State Council Zhu Rongji review [3]
Academician Jin Yilian, the founder of China's computer industry, is an "old worker" in the eyes of the younger generation. In the "extreme" process of printed circuit board, he and his staff grind the mold with sandpaper, measure the size with calipers, and work overtime until two or three o'clock in the night in order to pursue "zero defect". [9]