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Jin Xiaoyuan

The founder of the East People's Party among the four color party members
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Jin Xiaoyuan( Korean : 김효원원, 1532-1590), Ren Bo (인인인), No. Provincial Nunnery (성암). Joseon Dynasty Wen Chen and philosophy of human reason and nature advocated by Song dynasty scholars Of the four colour party Eastern Party The founder and the first leader of the Party. [1]
True name
Jin Xiaoyuan
Benevolent uncle
Provincial nunnery
date of birth
Date of death
Jin Xiaoyuan Korean : 김효원, 1532-1590) Yes the republic of korea Lee's Korea Wen Chen and philosophy of human reason and nature advocated by Song dynasty scholars The. word Benevolent uncle (인), No Provincial nunnery (성 암) Eastern Party The founder and the first leader of the Party, Li Huang Choke planting Disciple. Ming Zong of Korea Nineteen year Branch Jinshi And subsequent entry Chengjun Hall In the 20th year of the Ming Dynasty Liberal arts No. 1 Scholar And later Soldier Cao Zoran (first six products) Si Jian Yuan wholesome talk (first six products) Si Xianfu Flat (Top 5). Eighth year of Xuanzu On October 24, the external transfer was Funing Dufu The envoy (from the third grade) was transferred on October 25 Three Zhi Du Fu Emissary. [2]